17 resultados para SUPERNATANTS

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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Fermented dairy products and their component bacteria have been shown to possess health-promoting functions in consumers and recently have been suggested to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Kefir and ayran are two popular fermented milk drinks that have their origins in the Caucasus region of Russia. The present study aimed to evaluate their potential anticancer properties in colon cells in vitro. The comet assay and transepithelial resistance assay were used to assess the effect of kefir and ayran supernatants on genotoxicity of fecal water samples and on intestinal tight junction integrity. Their antioxidant capacity was measured by trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity assay and compared with that of unfermented milk. The results showed that DNA damage induced by 2 of 4 fecal water samples was significantly decreased by kefir and ayran supernatants and with ayran the effect was dose-dependent. However no effect on intestinal tight junctions was observed. The supernatants of kefir and ayran contained high amounts of acetic and lactic acid but only a very small quantity of caproic and butyric acid, and they showed significantly greater antioxidant capacity than milk. These findings suggest kefir and ayran can reduce DNA damage, which might be due to their antioxidant capacities.


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Expression of biologically active molecules as fusion proteins with antibody Fc can substantially extend the plasma half-life of the active agent but may also influence function. We have previously generated a number of fusion proteins comprising a complement regulator coupled to Fc and shown that the hybrid molecule has a long plasma half-life and retains biological activity. However, several of the fusion proteins generated had substantially reduced biological activity when compared with the native regulator or regulator released from the Fc following papain cleavage. We have taken advantage of this finding to engineer a prodrug with low complement regulatory activity that is cleaved at sites of inflammation to release active regulator. Two model prodrugs, comprising, respectively, the four short consensus repeats of human decay accelerating factor (CD55) linked to IgG4 Fc and the three NH2-terminal short consensus repeats of human decay accelerating factor linked to IgG2 Fc have been developed. In each, specific cleavage sites for matrix metalloproteinases and/or aggrecanases have been incorporated between the complement regulator and the Fc. These prodrugs have markedly decreased complement inhibitory activity when compared with the parent regulator in vitro. Exposure of the prodrugs to the relevant enzymes, either purified, or in supernatants of cytokine-stimulated chondrocytes or in synovial fluid, efficiently cleaved the prodrug, releasing active regulator. Such agents, having negligible systemic effects but active at sites of inflammation, represent a paradigm for the next generation of anti-C therapeutics.


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Aims: To investigate the effect of various carbon sources on the production of extracellular antagonistic compounds against two Escherichia coli strains and Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium by three canine-derived lactobacilli strains. Methods and Materials: Cell-free preparations, pH neutralized, were used in antibiotic disc experiments as an initial screening. The bacteria/carbohydrate combinations that showed inhibition of the growth of those pathogens, were further investigated in batch co-culture experiments. The cell-free supernatants of the cultures, that decreased the population number of the pathogens in the co-culture experiments to log CFU ml(-1) less than or equal to 4, were tested for inhibition of the pathogens in pure cultures at neutral and acidic pH. Conclusions: The results showed that the substrate seems to affect the production of antimicrobial compounds and this effect could not just be ascribed to the ability of the bacteria to grow in the various carbon sources. L. mucosae, L. acidophilus and L. reuteri, when grown in sugar mixtures consisting of alpha-glucosides (Degree of Polymerization (DP) 1-4) could produce antimicrobial compounds active against all three pathogens in vitro. This effect could not be attributed to a single ingredient of those sugar mixtures and was synergistic. This inhibition had a dose-response characteristic and was more active at acidic pH. Significance and Impact of the Study: Knowledge of the effect that the carbon source has on the production of antimicrobial compounds by gut-associated lactobacilli allows the rational design of prebiotic/probiotic combinations to combat gastrointestinal pathogens.


