26 resultados para Real 3G networks
em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK
We explore the influence of the choice of attenuation factor on Katz centrality indices for evolving communication networks. For given snapshots of a network observed over a period of time, recently developed communicability indices aim to identify best broadcasters and listeners in the network. In this article, we looked into the sensitivity of communicability indices on the attenuation factor constraint, in relation to spectral radius (the largest eigenvalue) of the network at any point in time and its computation in the case of large networks. We proposed relaxed communicability measures where the spectral radius bound on attenuation factor is relaxed and the adjacency matrix is normalised in order to maintain the convergence of the measure. Using a vitality based measure of both standard and relaxed communicability indices we looked at the ways of establishing the most important individuals for broadcasting and receiving of messages related to community bridging roles. We illustrated our findings with two examples of real-life networks, MIT reality mining data set of daily communications between 106 individuals during one year and UK Twitter mentions network, direct messages on Twitter between 12.4k individuals during one week.
A new generation of advanced surveillance systems is being conceived as a collection of multi-sensor components such as video, audio and mobile robots interacting in a cooperating manner to enhance situation awareness capabilities to assist surveillance personnel. The prominent issues that these systems face are: the improvement of existing intelligent video surveillance systems, the inclusion of wireless networks, the use of low power sensors, the design architecture, the communication between different components, the fusion of data emerging from different type of sensors, the location of personnel (providers and consumers) and the scalability of the system. This paper focuses on the aspects pertaining to real-time distributed architecture and scalability. For example, to meet real-time requirements, these systems need to process data streams in concurrent environments, designed by taking into account scheduling and synchronisation. The paper proposes a framework for the design of visual surveillance systems based on components derived from the principles of Real Time Networks/Data Oriented Requirements Implementation Scheme (RTN/DORIS). It also proposes the implementation of these components using the well-known middleware technology Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). Results using this architecture for video surveillance are presented through an implemented prototype.
This paper assesses the impact of the location and configuration of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) on Low-Voltage (LV) feeders. BESS are now being deployed on LV networks by Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) as an alternative to conventional reinforcement (e.g. upgrading cables and transformers) in response to increased electricity demand from new technologies such as electric vehicles. By storing energy during periods of low demand and then releasing that energy at times of high demand, the peak demand of a given LV substation on the grid can be reduced therefore mitigating or at least delaying the need for replacement and upgrade. However, existing research into this application of BESS tends to evaluate the aggregated impact of such systems at the substation level and does not systematically consider the impact of the location and configuration of BESS on the voltage profiles, losses and utilisation within a given feeder. In this paper, four configurations of BESS are considered: single-phase, unlinked three-phase, linked three-phase without storage for phase-balancing only, and linked three-phase with storage. These four configurations are then assessed based on models of two real LV networks. In each case, the impact of the BESS is systematically evaluated at every node in the LV network using Matlab linked with OpenDSS. The location and configuration of a BESS is shown to be critical when seeking the best overall network impact or when considering specific impacts on voltage, losses, or utilisation separately. Furthermore, the paper also demonstrates that phase-balancing without energy storage can provide much of the gains on unbalanced networks compared to systems with energy storage.
The performance of various statistical models and commonly used financial indicators for forecasting securitised real estate returns are examined for five European countries: the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Italy. Within a VAR framework, it is demonstrated that the gilt-equity yield ratio is in most cases a better predictor of securitized returns than the term structure or the dividend yield. In particular, investors should consider in their real estate return models the predictability of the gilt-equity yield ratio in Belgium, the Netherlands and France, and the term structure of interest rates in France. Predictions obtained from the VAR and univariate time-series models are compared with the predictions of an artificial neural network model. It is found that, whilst no single model is universally superior across all series, accuracy measures and horizons considered, the neural network model is generally able to offer the most accurate predictions for 1-month horizons. For quarterly and half-yearly forecasts, the random walk with a drift is the most successful for the UK, Belgian and Dutch returns and the neural network for French and Italian returns. Although this study underscores market context and forecast horizon as parameters relevant to the choice of the forecast model, it strongly indicates that analysts should exploit the potential of neural networks and assess more fully their forecast performance against more traditional models.
