11 resultados para Testicular torsion

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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The literature on vertical disparity is complicated by the fact that several different definitions of the term “vertical disparity” are in common use, often without a clear statement about which is intended or a widespread appreciation of the properties of the different definitions. Here, we examine two definitions of retinal vertical disparity: elevation-latitude and elevation-longitude disparities. Near the fixation point, these definitions become equivalent, but in general, they have quite different dependences on object distance and binocular eye posture, which have not previously been spelt out. We present analytical approximations for each type of vertical disparity, valid for more general conditions than previous derivations in the literature: we do not restrict ourselves to objects near the fixation point or near the plane of regard, and we allow for non-zero torsion, cyclovergence, and vertical misalignments of the eyes. We use these expressions to derive estimates of the latitude and longitude vertical disparities expected at each point in the visual field, averaged over all natural viewing. Finally, we present analytical expressions showing how binocular eye position—gaze direction, convergence, torsion, cyclovergence, and vertical misalignment—can be derived from the vertical disparity field and its derivatives at the fovea.


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BACKGROUND: The widespread occurrence of feminized male fish downstream of some wastewater treatment works has led to substantial interest from ecologists and public health professionals. This concern stems from the view that the effects observed have a parallel in humans, and that both phenomena are caused by exposure to mixtures of contaminants that interfere with reproductive development. The evidence for a "wildlife-human connection" is, however, weak: Testicular dysgenesis syndrome, seen in human males, is most easily reproduced in rodent models by exposure to mixtures of antiandrogenic chemicals. In contrast, the accepted explanation for feminization of wild male fish is that it results mainly from exposure to steroidal estrogens originating primarily from human excretion. OBJECTIVES: We sought to further explore the hypothesis that endocrine disruption in fish is multi-causal, resulting from exposure to mixtures of chemicals with both estrogenic and antiandrogenic properties. METHODS: We used hierarchical generalized linear and generalized additive statistical modeling to explore the associations between modeled concentrations and activities of estrogenic and antiandrogenic chemicals in 30 U.K. rivers and feminized responses seen in wild fish living in these rivers. RESULTS: In addition to the estrogenic substances, antiandrogenic activity was prevalent in almost all treated sewage effluents tested. Further, the results of the modeling demonstrated that feminizing effects in wild fish could be best modeled as a function of their predicted exposure to both anti-androgens and estrogens or to antiandrogens alone. CONCLUSION: The results provide a strong argument for a multicausal etiology of widespread feminization of wild fish in U.K. rivers involving contributions from both steroidal estrogens and xeno-estrogens and from other (as yet unknown) contaminants with antiandrogenic properties. These results may add farther credence to the hypothesis that endocrine-disrupting effects seen in wild fish and in humans are caused by similar combinations of endocrine-disrupting chemical cocktails.


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A series of experiments was conducted to examine the mechanism by which removal of the thyroid glands in seasonally suppressed rams brings about rapid testicular growth. In the first experiment, thyroidectomy at the nadir of the testicular cycle (late winter) initiated testis growth without any detectable change in the extent of spermatogenesis compared with sham-operated controls. The serum concentration of FSH, but not LH, was also markedly increased by thyroidectomy. In the second experiment, serum FSH concentration was again increased by thyroidectomy in late winter but there was no effect of thyroidectomy on LH concentration, LH pulses (measured in frequent blood samples) or testosterone concentration. Furthermore, there was no evidence of a change in central dopaminergic inhibition of GnRH, as measured by the pulsatile LH response to an i.m. injection of the dopaminergic D-2 agonist bromocriptine or antagonist sulpiride. The rapid increase in FSH concentration occurred despite a markedly increased serum inhibin A concentration in thyroidectomized rams. Therefore, the efficacy of inhibin feedback was examined by testing the FSH-suppressive effect of an inhibin preparation (5 ml charcoal-stripped bovine follicular fluid i.v.) in long-term thyroidectomized and thyroid intact castrated rams. Bovine follicular fluid suppressed FSH concentrations in control rams as expected but in marked contrast, was completely without effect in thyroidectomized animals. In castrated rams, the FSH concentration was only marginally increased by thyroidectomy, indicating that there is a major component of the mediation of the effects of thyroidectomy that is testicular in origin. It was concluded that a reduction in the ability of endogenous inhibin to inhibit FSH release at the pituitary, rather than a hypothalamic mechanism, is the primary cause of the stimulation of testis growth by thyroidectomy.