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Background & aims: This study investigated the influence of four commercial lipid emulsions, Ivelip, ClinOleic, Omegaven and SMOFlipid (R), on lipid body formation, fatty acid composition and eicosanoid production by cultured human peripheral blood polymorphonuclear cells (PMN) and mononuclear cells (PBMC). Methods: PMN and PBMC were exposed to emulsions at concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 0.04%. Lipid body formation was assessed by microscopy, fatty acid composition by gas chromatography and eicosanoids by ELISA. Results: Stimulation of inflammatory cells and exposure to lipid emulsions promoted the formation of lipid bodies, but there did not appear to be differential effects of the emulsions tested. In contrast, there were differential effects of lipid emulsions on eicosanoid formation, particularly with regards to LTB4 production by PMN. Omegaven dramatically increased production of eicosanoids compared with the other emulsions in a dose-dependent manner. This effect was associated with a significantly higher level of lipid peroxides in the supernatants of cells exposed to Omegaven. Conclusions: Stimulation of inflammatory cells and exposure to lipid emulsions promotes lipid body formation and eicosanoid production, although the differential effects of different emulsions appear to be largely due to lipid peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids in some emulsions in this in vitro system. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.


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Insulin is a prebiotic food ingredient, which suppresses colon tumour growth and development in rats. In the gut lumen, it is fermented to lactic acid and short chain fatty acids (SCFA). Of these, butyrate has suppressing agent activities, but little is known concerning cellular responses to complex fermentation samples. To investigate the effects of fermentation products of insulin on cellular responses related to colon carcinogenesis. Fermentations were performed in anaerobic batch cultures or in a three-stage fermentation model that simulates conditions in colon-segments (proximal, transverse, distal). Substrate was insulin enriched with oligofructose (Raftilose® Synergy1), fermented with probiotics (Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG), and/or faecal inocula. HT29 or CaCo-2 cells were incubated with supernatants of the fermented samples (2.5%-25% v/v, 24-72 hours). Cellular parameters of survival, differentiation, tumour progression, and invasive growth were determined. Fermentation supernatants derived from probiotics and Synergy1 were more effective than with glucose. The additional fermentation with faecal slurries produced supernatants with lower toxicity, higher SCFA contents, and distinct cellular functions. The supernatant derived from the gut model vessel representing the distal colon, was most effective for all parameters, probably on account of higher butyrate-concentrations. Biological effects of insulin upon colon cells may be mediated not only by growth stimulation of the lactic acid-producing bacteria and/or production of butyrate, but also by other bacteria and products of the gut lumen. These newly reported properties of the supernatants to inhibit growth and metastases in colon tumour cells are important mechanisms of tumour suppression.


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Resistant starch type 2 (RS2) and type 3 (RS3) containing preparations were digested using a batch (a) and a dynamic in vitro model (b). Furthermore, in vivo obtained indigestible fractions from ileostomy patients were used (c). Subsequently these samples were fermented with human feces with a batch and a dynamic in vitro method. The fermentation supernatants were used to treat CAC02 cells. Cytotoxicity, anti-genotoxicity against hydrogen peroxide (comet assay) and the effect on barrier function measured by trans-epithelial electrical resistance were determine. Dynamically fermented samples led to high cytotoxic activity, probably due to additional compounds added during in vitro fermentation. As a consequence only batch fermented samples were investigated further. Batch fermentation of RS resulted in an anti-genotoxic activity ranging from 9-30% decrease in DNA damage for all the samples, except for RS2-b. It is assumed that the changes in RS2 structures due to dynamic digestion resulted in a different fermentation profile not leading to any anti-genotoxic effect. Additionally, in vitro batch fermentation of RS caused an improvement in integrity across the intestinal barrier by approximately 22% for all the samples. We have demonstrated that batch in vitro fermentation of RS2 and RS3 preparations differently pre-digested are capable of inhibiting the initiation and promotion stage in colon carcinogenesis in vitro.


