32 resultados para The Strain

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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The last 10–15 years have seen an expansion in the understanding of the intracellular signalling pathways activated in cardiac myocytes in response to hypertrophic or lethal stimuli. The mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) were identified as potential key mediators of cardiac myocyte responses in the early to mid-1990's, with the extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2) being potently activated by heterotrimeric Gq protein-coupled receptor (GqPCR) agonists, and the c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) and p38-MAPKs being potently activated by cell stresses.


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Experiments are performed using an idealized version of an operational forecast model to determine the impact on banded frontal clouds of the strength of deformational forcing, low-level baroclinicity, and model representation of convection. Line convection is initiated along the front, and slantwise bands extend from the top of the line-convection elements into the cold air. This banding is attributed primarily to M adjustment. The cross-frontal spreading of the cold pool generated by the line convection leads to further triggering of upright convection in the cold air that feeds into these slantwise bands. Secondary low-level bands form later in the simulations; these are attributed to the release of conditional symmetric instability. Enhanced deformation strain leads to earlier onset of convection and more coherent line convection. A stronger cold pool is generated, but its speed is reduced relative to that seen in experiments with weaker deformational strain, because of inhibition by the strain field. Enhanced low-level baroclinicity leads to the generation of more inertial instability by line convection (for a given capping height of convection), and consequently greater strength of the slantwise circulations formed by M adjustment. These conclusions are based on experiments without a convective-parametrization scheme. Experiments using the standard or a modified scheme for this model demonstrate known problems with the use of this scheme at the awkward 4 km grid length used in these simulations. Copyright © 2008 Royal Meteorological Society


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The quantitative effects of uniform strain and background rotation on the stability of a strip of constant vorticity (a simple shear layer) are examined. The thickness of the strip decreases in time under the strain, so it is necessary to formulate the linear stability analysis for a time-dependent basic flow. The results show that even a strain rate γ (scaled with the vorticity of the strip) as small as 0.25 suppresses the conventional Rayleigh shear instability mechanism, in the sense that the r.m.s. wave steepness cannot amplify by more than a certain factor, and must eventually decay. For γ < 0.25 the amplification factor increases as γ decreases; however, it is only 3 when γ e 0.065. Numerical simulations confirm the predictions of linear theory at small steepness and predict a threshold value necessary for the formation of coherent vortices. The results help to explain the impression from numerous simulations of two-dimensional turbulence reported in the literature that filaments of vorticity infrequently roll up into vortices. The stabilization effect may be expected to extend to two- and three-dimensional quasi-geostrophic flows.


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The mechanisms underlying the increase in stress for large mechanical strains of a polymer glass, quantified by the strain-hardening modulus, are still poorly understood. In the present paper we aim to elucidate this matter and present new mechanisms. Molecular-dynamics simulations of two polymers with very different strain-hardening moduli (polycarbonate and polystyrene) have been carried out. Nonaffine displacements occur because of steric hindrances and connectivity constraints. We argue that it is not necessary to introduce the concept of entanglements to understand strain hardening, but that hardening is rather coupled with the increase in the rate of nonaffine particle displacements. This rate increases faster for polycarbonate, which has the higher strain-hardening modulus. Also more nonaffine chain stretching is present for polycarbonate. It is shown that the inner distances of such a nonaffinely deformed chain can be well described by the inner distances of the worm-like chain, but with an effective stiffness length (equal to the Kuhn length for an infinite worm-like chain) that increases during deformation. It originates from the finite extensibility of the chain. In this way the increase in nonaffine particle displacement can be understood as resulting from an increase in the effective stiffness length of the perturbed chain during deformation, so that at larger strains a higher rate of plastic events in terms of nonaffine displacement is necessary, causing in turn the observed strain hardening in polymer glasses.


