13 resultados para Reaction function

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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This series of experiments investigated the role of a prefrontal cortical-dorsal striatal circuit in attention, using a continuous performance task of sustained and spatially divided visual attention. A unilateral excitotoxic lesion of the medial prefrontal cortex and a contralateral lesion of the medial caudate-putamen were used to "disconnect" the circuit. Control groups of rats with unilateral lesions of either structure were tested in the same task. Behavioral controls included testing the effects of the disconnection lesion on Pavlovian discriminated approach behavior. The disconnection lesion produced a significant reduction in the accuracy of performance in the attentional task but did not impair Pavlovian approach behavior or affect locomotor or motivational variables, providing evidence for the involvement of this medial prefrontal corticostriatal system in aspects of visual attentional function.


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Anatomically segregated systems linking the frontal cortex and the striatum are involved in various aspects of cognitive, affective, and motor processing. In this study, we examined the effects of combined unilateral lesions of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and the core subregion of the nucleus accumbens (AcbC) in opposite hemispheres (disconnection) on a continuous performance, visual attention test [five-choice serial reaction-time task (5CSRTT)]. The disconnection lesion produced a set of specific changes in performance of the 5CSRTT, resembling changes that followed bilateral AcbC lesions while, in addition, comprising a subset of the behavioral changes after bilateral mPFC lesions previously reported using the same task. Specifically, both mPFC/AcbC disconnection and bilateral AcbC lesions markedly affected aspects of response control related to affective feedback, as indexed by perseverative responding in the 5CSRTT. These effects were comparable, although not identical, to those in animals with either bilateral AcbC or mPFC/AcbC disconnection lesions. The mPFC/AcbC disconnection resulted in a behavioral profile largely distinct from that produced by disconnection of a similar circuit described previously, between the mPFC and the dorsomedial striatum, which were shown to form a functional network underlying aspects of visual attention and attention to action. This distinction provides an insight into the functional specialization of corticostriatal circuits in similar behavioral contexts.


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The kinetics of uptake of gaseous N2O5 on submicron aerosols containing NaCl and natural sea salt have been investigated in a flow reactor as a function of relative humidity (RH) in the range 30-80% at 295±2K and a total pressure of 1bar. The measured uptake coefficients, γ, were larger on the aerosols containing sea salt compared to those of pure NaCl, and in both cases increased with increasing RH. These observations are explained in terms of the variation in the size of the salt droplets, which leads to a limitation in the uptake rate into small particles. After correction for this effect the uptake coefficients are independent of relative humidity, and agree with those measured previously on larger droplets. A value of γ=0.025 is recommended for the reactive uptake coefficient for N2O5 on deliquesced sea salt droplets at 298K and RH>40%.


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Disulfide bonding contributes to the function and antigenicity of many viral envelope glycoproteins. We assessed here its significance for the hepatitis C virus E2 envelope protein and a counterpart deleted for hypervariable region-1 (HVR1). All 18 cysteine residues of the antigens were involved in disulfides. Chemical reduction of up to half of these disulfides was compatible with anti-E2 monoclonal antibody reaction, CD81 receptor binding, and viral entry, whereas complete reduction abrogated these properties. The addition of 5,5'-dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid had no effect on viral entry. Thus, E2 function is only weakly dependent on its redox status, and cell entry does not require redox catalysts, in contrast to a number of enveloped viruses. Because E2 is a major neutralizing antibody target, we examined the effect of disulfide bonding on E2 antigenicity. We show that reduction of three disulfides, as well as deletion of HVR1, improved antibody binding for half of the patient sera tested, whereas it had no effect on the remainder. Small scale immunization of mice with reduced E2 antigens greatly improved serum reactivity with reduced forms of E2 when compared with immunization using native E2, whereas deletion of HVR1 only marginally affected the ability of the serum to bind the redox intermediates. Immunization with reduced E2 also showed an improved neutralizing antibody response, suggesting that potential epitopes are masked on the disulfide-bonded antigen and that mild reduction may increase the breadth of the antibody response. Although E2 function is surprisingly independent of its redox status, its disulfide bonds mask antigenic domains. E2 redox manipulation may contribute to improved vaccine design.