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Nucleophilic attack of (triphenylphosphonio) cyclopentadienide on the dichlorodiazomethane-tungsten complex trans[ BrW(dppe)(2)(N2CCl2)]PF6 [dppe is 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino) ethane] results in C-C bond formation and affords the title compound, trans-[W(C24H18ClN2P)Br(C26H24P2)(2)]PF6 center dot 0.6CH(2)Cl(2). This complex, bis[1,2- bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane] bromido{chloro[3-(triphenylphosphonio) cyclopentadienylidene] diazomethanediido} tungsten hexafluorophosphate dichloromethane 0.6-solvate, contains the previously unknown ligand chloro[3-(triphenylphosphonio) cyclopentadienylidene] diazomethane. Evidence from bond lengths and torsion angles indicates significant through-ligand delocalization of electron density from tungsten to the nominally cationic phosphorus(V) centre. This structural analysis clearly demonstrates that the tungsten-dinitrogen unit is a powerful pi-electron donor with the ability to transfer electron density from the metal to a distant acceptor centre through an extended conjugated ligand system. As a consequence, complexes of this type could have potential applications as nonlinear optical materials and molecular semiconductors.


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Six strand ropes generate torque under tension. This can lead to transfer of twist to other mooring line components, either permanently, or dynamically. The effects of this imposed twist can seriously affect strength and fatigue endurance. In order to predict the torsional interactions between components it is necessary to quantify the tension/torsion behavior of all the different categories of mooring line component, not just the six strand rope. This paper discusses the problems of torsional interaction and presents results of measurements of tension/torsion behavior of six strand rope, stud link chain and a PET fiber rope.


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This paper considers the motion planning problem for oriented vehicles travelling at unit speed in a 3-D space. A Lie group formulation arises naturally and the vehicles are modeled as kinematic control systems with drift defined on the orthonormal frame bundles of particular Riemannian manifolds, specifically, the 3-D space forms Euclidean space E-3, the sphere S-3, and the hyperboloid H'. The corresponding frame bundles are equal to the Euclidean group of motions SE(3), the rotation group SO(4), and the Lorentz group SO (1, 3). The maximum principle of optimal control shifts the emphasis for these systems to the associated Hamiltonian formalism. For an integrable case, the extremal curves are explicitly expressed in terms of elliptic functions. In this paper, a study at the singularities of the extremal curves are given, which correspond to critical points of these elliptic functions. The extremal curves are characterized as the intersections of invariant surfaces and are illustrated graphically at the singular points. It. is then shown that the projections, of the extremals onto the base space, called elastica, at these singular points, are curves of constant curvature and torsion, which in turn implies that the oriented vehicles trace helices.


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An efficient method of combining neutron diffraction data over an extended Q range with detailed atomistic models is presented. A quantitative and qualitative mapping of the organization of the chain conformation in both glass and liquid phase has been performed. The proposed structural refinement method is based on the exploitation of the intrachain features of the diffraction pattern by the use of internal coordinates for bond lengths, valence angles and torsion rotations. Models are built stochastically by assignment of these internal coordinates from probability distributions with limited variable parameters. Variation of these parameters is used in the construction of models that minimize the differences between the observed and calculated structure factors. A series of neutron scattering data of 1,4-polybutadiene at the region 20320 K is presented. Analysis of the experimental data yield bond lengths for C-C and C=C of 1.54 and 1.35 Å respectively. Valence angles of the backbone were found to be at 112 and 122.8 for the CCC and CC=C respectively. Three torsion angles corresponding to the double bond and the adjacent R and β bonds were found to occupy cis and trans, s(, trans and g( and trans states, respectively. We compare our results with theoretical predictions, computer simulations, RIS models, and previously reported experimental results.