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Dietary antioxidants can affect cellular processes relevant to chronic inflammatory diseases such as atherosclerosis. We have used non- standard techniques to quantify effects of the antioxidant soy isoflavones genistein and daidzein on translocation of Nuclear Factor-KB (NF-KB) and nitric oxide (NO) production, which are important in these diseases. Translocation was quantified using confocal immunofluoresecence microscopy and ratiometric image analysis. NO was quantified by an electrochemical method after reduction of its oxidation products in cell culture supernatants. Activation of the RAW 264.7 murine monocyte/macrophage cell line increased the ratio of nuclear to cytoplasmic immunostaining for NF-kB. The increase was exacerbated by pre-treatment with genistein or daidzein. To show that decreases could also be detected, pre-treatment with the pine bark extract Pycnogenol (R) r was examined, and found to reduce translocation. NO production was also increased by activation, but was reduced by pre-treatment with genistein or daidzein. In the EA. hy926 human endothelial cell line, constitutive production was detectable and was increased by thrombin. The confocal and electrochemical methods gave data that agreed with results obtained using the established electromobility shift and Griess assays, but were more sensitive, more convenient, gave more detailed information and avoided the use of radioisotopes.


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Avian intestinal spirochetosis (AIS) results from the colonization of the ceca and colorectum of poultry by pathogenic Brachyspira species. The number of cases of AIS has increased since the 2006 European Union ban on the use of antibiotic growth promoters, which, together with emerging antimicrobial resistance in Brachyspira, has driven renewed interest in alternative intervention strategies. Probiotics have been reported as protecting livestock against infection with common enteric pathogens, and here we investigate which aspects of the biology of Brachyspira they antagonize in order to identify possible interventions against AIS. The cell-free supernatants (CFS) of two Lactobacillus strains, Lactobacillus reuteri LM1 and Lactobacillus salivarius LM2, suppressed the growth of Brachyspira pilosicoli B2904 in a pH-dependent manner. In in vitro adherence and invasion assays with HT29-16E three-dimensional (3D) cells and in a novel avian cecal in vitro organ culture (IVOC) model, the adherence and invasion of B. pilosicoli in epithelial cells were reduced significantly by the presence of lactobacilli (P < 0.001). In addition, live and heat-inactivated lactobacilli inhibited the motility of B. pilosicoli, and electron microscopic observations indicated that contact between the lactobacilli and Brachyspira was crucial in inhibiting both adherence and motility. These data suggest that motility is essential for B. pilosicoli to adhere to and invade the gut epithelium and that any interference of motility may be a useful tool for the development of control strategies.


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Haem in red meat (RM) stimulates the endogenous production of mutagenic nitroso compounds (NOC). Processed (nitrite-preserved red) meat additionally contains high concentrations of preformed NOC. In two studies, of a fresh RM versus a vegetarian (VEG) diet (six males and six females) and of a nitrite-preserved red meat (PM) versus a VEG diet (5 males and 11 females), we investigated whether processing of meat might increase colorectal cancer risk by stimulating nitrosation and DNA damage. Meat diets contained 420 g (males) or 366 g (females) meat/per day. Faecal homogenates from day 10 onwards were analysed for haem and NOC and asso- ciated supernatants for genotoxicity. Means are adjusted for differ- ences in male to female ratios between studies. Faecal NOC concentrations on VEG diets were low (2.6 and 3.5 mmol/g) but significantly higher on meat diets (PM 175 ± 19 nmol/g versus RM 185 ± 22 nmol/g; P 5 0.75). The RM diet resulted in a larger pro- portion of nitrosyl iron (RM 78% versus PM 54%; P < 0.0001) and less nitrosothiols (RM 12% versus PM 19%; P < 0.01) and other NOC (RM 10% versus PM 27%; P < 0.0001). There was no statis- tically significant difference in DNA breaks induced by faecal water (FW) following PM and RM diets (P 5 0.80). However, PM re- sulted in higher levels of oxidized pyrimidines (P < 0.05). Surpris- ingly, VEG diets resulted in significantly more FW-induced DNA strand breaks than the meat diets (P < 0.05), which needs to be clarified in further studies. Meats cured with nitrite have the same effect as fresh RM on endogenous nitrosation but show increased FW-induced oxidative DNA damage.