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The poliovirus cis-acting replication element (CRE) templates the uridylylation of VPg, the protein primer for genome replication. The CRE is a highly conserved structural RNA element in the enteroviruses and located within the polyprotein-coding region of the genome. We have determined the native structure of the CRE, defined the regions of the structure critical for activity, and investigated the influence of genomic location on function. Our results demonstrate that a 14-nucleotide unpaired terminal loop, presented on a suitably stable stem, is all that is required for function. These conclusions complement the recent analysis of the 14-nucleotide terminal loop in the CRE of human rhinovirus type 14. The CRE can be translocated to the 5' noncoding region of the genome, at least 3.7-kb distant from the native location, without adversely influencing activity, and CRE duplications do not adversely influence replication. We do not have evidence for a specific interaction between the CRE and the RNA-binding 3CD(pro) complex, an essential component of the uridylylation reaction, and the mechanism by which the CRE is coordinated and orientated during the reaction remains unclear. These studies provide a detailed overview of the structural determinants required for CRE function, and will facilitate a better understanding of the requirements for picornavirus replication.


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Time-resolved kinetic studies of the reaction of silylene, SiH2, with H2O and with D2O have been carried out in the gas phase at 297 K and at 345 K, using laser flash photolysis to generate and monitor SiH2. The reaction was studied independently as a function of H2O (or D2O) and SF6 (bath gas) pressures. At a fixed pressure of SF6 (5 Torr), [SiH2] decay constants, k(obs), showed a quadratic dependence on [H2O] or [D2O]. At a fixed pressure of H2O or D2O, k(obs) Values were strongly dependent on [SF6]. The combined rate expression is consistent with a mechanism involving the reversible formation of a vibrationally excited zwitterionic donor-acceptor complex, H2Si...OH2 (or H2Si...OD2). This complex can then either be stabilized by SF6 or it reacts with a further molecule of H2O (or D2O) in the rate-determining step. Isotope effects are in the range 1.0-1.5 and are broadly consistent with this mechanism. The mechanism is further supported by RRKM theory, which shows the association reaction to be close to its third-order region of pressure (SF6) dependence. Ab initio quantum calculations, carried out at the G3 level, support the existence of a hydrated zwitterion H2Si...(OH2)(2), which can rearrange to hydrated silanol, with an energy barrier below the reaction energy threshold. This is the first example of a gas-phase-catalyzed silylene reaction.


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The reaction between gas-phase ozone and monolayers of the unsaturated lipid 1-palmitoy1-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, POPC, on aqueous solutions has been studied in real time using neutron reflection and surface pressure measurements. The reaction between ozone and lung surfactant, which contains POPC, leads to decreased pulmonary function, but little is known shout the changes that occur to the interfacial material as a result of oxidation. The results reveal that the initial reaction of ozone with POPC leads to a rapid increase in surface pressure followed by a slow decrease to very low values. The neutron reflection measurements, performed on an isotopologue of POPC with a selectively deuterated palmitoyl strand, reveal that the reaction leads to loss of this strand from the air-water interface. suggesting either solubilization of the product lipid or degradation of the palmitoyl strand by a reactive species. Reactions of H-1-POPC on D2O reveal that the headgroup region of the lipids in aqueous solution is not dramatically perturbed by the reaction of POPC monolayers with ozone supporting degradation of the palmitoyl strand rather than solubilization. The results are consistent with the reaction of ozone with the oleoyl strand of POPC at the air water interface leading to the formation of OH radicals. the highly reactive OH radicals produced can then go on to react with the saturated palmitoyl strands leading to the formation or oxidized lipids with shorter alkyl tails.


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The ozone-ethene reaction has been investigated at low pressure in a flow-tube interfaced to a u.v. photoelectron spectrometer. Photoelectron spectra recorded as a function of reaction time have been used to estimate partial pressures of the reagents and products, using photoionization cross-sections for selected photoelectron bands of the reagents and products, which have been measured separately. Product yields compare favourably with results of other studies, and the production of oxygen and acetaldehyde have been measured as a function of time for the first time. A reaction scheme developed for the ozone-ethene reaction has been used to simulate the reagents and products as a function of time. The results obtained are in good agreement with the experimental measurements. For each of the observed products, the simulations allow the main reaction (or reactions) for production of that product to be established. The product yields have been used in a global model to estimate their global annual emissions in the atmosphere. Of particular interest are the calculated global annual emissions of formaldehyde (0.96 ± 0.10 Tg) and formic acid, (0.05 ± 0.01 Tg) which are estimated as 0.04% and 0.7% of the total annual emission respectively.