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The effects of uniform straining and shearing on the stability of a surface quasi-geostrophic temperature filament are investigated. Straining is shown to stabilize perturbations for wide filaments but only for a finite time until the filament thins to a critical width, after which some perturbations can grow. No filament can be stabilized in practice, since there are perturbations that can grow large for any strain rate. The optimally growing perturbations, defined as solutions that reach a certain threshold amplitude first, are found numerically for a wide range of parameter values. The radii of the vortices formed through nonlinear roll-up are found to be proportional to θ/s, where θ is the temperature anomaly of the filament and s the strain rate, and are not dependent on the initial size of the filament. Shearing is shown to reduce the normal-mode growth rates, but it cannot stabilize them completely when there are temperature discontinuities in the basic state; smooth filaments can be stabilized completely by shearing and a simple scaling argument provides the shear rate required. Copyright © 2010 Royal Meteorological Society


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The relationships between wheat protein quality and baking properties of 20 flour samples were studied for two breadmaking processes; a hearth bread test and the Chorleywood Bread Process (CBP). The strain hardening index obtained from dough inflation measurements, the proportion of unextractable polymeric protein, and mixing properties were among the variables found to be good indicators of protein quality and suitable for predicting potential baking quality of wheat flours. By partial least squares regression, flour and dough test variables were able to account for 71-93% of the variation in crumb texture, form ratio and volume of hearth loaves made using optimal mixing and fixed proving times. These protein quality variables were, however, not related to the volume of loaves produced by the CBP using mixing to constant work input and proving to constant height. On the other hand, variation in crumb texture of CBP loaves (54-55%) could be explained by protein quality. The results underline that the choice of baking procedure and loaf characteristics is vital in assessing the protein quality of flours. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aims: To compare pressure resistance between strains of Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli, Campylobacter lari and Campylobacter fetus, and to investigate the effect of suspending medium on pressure resistance of sensitive and more resistant strains. Methods and Results: Six strains of C. jejuni and four each of C. coli, C. lari and C. fetus were pressure treated for 10 min at 200 and 300 MPa. Individual strains varied widely in pressure resistance but there were no significant differences between the species C. jejuni, C. coli and C. lari. Campylobacter fetus was significantly more pressure sensitive than the other three species. The pressure resistance of C. jejuni cultures reached a maximum at 16-18 h on entry into stationary phase then declined to a minimum at 75 h before increasing once more. Milk was more baroprotective than water, broth or chicken slurry but did not prevent inactivation even of a resistant strain at 400 MPa. Conclusions: Pressure resistance varies considerably between species of Campylobacter and among strains within a species, and survival after a pressure challenge will be markedly influenced by culture age and food matrix. Significance and Impact of the Study: Despite the strain variation in pressure resistance and protective effects of food, Campylobacter sp. do not present a particular problem for pressure processing.


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The Stokes drift induced by surface waves distorts turbulence in the wind-driven mixed layer of the ocean, leading to the development of streamwise vortices, or Langmuir circulations, on a wide range of scales. We investigate the structure of the resulting Langmuir turbulence, and contrast it with the structure of shear turbulence, using rapid distortion theory (RDT) and kinematic simulation of turbulence. Firstly, these linear models show clearly why elongated streamwise vortices are produced in Langmuir turbulence, when Stokes drift tilts and stretches vertical vorticity into horizontal vorticity, whereas elongated streaky structures in streamwise velocity fluctuations (u) are produced in shear turbulence, because there is a cancellation in the streamwise vorticity equation and instead it is vertical vorticity that is amplified. Secondly, we develop scaling arguments, illustrated by analysing data from LES, that indicate that Langmuir turbulence is generated when the deformation of the turbulence by mean shear is much weaker than the deformation by the Stokes drift. These scalings motivate a quantitative RDT model of Langmuir turbulence that accounts for deformation of turbulence by Stokes drift and blocking by the air–sea interface that is shown to yield profiles of the velocity variances in good agreement with LES. The physical picture that emerges, at least in the LES, is as follows. Early in the life cycle of a Langmuir eddy initial turbulent disturbances of vertical vorticity are amplified algebraically by the Stokes drift into elongated streamwise vortices, the Langmuir eddies. The turbulence is thus in a near two-component state, with suppressed and . Near the surface, over a depth of order the integral length scale of the turbulence, the vertical velocity (w) is brought to zero by blocking of the air–sea interface. Since the turbulence is nearly two-component, this vertical energy is transferred into the spanwise fluctuations, considerably enhancing at the interface. After a time of order half the eddy decorrelation time the nonlinear processes, such as distortion by the strain field of the surrounding eddies, arrest the deformation and the Langmuir eddy decays. Presumably, Langmuir turbulence then consists of a statistically steady state of such Langmuir eddies. The analysis then provides a dynamical connection between the flow structures in LES of Langmuir turbulence and the dominant balance between Stokes production and dissipation in the turbulent kinetic energy budget, found by previous authors.


