45 resultados para dynamic parameters identification
em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK
This paper proposes a nonlinear regression structure comprising a wavelet network and a linear term. The introduction of the linear term is aimed at providing a more parsimonious interpolation in high-dimensional spaces when the modelling samples are sparse. A constructive procedure for building such structures, termed linear-wavelet networks, is described. For illustration, the proposed procedure is employed in the framework of dynamic system identification. In an example involving a simulated fermentation process, it is shown that a linear-wavelet network yields a smaller approximation error when compared with a wavelet network with the same number of regressors. The proposed technique is also applied to the identification of a pressure plant from experimental data. In this case, the results show that the introduction of wavelets considerably improves the prediction ability of a linear model. Standard errors on the estimated model coefficients are also calculated to assess the numerical conditioning of the identification process.
Dynamic neural networks (DNNs), which are also known as recurrent neural networks, are often used for nonlinear system identification. The main contribution of this letter is the introduction of an efficient parameterization of a class of DNNs. Having to adjust less parameters simplifies the training problem and leads to more parsimonious models. The parameterization is based on approximation theory dealing with the ability of a class of DNNs to approximate finite trajectories of nonautonomous systems. The use of the proposed parameterization is illustrated through a numerical example, using data from a nonlinear model of a magnetic levitation system.
In this paper new robust nonlinear model construction algorithms for a large class of linear-in-the-parameters models are introduced to enhance model robustness, including three algorithms using combined A- or D-optimality or PRESS statistic (Predicted REsidual Sum of Squares) with regularised orthogonal least squares algorithm respectively. A common characteristic of these algorithms is that the inherent computation efficiency associated with the orthogonalisation scheme in orthogonal least squares or regularised orthogonal least squares has been extended such that the new algorithms are computationally efficient. A numerical example is included to demonstrate effectiveness of the algorithms. Copyright (C) 2003 IFAC.
We discuss the feasibility of wireless terahertz communications links deployed in a metropolitan area and model the large-scale fading of such channels. The model takes into account reception through direct line of sight, ground and wall reflection, as well as diffraction around a corner. The movement of the receiver is modeled by an autonomous dynamic linear system in state space, whereas the geometric relations involved in the attenuation and multipath propagation of the electric field are described by a static nonlinear mapping. A subspace algorithm in conjunction with polynomial regression is used to identify a single-output Wiener model from time-domain measurements of the field intensity when the receiver motion is simulated using a constant angular speed and an exponentially decaying radius. The identification procedure is validated by using the model to perform q-step ahead predictions. The sensitivity of the algorithm to small-scale fading, detector noise, and atmospheric changes are discussed. The performance of the algorithm is tested in the diffraction zone assuming a range of emitter frequencies (2, 38, 60, 100, 140, and 400 GHz). Extensions of the simulation results to situations where a more complicated trajectory describes the motion of the receiver are also implemented, providing information on the performance of the algorithm under a worst case scenario. Finally, a sensitivity analysis to model parameters for the identified Wiener system is proposed.
A dynamic recurrent neural network (DRNN) that can be viewed as a generalisation of the Hopfield neural network is proposed to identify and control a class of control affine systems. In this approach, the identified network is used in the context of the differential geometric control to synthesise a state feedback that cancels the nonlinear terms of the plant yielding a linear plant which can then be controlled using a standard PID controller.
Measured process data normally contain inaccuracies because the measurements are obtained using imperfect instruments. As well as random errors one can expect systematic bias caused by miscalibrated instruments or outliers caused by process peaks such as sudden power fluctuations. Data reconciliation is the adjustment of a set of process data based on a model of the process so that the derived estimates conform to natural laws. In this paper, techniques for the detection and identification of both systematic bias and outliers in dynamic process data are presented. A novel technique for the detection and identification of systematic bias is formulated and presented. The problem of detection, identification and elimination of outliers is also treated using a modified version of a previously available clustering technique. These techniques are also combined to provide a global dynamic data reconciliation (DDR) strategy. The algorithms presented are tested in isolation and in combination using dynamic simulations of two continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTR).
Two approaches are presented to calculate the weights for a Dynamic Recurrent Neural Network (DRNN) in order to identify the input-output dynamics of a class of nonlinear systems. The number of states of the identified network is constrained to be the same as the number of states of the plant.
This paper presents the mathematical development of a body-centric nonlinear dynamic model of a quadrotor UAV that is suitable for the development of biologically inspired navigation strategies. Analytical approximations are used to find an initial guess of the parameters of the nonlinear model, then parameter estimation methods are used to refine the model parameters using the data obtained from onboard sensors during flight. Due to the unstable nature of the quadrotor model, the identification process is performed with the system in closed-loop control of attitude angles. The obtained model parameters are validated using real unseen experimental data. Based on the identified model, a Linear-Quadratic (LQ) optimal tracker is designed to stabilize the quadrotor and facilitate its translational control by tracking body accelerations. The LQ tracker is tested on an experimental quadrotor UAV and the obtained results are a further means to validate the quality of the estimated model. The unique formulation of the control problem in the body frame makes the controller better suited for bio-inspired navigation and guidance strategies than conventional attitude or position based control systems that can be found in the existing literature.
