14 resultados para broadband amplification

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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Climate models suggest that extreme precipitation events will become more common in an anthropogenically warmed climate. However, observational limitations have hindered a direct evaluation of model-projected changes in extreme precipitation. We used satellite observations and model simulations to examine the response of tropical precipitation events to naturally driven changes in surface temperature and atmospheric moisture content. These observations reveal a distinct link between rainfall extremes and temperature, with heavy rain events increasing during warm periods and decreasing during cold periods. Furthermore, the observed amplification of rainfall extremes is found to be larger than that predicted by models, implying that projections of future changes in rainfall extremes in response to anthropogenic global warming may be underestimated.


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Baroclinic wave development is investigated for unstable parallel shear flows in the limit of vanishing normal-mode growth rate. This development is described in terms of the propagation and interaction mechanisms of two coherent structures, called counter-propagating Rossby waves (CRWs). It is shown that, in this limit of vanishing normal-mode growth rate, arbitrary initial conditions produce sustained linear amplification of the marginally neutral normal mode (mNM). This linear excitation of the mNM is subsequently interpreted in terms of a resonance phenomenon. Moreover, while the mathematical character of the normal-mode problem changes abruptly as the bifurcation point in the dispersion diagram is encountered and crossed, it is shown that from an initial-value viewpoint, this transition is smooth. Consequently, the resonance interpretation remains relevant (albeit for a finite time) for wavenumbers slightly different from the ones defining cut-off points. The results are further applied to a two-layer version of the classic Eady model in which the upper rigid lid has been replaced by a simple stratosphere.


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Twenty-eight microsatellite primer pairs developed from Fragaria vesca ‘Rügen’ were applied to sixteen accessions representing eight diploid Fragaria species. The number of alleles generated, the power of discrimination and the percentage of accessions where no PCR product could be amplified were calculated for each locus for the thirteen non-F. vesca accessions. A phylogeny was then generated for the species accessions sampled, using the presence or absence of alleles at the polymorphic loci as character states. Despite the problems inherent in phylogeny reconstruction from microsatellite data, the phylogeny showed some congruence with a previously published phylogeny of Fragaria, based on nucleotide sequence data. However, relationships inferred from microsatellite allele data were relatively unresolved and poorly supported. The genetic basis of allelic polymorphisms at specific loci was investigated through direct sequencing of the PCR products amplified by three primer pairs. The potential utility of sequence data generated from microsatellite loci in evolutionary studies of closely related species groups is briefly explored.


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The results from a range of different signal processing schemes used for the further processing of THz transients are contrasted. The performance of different classifiers after adopting these schemes are also discussed.


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The two major applications of microwave remote sensors are radiometer and radar. Because of its importance and the nature of the application, much research has been made on the various aspects of the radar. This paper will focus on the various aspects of the radiometer from a design point of view and the Low Noise Amplifier will be designed and implemented. The paper is based on a study in radio Frequency Communications engineering and understanding of electronic and RF circuits. Some research study about the radiometer and practical implementation of Low Noise Amplifier for Radiometer will be the main focus of this paper. Basically the paper is divided into two parts. In the first part some background study about the radiometer will be carried out and commonly used types of radiometer will be discussed. In the second part LNA for the radiometer will be designed.


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Evolutionary synthesis methods, as originally described by Dobrowolski, have been shown in previous literature to be an effective method of obtaining anti-reflection coating designs. To make this method even more effective, the combination of a good starting design, the best suited thin-film materials, a realistic optimization target function and a non-gradient optimization method are used in an algorithm written for a PC. Several broadband anti-reflection designs obtained by this new design method are given as examples of its usefulness.


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A synthesis method is outlined for the design of broadband anti-reflection coatings for use in spaceborne infrared optics. The Golden Section optimisation routine is used to make a search, using designated non-absorptive dielectric thin film combinations, for the coating design which fulfils the required spectral requirements using the least number of layers and different materials. Three examples are given of coatings designed by this method : (I) 1µm to 12µm anti-reflection coating on Zinc Sulphide using Zinc Sulphide and Yttrium Fluoride thin film materials. (ii) 2µm to 14µm anti-reflection coating on Germanium using Germanium and Ytterbium Fluoride thin film materials. (iii) 6µm to 17µm anti-reflection coating on Germanium using Lead Telluride, Zinc Selenide and Barium Fluoride. The measured spectral performance of the manufactured 6µm to 17µm coating on Germanium is given. This is the anti-reflection coating for the germanium optics in the NASA Cassini Orbiter CIRS instrument.


