118 resultados para Remediation efficiency

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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The aim of this study was to test the impact of compost and Biochar, with or without earthworms, on the mobility and availability of metals, and on the growth of grass to re-vegetate contaminated soil from the Parys Mountain mining site, Anglesey. We also determined if the addition of earthworms compromises remediation efforts. In a laboratory experiment, contaminated soil (1343 mg Cu kg−1, 2511 mg Pb kg−1 and 262 mg Zn kg−1) was remediated with compost and/or Biochar. After 77 days Lumbricus terrestris L. earthworms were added to the treatment remediated with both compost and Biochar, and left for 28 days. L. terrestris was not able to survive in the Biochar, compost or unamended treatments. A germination and growth bioassay, using Agrostis capillaris (Common Bent) was then run on all treatments for 28 days. The combination of Biochar and compost decreased water soluble Cu (from 5.6 to 0.2 mg kg−1), Pb (0.17 to less than 0.007 mg kg−1) and Zn (3.3 to 0.05 mg kg−1) in the contaminated soil and increased the pH from 2.7 to 6.6. The addition of L. terrestris to this treatment had no effect on the concentration of the water soluble metals in the remediated soil. The compost was the only treatment that resulted in germination and growth of A. capillaris suitable for re-vegetation purposes. However, the combination of compost, Biochar (with or without L. terrestris) produced the lowest concentrations of Cu (8 mg kg−1) and Zn (36 mg kg−1) in the aboveground biomass, lower than the compost treatment (15 mgCu kg−1 and 126 mgZn kg−1). The addition of Biochar and compost both separately and as co-amendments was effective in reducing the mobility and availability of metals. The addition of L. terrestris did not re-mobilise previously sequestered metals.


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There exist two central measures of turbulent mixing in turbulent stratified fluids that are both caused by molecular diffusion: 1) the dissipation rate D(APE) of available potential energy APE; 2) the turbulent rate of change Wr, turbulent of background gravitational potential energy GPEr. So far, these two quantities have often been regarded as the same energy conversion, namely the irreversible conversion of APE into GPEr, owing to the well known exact equality D(APE)=Wr, turbulent for a Boussinesq fluid with a linear equation of state. Recently, however, Tailleux (2009) pointed out that the above equality no longer holds for a thermally-stratified compressible, with the ratio ξ=Wr, turbulent/D(APE) being generally lower than unity and sometimes even negative for water or seawater, and argued that D(APE) and Wr, turbulent actually represent two distinct types of energy conversion, respectively the dissipation of APE into one particular subcomponent of internal energy called the "dead" internal energy IE0, and the conversion between GPEr and a different subcomponent of internal energy called "exergy" IEexergy. In this paper, the behaviour of the ratio ξ is examined for different stratifications having all the same buoyancy frequency N vertical profile, but different vertical profiles of the parameter Υ=α P/(ρCp), where α is the thermal expansion coefficient, P the hydrostatic pressure, ρ the density, and Cp the specific heat capacity at constant pressure, the equation of state being that for seawater for different particular constant values of salinity. It is found that ξ and Wr, turbulent depend critically on the sign and magnitude of dΥ/dz, in contrast with D(APE), which appears largely unaffected by the latter. These results have important consequences for how the mixing efficiency should be defined and measured in practice, which are discussed.


