11 resultados para angiogenesis

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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Background: Several lines of evidence suggest that the dietary isoflavone genistein (Gen) has beneficial effects with regard to cardiovascular disease and in particular on aspects related to blood pressure and angiogenesis. The biological action of Gen may be, at Least in part, attributed to its ability to affect cell signalling and response. However, so far, most of the molecular mechanisms underlying the activity of Gen in the endothelium are unknown. Methods and results: To examine the transcriptional response to 2.5 mu M Gen on primary human endothelial cells (HUVEC), we applied cDNA array technology both under baseline condition and after treatment with the pro-atherogenic stimulus, copper-oxidized LDL. The alteration of the expression patterns of individual transcripts was substantiated using either RT-PCR or Northern blotting. Gen significantly affected the expression of genes encoding for proteins centrally involved in the vascular tone such as endothelin-converting enzyme-1, endothetin-2, estrogen related receptor a and atria[ natriuretic peptide receptor A precursor. Furthermore, Gen countered the effect of oxLDL on mRNA levels encoding for vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 165, types 1 and 2. Conclusions: Our data indicate that physiologically achievable levels of Gen change the expression of mRNA encoding for proteins involved in the control of blood pressure under baseline conditions and reduce the angiogenic response to oxLDL in the endothelium. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Our data highlight the role of SP in reparative neovascularization. Nociceptive signaling may represent a novel target of regenerative medicine.


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Flavonoids exert a multiplicity of neuroprotective actions within the brain, including a potential to protect neurons against injury induced by neurotoxins, an ability to suppress neuroinflammation, and the potential to promote memory, learning and cognitive function. These effects appear to be underpinned by two common processes. Firstly, they interact with critical protein and lipid kinase signalling cascades in the brain leading to an inhibition of apoptosis triggered by neurotoxic species and to a promotion of neuronal survival and synaptic plasticity. Secondly, they induce beneficial effects on the vascular system leading to changes in cerebrovascular blood flow capable of causing angiogenesis, neurogenesis and changes in neuronal morphology. Through these mechanisms, the consumption of flavonoid-rich foods throughout life holds the potential to limit neurodegeneration and to prevent or reverse age-dependent loses in cognitive performance. The intense interest in the development of drugs capable of enhancing brain function means that flavonoids may represent important precursor molecules in the quest to develop of a new generation of brain enhancing drugs.


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The neuroprotective actions of dietary flavonoids involve a number of effects within the brain, including a potential to protect neurons against injury induced by neurotoxins, an ability to suppress neuroinflammation, and the potential to promote memory, learning and cognitive function. This multiplicity of effects appears to be underpinned by two processes. Firstly, they interact with important neuronal signalling cascades leading to an inhibition of apoptosis triggered by neurotoxic species and to a promotion of neuronal survival and differentiation. These interactions include selective actions on a number of protein kinase and lipid kinase signalling cascades, most notably the PI3K/Akt and MAP kinase pathways which regulate pro-survival transcription factors and gene expression. Secondly, they induce peripheral and cerebral vascular blood flow in a manner which may lead to the induction of angiogenesis, and new nerve cell growth in the hippocampus. Therefore, the consumption of flavonoid-rich foods, such as berries and cocoa, throughout life holds a potential to limit the neurodegeneration associated with a variety of neurological disorders and to prevent or reverse normal or abnormal deteriorations in cognitive performance.


