157 resultados para Usher, Robin

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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The chaperone/usher pathway controls assembly of fibres of adhesive organelles of Gram-negative bacteria. The final steps of fibre assembly and fibre translocation to the cell surface are co-ordinated by the outer membrane proteins, ushers. Ushers consist of several soluble periplasmic domains and a single transmembrane beta-barrel. Here we report isolation and structural/functional characterization of a novel middle domain of the Caf1A usher from Yersinia pestis. The isolated UMD (usher middle domain) is a highly soluble monomeric protein capable of autonomous folding. A 2.8 angstrom (1 angstrom = 0.1 nm) resolution crystal structure of UMD revealed that this domain has an immunoglobulin-like fold similar to that of donor-strand-complemented Caf1 fibre subunit. Moreover, these proteins displayed significant structural similarity. Although UMD is in the middle of the predicted amphipathic beta-barrel of Caf1A, the usher still assembled in the membrane in the absence of this domain. UMD did not bind Caf1M-Caf1 complexes, but its presence was shown to be essential for Caf1 fibre secretion. The study suggests that UMD may play the role of a subunit-substituting protein (dummy subunit), plugging or priming secretion through the channel in the Caf1A usher. Comparison of isolated UMD with the recent strcture of the corresponding domain of PapC usher revealed high similarity of the core structures, suggesting a universal structural adaptation of FGL (F(1)G(1) long) and FGS (F(1)G(1) short) chaperone/usher pathways for the secretion of different types of fibres. The functional role of two topologically different states of this plug domain suggested by structural and biochemical results is discussed.


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Periplasmic chaperone/usher machineries are used for assembly of filamentous adhesion organelles of Gram-negative pathogens in a process that has been suggested to be driven by folding energy. Structures of mutant chaperone-subunit complexes revealed a final folding transition (condensation of the subunit hydrophobic core) on the release of organelle subunit from the chaperone-subunit pre-assembly complex and incorporation into the final fibre structure. However, in view of the large interface between chaperone and subunit in the pre-assembly complex and the reported stability of this complex, it is difficult to understand how final folding could release sufficient energy to drive assembly. In the present paper, we show the X-ray structure for a native chaperone-fibre complex that, together with thermodynamic data, shows that the final folding step is indeed an essential component of the assembly process. We show that completion of the hydrophobic core and incorporation into the fibre results in an exceptionally stable module, whereas the chaperone-subunit preassembly complex is greatly destabilized by the high-energy conformation of the bound subunit. This difference in stabilities creates a free energy potential that drives fibre formation.


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1. Demographic models are assuming an important role in management decisions for endangered species. Elasticity analysis and scope for management analysis are two such applications. Elasticity analysis determines the vital rates that have the greatest impact on population growth. Scope for management analysis examines the effects that feasible management might have on vital rates and population growth. Both methods target management in an attempt to maximize population growth. 2. The Seychelles magpie robin Copsychus sechellarum is a critically endangered island endemic, the population of which underwent significant growth in the early 1990s following the implementation of a recovery programme. We examined how the formal use of elasticity and scope for management analyses might have shaped management in the recovery programme, and assessed their effectiveness by comparison with the actual population growth achieved. 3. The magpie robin population doubled from about 25 birds in 1990 to more than 50 by 1995. A simple two-stage demographic model showed that this growth was driven primarily by a significant increase in the annual survival probability of first-year birds and an increase in the birth rate. Neither the annual survival probability of adults nor the probability of a female breeding at age 1 changed significantly over time. 4. Elasticity analysis showed that the annual survival probability of adults had the greatest impact on population growth. There was some scope to use management to increase survival, but because survival rates were already high (> 0.9) this had a negligible effect on population growth. Scope for management analysis showed that significant population growth could have been achieved by targeting management measures at the birth rate and survival probability of first-year birds, although predicted growth rates were lower than those achieved by the recovery programme when all management measures were in place (i.e. 1992-95). 5. Synthesis and applications. We argue that scope for management analysis can provide a useful basis for management but will inevitably be limited to some extent by a lack of data, as our study shows. This means that identifying perceived ecological problems and designing management to alleviate them must be an important component of endangered species management. The corollary of this is that it will not be possible or wise to consider only management options for which there is a demonstrable ecological benefit. Given these constraints, we see little role for elasticity analysis because, when data are available, a scope for management analysis will always be of greater practical value and, when data are lacking, precautionary management demands that as many perceived ecological problems as possible are tackled.


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We study the asymptotic behaviour of the principal eigenvalue of a Robin (or generalised Neumann) problem with a large parameter in the boundary condition for the Laplacian in a piecewise smooth domain. We show that the leading asymptotic term depends only on the singularities of the boundary of the domain, and give either explicit expressions or two-sided estimates for this term in a variety of situations.