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Insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3), a major product of testicular Leydig cells, is also expressed by the ovary but its functional role remains poorly understood. Here, we quantified expression of INSL3 and its receptor RXFP2 in theca interna (TIC) and granulosa (GC) compartments of developing bovine antral follicles and in corpora lutea (CL). INSL3 and RXFP2 mRNA levels were much higher in TIC than GC and increased progressively during follicle maturation with INSL3 peaking in large (11-18mm) estrogen-active follicles and RXFP2 peaking in 9-10mm follicles before declining in larger (11-18mm) follicles. Expression of both INSL3 and RXFP2 in CL was much lower than in TIC. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry confirmed abundant expression of INSL3 mRNA and protein in TIC. These observations indicate follicular TIC rather than CL as the primary site of both INSL3 production and action, implying a predominantly auto-/paracrine role in TIC. To corroborate the above findings, we showed that in vitro exposure of TIC to a luteinizing concentration of LH greatly attenuated expression of both INSL3 and its receptor while increasing progesterone secretion and expression of STAR and CYP11A1. Moreover, in vivo, a significant cyclic variation in plasma INSL3 was observed during synchronized estrous cycles. INSL3 and estradiol-17β followed a similar pattern, both increasing after luteolysis, before falling sharply after the LH surge. Thus, theca-derived INSL3, likely from the dominant pre-ovulatory follicle, is detectable in peripheral blood of cattle and expression is down-regulated during luteinisation induced by the pre-ovulatory LH surge. Collectively, these findings underscore the likely role of INSL3 as an important intrafollicular modulator of TIC function/steroidogenesis, whilst raising doubts about its potential contribution to CL function.


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We present an efficient method of combining wide angle neutron scattering data with detailed atomistic models, allowing us to perform a quantitative and qualitative mapping of the organisation of the chain conformation in both glass and liquid phases. The structural refinement method presented in this work is based on the exploitation of the intrachain features of the diffraction pattern and its intimate linkage with atomistic models by the use of internal coordinates for bond lengths, valence angles and torsion rotations. Atomic connectivity is defined through these coordinates that are in turn assigned by pre-defined probability distributions, thus allowing for the models in question to be built stochastically. Incremental variation of these coordinates allows for the construction of models that minimise the differences between the observed and calculated structure factors. We present a series of neutron scattering data of 1,2 polybutadiene at the region 120-400K. Analysis of the experimental data yield bond lengths for C-C and C=C of 1.54Å and 1.35Å respectively. Valence angles of the backbone were found to be at 112° and the torsion distributions are characterised by five rotational states, a three-fold trans-skew± for the backbone and gauche± for the vinyl group. Rotational states of the vinyl group were found to be equally populated, indicating a largely atactic chan. The two backbone torsion angles exhibit different behaviour with respect to temperature of their trans population, with one of them adopting an almost all trans sequence. Consequently the resulting configuration leads to a rather persistent chain, something indicated by the value of the characteristic ratio extrapolated from the model. We compare our results with theoretical predictions, computer simulations, RIS models and previously reported experimental results.


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Let L be a number field and let E/L be an elliptic curve with complex multiplication by the ring of integers O_K of an imaginary quadratic field K. We use class field theory and results of Skorobogatov and Zarhin to compute the transcendental part of the Brauer group of the abelian surface ExE. The results for the odd order torsion also apply to the Brauer group of the K3 surface Kum(ExE). We describe explicitly the elliptic curves E/Q with complex multiplication by O_K such that the Brauer group of ExE contains a transcendental element of odd order. We show that such an element gives rise to a Brauer-Manin obstruction to weak approximation on Kum(ExE), while there is no obstruction coming from the algebraic part of the Brauer group.