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The aim of this review article is to provide an overview of the role of pigs as a biomedical model for humans. The usefulness and limitations of porcine models have been discussed in terms of metabolic, cardiovascular, digestive and bone diseases in humans. Domestic pigs and minipigs are the main categories of pigs used as biomedical models. One drawback of minipigs is that they are in short supply and expensive compared with domestic pigs, which in contrast cost more to house, feed and medicate. Different porcine breeds show different responses to the induction of specific diseases. For example, ossabaw minipigs provide a better model than Yucatan for the metabolic syndrome as they exhibit obesity, insulin resistance and hypertension, all of which are absent in the Yucatan. Similar metabolic/physiological differences exist between domestic breeds (e.g. Meishan v. Pietrain). The modern commercial (e.g. Large White) domestic pig has been the preferred model for developmental programming due to the 2- to 3-fold variation in body weight among littermates providing a natural form of foetal growth retardation not observed in ancient (e.g. Meishan) domestic breeds. Pigs have been increasingly used to study chronic ischaemia, therapeutic angiogenesis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and abdominal aortic aneurysm as their coronary anatomy and physiology are similar to humans. Type 1 and II diabetes can be induced in swine using dietary regimes and/or administration of streptozotocin. Pigs are a good and extensively used model for specific nutritional studies as their protein and lipid metabolism is comparable with humans, although pigs are not as sensitive to protein restriction as rodents. Neonatal and weanling pigs have been used to examine the pathophysiology and prevention/treatment of microbial-associated diseases and immune system disorders. A porcine model mimicking various degrees of prematurity in infants receiving total parenteral nutrition has been established to investigate gut development, amino acid metabolism and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Endoscopic therapeutic methods for upper gastrointestinal tract bleeding are being developed. Bone remodelling cycle in pigs is histologically more similar to humans than that of rats or mice, and is used to examine the relationship between menopause and osteoporosis. Work has also been conducted on dental implants in pigs to consider loading; however with caution as porcine bone remodels slightly faster than human bone. We conclude that pigs are a valuable translational model to bridge the gap between classical rodent models and humans in developing new therapies to aid human health.


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The consumption of flavonoid-rich foods and beverages has been suggested to limit the neurodegeneration associated with a variety of neurological disorders and to prevent or reverse normal or abnormal deteriorations in cognitive performance. Flavonoids mediate these effects via a number of routes, including a potential to protect neurons against injury induced by neurotoxins, an ability to suppress neuroinflammation and a potential to promote memory, learning and cognitive function. Originally, it was thought that such actions were mediated by the antioxidant capacity of flavonoids. However, their limited absorption and their low bioavailability in the brain suggest that this explanation is unlikely. Instead, this multiplicity of effects appears to be underpinned by three separate processes: first, through their interactions with important neuronal and glial signalling cascades in the brain, most notably the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways that regulate pro-survival transcription factors and gene expression; second, through an ability to improve peripheral and cerebral blood flow and to trigger angiogenesis and neurogenesis in the hippocampus; third, by their capacity to directly react with and scavenge neurotoxic species and pro-inflammatory agents produced in the brain as a result of both normal and abnormal brain ageing. The present review explores the potential inhibitory or stimulatory actions of flavonoids within these three systems and describes how such interactions are likely to underlie neurological effects.


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Dopamine has previously been shown to inhibit angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo, but its clinical applications in this context are severely limited by its short half-life. Here we report the synthesis of a polyglutamic acid-dopamine conjugate and show that conjugation significantly extends (from 1 to 24 h) dopamine’s antiangiogenic activity in vitro and in vivo. These findings form the basis for the development of a new class of agents for the treatment of angiogenesis-dependent diseases.


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The intestinal microbiota is a dynamic multifaceted ecosystem which has evolved a complex and mutually beneficial relationship with the mammalian host. The contribution to host fitness is evident, but in recent years it has become apparent that these commensal microorganisms may exert far more influence over health and disease than previously thought. The gut microbiota are implicated in many aspects of biological function, such as metabolism, angiogenesis and immune development: disruption, especially during the neonatal period, which may impose life-long penalty. Elimination of the microbiota appears difficult, but manipulation of the ratios and dominance of composite populations can be achieved by alterations in diet, rearing environment, antibiotics and/or probiotics. Components of the intestinal microbiota are frequently documented to affect normal function of the mucosal immune system in experimental animals and in domesticated, agricultural species. However, it is not always clear that the effects described are sufficiently well understood to provide a sound basis for commercial intervention. Some microbial interventions may be beneficial to the host under particular circumstances, while detrimental during others. It is essential that we further our understanding of the complex and intricate host-commensal relationship to avoid causing more long-term damage than advantage


