em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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The structural and reactive properties of the acetyl-protected "one-legged" manganese porphyrin [SAc]P-Mn(III)Cl on Ag(100) have been studied by NEXAFS, synchrotron XPS and STM Spontaneous surface-mediated deprotection occurs at 300 K accompanied by spreading of the resulting thio-tethered porphyrin across the metal surface Loss of the axial chlorine ligand occurs at 498 K, without any demetalation of the macrocycle, leaving the Mn center in a low co-ordination state At low coverages the macrocycle is markedly tilted toward the silver surface, as is the phenyl group that forms part of the tethering "leg". In the monolayer region a striking transition occurs whereby the molecule rolls over, preserving the tilt angle of the phenyl group, strongly increasing that of the macrocycle, decreasing the apparent height of the molecule and decreasing its footprint, thus enabling closer packing These findings are in marked contrast with those previously reported for the corresponding more rigidly bound four-legged porphyrin [Turner, M., Vaughan, O. P. H., Kyriakou, G., Watson, D. J., Scherer, L. J; Davidson, G J. E, Sanders, J. K. M.; Lambert, R. M J. Am. Chem Soc 2009, 131, 1910] suggesting that the physicochemical :)properties and potential applications of these versatile systems should be strongly dependent on the mode of tethering to the surface.


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The adsorption and subsequent thermal chemistry of the acetyl-protected manganese porphyrin, [SA(C)](4)P-Mn(III)Cl on Ag(100) have been studied by high resolution XPS and temperature-programmed desorption. The deprotection event, leading to formation of the covalently bound thioporphyrin, has been characterized and the conditions necessary for removal of the axial chlorine ligand have been determined, thus establishing a methodology for creating tethered activated species that could serve as catalytic sites for delicate oxidation reactions. Surface-mediated acetyl deprotection occurs at 298 K, at which temperature porphyrin diffusion is limited. At temperatures above similar to 425 K porphyrin desorption, diffusion and deprotection occur and at >470 K the axial chlorine is removed.


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Accumulating data suggest that diets rich in flavanols and procyanidins are beneficial for human health. In this context, there has been a great interest in elucidating the systemic levels and metabolic profiles at which these compounds occur in humans. While recent progress has been made, there still exist considerable differences and various disagreements with regard to the mammalian metabolites of these compounds, which in turn is largely a consequence of the lack of availability of authentic standards that would allow for the directed development and validation of expedient analytical methodologies. In the present study, we developed a method for the analysis of structurally-related flavanol metabolites using a wide range of authentic standards. Applying this method in the context of a human dietary intervention study using comprehensively characterized and standardized flavanol- and procyanidin-containing cocoa, we were able to identify the structurally-related (−)-epicatechin metabolites (SREM) postprandially extant in the systemic circulation of humans. Our results demonstrate that (−)-epicatechin-3′-β-D-glucuronide, (−)-epicatechin-3′-sulfate, and a 3′-O-methyl(−)-epicatechin-5/7-sulfate are the predominant SREM in humans, and further confirm the relevance of the stereochemical configuration in the context of flavanol metabolism. In addition, we also identified plausible causes for the previously reported discrepancies regarding flavanol metabolism, consisting to a significant extent of inter-laboratory differences in sample preparation (enzymatic treatment and sample conditioning for HPLC analysis) and detection systems. Thus, these findings may also aid in the establishment of consensus on this topic.


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Perceptual multimedia quality is of paramount importance to the continued take-up and proliferation of multimedia applications: users will not use and pay for applications if they are perceived to be of low quality. Whilst traditionally distributed multimedia quality has been characterised by Quality of Service (QoS) parameters, these neglect the user perspective of the issue of quality. In order to redress this shortcoming, we characterise the user multimedia perspective using the Quality of Perception (QoP) metric, which encompasses not only a user’s satisfaction with the quality of a multimedia presentation, but also his/her ability to analyse, synthesise and assimilate informational content of multimedia. In recognition of the fact that monitoring eye movements offers insights into visual perception, as well as the associated attention mechanisms and cognitive processes, this paper reports on the results of a study investigating the impact of differing multimedia presentation frame rates on user QoP and eye path data. Our results show that provision of higher frame rates, usually assumed to provide better multimedia presentation quality, do not significantly impact upon the median coordinate value of eye path data. Moreover, higher frame rates do not significantly increase level of participant information assimilation, although they do significantly improve overall user enjoyment and quality perception of the multimedia content being shown.


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It is well established that the glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) system is central to the survival of Listeria monocytogenes at low pH, both in acidic foods and within the mammalian stomach. The accepted model proposes that under acidic conditions extracellular glutamate is transported into the cell in exchange for an intracellular gamma-aminobutyrate (GABA(i)). The glutamate is then decarboxylated to GABA(i), a reaction that consumes a proton, thereby helping to prevent acidification of the cytoplasm. In this study, we show that glutamate supplementation had no influence on either growth rate at pH 5.0 or survival at pH 2.5 when L. monocytogenes 10403S was grown in a chemically defined medium (DM). In response to acidification, cells grown in DM failed to efflux GABA, even when glutamate was added to the medium. In contrast, in brain heart infusion (BHI), the same strain produced significant extracellular GABA (GABA(e)) in response to acidification. In addition, high levels of GABA(i) (>80 mM) were found in the cytoplasm in response to low pH in both growth media. Medium-swap and medium-mixing experiments revealed that the GABA efflux apparatus was nonfunctional in DM, even when glutamate was present. It was also found that the GadT2D2 antiporter/decarboxylase system was transcribed poorly in DM-grown cultures while overexpression of gadD1T1 and gadD3 occurred in response to pH 3.5. Interestingly, BHI-grown cells did not respond with upregulation of any of the GAD system genes when challenged at pH 3.5. The accumulation of GABA(i) in cells grown in DM in the absence of extracellular glutamate indicates that intracellular glutamate is the source of the GABA(i). These results demonstrate that GABA production can be uncoupled from GABA efflux, a finding that alters the way we should view the operation of bacterial GAD systems.