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The uptake of arsenic (As) by plants from contaminated soils presents a health hazard that may affect the use of agricultural and former industrial land. Methods for limiting the hazard are desirable. A proposed remediation treatment comprises the precipitation of iron (Fe) oxides in the contaminated soil by adding ferrous sulfate and lime. The effects on As bioavailability were assessed using a range of vegetable crops grown in the field. Four UK locations were used, where soil was contaminated by As from different sources. At the most contaminated site, a clay loam containing a mean of 748 mg As kg(-1) soil, beetroot, calabrese, cauliflower, lettuce, potato, radish and spinach were grown. For all crops except spinach, ferrous sulfate treatment caused a significant reduction in the bioavailability of As in some part of the crop. Application of ferrous sulfate in solution, providing 0.2% Fe oxides in the soil (0-10 cm), reduced As uptake by a mean of 22%. Solid ferrous sulfate was applied to give concentrations of 0.5% and 1% Fe oxides: the 0.5% concentration reduced As uptake by a mean of 32% and the 1% concentration gave no significant additional benefit. On a sandy loam containing 65 mg As kg(-1) soil, there was tentative evidence that ferrous sulfate treatment up to 2% Fe oxides caused a significant reduction in lettuce As, but calabrese did not respond. At the other two sites, the effects of ferrous sulfate treatment were not significant, but the uptake of soil As was low in treated and untreated soils. Differences between sites in the bioavailable fraction of soil As may be related to the soil texture or the source of As. The highest bioavailability was found on the soil which had been contaminated by aerial deposition and had a high sand content. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Shallow groundwater beneath a former airfield site in southern England has been heavily contaminated with a wide range of chlorinated solvents. The feasibility of using bacterial biosensors to complement chemical analysis and enable cost-effective, and focussed sampling has been assessed as part of a site evaluation programme. Five different biosensors, three metabolic (Vibrio fischeri, Pseudomonas fluorescens 10568 and Escherichia coli HB101) and two catabolic (Pseudomonas putida TVA8 and E. coli DH5alpha), were employed to identify areas where the availability and toxicity of pollutants is of most immediate environmental concern. The biosensors used showed different sensitivities to each other and to the groundwater samples tested. There was generally a good agreement with chemical analyses. The potential efficacy of remediation strategies was explored by coupling sample manipulation to biosensor tests. Manipulation involved sparging and charcoal treatment procedures to simulate remediative engineering solutions. Sparging was sufficient at most locations. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lime treatment of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils offers the potential to stabilize and solidify these materials, with a consequent reduction in the risks associated with the leachate emanating from them. This can aid the disposal of contaminated soils or enable their on-site treatment. In this study, the addition of hydrated lime and quicklime significantly reduced the leaching of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) from soils polluted with a 50:50 petrol/diesel mixture. Treatment with quicklime was slightly more effective, but hydrated lime may be better in the field because of its ease of handling. It is proposed that this occurs as a consequence of pozzolanic reactions retaining the hydrocarbons within the soil matrix. There was some evidence that this may be a temporary effect, as leaching increased between seven and 21 days after treatment, but the TPH concentrations in the leachate of treated soils were still one order of magnitude below those of the control soil, offering significant protection to groundwater. The reduction in leaching following treatment was observed in both aliphatic and aromatic fractions, but the latter were more affected because of their higher solubilty. The results are discussed in the context of risk assessment, and recommendations for future research are made.