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Flavonoids, which are polyphenolic compounds, are a class of plant secondary metabolites possessing a broad spectrum of pharmacological activity including anti-cancer activities. They have been reported to interfere in the initiation, promotion and progression of cancer by modulating different enzymes and receptors in signal transduction pathways related to cellular proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, inflammation, angiogenesis, metastasis and reversal of multidrug resistance. Due to their multiple molecular mechanisms of action, flavonoids (both natural and synthetic analogs) are being investigated for their potential applications in anti-cancer therapies. In this review article, the main molecular mechanisms of action of flavonoids attributing to their potential anti-cancer activities have been discussed and the key structural features required for their activity are highlighted.


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The formation of new blood vessels from the pre-existing vasculature (angiogenesis) is a crucial stage in cancer progression and, indeed, angiogenesis inhibitors are now used as anticancer agents, clinically. Here we have explored the potential of flavonoid derivatives as antiangiogenic agents. Specifically, we have synthesised methoxy and 4-thio derivatives of the natural flavones quercetin and luteolin, two of which (4-thio quercetin and 4-thio luteolin) had never been previously reported. Seven of these compounds showed significant (P<0.05) antiangiogenic activity in an in vitro scratch assay. Their activity ranged from an 86% inhibition of the vascular endothelium growth factor (VEGF)-stimulated migration (observed for methoxyquercetin at 10 µM and for luteolin at 1 µM) to a 36% inhibition (for thiomethoxy quercetin at 10 µM). Western blotting studies showed that most (4 out of 7) compounds inhibited phosphorylation of the VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR2), suggesting that the antiangiogenic activity was due to an interference with the VEGF/VEGFR2 pathway. Molecular modelling studies looking at the affinity of our compounds towards VEGFR and/or VEGF confirmed this hypothesis, and indeed the compound with the highest antiangiogenic activity (methoxyquercetin) showed the highest affinity towards VEGFR and VEGF. As reports from others have suggested that structurally similar compounds can elicit biological responses via a non-specific, promiscuous membrane perturbation, potential interactions of the active compounds with a model lipid bilayer were assessed via DSC. Luteolin and its derivatives did not perturb the model membrane even at concentrations 10 times higher than the biologically active concentration and only subtle interactions were observed for quercetin and its derivatives. Finally, cytotoxicity assessment of these flavonoid derivatives against MCF-7 breast cancer cells demonstrated also a direct anticancer activity albeit at generally higher concentrations than those required for an antiangiogenic effect (10 fold higher for the methoxy analogues). Taken together these results show promise for flavonoid derivatives as antiangiogenic agents.


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The glycoprotein VI (GPVI)-FcR gamma-chain complex initiates powerful activation of platelets by the subendothelial matrix proteins collagen and laminin through an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-regulated signaling pathway. ITAMs are characterized by two YxxL sequences separated by 6-12 amino acids and are found associated with several classes of immunoglobulin (Ig) and C-type lectin receptors in hematopoietic cells, including Fc receptors. Cross-linking of the Ig GPVI leads to phosphorylation of two conserved tyrosines in the FcR gamma-chain ITAM by Src family tyrosine kinases, followed by binding and activation of the tandem SH2 domain-containing Syk tyrosine kinase and stimulation of a downstream signaling cascade that culminates in activation of phospholipase Cgamma2 (PLCgamma2). In contrast, the C-type lectin receptor CLEC-2 mediates powerful platelet activation through Src and Syk kinases, but regulates Syk through a novel dimerization mechanism via a single YxxL motif known as a hemITAM. CLEC-2 is a receptor for podoplanin, which is expressed at high levels in several tissues, including type 1 lung alveolar cells, lymphatic endothelial cells, kidney podocytes and some tumors, but is absent from vascular endothelial cells and platelets. In this article, we compare the mechanism of platelet activation by GPVI and CLEC-2 and consider their functional roles in hemostasis and other vascular processes, including maintenance of vascular integrity, angiogenesis and lymphogenesis.