9 resultados para Ribosomal DNA

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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Land plants have had the reputation of being problematic for DNA barcoding for two general reasons: (i) the standard DNA regions used in algae, animals and fungi have exceedingly low levels of variability and (ii) the typically used land plant plastid phylogenetic markers (e.g. rbcL, trnL-F, etc.) appear to have too little variation. However, no one has assessed how well current phylogenetic resources might work in the context of identification (versus phylogeny reconstruction). In this paper, we make such an assessment, particularly with two of the markers commonly sequenced in land plant phylogenetic studies, plastid rbcL and internal transcribed spacers of the large subunits of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS), and find that both of these DNA regions perform well even though the data currently available in GenBank/EBI were not produced to be used as barcodes and BLAST searches are not an ideal tool for this purpose. These results bode well for the use of even more variable regions of plastid DNA (such as, for example, psbA-trnH) as barcodes, once they have been widely sequenced. In the short term, efforts to bring land plant barcoding up to the standards being used now in other organisms should make swift progress. There are two categories of DNA barcode users, scientists in fields other than taxonomy and taxonomists. For the former, the use of mitochondrial and plastid DNA, the two most easily assessed genomes, is at least in the short term a useful tool that permits them to get on with their studies, which depend on knowing roughly which species or species groups they are dealing with, but these same DNA regions have important drawbacks for use in taxonomic studies (i.e. studies designed to elucidate species limits). For these purposes, DNA markers from uniparentally (usually maternally) inherited genomes can only provide half of the story required to improve taxonomic standards being used in DNA barcoding. In the long term, we will need to develop more sophisticated barcoding tools, which would be multiple, low-copy nuclear markers with sufficient genetic variability and PCR-reliability; these would permit the detection of hybrids and permit researchers to identify the 'genetic gaps' that are useful in assessing species limits.


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The availability of crop specimens archived in herbaria and old seed collections represent valuable resources for the analysis of plant genetic diversity and crop domestication. The ability to extract ancient DNA (aDNA) from such samples has recently allowed molecular genetic investigations to be undertaken in ancient materials. While analyses of aDNA initially focused on the use of markers which occur in multiple copies such as the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) within ribosomal DNA and those requiring amplification of short DNA regions of variable length such as simple sequence repeats (SSRs), emphasis is now moving towards the genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), traditionally undertaken in aDNA by Sanger sequencing. Here, using a panel of barley aDNA samples previously surveyed by Sanger sequencing for putative causative SNPs within the flowering-time gene PPD-H1, we assess the utility of the Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR (KASP) genotyping platform for aDNA analysis. We find KASP to out-perform Sanger sequencing in the genotyping of aDNA samples (78% versus 61% success, respectively), as well as being robust to contamination. The small template size (≥46 bp) and one-step, closed-tube amplification/genotyping process make this platform ideally suited to the genotypic analysis of aDNA, a process which is often hampered by template DNA degradation and sample cross-contamination. Such attributes, as well as its flexibility of use and relatively low cost, make KASP particularly relevant to the genetic analysis of aDNA samples. Furthermore, KASP provides a common platform for the genotyping and analysis of corresponding SNPs in ancient, landrace and modern plant materials. The extended haplotype analysis of PPD-H1 undertaken here (allelic variation at which is thought to be important for the spread of domestication and local adaptation) provides further resolution to the previously identified geographic cline of flowering-time allele distribution, illustrating how KASP can be used to aid genetic analyses of aDNA from plant species. We further demonstrate the utility of KASP by genotyping ten additional genetic markers diagnostic for morphological traits in barley, shedding light on the phenotypic traits, alleles and allele combinations present in these unviable ancient specimens, as well as their geographic distributions.


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An extensive study was conducted to determine where in the production chain Rhizoctonia solani became associated with UK module-raised Brassica oleracea plants. In total, 2600 plants from 52 crops were sampled directly from propagators and repeat sampled from the field. Additional soil, compost and water samples were collected from propagation nurseries and screened using conventional agar isolation methods. No isolates of R. solani were recovered from any samples collected from propagation nurseries. Furthermore, nucleic acid preparations from samples of soil and compost from propagation nurseries gave negative results when tested for R. solani using real-time PCR. Conversely, R. solani was recovered from 116 of 1300 stem bases collected from field crops. All the data collected suggested R. solani became associated with B. oleracea in the field rather than during propagation. Parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic studies of ribosomal DNA suggested the majority of further classified isolates belonged to anastomosis groups 2-1 (48/57) and AG-4HGII (8/57), groups known to be pathogenic on Brassica spp. in other countries. Many R. solani isolates were recovered from symptomless plant material and the possibilities for such an association are discussed.


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Buddenbrockia pluinatellae is an active, muscular, worm-shaped parasite of freshwater bryozoans. This rare and enigmatic animal has been assigned to the Myxozoa on the basis of 18S ribosomal DNA sequences and the presence of malacosporean spores. Here we report cloning of four homologous protein-coding genes from Buddenbrockia worms, the putatively conspecific sac-shaped parasite originally described as Tetracapsula bryozoides and the related sac-shaped parasite Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, the causative agent of proliferative kidney disease in salmonid fish. Analyses are consistent with the hypothesis that Buddenbrockia is indeed a malacosporean myxozoan, but do not provide support for conspecificity with either T. bryozoides or T. bryosalmonae. Implications for the evolution of worm-like body plans in the Myxozoa are discussed.