A number of recent experiments suggest that, at a given wetting speed, the dynamic contact angle formed by an advancing liquid-gas interface with a solid substrate depends on the flow field and geometry near the moving contact line. In the present work, this effect is investigated in the framework of an earlier developed theory that was based on the fact that dynamic wetting is, by its very name, a process of formation of a new liquid-solid interface (newly “wetted” solid surface) and hence should be considered not as a singular problem but as a particular case from a general class of flows with forming or/and disappearing interfaces. The results demonstrate that, in the flow configuration of curtain coating, where a liquid sheet (“curtain”) impinges onto a moving solid substrate, the actual dynamic contact angle indeed depends not only on the wetting speed and material constants of the contacting media, as in the so-called slip models, but also on the inlet velocity of the curtain, its height, and the angle between the falling curtain and the solid surface. In other words, for the same wetting speed the dynamic contact angle can be varied by manipulating the flow field and geometry near the moving contact line. The obtained results have important experimental implications: given that the dynamic contact angle is determined by the values of the surface tensions at the contact line and hence depends on the distributions of the surface parameters along the interfaces, which can be influenced by the flow field, one can use the overall flow conditions and the contact angle as a macroscopic multiparametric signal-response pair that probes the dynamics of the liquid-solid interface. This approach would allow one to investigate experimentally such properties of the interface as, for example, its equation of state and the rheological properties involved in the interface’s response to an external torque, and would help to measure its parameters, such as the coefficient of sliding friction, the surface-tension relaxation time, and so on.
The development of protocols for the identification of metal phosphates in phosphate-treated, metal-contaminated soils is a necessary yet problematical step in the validation of remediation schemes involving immobilization of metals as phosphate phases. The potential for Raman spectroscopy to be applied to the identification of these phosphates in soils has yet to be fully explored. With this in mind, a range of synthetic mixed-metal hydroxylapatites has been characterized and added to soils at known concentrations for analysis using both bulk X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. Mixed-metal hydroxylapatites in the binary series Ca-Cd, Ca-Pb, Ca-Sr and Cd-Pb synthesized in the presence of acetate and carbonate ions, were characterized using a range of analytical techniques including XRD, analytical scanning electron microscopy (SEM), infrared spectroscopy (IR), inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and Raman spectroscopy. Only the Ca-Cd series displays complete solid solution, although under the synthesis conditions of this study the Cd-5(PO4)(3)OH end member could not be synthesized as a pure phase. Within the Ca-Cd series the cell parameters, IR active modes and Raman active bands vary linearly as a function of Cd content. X-ray diffraction and extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS) suggest that the Cd is distributed across both the Ca(1) and Ca(2) sites, even at low Cd concentrations. In order to explore the likely detection limits for mixed-metal phosphates in soils for XRD and Raman spectroscopy, soils doped with mixed-metal hydroxylapatites at concentrations of 5, 1 and 0.5 wt.% were then studied. X-ray diffraction could not confirm unambiguously the presence or identity of mixed-metal phosphates in soils at concentrations below 5 wt.%. Raman spectroscopy proved a far more sensitive method for the identification of mixed-metal hydroxylapatites in soils, which could positively identify the presence of such phases in soils at all the dopant concentrations used in this study. Moreover, Raman spectroscopy could also provide an accurate assessment of the degree of chemical substitution in the hydroxylapatites even when present in soils at concentrations as low as 0.1%.
The systems used for the procurement of buildings are organizational systems. They involve people in a series of strategic decisions, and a pattern of roles, responsibilities and relationships that combine to form the organizational structure of the project. To ensure effectiveness of the building team, this organizational structure needs to be contingent upon the environment within which the construction project takes place. In addition, a changing environment means that the organizational structure within a project needs to be responsive, and dynamic. These needs are often not satisfied in the construction industry, due to the lack of analytical tools with which to analyse the environment and to design appropriate temporary organizations. This paper presents two techniques. First is the technique of "Environmental Complexity Analysis", which identifies the key variables in the environment of the construction project. These are classified as Financial, Legal, Technological, Aesthetic and Policy. It is proposed that their identification will set the parameters within which the project has to be managed. This provides a basis for the project managers to define the relevant set of decision points that will be required for the project. The Environmental Complexity Analysis also identifies the project's requirements for control systems concerning Budget, Contractual, Functional, Quality and Time control. The process of environmental scanning needs to be done at regular points during the procurement process to ensure that the organizational structure is adaptive to the changing environment. The second technique introduced is the technique of "3R analysis", being a graphical technique for describing and modelling Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships. A list of steps is introduced that explains the procedure recommended for setting up a flexible organizational structure that is responsive to the environment of the project. This is by contrast with the current trend towards predetermined procurement paths that may not always be in the best interests of the client.
Climate change science is increasingly concerned with methods for managing and integrating sources of uncertainty from emission storylines, climate model projections, and ecosystem model parameterizations. In tropical ecosystems, regional climate projections and modeled ecosystem responses vary greatly, leading to a significant source of uncertainty in global biogeochemical accounting and possible future climate feedbacks. Here, we combine an ensemble of IPCC-AR4 climate change projections for the Amazon Basin (eight general circulation models) with alternative ecosystem parameter sets for the dynamic global vegetation model, LPJmL. We evaluate LPJmL simulations of carbon stocks and fluxes against flux tower and aboveground biomass datasets for individual sites and the entire basin. Variability in LPJmL model sensitivity to future climate change is primarily related to light and water limitations through biochemical and water-balance-related parameters. Temperature-dependent parameters related to plant respiration and photosynthesis appear to be less important than vegetation dynamics (and their parameters) for determining the magnitude of ecosystem response to climate change. Variance partitioning approaches reveal that relationships between uncertainty from ecosystem dynamics and climate projections are dependent on geographic location and the targeted ecosystem process. Parameter uncertainty from the LPJmL model does not affect the trajectory of ecosystem response for a given climate change scenario and the primary source of uncertainty for Amazon 'dieback' results from the uncertainty among climate projections. Our approach for describing uncertainty is applicable for informing and prioritizing policy options related to mitigation and adaptation where long-term investments are required.