This paper describes an experimental application of constrained predictive control and feedback linearisation based on dynamic neural networks. It also verifies experimentally a method for handling input constraints, which are transformed by the feedback linearisation mappings. A performance comparison with a PID controller is also provided. The experimental system consists of a laboratory based single link manipulator arm, which is controlled in real time using MATLAB/SIMULINK together with data acquisition equipment.
Satellite-based (e.g., Synthetic Aperture Radar [SAR]) water level observations (WLOs) of the floodplain can be sequentially assimilated into a hydrodynamic model to decrease forecast uncertainty. This has the potential to keep the forecast on track, so providing an Earth Observation (EO) based flood forecast system. However, the operational applicability of such a system for floods developed over river networks requires further testing. One of the promising techniques for assimilation in this field is the family of ensemble Kalman (EnKF) filters. These filters use a limited-size ensemble representation of the forecast error covariance matrix. This representation tends to develop spurious correlations as the forecast-assimilation cycle proceeds, which is a further complication for dealing with floods in either urban areas or river junctions in rural environments. Here we evaluate the assimilation of WLOs obtained from a sequence of real SAR overpasses (the X-band COSMO-Skymed constellation) in a case study. We show that a direct application of a global Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (ETKF) suffers from filter divergence caused by spurious correlations. However, a spatially-based filter localization provides a substantial moderation in the development of the forecast error covariance matrix, directly improving the forecast and also making it possible to further benefit from a simultaneous online inflow error estimation and correction. Additionally, we propose and evaluate a novel along-network metric for filter localization, which is physically-meaningful for the flood over a network problem. Using this metric, we further evaluate the simultaneous estimation of channel friction and spatially-variable channel bathymetry, for which the filter seems able to converge simultaneously to sensible values. Results also indicate that friction is a second order effect in flood inundation models applied to gradually varied flow in large rivers. The study is not conclusive regarding whether in an operational situation the simultaneous estimation of friction and bathymetry helps the current forecast. Overall, the results indicate the feasibility of stand-alone EO-based operational flood forecasting.
Wireless Senor Networks(WSNs) detect events using one or more sensors, then collect data from detected events using these sensors. This data is aggregated and forwarded to a base station(sink) through wireless communication to provide the required operations. Different kinds of MAC and routing protocols need to be designed for WSN in order to guarantee data delivery from the source nodes to the sink. Some of the proposed MAC protocols for WSN with their techniques, advantages and disadvantages in the terms of their suitability for real time applications are discussed in this paper. We have concluded that most of these protocols can not be applied to real time applications without improvement
A recent area for investigation into the development of adaptable robot control is the use of living neuronal networks to control a mobile robot. The so-called Animat paradigm comprises a neuronal network (the ‘brain’) connected to an external embodiment (in this case a mobile robot), facilitating potentially robust, adaptable robot control and increased understanding of neural processes. Sensory input from the robot is provided to the neuronal network via stimulation on a number of electrodes embedded in a specialist Petri dish (Multi Electrode Array (MEA)); accurate control of this stimulation is vital. We present software tools allowing precise, near real-time control of electrical stimulation on MEAs, with fast switching between electrodes and the application of custom stimulus waveforms. These Linux-based tools are compatible with the widely used MEABench data acquisition system. Benefits include rapid stimulus modulation in response to neuronal activity (closed loop) and batch processing of stimulation protocols.
In this paper we present the initial results using an artificial neural network to predict the onset of Parkinson's Disease tremors in a human subject. Data for the network was obtained from implanted deep brain electrodes. A tuned artificial neural network was shown to be able to identify the pattern of the onset tremor from these real time recordings.
We consider a fully complex-valued radial basis function (RBF) network for regression application. The locally regularised orthogonal least squares (LROLS) algorithm with the D-optimality experimental design, originally derived for constructing parsimonious real-valued RBF network models, is extended to the fully complex-valued RBF network. Like its real-valued counterpart, the proposed algorithm aims to achieve maximised model robustness and sparsity by combining two effective and complementary approaches. The LROLS algorithm alone is capable of producing a very parsimonious model with excellent generalisation performance while the D-optimality design criterion further enhances the model efficiency and robustness. By specifying an appropriate weighting for the D-optimality cost in the combined model selecting criterion, the entire model construction procedure becomes automatic. An example of identifying a complex-valued nonlinear channel is used to illustrate the regression application of the proposed fully complex-valued RBF network.