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The uptake of arsenic (As) by plants from contaminated soils presents a health hazard that may affect the use of agricultural and former industrial land. Methods for limiting the hazard are desirable. A proposed remediation treatment comprises the precipitation of iron (Fe) oxides in the contaminated soil by adding ferrous sulfate and lime. The effects on As bioavailability were assessed using a range of vegetable crops grown in the field. Four UK locations were used, where soil was contaminated by As from different sources. At the most contaminated site, a clay loam containing a mean of 748 mg As kg(-1) soil, beetroot, calabrese, cauliflower, lettuce, potato, radish and spinach were grown. For all crops except spinach, ferrous sulfate treatment caused a significant reduction in the bioavailability of As in some part of the crop. Application of ferrous sulfate in solution, providing 0.2% Fe oxides in the soil (0-10 cm), reduced As uptake by a mean of 22%. Solid ferrous sulfate was applied to give concentrations of 0.5% and 1% Fe oxides: the 0.5% concentration reduced As uptake by a mean of 32% and the 1% concentration gave no significant additional benefit. On a sandy loam containing 65 mg As kg(-1) soil, there was tentative evidence that ferrous sulfate treatment up to 2% Fe oxides caused a significant reduction in lettuce As, but calabrese did not respond. At the other two sites, the effects of ferrous sulfate treatment were not significant, but the uptake of soil As was low in treated and untreated soils. Differences between sites in the bioavailable fraction of soil As may be related to the soil texture or the source of As. The highest bioavailability was found on the soil which had been contaminated by aerial deposition and had a high sand content. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Polyethylenimine (PEI) is an efficient nonviral gene delivery vector because of its high buffering capacity and DNA condensation ability. In our study, the amino groups on the polymeric backbone were acylated using acetic or propionic anhydride to alter the protonation behaviour and the hydrophilic/hydrophobic balance of the polymer. The concentration of acylated primary amines was determined using trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid assay. Results showed that our modified polymers had lower buffering capacities in solutions compared to PEI. The polymers were complexed with plasmid encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein at three different ratios (1:1, 1:2 and 1:10 w/w DNA to polymer) to form polyplexes and their toxicities and transfection efficiencies were evaluated in HEK 293 cells. Acylation reduced the number of primary amines on the polymer and the surface charge, improving haemocompatibility and reducing cytotoxicity. The reduction in the concentration of amino groups helped to optimise DNA compaction and facilitated polyplex dissociation in the cell, which increased transfection efficiency of the modified polymers compared to the parent polymer. Polymers with buffering capacities greater than 50% and less than 80% relative to PEI, showed higher transfection efficiencies than PEI. The propionic anhydride modified polymers had appropriate interactions with DNA which provided both DNA compaction and polyplex dissociation. These systems interacted better with the cell membrane because of their slightly higher lipophilicity and formed polyplexes which were less cytotoxic than polyplexes of acetic anhydride modified polymers. Among the vectors tested, 1:0.3 mol/mol PEI:propionic anhydride in a 1:2 w/w DNA:polymer composition provided the best transfection system with improved transfection efficiency and reduced cytotoxicity.


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Field studies were carried out on the water and sediment dynamics in the tropical, macro-tidal, Daly Estuary. The estuary is shallow, very-turbid, about 100 km long, and the entrance is funnel-shape. In the wet, high flow season, normal tidal ranges can be suppressed in the estuary, depending on inflow rates, and freshwater becomes dominant up to the mouth. At that time a fraction of the fine sediment load is exported offshore as a bottom-tagging nepheloid layer after the sediment falls out of suspension of the thin, near-surface, river plume. The remaining fraction and the riverine coarse sediment form a large sediment bar 10 km long, up to 6 m in height and extending across the whole width of the channel near the mouth. This bar, as well as shoals in the estuary, partially pond the mid- to upper-estuary. This bar builds up from the deposition of riverine sediment during a wet season with high runoff and can raise mean water level by up to 2 m in the upper estuary in the low flow season. This ponding effect takes about three successive dry years to disappear by the sediment forming the bar being redistributed all over the estuary by tidal pumping of fine and coarse sediment in the dry season, which is the low flow season. The swift reversal of the tidal currents from ebb to flood results in macro-turbulence that lasts about 20 min. Bed load transport is preferentially landward and occurs only for water currents greater than 0.6 m s(-1). This high value of the threshold velocity suggests that the sand may be cemented by the mud. The Daly Estuary thus is a leaky sediment trap with an efficiency varying both seasonally and inter-annually. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A multiple factor parametrization is described to permit the efficient calculation of collision efficiency (E) between electrically charged aerosol particles and neutral cloud droplets in numerical models of cloud and climate. The four-parameter representation summarizes the results obtained from a detailed microphysical model of E, which accounts for the different forces acting on the aerosol in the path of falling cloud droplets. The parametrization's range of validity is for aerosol particle radii of 0.4 to 10 mu m, aerosol particle densities of I to 2.0 g cm(-3), aerosol particle charges from neutral to 100 elementary charges and drop radii from 18.55 to 142 mu m. The parametrization yields values of E well within an order of magnitude of the detailed model's values, from a dataset of 3978 E values. Of these values 95% have modelled to parametrized ratios between 0.5 and 1.5 for aerosol particle sizes ranging between 0.4 and 2.0 mu m, and about 96% in the second size range. This parametrization speeds up the calculation of E by a factor of similar to 10(3) compared with the original microphysical model, permitting the inclusion of electric charge effects in numerical cloud and climate models.


