9 resultados para cpDNA

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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Patterns of substitution in chloroplast encoded trnL_F regions were compared between species of Actaea (Ranunculales), Digitalis (Scrophulariales), Drosera (Caryophyllales), Panicoideae (Poales), the small chromosome species clade of Pelargonium (Geraniales), each representing a different order of flowering plants, and Huperzia (Lycopodiales). In total, the study included 265 taxa, each with > 900-bp sequences, totaling 0.24 Mb. Both pairwise and phylogeny-based comparisons were used to assess nucleotide substitution patterns. In all six groups, we found that transition/transversion ratios, as estimated by maximum likelihood on most-parsimonious trees, ranged between 0.8 and 1.0 for ingroups. These values occurred both at low sequence divergences, where substitutional saturation, i.e., multiple substitutions having occurred at the same (homologous) nucleotide position, was not expected, and at higher levels of divergence. This suggests that the angiosperm trnL-F regions evolve in a pattern different from that generally observed for nuclear and animal mtDNA (transitional/transversion ratio > or = 2). Transition/transversion ratios in the intron and the spacer region differed in all alignments compared, yet base compositions between the regions were highly similar in all six groups. A>-C transversions were significantly less frequent than the other four substitution types. This correlates with results from studies on fidelity mechanisms in DNA replication that predict A<->T and G<->C transversions to be least likely to occur. It therefore strengthens confidence in the link between mutation bias at the polymerase level and the actual fixation of substitutions as recorded on evolutionary trees, and concomitantly, in the neutrality of nucleotide substitutions as phylogenetic markers.


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Phylogenetic analysis of nrDNA ITS and trnL (UAA) 5′ exon-trnF (GAA) chloroplast DNA sequences from 17 species ofPelargonium sect.Peristera, together with nine putative outgroups, suggests paraphyly for the section and a close relationship between the highly disjunct South African and Australian species of sect.Peristera. Representatives fromPelargonium sectt.Reniformia, Ligularia s. l. andIsopetalum (the St. Helena endemicP. cotyledonis) appear to be nested within thePeristera clade. The close relationship between the South African and AustralianPeristera is interpreted as being caused by long-range dispersal to Australia, probably as recent as the late Pliocene.


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Aim The Mediterranean region is a species-rich area with a complex geographical history. Geographical barriers have been removed and restored due to sea level changes and local climatic change. Such barriers have been proposed as a plausible mechanism driving the high levels of speciation and endemism in the Mediterranean basin. This raises the fundamental question: is allopatric isolation the mechanism by which speciation occurs? This study explores the potential driving influence of palaeo-geographical events on the speciation of Cyclamen (Myrsinaceae), a group with most species endemic to the Mediterranean region. Cyclamen species have been shown experimentally to have few genetic barriers to hybridization. Location The Mediterranean region, including northern Africa, extending eastwards to the Black Sea coast. Methods A generic level molecular phylogeny of Myrsinaceae and Primulaceae is constructed, using Bayesian approximation, to produce a secondary age estimate for the stem lineage of Cyclamen. This estimate is used to calibrate temporally an infrageneric phylogeny of Cyclamen, built with nrDNA ITS, cpDNA trnL-F and cpDNA rps16 sequences. A biogeographical analysis of Cyclamen is performed using dispersal-vicariance analysis. Results The emergence of the Cyclamen stem lineage is estimated at 30.1-29.2 Ma, and the crown divergence at 12.9-12.2 Ma. The average age of Cyclamen species is 3.7 Myr. Every pair of sister species have mutually exclusive, allopatric distributions relative to each other. This pattern appears typical of divergence events throughout the evolutionary history of the genus. Main conclusions Geographical barriers, such as the varying levels of the Mediterranean Sea, are the most plausible explanation for speciation events throughout the phylogenetic history of Cyclamen. The genus demonstrates distributional patterns congruent with the temporally reticulate palaeogeography of the Mediterranean region.


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Phylogenetic hypotheses for the largely South African genus Pelargonium L'Hér. (Geraniaceae) were derived based on DNA sequence data from nuclear, chloroplast and mitochondrial encoded regions. The datasets were unequally represented and comprised cpDNA trnL-F sequences for 152 taxa, nrDNA ITS sequences for 55 taxa, and mtDNA nad1 b/c exons for 51 taxa. Phylogenetic hypotheses derived from the separate three datasets were overall congruent. A single hypothesis synthesising the information in the three datasets was constructed following a total evidence approach and implementing dataset specific stepmatrices in order to correct for substitution biases. Pelargonium was found to consist of five main clades, some with contrasting evolutionary patterns with respect to biogeographic distributions, dispersal capacity, pollination biology and karyological diversification. The five main clades are structured in two (subgeneric) clades that correlate with chromosome size. One of these clades includes a "winter rainfall clade" containing more than 70% of all currently described Pelargonium species, and all restricted to the South African Cape winter rainfall region. Apart from (woody) shrubs and small herbaceous rosette subshrubs, this clade comprises a large "xerophytic" clade including geophytes, stem and leaf succulents, harbouring in total almost half of the genus. This clade is considered to be the result of in situ proliferation, possibly in response to late-Miocene and Pliocene aridification events. Nested within it is a radiation comprising c. 80 species from the geophytic Pelargonium section Hoarea, all characterised by the possession of (a series of) tunicate tubers.


