17 resultados para Quark Stars

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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Perceptual multimedia quality is of paramount importance to the continued take-up and proliferation of multimedia applications: users will not use and pay for applications if they are perceived to be of low quality. Whilst traditionally distributed multimedia quality has been characterised by Quality of Service (QoS) parameters, these neglect the user perspective of the issue of quality. In order to redress this shortcoming, we characterise the user multimedia perspective using the Quality of Perception (QoP) metric, which encompasses not only a user’s satisfaction with the quality of a multimedia presentation, but also his/her ability to analyse, synthesise and assimilate informational content of multimedia. In recognition of the fact that monitoring eye movements offers insights into visual perception, as well as the associated attention mechanisms and cognitive processes, this paper reports on the results of a study investigating the impact of differing multimedia presentation frame rates on user QoP and eye path data. Our results show that provision of higher frame rates, usually assumed to provide better multimedia presentation quality, do not significantly impact upon the median coordinate value of eye path data. Moreover, higher frame rates do not significantly increase level of participant information assimilation, although they do significantly improve overall user enjoyment and quality perception of the multimedia content being shown.


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The cooled infrared filters and dichroic beam splitters manufactured for the Mid-Infrared Instrument are key optical components for the selection and isolation of wavelengths in the study of astrophysical properties of stars, galaxies, and other planetary objects. We describe the spectral design and manufacture of the precision cooled filter coatings for the spectrometer (7 K) and imager (9 K). Details of the design methods used to achieve the spectral requirements, selection of thin film materials, deposition technique, and testing are presented together with the optical layout of the instrument. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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The effects of meson fluctuations are studied in a nonlocal generalization of the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model, by including terms of next-to-leading order (NLO) in 1/Nc. In the model with only scalar and pseudoscalar interactions NLO contributions to the quark condensate are found to be very small. This is a result of cancellation between virtual mesons and Fock terms, which occurs for the parameter sets of most interest. In the quark self-energy, similar cancellations arise in the tadpole diagrams, although not in other NLO pieces which contribute at the 25% level. The effects on pion properties are also found to be small. NLO contributions from real pi-pi intermediate states increase the sigma meson mass by 30%. In an extended model with vector and axial interactions, there are indications that NLO effects could be larger.


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We consider a non-local version of the NJL model, based on a separable quark-quark interaction. The interaction is extended to include terms that bind vector and axial-vector mesons. The non-locality means that no further regulator is required. Moreover the model is able to confine the quarks by generating a quark propagator without poles at real energies. Working in the ladder approximation, we calculate amplitudes in Euclidean space and discuss features of their continuation to Minkowski energies. Conserved currents are constructed and we demonstrate their consistency with various Ward identities. Various meson masses are calculated, along with their strong and electromagnetic decay amplitudes. We also calculate the electromagnetic form factor of the pion, as well as form factors associated with the processes γγ* → π0 and ω → π0γ*. The results are found to lead to a satisfactory phenomenology and lend some dynamical support to the idea of vector-meson dominance.


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A nonlocal version of the NJL model is investigated. It is based on a separable quark-quark interaction, as suggested by the instanton liquid picture of the QCD vacuum. The interaction is extended to include terms that bind vector and axial-vector mesons. The nonlocality means that no further regulator is required. Moreover the model is able to confine the quarks by generating a quark propagator without poles at real energies. Features of the continuation of amplitudes from Euclidean space to Minkowski energies are discussed. These features lead to restrictions on the model parameters as well as on the range of applicability of the model. Conserved currents are constructed, and their consistency with various Ward identities is demonstrated. In particular, the Gell-Mann-Oakes-Renner relation is derived both in the ladder approximation and at meson loop level. The importance of maintaining chiral symmetry in the calculations is stressed throughout. Calculations with the model are performed to all orders in momentum. Meson masses are determined, along with their strong and electromagnetic decay amplitudes. Also calculated are the electromagnetic form factor of the pion and form factors associated with the processes gamma gamma* --> pi0 and omega --> pi0 gamma*. The results are found to lead to a satisfactory phenomenology and demonstrate a possible dynamical origin for vector-meson dominance. In addition, the results produced at meson loop level validate the use of 1/Nc as an expansion parameter and indicate that a light and broad scalar state is inherent in models of the NJL type.