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Six strains of lactic acid producing bacteria (LAB) were incubated (1 x 10(8)cfu/ml) with genotoxic faecal water from a human subject. HT29 human adenocarcinoma cells were then challenged with the resultant samples and DNA damage measured using the single cell gel electrophoresis (comet) assay. The LAB strains investigated were Bifidobacterium sp. 420, Bifidobacterium Bb12, Lactobacillus plantarum, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Enterococcus faecium. DNA damage was significantly decreased by all bacteria used with the exception of Strep. thermophilus. Bif. Bb12 and Lact. plantarum showed the greatest protective effect against DNA damage. Incubation of faecal water with different concentrations of Bif. Bb12 and Lact. plantarum revealed that the decrease in genotoxicity was related to cell density. Non-viable (heat treated) probiotic cells had no effect on faecal water genotoxicity. In a second study, HT29 cells were cultured in the presence of supernatants of incubations of probiotics with various carbohydrates including known prebiotics; the HT29 cells were then exposed to faecal water. Overall, incubations involving Lact. plantarum with the fructooligosaccharide (FOS)-based prebiotics Inulin, Raftiline, Raftilose and Actilight were the most effective in increasing the cellular resistance to faecal water genotoxicity, whereas fermentations with Elixor (a galactooligosaccharide) and Fibersol (a maltodextrin) were less effective. Substantial reductions in faecal water-induced DNA damage were also seen with supernatants from incubation of prebiotics with Bif. Bb12. The supernatant of fermentations involving Ent. faecium and Bif. sp. 420 generally had less potent effects on genotoxicity although some reductions with Raftiline and Elixor fermentations were apparent.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the antimicrobial properties of fifteen selected strains belonging to the Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Lactococcus, Streptococcus and Bacillus genera against Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogenic bacteria. In vitro antibacterial activity was initially investigated by an agar spot method. Results from the agar spot test showed that most of the selected strains were able to produce active compounds on solid media with antagonistic properties against Salmonella Typhimurium, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium difficile. These results were also confirmed when cell-free culture supernatants (CFCS) from the putative probiotics were used in an agar well diffusion assay. Neutralization of the culture supernatants with alkali reduced the antagonistic effects. These experiments are able to confirm the capacity of potential probiotics to inhibit selected pathogens. One of the main inhibitory mechanisms may result from the production of organic acids from glucose fermentation and consequent lowering of culture pH. This observation was confirmed when the profile of organic acids was analysed demonstrating that lactic and acetic acid were the principal end products of probiotic metabolism. Furthermore, the assessment of the haemolytic activity and the susceptibility of the strains to the most commonly used antimicrobials, considered as basic safety aspects, were also studied. The observed antimicrobial activity was mainly genus-specific, additionally significant differences could be observed among species.


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The protein antigen MPB70 is a major component of culture supernatants of Mycobacterium bovis and Is an active ingredient of bovine PPD used for skin-testing cattle for tuberculosis. we have shown that Mycobacterium kansasii possesses a similar gene that cross-reacts in a PCR test for M. bovis. Single strand conformational polymorphism analysis, and the DNA sequence of the PCR product, shows differences between M. kansasii strains, supporting the suggestion that M. kansasii is not a homogeneous species.