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The outer membrane usher protein Caf1A of the plague pathogen Yersinia pestis is responsible for the assembly of a major surface antigen, the F1 capsule. The F1 capsule is mainly formed by thin linear polymers of Caf1 (capsular antigen fraction 1) protein subunits. The Caf1A usher promotes polymerization of subunits and secretion of growing polymers to the cell surface. The usher monomer (811 aa, 90.5 kDa) consists of a large transmembrane β-barrel that forms a secretion channel and three soluble domains. The periplasmic N-terminal domain binds chaperone-subunit complexes supplying new subunits for the growing fiber. The middle domain, which is structurally similar to Caf1 and other fimbrial subunits, serves as a plug that regulates the permeability of the usher. Here we describe the identification, characterization, and crystal structure of the Caf1A usher C-terminal domain (Caf1A(C)). Caf1A(C) is shown to be a periplasmic domain with a seven-stranded β-barrel fold. Analysis of C-terminal truncation mutants of Caf1A demonstrated that the presence of Caf1A(C) is crucial for the function of the usher in vivo, but that it is not required for the initial binding of chaperone-subunit complexes to the usher. Two clusters of conserved hydrophobic residues on the surface of Caf1A(C) were found to be essential for the efficient assembly of surface polymers. These clusters are conserved between the FGL family and the FGS family of chaperone-usher systems.


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Many virulence organelles of Gram-negative bacterial pathogens are assembled via the chaperone/ usher pathway. The chaperone transports organelle subunits across the periplasm to the outer membrane usher, where they are released and incorporated into growing fibers. Here, we elucidate the mechanism of the usher-targeting step in assembly of the Yersinia pestis F1 capsule at the atomic level. The usher interacts almost exclusively with the chaperone in the chaperone:subunit complex. In free chaperone, a pair of conserved proline residues at the beginning of the subunit-binding loop form a ‘‘proline lock’’ that occludes the usher-binding surface and blocks usher binding. Binding of the subunit to the chaperone rotates the proline lock away from the usher-binding surface, allowing the chaperone-subunit complex to bind to the usher. We show that the proline lock exists in other chaperone/usher systems and represents a general allosteric mechanism for selective targeting of chaperone:subunit complexes to the usher and for release and recycling of the free chaperone.


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A tribute to Robin Wood, focusing on his influence on horror criticism, and more specifically, on his appraisal of George A. Romero as ‘a great and audacious filmmaker’ through detailed consideration of his zombie movies. The article considers the key elements of his extraordinary influence on horror criticism, and a detailed examination of the monster which most directly responds to horror’s potential ambivalence: the zombie. In order to consider the ambivalence in the relationship between normality and the monster – that central and most important component of Wood’s horror criticism – created by Romero’s zombies, analysis focuses on the materiality of the films through close attention to the bodies on-screen.


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The banded organization of clouds and zonal winds in the atmospheres of the outer planets has long fascinated observers. Several recent studies in the theory and idealized modeling of geostrophic turbulence have suggested possible explanations for the emergence of such organized patterns, typically involving highly anisotropic exchanges of kinetic energy and vorticity within the dissipationless inertial ranges of turbulent flows dominated (at least at large scales) by ensembles of propagating Rossby waves. The results from an attempt to reproduce such conditions in the laboratory are presented here. Achievement of a distinct inertial range turns out to require an experiment on the largest feasible scale. Deep, rotating convection on small horizontal scales was induced by gently and continuously spraying dense, salty water onto the free surface of the 13-m-diameter cylindrical tank on the Coriolis platform in Grenoble, France. A “planetary vorticity gradient” or “β effect” was obtained by use of a conically sloping bottom and the whole tank rotated at angular speeds up to 0.15 rad s−1. Over a period of several hours, a highly barotropic, zonally banded large-scale flow pattern was seen to emerge with up to 5–6 narrow, alternating, zonally aligned jets across the tank, indicating the development of an anisotropic field of geostrophic turbulence. Using particle image velocimetry (PIV) techniques, zonal jets are shown to have arisen from nonlinear interactions between barotropic eddies on a scale comparable to either a Rhines or “frictional” wavelength, which scales roughly as (β/Urms)−1/2. This resulted in an anisotropic kinetic energy spectrum with a significantly steeper slope with wavenumber k for the zonal flow than for the nonzonal eddies, which largely follows the classical Kolmogorov k−5/3 inertial range. Potential vorticity fields show evidence of Rossby wave breaking and the presence of a “hyperstaircase” with radius, indicating instantaneous flows that are supercritical with respect to the Rayleigh–Kuo instability criterion and in a state of “barotropic adjustment.” The implications of these results are discussed in light of zonal jets observed in planetary atmospheres and, most recently, in the terrestrial oceans.