In this paper we consider the possibility of using an artificial neural network to accurately identify the onset of Parkinson’s Disease tremors in human subjects. Data for the network is obtained by means of deep brain implantation in the human brain. Results presented have been obtained from a practical study (i.e. real not simulated data) but should be regarded as initial trials to be discussed further. It can be seen that a tuned artificial neural network can act as an extremely effective predictor in these circumstances.
We consider a fully complex-valued radial basis function (RBF) network for regression and classification applications. For regression problems, the locally regularised orthogonal least squares (LROLS) algorithm aided with the D-optimality experimental design, originally derived for constructing parsimonious real-valued RBF models, is extended to the fully complex-valued RBF (CVRBF) network. Like its real-valued counterpart, the proposed algorithm aims to achieve maximised model robustness and sparsity by combining two effective and complementary approaches. The LROLS algorithm alone is capable of producing a very parsimonious model with excellent generalisation performance while the D-optimality design criterion further enhances the model efficiency and robustness. By specifying an appropriate weighting for the D-optimality cost in the combined model selecting criterion, the entire model construction procedure becomes automatic. An example of identifying a complex-valued nonlinear channel is used to illustrate the regression application of the proposed fully CVRBF network. The proposed fully CVRBF network is also applied to four-class classification problems that are typically encountered in communication systems. A complex-valued orthogonal forward selection algorithm based on the multi-class Fisher ratio of class separability measure is derived for constructing sparse CVRBF classifiers that generalise well. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated using the example of nonlinear beamforming for multiple-antenna aided communication systems that employ complex-valued quadrature phase shift keying modulation scheme. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The possibility of using a radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) to accurately recognise and predict the onset of Parkinson’s disease tremors in human subjects is discussed in this paper. The data for training the RBFNN are obtained by means of deep brain electrodes implanted in a Parkinson disease patient’s brain. The effectiveness of a RBFNN is initially demonstrated by a real case study.
The use of n-tuple or weightless neural networks as pattern recognition devices is well known (Aleksander and Stonham, 1979). They have some significant advantages over the more common and biologically plausible networks, such as multi-layer perceptrons; for example, n-tuple networks have been used for a variety of tasks, the most popular being real-time pattern recognition, and they can be implemented easily in hardware as they use standard random access memories. In operation, a series of images of an object are shown to the network, each being processed suitably and effectively stored in a memory called a discriminator. Then, when another image is shown to the system, it is processed in a similar manner and the system reports whether it recognises the image; is the image sufficiently similar to one already taught? If the system is to be able to recognise and discriminate between m-objects, then it must contain m-discriminators. This can require a great deal of memory. This paper describes various ways in which memory requirements can be reduced, including a novel method for multiple discriminator n-tuple networks used for pattern recognition. By using this method, the memory normally required to handle m-objects can be used to recognise and discriminate between 2^m — 2 objects.
Many natural and technological applications generate time ordered sequences of networks, defined over a fixed set of nodes; for example time-stamped information about ‘who phoned who’ or ‘who came into contact with who’ arise naturally in studies of communication and the spread of disease. Concepts and algorithms for static networks do not immediately carry through to this dynamic setting. For example, suppose A and B interact in the morning, and then B and C interact in the afternoon. Information, or disease, may then pass from A to C, but not vice versa. This subtlety is lost if we simply summarize using the daily aggregate network given by the chain A-B-C. However, using a natural definition of a walk on an evolving network, we show that classic centrality measures from the static setting can be extended in a computationally convenient manner. In particular, communicability indices can be computed to summarize the ability of each node to broadcast and receive information. The computations involve basic operations in linear algebra, and the asymmetry caused by time’s arrow is captured naturally through the non-mutativity of matrix-matrix multiplication. Illustrative examples are given for both synthetic and real-world communication data sets. We also discuss the use of the new centrality measures for real-time monitoring and prediction.