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Mediators involved in the generation of symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are poorly understood. Here we show that colonic biopsy samples from IBS patients release increased levels of proteolytic activity (arginine cleavage) compared to asymptomatic controls. This was dependent on the activation of NF-kappaB. In addition, increased proteolytic activity was measured in vivo, in colonic washes from IBS compared with control patients. Trypsin and tryptase expression and release were increased in colonic biopsies from IBS patients compared with control subjects. Biopsies from IBS patients (but not controls) released mediators that sensitized murine sensory neurons in culture. Sensitization was prevented by a serine protease inhibitor and was absent in neurons lacking functional protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR2). Supernatants from colonic biopsies of IBS patients, but not controls, also caused somatic and visceral hyperalgesia and allodynia in mice, when administered into the colon. These pronociceptive effects were inhibited by serine protease inhibitors and a PAR2 antagonist and were absent in PAR2-deficient mice. Our study establishes that proteases are released in IBS and that they can directly stimulate sensory neurons and generate hypersensitivity symptoms through the activation of PAR2.


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BACKGROUND: Fibroblast growth factor 9 (FGF9) is secreted from bone marrow cells, which have been shown to improve systolic function after myocardial infarction (MI) in a clinical trial. FGF9 promotes cardiac vascularization during embryonic development but is only weakly expressed in the adult heart. METHODS AND RESULTS: We used a tetracycline-responsive binary transgene system based on the α-myosin heavy chain promoter to test whether conditional expression of FGF9 in the adult myocardium supports adaptation after MI. In sham-operated mice, transgenic FGF9 stimulated left ventricular hypertrophy with microvessel expansion and preserved systolic and diastolic function. After coronary artery ligation, transgenic FGF9 enhanced hypertrophy of the noninfarcted left ventricular myocardium with increased microvessel density, reduced interstitial fibrosis, attenuated fetal gene expression, and improved systolic function. Heart failure mortality after MI was markedly reduced by transgenic FGF9, whereas rupture rates were not affected. Adenoviral FGF9 gene transfer after MI similarly promoted left ventricular hypertrophy with improved systolic function and reduced heart failure mortality. Mechanistically, FGF9 stimulated proliferation and network formation of endothelial cells but induced no direct hypertrophic effects in neonatal or adult rat cardiomyocytes in vitro. FGF9-stimulated endothelial cell supernatants, however, induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy via paracrine release of bone morphogenetic protein 6. In accord with this observation, expression of bone morphogenetic protein 6 and phosphorylation of its downstream targets SMAD1/5 were increased in the myocardium of FGF9 transgenic mice. CONCLUSIONS: Conditional expression of FGF9 promotes myocardial vascularization and hypertrophy with enhanced systolic function and reduced heart failure mortality after MI. These observations suggest a previously unrecognized therapeutic potential for FGF9 after MI.


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PURPOSE: Multi-species probiotic preparations have been suggested as having a wide spectrum of application, although few studies have compared their efficacy with that of individual component strains at equal concentrations. We therefore tested the ability of 4 single probiotics and 4 probiotic mixtures to inhibit the urinary tract pathogens Escherichia coli NCTC 9001 and Enterococcus faecalis NCTC 00775. METHODS: We used an agar spot test to test the ability of viable cells to inhibit pathogens, while a broth inhibition assay was used to assess inhibition by cell-free probiotic supernatants in both pH-neutralised and non-neutralised forms. RESULTS: In the agar spot test, all probiotic treatments showed inhibition, L. acidophilus was the most inhibitory single strain against E. faecalis, L. fermentum the most inhibitory against E. coli. A commercially available mixture of 14 strains (Bio-Kult(®)) was the most effective mixture, against E. faecalis, the 3-lactobacillus mixture the most inhibitory against E. coli. Mixtures were not significantly more inhibitory than single strains. In the broth inhibition assays, all probiotic supernatants inhibited both pathogens when pH was not controlled, with only 2 treatments causing inhibition at a neutral pH. CONCLUSIONS: Both viable cells of probiotics and supernatants of probiotic cultures were able to inhibit growth of two urinary tract pathogens. Probiotic mixtures prevented the growth of urinary tract pathogens but were not significantly more inhibitory than single strains. Probiotics appear to produce metabolites that are inhibitory towards urinary tract pathogens. Probiotics display potential to reduce the incidence of urinary tract infections via inhibition of colonisation.