11 resultados para high ion conductivity

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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We present observations of a poleward propagating substorm-disturbed region which was observed by the European Incoherent SCATter (EISCAT) radar and the Svalbard International Monitor for Auroral Geomagnetic Effects (IMAGE) magnetometers in the postmidnight sector. The expansion of the disturbance was launched by a substorm intensification which started similar to 25 min after the initial onset, and similar to 10 min before the disturbance arrived over Svalbard. In association with the magnetic disturbance, a poleward expanding enduring enhancement in the F region electron temperature was observed, indicative of soft electron precipitation, with a narrow band of enhanced ion temperature straddling its poleward edge, indicative of fast ion flows and ion-neutral collisional heating. This electron temperature boundary was coincident with the poleward propagating electrojet current system detected by the high-latitude IMAGE magnetometer stations and is taken to be a proxy for the observation of a substorm auroral bulge. The electron temperature boundary is inferred to have a width comparable or less than one radar range gate (similar to 60 km transverse to the magnetic field), while the region of high ion temperature was found to be approximately three gates wide, extending approximately two gates (similar to 120 km) poleward of the electron temperature boundary, and approximately one gate (similar to 60 km) equatorward. The two-beam radar line-of-sight velocity data are found to be consistent with the existence of a layer of high-speed flow in the boundary, peaking at values similar to1.5-3 km s(-1), roughly consistent with the ion temperature data. The flow is directed either east or west along the boundary depending on the direction of the flow in the poleward region. We infer that the flow is deflected along and around the boundary of the substorm-disturbed region due to the high conductivity of the latter. Variations in the flow poleward of the boundary produced no discernible magnetic effects on the ground, confirming the low conductivity of the preboundary ionosphere.


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The restoration of wetlands as bird habitats often involves the maintenance of a fluctuating water regime by careful, localised ditch water management using pumps and sluices. However, there is evidence in the literature to Suggest that alternate flood/drainage cycles can accelerate nutrient cycling and transport within the soil and, therefore, pose a threat to water quality through the process of eutrophication. This study focused on the dynamics and losses of soil P in a recently re-wetted, eutrophic fen peat developed on alluvium ill South west England. During the 2-year Study (2001 and 2002), soil water tensiometry revealed that the field water table (fluctuating annually between +20 and 60 cm relative to ground level) was extensively influenced across most of the 8.4 ha field site by the management of the adjacent ditch water levels. This conservation-led, prescribed water balance was facilitated by the high hydraulic conductivity (1.1 x 10(-s) ms(-1)) of the lower (70-140 cm), degraded layer of peat. However, only during a 7-day period of water table drawdown by intermittent pump drainage, approximately 45 g ha(-1) of dissolved reactive P (DRP) entered the pumped ditch from the field via this degraded layer. Summer rainfall events >35 mm d(-1) also coincided with significant peaks ill ditch water P concentration (up to 200 mu g L-1 DRP). Even larger peaks (Up to 700 mu g L-1 DRP) Occurred With the annual onset of autumn reflooding. These episodic P loss events pose a serious potential threat to biological water quality. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Peat wetlands that have been restored from agricultural Land have the potential to act as Long term sources of phosphorus (P) and, therefore have to potenital to accelerate freshwater eutrophication. During a two-year study the water table in a eutrophic fen peat that was managed by pump drainage fluctuated annually between +20 cm and -60 cm relative to ground Level. This precise management was facilitated by the high hydraulic conductivity (K) of the humified peat (1.1 x 10(-5) m s(-1)) below around 60 cm depth. However, during one week of intermittent pumping, as much as 50 g ha(-1) dissolved P entered the pumped ditch. Summer. rainfall events and autumn reflooding also triggered P losses. The P Losses were attributed to the low P sorption capacity (217 mg kg(-1)) of the saturated peat below 60 cm, combined with its high K and the reductive dissolution of Fe bound P.