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A polyphasic taxonomic study was performed on a previously unidentified gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic, diphtheroid-shaped organism isolated from a vaginal discharge of a horse. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing demonstrated that the strain was a member of the genus Arcanobacterium, but sequence divergence values of >4% with described species of this genus (viz: Arcanobacterium haemolyticum, Arcanobacterium bernardiae, Arcanobacterium phocae, Arcanobacterium pluranimalium and Arcanobacterium pyogenes) demonstrated that the isolate represented a novel species. The unknown bacterium was readily distinguished from other Arcanobacterium species by biochemical tests. Based on phylogenetic and phenotypic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown bacterium be classified as Arcanobacterium hippocoleae sp. nov. The type strain of A. hippocoleae is CCUG 44697T (= CIP 106850T).


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The usefulness of any simulation of atmospheric tracers using low-resolution winds relies on both the dominance of large spatial scales in the strain and time dependence that results in a cascade in tracer scales. Here, a quantitative study on the accuracy of such tracer studies is made using the contour advection technique. It is shown that, although contour stretching rates are very insensitive to the spatial truncation of the wind field, the displacement errors in filament position are sensitive. A knowledge of displacement characteristics is essential if Lagrangian simulations are to be used for the inference of airmass origin. A quantitative lower estimate is obtained for the tracer scale factor (TSF): the ratio of the smallest resolved scale in the advecting wind field to the smallest “trustworthy” scale in the tracer field. For a baroclinic wave life cycle the TSF = 6.1 ± 0.3 while for the Northern Hemisphere wintertime lower stratosphere the TSF = 5.5 ± 0.5, when using the most stringent definition of the trustworthy scale. The similarity in the TSF for the two flows is striking and an explanation is discussed in terms of the activity of potential vorticity (PV) filaments. Uncertainty in contour initialization is investigated for the stratospheric case. The effect of smoothing initial contours is to introduce a spinup time, after which wind field truncation errors take over from initialization errors (2–3 days). It is also shown that false detail from the proliferation of finescale filaments limits the useful lifetime of such contour advection simulations to 3σ−1 days, where σ is the filament thinning rate, unless filaments narrower than the trustworthy scale are removed by contour surgery. In addition, PV analysis error and diabatic effects are so strong that only PV filaments wider than 50 km are at all believable, even for very high-resolution winds. The minimum wind field resolution required to accurately simulate filaments down to the erosion scale in the stratosphere (given an initial contour) is estimated and the implications for the modeling of atmospheric chemistry are briefly discussed.


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Sigma B (σB) is an alternative sigma factor that controls the transcriptional response to stress in Listeria monocytogenes and is also known to play a role in the virulence of this human pathogen. In the present study we investigated the impact of a sigB deletion on the proteome of L. monocytogenes grown in a chemically defined medium both in the presence and in the absence of osmotic stress (0.5 M NaCl). Two new phenotypes associated with the sigB deletion were identified using this medium. (i) Unexpectedly, the strain with the ΔsigB deletion was found to grow faster than the parent strain in the growth medium, but only when 0.5 M NaCl was present. This phenomenon was independent of the carbon source provided in the medium. (ii) The ΔsigB mutant was found to have unusual Gram staining properties compared to the parent, suggesting that σB contributes to the maintenance of an intact cell wall. A proteomic analysis was performed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, using cells growing in the exponential and stationary phases. Overall, 11 proteins were found to be differentially expressed in the wild type and the ΔsigB mutant; 10 of these proteins were expressed at lower levels in the mutant, and 1 was overexpressed in the mutant. All 11 proteins were identified by tandem mass spectrometry, and putative functions were assigned based on homology to proteins from other bacteria. Five proteins had putative functions related to carbon utilization (Lmo0539, Lmo0783, Lmo0913, Lmo1830, and Lmo2696), while three proteins were similar to proteins whose functions are unknown but that are known to be stress inducible (Lmo0796, Lmo2391, and Lmo2748). To gain further insight into the role of σB in L. monocytogenes, we deleted the genes encoding four of the proteins, lmo0796, lmo0913, lmo2391, and lmo2748. Phenotypic characterization of the mutants revealed that Lmo2748 plays a role in osmotolerance, while Lmo0796, Lmo0913, and Lmo2391 were all implicated in acid stress tolerance to various degrees. Invasion assays performed with Caco-2 cells indicated that none of the four genes was required for mammalian cell invasion. Microscopic analysis suggested that loss of Lmo2748 might contribute to the cell wall defect observed in the ΔsigB mutant. Overall, this study highlighted two new phenotypes associated with the loss of σB. It also demonstrated clear roles for σB in both osmotic and low-pH stress tolerance and identified specific components of the σB regulon that contribute to the responses observed.