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Nine different classifications have been produced in the last 70 years for the horticulturally valuable genus Cyclamen, a small genus with fewer than 30 species. These classifications, generated by intuitive methods and cladistic analyses, incorporated a total of four infrageneric ranks above that of species and were based on data from morphology, cytology and DNA sequencing. Our results, based on cladistic analyses of three independent data sources − nrDNA ITS, cpDNA trnL intron and morphological data − reveal good resolution only in nrDNA sequence data. However, when these three data sources are combined they provide stronger resolution and support for three major clades, only one of which, subgenus Psilanthum, has been consistently supported in previous classifications. The differing infrageneric classifications produced in Cyclamen result from varying taxon sampling, differing interpretation of morphological data, changes in the sources and analysis of data, and inconsistent application of names. Extensive subdivision of small genera in the absence of adequate data that could provide evidence for consistent patterns of relationship is premature and leads to a proliferation of names.© 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 146, 339-349.


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Two putative hybrids between Kalmia and Rhododendron, their suspected progenitor species and related taxa were submitted to DNA sequencing of cpDNA trnL-F and nrDNA ITS regions in order to test whether there was DNA sequence evidence both for hybridization per se and for the direction of the cross should one be evident. Comparison of eight DNA sequences from these putative hybrids with Rhododendron and Kalmia species showed clear evidence of origin within Rhododendron. No evidence of Kalmia DNA was detected. These putative intergeneric hybrids appear to be mutants of Rhododendron and not of hybrid origin.


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Overall phylogenetic relationships within the genus Pelargonium (Geraniaceae) were inferred based on DNA sequences from mitochondrial(mt)-encoded nad1 b/c exons and from chloroplast(cp)-encoded trnL (UAA) 5' exon-trnF (GAA) exon regions using two species of Geranium and Sarcocaulon vanderetiae as outgroups. The group II intron between nad1 exons b and c was found to be absent from the Pelargonium, Geranium, and Sarcocaulon sequences presented here as well as from Erodium, which is the first recorded loss of this intron in angiosperms. Separate phylogenetic analyses of the mtDNA and cpDNA data sets produced largely congruent topologies, indicating linkage between mitochondrial and chloroplast genome inheritance. Simultaneous analysis of the combined data sets yielded a well-resolved topology with high clade support exhibiting a basic split into small and large chromosome species, the first group containing two lineages and the latter three. One large chromosome lineage (x = 11) comprises species from sections Myrrhidium and Chorisma and is sister to a lineage comprising P. mutans (x = 11) and species from section Jenkinsonia (x = 9). Sister to these two lineages is a lineage comprising species from sections Ciconium (x = 9) and Subsucculentia (x = 10). Cladistic evaluation of this pattern suggests that x = 11 is the ancestral basic chromosome number for the genus.


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Mapania multiflora is described and illustrated. It is vegetatively similar to taxa with broad leaves and pseudopetioles, such as M. cuspidata. However, it is reproductively similar to sect. Thoractostachyum with a paniculate inflorescence and furrowed fruit. The DNA is similar to M. bancana in sect. Thoractostachyum, in the three sampled cpDNA regions: atpH-F, trnL-F and psbA-trnH. However, it is identical to none of these due to its unique combination of vegetative, reproductive and molecular characteristics.


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Morphology-based delimitation of genera in the Cheilanthoid ferns has proved to be problematic and understanding of the phylogeny and relationships amongst Cheilanthoid ferns based on morphological characters has posed even further difficulties, owing perhaps in large part to adaptation by many taxa to xeric habitats, as well as convergent evolution. It is only now with the application of DNA sequence data that relationships of species and genera are becoming clear. Here, we present results of cpDNA sequence data from species that have been traditionally placed in the genus Doryopteris and, based on both these results, and morphological and distribution data, this study helps clarify the concept of the genus Doryopteris its position within the Cheilanthoid ferns and the status of Lytoneuron. As a result, three genera are redefined: Doryopteris, Lytoneuron and Ormopteris.