6 resultados para SPECIES RECOGNITION

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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Pseudovivipary is an environmentally induced flowering abnormality in which vegetative shoots replace seminiferous (sexual) inflorescences. Pseudovivipary is usually retained in transplantation experiments, indicating that the trait is not solely induced by the growing environment. Pseudovivipary is the defining characteristic of Festuca vivipara, and arguably the only feature separating this species from its closest seminiferous relative, Festuca ovina. We performed phylogenetic and population genetic analysis on sympatric F. ovina and F. vivipara samples to establish whether pseudovivipary is an adaptive trait that accurately defines the separation of genetically distinct Festuca species. Chloroplast and nuclear marker-based analyses revealed that variation at a geographical level can exceed that between F. vivipara and F. ovina. We deduced that F. vivipara is a recent species that frequently arises independently within F. ovina populations and has not accumulated significant genetic differentiation from its progenitor. We inferred local gene flow between the species. We identified one amplified fragment length polymorphism marker that may be linked to a pseudovivipary-related region of the genome, and several other markers provide evidence of regional local adaptation in Festuca populations. We conclude that F. vivipara can only be appropriately recognized as a morphologically and ecologically distinct species; it lacks genetic differentiation from its relatives. This is the first report of a ‘failure in normal flowering development’ that repeatedly appears to be adaptive, such that the trait responsible for species recognition constantly reappears on a local basis.


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In a study looking at the culturable, aerobic Actinobacteria associated with the human gastrointestinal tract, the vast majority of isolates obtained from dried human faeces belonged to the genus Bacillus and related bacteria. A total of 124 isolates were recovered from the faeces of 10 healthy adult donors. 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses showed the majority belonged to the families Bacillaceae (n = 81) and Paenibacillaceae (n = 3), with Bacillus species isolated from all donors. Isolates tentatively identified as Bacillus clausii (n = 32) and B. licheniformis (n = 28) were recovered most frequently, with the genera Lysinibacillus, Ureibacillus, Oceanobacillus, Ornithinibacillus and Virgibacillus represented in some donors. Phenotypic data confirmed the identities of isolates belonging to well-characterized species. Representatives of the phylum Actinobacteria were recovered in much lower numbers (n = 11). Many of the bacilli exhibited antimicrobial activity against one or more strains of Clostridium difficile, C. perfringens, Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus, with some (n = 12) found to have no detectable cytopathic effect on HEp-2 cells. This study has revealed greater diversity within gut-associated aerobic spore-formers than previous studies, and suggests that bacilli with potential as probiotics could be isolated from the human gut.


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This study investigated the ability of neonatal larvae of the root-feeding weevil, Sitona lepidus Gyllenhal, to locate white clover Trifolium repens L. (Fabaceae) roots growing in soil and to distinguish them from the roots of other species of clover and a co-occurring grass species. Choice experiments used a combination of invasive techniques and the novel technique of high resolution X-ray microtomography to non-invasively track larval movement in the soil towards plant roots. Burrowing distances towards roots of different plant species were also examined. Newly hatched S. lepidus recognized T. repens roots and moved preferentially towards them when given a choice of roots of subterranean clover, Trifolium subterraneum L. (Fabaceae), strawberry clover Trifolium fragiferum L. (Fabaceae), or perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne L. (Poaceae). Larvae recognized T. repens roots, whether released in groups of five or singly, when released 25 mm (meso-scale recognition) or 60 mm (macro-scale recognition) away from plant roots. There was no statistically significant difference in movement rates of larvae.


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Background and Aims Highly variable, yet possibly convergent, morphology and lack of sequence variation have severely hindered production of a robust phylogenetic framework for the genus Ophrys. The aim of this study is to produce this framework as a basis for more rigorous species delimitation and conservation recommendations. Methods Nuclear and plastid DNA sequencing and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) were performed on 85 accessions of Ophrys, spanning the full range of species aggregates currently recognized. Data were analysed using a combination of parsimony and Bayesian tree-building techniques and by principal coordinates analysis. Key Results Complementary phylogenetic analyses and ordinations using nuclear, plastid and AFLP datasets identify ten genetically distinct groups (six robust) within the genus that may in turn be grouped into three sections (treated as subgenera by some authors). Additionally, genetic evidence is provided for a close relationship between the O. tenthredinifera, O. bombyliflora and O. speculum groups. The combination of these analytical techniques provides new insights into Ophrys systematics, notably recognition of the novel O. umbilicata group. Conclusions Heterogeneous copies of the nuclear ITS region show that some putative Ophrys species arose through hybridization rather than divergent speciation. The supposedly highly specific pseudocopulatory pollination syndrome of Ophrys is demonstrably 'leaky', suggesting that the genus has been substantially over-divided at the species level.


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The synthesis of a range of ditopic polyferrocenyl zinc(II) dithiocarbamate macrocyclic receptors containing ferrocene groups on the macrocycle's periphery and/or as part of the cyclic cavity is reported. The assemblies have been characterised by a range of spectroscopic techniques, electrochemical studies and in two cases by X-ray structure determination. The ability of these host systems to bind and sense electrochemically anionic guest species, isonicotinate and benzoate, and neutral 4-picoline guest was examined by H-1 NMR and cyclic voltammetric titration studies. The strongest association was found between the isonicotinate anion and a dinuclear zinc(II) receptor whose macrocyclic cavity is of complementary size to complex this bidentate guest species in a cooperative manner. Cyclic voltammetric studies demonstrated that all receptors can electrochemically sense the binding of isonicotinate and benzoate via significant cathodic perturbations of the respective ferrocene redox couple.


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We study the complex formation of a peptide betaAbetaAKLVFF, previously developed by our group, with Abeta(1–42) in aqueous solution. Circular dichroism spectroscopy is used to probe the interactions between betaAbetaAKLVFF and Abeta(1–42), and to study the secondary structure of the species in solution. Thioflavin T fluorescence spectroscopy shows that the population of fibers is higher in betaAbetaAKLVFF/Abeta(1–42) mixtures compared to pure Abeta(1–42) solutions. TEM and cryo-TEM demonstrate that co-incubation of betaAbetaAKLVFF with Abeta(1–42) causes the formation of extended dense networks of branched fibrils, very different from the straight fibrils observed for Abeta(1–42) alone. Neurotoxicity assays show that although betaAbetaAKLVFF alters the fibrillization of Abeta(1–42), it does not decrease the neurotoxicity, which suggests that toxic oligomeric Abeta(1–42) species are still present in the betaAbetaAKLVFF/Abeta(1–42) mixtures. Our results show that our designed peptide binds to Abeta(1–42) and changes the amyloid fibril morphology. This is shown to not necessarily translate into reduced toxicity.