25 resultados para Point Pleasant, Battle of, W. Va., 1774.

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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We examined whether it is possible to identify the emotional content of behaviour from point-light displays where pairs of actors are engaged in interpersonal communication. These actors displayed a series of emotions, which included sadness, anger, joy, disgust, fear, and romantic love. In experiment 1, subjects viewed brief clips of these point-light displays presented the right way up and upside down. In experiment 2, the importance of the interaction between the two figures in the recognition of emotion was examined. Subjects were shown upright versions of (i) the original pairs (dyads), (ii) a single actor (monad), and (iii) a dyad comprising a single actor and his/her mirror image (reflected dyad). In each experiment, the subjects rated the emotional content of the displays by moving a slider along a horizontal scale. All of the emotions received a rating for every clip. In experiment 1, when the displays were upright, the correct emotions were identified in each case except disgust; but, when the displays were inverted, performance was significantly diminished for some ernotions. In experiment 2, the recognition of love and joy was impaired by the absence of the acting partner, and the recognition of sadness, joy, and fear was impaired in the non-veridical (mirror image) displays. These findings both support and extend previous research by showing that biological motion is sufficient for the perception of emotion, although inversion affects performance. Moreover, emotion perception from biological motion can be affected by the veridical or non-veridical social context within the displays.


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Ashby was a keen observer of the world around him, as per his technological and psychiatrical developments. Over the years, he drew numerous philosophical conclusions on the nature of human intelligence and the operation of the brain, on artificial intelligence and the thinking ability of computers and even on science in general. In this paper, the quite profound philosophy espoused by Ashby is considered as a whole, in particular in terms of its relationship with the world as it stands now and even in terms of scientific predictions of where things might lead. A meaningful comparison is made between Ashby's comments and the science fiction concept of 'The Matrix' and serious consideration is given as to how much Ashby's ideas lay open the possibility of the matrix becoming a real world eventuality.


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This paper probes the public dimensions of the work of the twentieth-century Scottish poet W. S. Graham. It draws upon the public contacts and contexts that Graham's lyrics structure and reconfigure, in texts that have appeared to critics to demonstrate the poet's textual aloneness, his intellectual and geographical banishment. Repeatedly addressing his St Ives community of artists and writers, lovers and companions, Graham's work sets up strategic routes through a succession of publicly-minded verbal engagements. Refusing to allow one passively to listen in to the poet's isolation, the lyrics invite, rebuff, tease, avoid, dally with, and proposition audiences and interlocutors. Graham's poetry speaks from within and without tradition, location and heritage, subtly attuning readers to the politics of its handling of national allegiance, identity, class and patronage.


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The dispersion of a point-source release of a passive scalar in a regular array of cubical, urban-like, obstacles is investigated by means of direct numerical simulations. The simulations are conducted under conditions of neutral stability and fully rough turbulent flow, at a roughness Reynolds number of Reτ = 500. The Navier–Stokes and scalar equations are integrated assuming a constant rate release from a point source close to the ground within the array. We focus on short-range dispersion, when most of the material is still within the building canopy. Mean and fluctuating concentrations are computed for three different pressure gradient directions (0◦ , 30◦ , 45◦). The results agree well with available experimental data measured in a water channel for a flow angle of 0◦ . Profiles of mean concentration and the three-dimensional structure of the dispersion pattern are compared for the different forcing angles. A number of processes affecting the plume structure are identified and discussed, including: (i) advection or channelling of scalar down ‘streets’, (ii) lateral dispersion by turbulent fluctuations and topological dispersion induced by dividing streamlines around buildings, (iii) skewing of the plume due to flow turning with height, (iv) detrainment by turbulent dispersion or mean recirculation, (v) entrainment and release of scalar in building wakes, giving rise to ‘secondary sources’, (vi) plume meandering due to unsteady turbulent fluctuations. Finally, results on relative concentration fluctuations are presented and compared with the literature for point source dispersion over flat terrain and urban arrays. Keywords Direct numerical simulation · Dispersion modelling · Urban array


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In this paper, we aim to distil myriad stakeholder voices through a Foucaudian theoretical apparatus in the establishment of ethical stakeholder voices amidst a takeover of a Ghanaian National Bank with ownership control by the state National Pension Fund and Insurance Company. Resonating with Foucault’s position that, the prove and an actual practice of ethical principles despite risk is non-existent within a democracy, this paper reveals how stakeholders in a takeover further their own interest to the neglect of the very germane societal expectation of a salient stakeholder role. We further fill an existing gap within the stakeholder literature that posit of stakeholders as always possessing the right and ethical voices. We conclude that, despite Foucault’s last lecture of The Courage of Truth: The Government of the Self and others having proven of a robust apparatus in distilling ethical voices from non-ethical within the realm of a democratic field, its idealist nature demands a counterfactual position.