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In a study using UV photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) of the atmospherically relevant reaction CH3SCH3 + Cl2 → CH3SCH2Cl + HCl bands associated with a reaction intermediate have been observed. These have been assigned to ionization of the covalently bound molecule (CH3)2SCl2 on the basis of the intensity of the observed bands as a function of reaction time, molecular orbital calculations of vertical ionization energies and evidence from infrared spectroscopy. A method has also been developed, with the flow-tube/PE spectrometer combination used, to measure photoionization cross-sections of the reagents and products at the photon energy utilized and this has allowed the photoionization cross-section of the intermediate to be estimated. This work augments an earlier study in which the rate constant of the reaction between CH3SCH3 (DMS) and Cl2 has been measured at room temperature.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) are critical for the generation of T-cell responses. DC function may be modulated by probiotics, which confer health benefits in immunocompromised individuals, such as the elderly. This study investigated the effects of four probiotics, Bifidobacterium longum bv. infantis CCUG 52486, B. longum SP 07/3, L. rhamnosus GG (L.GG) and L. casei Shirota (LcS) on DC function in an allogeneic mixed leucocyte reaction (MLR) model, using DCs and T-cells from young and older donors in different combinations. All four probiotics enhanced expression of CD40, CD80 and CCR7 on both young and older DCs, but enhanced cytokine production (TGF-β, TNF-α) by old DCs only. LcS induced IL-12 and IFNγ production by DC to a greater degree than other strains, while Bifidobacterium longum bv. infantis CCUG 52486 favoured IL-10 production. Stimulation of young T cells in an allogeneic MLR with DC was enhanced by probiotic pretreatment of old DCs, which demonstrated greater activation (CD25) than untreated controls. However, pretreatment of young or old DCs with LPS or probiotics failed to enhance the proliferation of T-cells derived from older donors. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that ageing increases the responsiveness of DCs to probiotics, but this is not sufficient to overcome the impact of immunosenescence in the MLR.


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Trypsin and mast cell tryptase cleave proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) to induce alterations in contraction of airway smooth muscle that have been implicated in asthma in experimental animals. Although tryptase inhibitors are under development for treatment of asthma, little is known about the localization and function of PAR2 in human airways. We detected PAR2 expression in primary cultures of human airway smooth muscle cells using reverse transcriptase/polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunofluorescence. The PAR2 agonists trypsin, tryptase, and an activating peptide (SLIGKV-NH2) stimulated calcium mobilization in these cells. PAR2 agonists strongly desensitized responses to a second challenge of trypsin and SLIGKV-NH2, but not to thrombin, indicating that they activate a receptor distinct from the thrombin receptors. Immunoreactive PAR2 was detected in smooth muscle, epithelium, glands, and endothelium of human bronchi. Trypsin, SLIGKV-NH2, and tryptase stimulated contraction of isolated human bronchi. Contraction was increased by removal of the epithelium and diminished by indomethacin. Thus, PAR2 is expressed by human bronchial smooth muscle where its activation mobilizes intracellular Ca2+ and induces contraction. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that PAR2 agonists, including tryptase, induce bronchoconstriction of human airway by stimulating smooth muscle contraction. PAR2 antagonists may be useful drugs to prevent bronchoconstriction.


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BACKGROUND: Dendritic cells regulate immune responses to microbial products and play a key role in ulcerative colitis (UC) pathology. We determined the immunomodulatory effects of probiotic strain Lactobacillus casei Shirota (LcS) on human DC from healthy controls and active UC patients. METHODS: Human blood DC from healthy controls (control-DC) and UC patients (UC-DC) were conditioned with heat-killed LcS and used to stimulate allogeneic T cells in a 5-day mixed leucocyte reaction. RESULTS: UC-DC displayed a reduced stimulatory capacity for T cells (P < 0.05) and enhanced expression of skin-homing markers CLA and CCR4 on stimulated T cells (P < 0.05) that were negative for gut-homing marker β7. LcS treatment restored the stimulatory capacity of UC-DC, reflecting that of control-DC. LcS treatment conditioned control-DC to induce CLA on T cells in conjunction with β7, generating a multihoming profile, but had no effects on UC-DC. Finally, LcS treatment enhanced DC ability to induce TGFβ production by T cells in controls but not UC patients. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate a systemic, dysregulated DC function in UC that may account for the propensity of UC patients to develop cutaneous manifestations. LcS has multifunctional immunoregulatory activities depending on the inflammatory state; therapeutic effects reported in UC may be due to promotion of homeostasis.