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Praseodymium oxide as a thin film of controllable layer is known to display many unique physiochemical properties, which can be useful to ceramic, semiconductive and sensor industries. Here in this short paper, we describe a new chemical method of depositing praseodymium oxide on tin-doped indium oxide (ITO) surface using a layer-by-layer approach. The process is carried out by dipping the ITO in solutions of adsorbable polycationic chitosan and alkaline praseodymium hydroxide Pr(OH)(3) alternatively in order to build up the well-defined multi-layers. XRD suggests that the predominant form of the oxide is Pr6O11, obtained after heat treatment of the deposited ITO in static air at 500 degrees C. Microscopic studies including AFM, TEM and SEM indicate that the deposited oxide particles are uniform in size and shape (cylindrical), mesoporous and the thickness of the film can be controlled. AC impedance measurements of the deposited materials also reveal that the oxide layers display a high electrical conductivity hence suitable for sensor uses. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A continuous band of high ion temperature, which persisted for about 8 h and zigzagged north-south across more than five degrees in latitude in the dayside (07:00– 15:00MLT) auroral ionosphere, was observed by the EISCAT VHF radar on 23 November 1999. Latitudinal gradients in the temperature of the F-region electron and ion gases (Te and Ti , respectively) have been compared with concurrent observations of particle precipitation and field-perpendicular convection by DMSP satellites, in order to reveal a physical explanation for the persistent band of high Ti , and to test the potential role of Ti and Te gradients as possible markers for the open-closed field line boundary. The north/south movement of the equatorward Ti boundary was found to be consistent with the contraction/expansion of the polar cap due to an unbalanced dayside and nightside reconnection. Sporadic intensifications in Ti , recurring on _10-min time scales, indicate that frictional heating was modulated by time-varying reconnection, and the band of high Ti was located on open flux. However, the equatorward Ti boundary was not found to be a close proxy of the open-closed boundary. The closest definable proxy of the open-closed boundary is the magnetosheath electron edge observed by DMSP. Although Te appears to be sensitive to magnetosheath electron fluxes, it is not found to be a suitable parameter for routine tracking of the open-closed boundary, as it involves case dependent analysis of the thermal balance. Finally, we have documented a region of newly-opened sunward convecting flux. This region is situated between the convection reversal boundary and the magnetosheath electron edge defining the openclosed boundary. This is consistent with a delay of several minutes between the arrival of the first (super-Alfv´enic) magnetosheath electrons and the response in the ionospheric convection, conveyed to the ionosphere by the interior Alfv´en wave. It represents a candidate footprint of the low-latitude boundary mixing layer on sunward convecting open flux


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The solar wind is an extended ionized gas of very high electrical conductivity, and therefore drags some magnetic flux out of the Sun to fill the heliosphere with a weak interplanetary magnetic field(1,2). Magnetic reconnection-the merging of oppositely directed magnetic fields-between the interplanetary field and the Earth's magnetic field allows energy from the solar wind to enter the near-Earth environment. The Sun's properties, such as its luminosity, are related to its magnetic field, although the connections are still not well understood(3,4). Moreover, changes in the heliospheric magnetic field have been linked with changes in total cloud cover over the Earth, which may influence global climate(5), Here we show that measurements of the near-Earth interplanetary magnetic field reveal that the total magnetic flux leaving the Sun has risen by a factor of 1.4 since 1964: surrogate measurements of the interplanetary magnetic field indicate that the increase since 1901 has been by a factor of 2,3, This increase may be related to chaotic changes in the dynamo that generates the solar magnetic field. We do not yet know quantitatively how such changes will influence the global environment.


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Dialysis was performed to examine some of the properties of the soluble phase of calcium (Ca) fortified soymilk at high temperatures. Dialysates were obtained while heating soymilk at temperatures of 80 and 100 °C for 1 h and 121 °C for 15 min. It was found that the pH, total Ca, and ionic Ca of dialysates obtained at high temperature were all lower than in their corresponding nonheated Ca-fortified soymilk. Increasing temperature from 80 to 100 °C hardly affected Ca ion concentration ([Ca2+]) of dialysate obtained from Ca chloride-fortified soymilk, but it increased [Ca2+] in dialysates of Ca gluconate-fortified soymilk and Ca lactate-fortified soymilk fortified with 5 to 6 mM Ca. Dialysates obtained at 100 °C had lower pH than dialysate prepared at 80 °C. Higher Ca additions to soymilk caused a significant (P≤ 0.05) reduction in pH and an increase in [Ca2+] of these dialysates. When soymilk was dialyzed at 121 °C, pH, total Ca, and ionic Ca were further reduced. Freezing point depression (FPD) of dialysates increased as temperature increased but were lower than corresponding soymilk samples. This approach provides a means of estimating pH and ionic Ca in soymilks at high temperatures, in order to better understand their combined role on soymilk coagulation.