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Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) is an industrial gas used in the semiconductor industry as a plasma etchant and chamber cleaning gas. NF3 is an alternative to other potent greenhouse gases and its usage has increased markedly over the last decade. In recognition of its increased relevance and to aid planning of future usage we report an updated radiative efficiency and global warming potentials for NF3. Laboratory measurements give an integrated absorption cross section of 7.04 x 10(-17) cm(2) molecule(-1) cm(-1) over the spectral region 200 2000 cm(-1). The radiative efficiency is calculated to be 0.21 Wm(-2) ppbv(-1) and the 100 year GWP, relative to carbon dioxide, is 17200. These values are approximately 60% higher than previously published estimates, primarily reflecting the higher infrared absorption cross-sections reported here.


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An optimized protocol has been developed for the efficient and rapid genetic modification of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). A polyethylene glycol-mediated DNA transformation technique could be applied to protoplast populations enriched specifically for a single totipotent cell type derived from stomatal guard cells, to achieve high transformation frequencies. Bialaphos resistance, conferred by the pat gene, produced a highly efficient selection system. The majority of plants were obtained within 8 to 9 weeks and were appropriate for plant breeding purposes. All were resistant to glufosinate-ammonium-based herbicides. Detailed genomic characterization has verified transgene integration, and progeny analysis showed Mendelian inheritance.


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In this article we examine sources of technical efficiency for rice farming in Bangladesh. The motivation for the analysis is the need to close the rice yield gap to enable food security. We employ the DEA double bootstrap of Simar and Wilson (2007) to estimate and explain technical efficiency. This technique overcomes severe limitations inherent in using the two-stage DEA approach commonly employed in the efficiency literature. From a policy perspective our results show that potential efficiency gains to reduce the yield gap are greater than previously found. Statistically positive influences on technical efficiency are education, extension and credit, with age being a negative influence.


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1. Suction sampling is a popular method for the collection of quantitative data on grassland invertebrate populations, although there have been no detailed studies into the effectiveness of the method. 2. We investigate the effect of effort (duration and number of suction samples) and sward height on the efficiency of suction sampling of grassland beetle, true bug, planthopper and spider Populations. We also compare Suction sampling with an absolute sampling method based on the destructive removal of turfs. 3. Sampling for durations of 16 seconds was sufficient to collect 90% of all individuals and species of grassland beetles, with less time required for the true bugs, spiders and planthoppers. The number of samples required to collect 90% of the species was more variable, although in general 55 sub-samples was sufficient for all groups, except the true bugs. Increasing sward height had a negative effect on the capture efficiency of suction sampling. 4. The assemblage structure of beetles, planthoppers and spiders was independent of the sampling method (suction or absolute) used. 5. Synthesis and applications. In contrast to other sampling methods used in grassland habitats (e.g. sweep netting or pitfall trapping), suction sampling is an effective quantitative tool for the measurement of invertebrate diversity and assemblage structure providing sward height is included as a covariate. The effective sampling of beetles, true bugs, planthoppers and spiders altogether requires a minimum sampling effort of 110 sub-samples of duration of 16 seconds. Such sampling intensities can be adjusted depending on the taxa sampled, and we provide information to minimize sampling problems associated with this versatile technique. Suction sampling should remain an important component in the toolbox of experimental techniques used during both experimental and management sampling regimes within agroecosystems, grasslands or other low-lying vegetation types.