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Micromorphological characters of the fruiting bodies, such as ascus-type and hymenial amyloidity, and secondary chemistry have been widely employed as key characters in Ascomycota classification. However, the evolution of these characters has yet not been studied using molecular phylogenies. We have used a combined Bayesian and maximum likelihood based approach to trace character evolution on a tree inferred from a combined analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial ribosomal DNA sequences. The maximum likelihood aspect overcomes simplifications inherent in maximum parsimony methods, whereas the Markov chain Monte Carlo aspect renders results independent of any particular phylogenetic tree. The results indicate that the evolution of the two chemical characters is quite different, being stable once developed for the medullary lecanoric acid, whereas the cortical chlorinated xanthones appear to have been lost several times. The current ascus-types and the amyloidity of the hymenial gel in Pertusariaceae appear to have been developed within the family. The basal ascus-type of pertusarialean fungi remains unknown. (c) 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 89, 615-626.


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Identification of Fusarium species has always been difficult due to confusing phenotypic classification systems. We have developed a fluorescent-based polymerase chain reaction assay that allows for rapid and reliable identification of five toxigenic and pathogenic Fusarium species. The species includes Fusarium avenaceum, F. culmorum, F. equiseti, F. oxysporum and F. sambucinum. The method is based on the PCR amplification of species-specific DNA fragments using fluorescent oligonucleotide primers, which were designed based on sequence divergence within the internal transcribed spacer region of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Besides providing an accurate, reliable, and quick diagnosis of these Fusaria, another advantage with this method is that it reduces the potential for exposure to carcinogenic chemicals as it substitutes the use of fluorescent dyes in place of ethidium, bromide. Apart from its multidisciplinary importance and usefulness, it also obviates the need for gel electrophoresis. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Microbiological Societies.


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Intestinal microbial community is involved in the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease, but knowledge of its potential abnormalities has been limited by the impossibility to grow many dominant intestinal bacteria. Using sequence analysis of randomly cloned bacterial 16S ribosomal DNA, the dominant faecal species from four Crolin's disease patients and four controls were compared. Whereas marked inter-individual differences were observed in the faecal microflora of patients, three remained distantly related to controls on the basis of their operational taxonomic unit composition. Bacteroides vidgatus and closely related organisms represented the only molecular species shared by all patients and exhibited an unusually high rate of occurrence. Escherichia coli clones were isolated only in two patients with ileocolonic Crohn's disease. Moreover, numerous clones belonged to phylogenetic groups or species that are commonly not dominant in the faecal microflora of healthy subjects: Pectinatus, Sutterella, Verritcomicrobium, Fusobacterium, Clostridium disporicum, clostridium glycolicum, Clostridium ramosum, Clostridium innocuum and Clostridium perfringens. (C) 2004 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fifteen strains of an anaerobic, catalase-negative, gram-positive diphtheroid-shaped bacterium recovered from human sources were characterized by phenotypic and molecular chemical and molecular genetic methods. The unidentified bacterium showed some resemblance to Actinomyces species and related taxa, but biochemical testing, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of whole-cell proteins, and amplified 16S ribosomal DNA restriction analysis indicated the strains were distinct from all currently named Actinomyces species and related taxa. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies showed that the bacterium represents a hitherto-unknown phylogenetic line that is related to but distinct from Actinomyces, Actinobaculum, Arcanobacterium, and Mobiluncus. We propose, on the basis of phenotypic and phylogenetic evidence, that the unknown bacterium from human clinical specimens should be classified as a new genus and species, Varibaculum cambriensis gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain of Varibaculum cambriensis sp. nov. is CCUG 44998(T) = CIP 107344(T).


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The DNA barcode potential of three regions (the nuclear ribosomal ITS and the plastid psbA-trnH and trnT-trnL intergenic spacers) was investigated for the plant genus Aspalathus L. (Fabaceac: Crotalarieae). Aspalathus is a large genus (278 species) that revealed low levels of DNA variation in phylogenetic studies. In a 51-species dataset for the psbA-trnH and ITS regions, 45%, and 16% of sequences respectively were identical to the sequence of at least one other species, with two species undiscriminated even when the two regions were combined. In contrast, trnT-trnL, discriminated between all species in this dataset. In a larger ITS and trnT-trnL dataset. including a further 82 species. 7 species in five pairwise comparisons remained Undiscriminated when the two regions were combined. Four of the five pairs of species not discriminated by sequence data were readily distinguished using a combination of qualitative and quantitative morphological data. The difficulty of barcoding in this group is increased by the presence of intraspecific variation in all three regions studied. In the case of psbA-trnH, three intraspecific samples had a sequence identical to at least one other species. Overall, psbA-trnH. currently a candidate for plant barcoding, was the least discriminatory region in our study.