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Land surface albedo is dependent on atmospheric state and hence is difficult to validate. Over the UK persistent cloud cover and land cover heterogeneity at moderate (km-scale) spatial resolution can also complicate comparison of field-measured albedo with that derived from instruments such as the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS). A practical method of comparing moderate resolution satellite-derived albedo with ground-based measurements over an agricultural site in the UK is presented. Point measurements of albedo made on the ground are scaled up to the MODIS resolution (1 km) through reflectance data obtained at a range of spatial scales. The point measurements of albedo agreed in magnitude with MODIS values over the test site to within a few per cent, despite problems such as persistent cloud cover and the difficulties of comparing measurements made during different years. Albedo values derived from airborne and field-measured data were generally lower than the corresponding satellite-derived values. This is thought to be due to assumptions made regarding the ratio of direct to diffuse illumination used when calculating albedo from reflectance. Measurements of albedo calculated for specific times fitted closely to the trajectories of temporal albedo derived from both Systeme pour l'Observation de la Terre (SPOT) Vegetation (VGT) and MODIS instruments.


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A mechanism for amplification of mountain waves, and their associated drag, by parametric resonance is investigated using linear theory and numerical simulations. This mechanism, which is active when the Scorer parameter oscillates with height, was recently classified by previous authors as intrinsically nonlinear. Here it is shown that, if friction is included in the simplest possible form as a Rayleigh damping, and the solution to the Taylor-Goldstein equation is expanded in a power series of the amplitude of the Scorer parameter oscillation, linear theory can replicate the resonant amplification produced by numerical simulations with some accuracy. The drag is significantly altered by resonance in the vicinity of n/l_0 = 2, where l_0 is the unperturbed value of the Scorer parameter and n is the wave number of its oscillation. Depending on the phase of this oscillation, the drag may be substantially amplified or attenuated relative to its non-resonant value, displaying either single maxima or minima, or double extrema near n/l_0 = 2. Both non-hydrostatic effects and friction tend to reduce the magnitude of the drag extrema. However, in exactly inviscid conditions, the single drag maximum and minimum are suppressed. As in the atmosphere friction is often small but non-zero outside the boundary layer, modelling of the drag amplification mechanism addressed here should be quite sensitive to the type of turbulence closure employed in numerical models, or to computational dissipation in nominally inviscid simulations.


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We discuss the modeling of dielectric responses for an electromagnetically excited network of capacitors and resistors using a systems identification framework. Standard models that assume integral order dynamics are augmented to incorporate fractional order dynamics. This enables us to relate more faithfully the modeled responses to those reported in the Dielectrics literature.


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A new method to detect the vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) of a localized part of a chiral molecular system is reported. A local VCD amplifier was implemented, and the distance dependence of the amplification was investigated in a series of peptides. The results indicate a characteristic distance of 2.0±0.3 bonds, which suggests that the amplification is a localized phenomenon. The amplifier can be covalently coupled to a specific part of a molecule, and can be switched ON and OFF electrochemically. By subtracting the VCD spectra obtained when the amplifier is in the ON and OFF states, the VCD of the local environment of the amplifier can be separated from the total VCD spectrum. Switchable local VCD amplification thus makes it possible to “zoom in” on a specific part of a chiral molecule.


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Climate change is amplified in the Arctic region. Arctic amplification has been found in past warm1 and glacial2 periods, as well as in historical observations3, 4 and climate model experiments5, 6. Feedback effects associated with temperature, water vapour and clouds have been suggested to contribute to amplified warming in the Arctic, but the surface albedo feedback—the increase in surface absorption of solar radiation when snow and ice retreat—is often cited as the main contributor7, 8, 9, 10. However, Arctic amplification is also found in models without changes in snow and ice cover11, 12. Here we analyse climate model simulations from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 archive to quantify the contributions of the various feedbacks. We find that in the simulations, the largest contribution to Arctic amplification comes from a temperature feedbacks: as the surface warms, more energy is radiated back to space in low latitudes, compared with the Arctic. This effect can be attributed to both the different vertical structure of the warming in high and low latitudes, and a smaller increase in emitted blackbody radiation per unit warming at colder temperatures. We find that the surface albedo feedback is the second main contributor to Arctic amplification and that other contributions are substantially smaller or even opposeArctic amplification.