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This study aimed to compare ESBL-producing Escherichia coli causing infections in humans with infecting or commensal isolates from animals and isolates from food of animal origin in terms of the strain types, the ESBL gene present and the plasmids that carry the respective ESBL genes. A collection of 353 ESBL-positive E. coli isolates from the UK, the Netherlands and Germany were studied by MLST and ESBL genes were identified. Characterization of ESBL gene-carrying plasmids was performed using PCR-based replicon typing. Moreover, IncI1-Iγ and IncN plasmids were characterized by plasmid MLST. The ESBL-producing E. coli represented 158 different STs with ST131, ST10 and ST88 being the most common. Overall, blaCTX-M-1 was the most frequently detected ESBL gene, followed by blaCTX-M-15, which was the most common ESBL gene in the human isolates. The most common plasmid replicon type overall was IncI1-Iγ followed by multiple IncF replicons. ESBL genes were present in a wide variety of E. coli STs. IncI1-Iγ plasmids that carried the blaCTX-M-1 gene were widely disseminated amongst STs in isolates from animals and humans, whereas other plasmids and STs appeared to be more restricted to isolates from specific hosts.


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The toughness of a polymer glass is determined by the interplay of yielding, strain softening, and strain hardening. Molecular-dynamics simulations of a typical polymer glass, atactic polystyrene, under the influence of active deformation have been carried out to enlighten these processes. It is observed that the dominant interaction for the yield peak is of interchain nature and for the strain hardening of intrachain nature. A connection is made with the microscopic cage-to-cage motion. It is found that the deformation does not lead to complete erasure of the thermal history but that differences persist at large length scales. Also we find that the strain-hardening modulus increases with increasing external pressure. This new observation cannot be explained by current theories such as the one based on the entanglement picture and the inclusion of this effect will lead to an improvement in constitutive modeling.


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A Gram-negative, aerobic to microaerophilic rod was isolated from 10 m depths of the hypersaline, heliothermal and meromictic Ekho Lake (East Antarctica). The strain was oxidase- and catalase-positive, metabolized a variety of carboxylic acids and sugars and produced lipase. Cells had an absolute requirement for artificial sea water, which could not be replaced by NaCl. A large in vivo absorption band at 870 nm indicated production of bacteriochlorophyll a. The predominant fatty acids of this organism were 16:0 and 18:1omega7c, with 3-OH 10:0, 16:1omega7c and 18:0 in lower amounts. The main polar lipids were diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylcholine. Ubiquinone 10 was produced. The DNA G + C content was 67 mol%. 16S rRNA gene sequence comparisons indicated that the isolate represents a member of the Roseobacter clade within the alpha-Proteobacteria. The organism showed no particular relationship to any members of this clade but clustered on the periphery of the genera Jannaschia, Octadecabacter and 'Marinosulfonomonas' and the species Ruegeria gelatinovorans. Distinct morphological, physiological and genotypic differences to these previously described taxa supported the description of a new genus and a novel species, for which the name Roseisalinus antarcticus gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is EL-88(T) (= DSM 11466(T) = CECT 7023(T)).


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A previously unknown Gram-positive, non-spore-forming, non-lipophilic, catalase-positive, irregular rod-shaped bacterium (M/106/00/5(T)) was isolated, in mixed culture, from the penis of a Caspian seal (Phoca caspica). The strain was a facultative anaerobe that was able to grow at 22 and 42 degreesC. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing showed that the organism formed a hitherto unknown subline within the genus Corynebacterium. Sequence divergence values of more than 5 % from other described Corynebacterium species, together with phenotypic differences, showed that the unidentified bacterium represents a previously unrecognized member of this genus. On the basis of phenotypic and phylogenetic considerations, it is proposed that the unknown bacterium isolated from a Caspian seal (strain M/106/00/5(T) = CCUG 44566(T)=CIP 107965(T)) be classified as the type strain of a novel species of the genus Corynebacterium, Corynebacterium caspium sp. nov.