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We study here the injection and transport of ions in the convection-dominated region of the Earth’s magnetosphere. The total ion counts from the CAMMICE MICS instrument aboard the POLAR spacecraft are used to generate occurrence probability distributions of magnetospheric ion populations. MICS ion spectra are characterised by both the peak in the differential energy flux, and the average energy of ions striking the detector. The former permits a comparison with the Stubbs et al. (2001) survey of He2+ ions of solar wind origin within the magnetosphere. The latter can address the occurrences of various classifications of precipitating particle fluxes observed in the topside ionosphere by DMSP satellites (Newell and Meng, 1992). The peak energy occurrences are consistent with our earlier work, including the dawn-dusk asymmetry with enhanced occurrences on the dawn flank at low energies, switching to the dusk flank at higher energies. The differences in the ion energies observed in these two studies can be explained by drift orbit effects and acceleration processes at the magnetopause, and in the tail current sheet. Near noon at average ion energies of _1 keV, the cusp and open LLBL occur further poleward here than in the Newell and Meng survey, probably due to convectionrelated time-of-flight effects. An important new result is that the pre-noon bias previously observed in the LLBL is most likely due to the component of this population on closed field lines, formed largely by low energy ions drifting earthward from the tail. There is no evidence here of mass and momentum transfer from the solar wind to the LLBL by nonreconnection coupling. At higher energies (_2–20 keV), we observe ions mapping to the auroral oval and can distinguish between the boundary and central plasma sheets. We show that ions at these energies relate to a transition from dawnward to duskward dominated flow, this is evidence of how ion drift orbits in the tail influence the location and behaviour of the plasma populations in the magnetosphere.


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The proposed HI-LITE Explorer will investigate the global ion outflow from the high-latitude ionosphere, its relationship to auroral features, and the consequences of this outflow on magnetospheric processes. The unique nature of the HI-LITE Explorer images will allow temporal and spatial features of the global ion outflow to be determined. The mission's scientific motivation comes from the fundamental role high-latitude ionospheric ions play in the dynamics of the solar wind driven magnetospheric-ionospheric system. These outflows are a major source of plasma for the magnetosphere and it is believed they play an important role in the triggering of substorms. In addition this paper describes the HI-LITE spacecraft and instruments.


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The papers by Winser et al. [(1990) J. atmos. terr. Phys.52, 501] and Häggström and Collis [(1990) J. atmos. terr. Phys.52, 519] used plasma flows and ion temperatures, as measured by the EISCAT tristatic incoherent scatter radar, to investigate changes in the ion composition of the ionospheric F-layer at high latitudes, in response to increases in the speed of plasma convection. These studies reported that the ion composition rapidly changed from mainly O+ to almost completely (>90%) molecular ions, following rapid increases in ion drift speed by >1 km s−1. These changes appeared inconsisent with theoretical considerations of the ion chemistry, which could not account for the large fractions of molecular ions inferred from the obsevations. In this paper, we discuss two causes of this discrepancy. First, we reevaluate the theoretical calculations for chemical equilibrium and show that, if we correct the derived temperatures for the effect of the molecular ions, and if we employ more realistic dependences of the reaction rates on the ion temperature, the composition changes derived for the faster convection speeds can be explained. For the Winser et al. observations with the radar beam at an aspect angle of ϕ = 54.7° to the geomagnetic field, we now compute a change to 89% molecular ions in < 2 min, in response to the 3 km s−1 drift. This is broadly consistent with the observations. But for the two cases considered by Häggström and Collis, looking along the field line (ϕ = 0°), we compute the proportion of molecular ions to be only 4 and 16% for the observed plasma drifts of 1.2 and 1.6 km s−1, respectively. These computed proportions are much smaller than those derived experimentally (70 and 90%). We attribute the differences to the effects of non-Maxwellian, anisotropic ion velocity distribution functions. We also discuss the effect of ion composition changes on the various radar observations that report anisotropies of ion temperature.


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Data are presented for a nighttime ion heating event observed by the EISCAT radar on 16 December 1988. In the experiment, the aspect angle between the radar beam and the geomagnetic field was fixed at 54.7°, which avoids any ambiguity in derived ion temperature caused by anisotropy in the ion velocity distribution function. The data were analyzed with an algorithm which takes account of the non-Maxwellian line-of-sight ion velocity distribution. During the heating event, the derived spectral distortion parameter (D∗) indicated that the distribution function was highly distorted from a Maxwellian form when the ion drift increased to 4 km s−1. The true three-dimensional ion temperature was used in the simplified ion balance equation to compute the ion mass during the heating event. The ion composition was found to change from predominantly O4 to mainly molecular ions. A theoretical analysis of the ion composition, using the MSIS86 model and published values of the chemical rate coefficients, accounts for the order-of-magnitude increase in the atomic/molecular ion ratio during the event, but does not successfully explain the very high proportion of molecular ions that was observed.