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The search for Earth-like exoplanets, orbiting in the habitable zone of stars other than our Sun and showing biological activity, is one of the most exciting and challenging quests of the present time. Nulling interferometry from space, in the thermal infrared, appears as a promising candidate technique for the task of directly observing extra-solar planets. It has been studied for about 10 years by ESA and NASA in the framework of the Darwin and TPF-I missions respectively. Nevertheless, nulling interferometry in the thermal infrared remains a technological challenge at several levels. Among them, the development of the "modal filter" function is mandatory for the filtering of the wavefronts in adequacy with the objective of rejecting the central star flux to an efficiency of about 105. Modal filtering takes benefit of the capability of single-mode waveguides to transmit a single amplitude function, to eliminate virtually any perturbation of the interfering wavefronts, thus making very high rejection ratios possible. The modal filter may either be based on single-mode Integrated Optics (IO) and/or Fiber Optics. In this paper, we focus on IO, and more specifically on the progress of the on-going "Integrated Optics" activity of the European Space Agency.


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We present the complete next-to-leading order QCD corrections to the polarized hadroproduction of heavy flavors which soon will be studied experimentally in polarized pp collisions at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) in order to constrain the polarized gluon density Δg. It is demonstrated that the dependence on unphysical renormalization and factorization scales is strongly reduced beyond the leading order. The sensitivity of the charm quark spin asymmetry to Δg is analyzed in some detail, including the limited detector acceptance for leptons from charm quark decays at the BNL RHIC.


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We present the first calculation of the complete NLO QCD corrections to the production of heavy flavors with longitudinally polarized hadrons. This reaction can be used at RHIC to extract the gluon helicity density and may shed light on the "heavy quark enigma". The theoretical uncertainties are briefly discussed.


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We present all relevant details of our calculation of the complete next-to-leading order O(αS2α) QCD corrections to heavy flavor photoproduction with longitudinally polarized point-like photons and hadrons. In particular we provide analytical results for the virtual plus soft gluon cross section. We carefully address the relevance of remaining theoretical uncertainties by varying, for instance, the factorization and renormalization scales independently. Such studies are of importance for a meaningful first direct determination of the polarized gluon density Δg from the total charm production spin asymmetry by the upcoming COMPASS experiment. It is shown that the scale uncertainty is considerably reduced in next-to-leading order, but the dependence on the charm quark mass is sizable at fixed target energies. Finally, we study several differential single-inclusive heavy quark distributions and, for the polarized HERA option, the total bottom spin asymmetry.


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We present a calculation of the next-to-leading order ... QCD corrections to heavy flavor photoproduction with longitudinally polarized beams. We apply our results to study the longitudinal spin asymmetry for the total charm quark production cross section which will be utilized by the forthcoming COMPASS experiment at CERN to obtain first direct information on the polarized gluon density Δg. We also briefly discuss the main theoretical uncertainties inherent in this calculation. In particular we demonstrate that the factorization scale dependence is considerably reduced in next-to-leading order.


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The complete details of our calculation of the NLO QCD corrections to heavy flavor photo- and hadroproduction with longitudinally polarized initial states are presented. The main motivation for investigating these processes is the determination of the polarized gluon density at the COMPASS and RHIC experiments, respectively, in the near future. All methods used in the computation are extensively documented, providing a self-contained introduction to this type of calculations. Some employed tools also may be of general interest, e.g., the series expansion of hypergeometric functions. The relevant parton level results are collected and plotted in the form of scaling functions. However, the simplification of the obtained gluon-gluon virtual contributions has not been completed yet. Thus NLO phenomenological predictions are only given in the case of photoproduction. The theoretical uncertainties of these predictions, in particular with respect to the heavy quark mass, are carefully considered. Also it is shown that transverse momentum cuts can considerably enhance the measured production asymmetries. Finally unpolarized heavy quark production is reviewed in order to derive conditions for a successful interpretation of future spin-dependent experimental data.


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We present results from 30 nights of observations of the open cluster NGC 7789 with the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope, La Palma. From ~900 epochs, we obtained light curves and Sloan r'-i' colours for ~33000 stars, with ~2400 stars having better than 1 per cent precision. We expected to detect ~2 transiting hot Jupiter planets if 1 per cent of stars host such a companion and a typical hot Jupiter radius is ~1.2R_J. We find 24 transit candidates, 14 of which we can assign a period. We rule out the transiting planet model for 21 of these candidates using various robust arguments. For two candidates, we are unable to decide on their nature, although it seems most likely that they are eclipsing binaries as well. We have one candidate exhibiting a single eclipse, for which we derive a radius of 1.81+0.09-0.00R_J. Three candidates remain that require follow-up observations in order to determine their nature.


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We present N-body simulations of accretion discs about young stellar objects (YSOs). The simulation includes the presence of a magnetic loop structure on the central star which interacts with the particles by means of a magnetic drag force. We find that an equilibrium spin rate is achieved when the corotation radius coincides with the edge of the loop. This spin rate is consistent with observed values for TTauri stars, being an order of magnitude less than the breakup value. The material ejected from the system by the rotating loop has properties consistent with the observed molecular outflows, given the presence of a suitable containing cavity.