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There are various situations in which it is natural to ask whether a given collection of k functions, ρ j (r 1,…,r j ), j=1,…,k, defined on a set X, are the first k correlation functions of a point process on X. Here we describe some necessary and sufficient conditions on the ρ j ’s for this to be true. Our primary examples are X=ℝ d , X=ℤ d , and X an arbitrary finite set. In particular, we extend a result by Ambartzumian and Sukiasian showing realizability at sufficiently small densities ρ 1(r). Typically if any realizing process exists there will be many (even an uncountable number); in this case we prove, when X is a finite set, the existence of a realizing Gibbs measure with k body potentials which maximizes the entropy among all realizing measures. We also investigate in detail a simple example in which a uniform density ρ and translation invariant ρ 2 are specified on ℤ; there is a gap between our best upper bound on possible values of ρ and the largest ρ for which realizability can be established.


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Microsatellite lengths change over evolutionary time through a process of replication slippage. A recently proposed model of this process holds that the expansionary tendencies of slippage mutation are balanced by point mutations breaking longer microsatellites into smaller units and that this process gives rise to the observed frequency distributions of uninterrupted microsatellite lengths. We refer to this as the slippage/point-mutation theory. Here we derive the theory's predictions for interrupted microsatellites comprising regions of perfect repeats, labeled segments, separated by dinucleotide interruptions containing point mutations. These predictions are tested by reference to the frequency distributions of segments of AC microsatellite in the human genome, and several predictions are shown not to be supported by the data, as follows. The estimated slippage rates are relatively low for the first four repeats, and then rise initially linearly with length, in accordance with previous work. However, contrary to expectation and the experimental evidence, the inferred slippage rates decline in segments above 10 repeats. Point mutation rates are also found to be higher within microsatellites than elsewhere. The theory provides an excellent fit to the frequency distribution of peripheral segment lengths but fails to explain why internal segments are shorter. Furthermore, there are fewer microsatellites with many segments than predicted. The frequencies of interrupted microsatellites decline geometrically with microsatellite size measured in number of segments, so that for each additional segment, the number of microsatellites is 33.6% less. Overall we conclude that the detailed structure of interrupted microsatellites cannot be reconciled with the existing slippage/point-mutation theory of microsatellite evolution, and we suggest that microsatellites are stabilized by processes acting on interior rather than on peripheral segments.


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Two algorithms for finding the point on non-rational/rational Bezier curves of which the normal vector passes through a given external point are presented. The algorithms are based on Bezier curves generation algorithms of de Casteljau's algorithm for non-rational Bezier curve or Farin's recursion for rational Bezier curve, respectively. Orthogonal projections from the external point are used to guide the directional search used in the proposed iterative algorithms. Using Lyapunov's method, it is shown that each algorithm is able to converge to a local minimum for each case of non-rational/rational Bezier curves. It is also shown that on convergence the distance between the point on curves to the external point reaches a local minimum for both approaches. Illustrative examples are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.


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We give necessary and sufficient conditions for a pair of (generali- zed) functions 1(r1) and 2(r1, r2), ri 2X, to be the density and pair correlations of some point process in a topological space X, for ex- ample, Rd, Zd or a subset of these. This is an infinite-dimensional version of the classical “truncated moment” problem. Standard tech- niques apply in the case in which there can be only a bounded num- ber of points in any compact subset of X. Without this restriction we obtain, for compact X, strengthened conditions which are necessary and sufficient for the existence of a process satisfying a further re- quirement—the existence of a finite third order moment. We general- ize the latter conditions in two distinct ways when X is not compact.


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A regional overview of the water quality and ecology of the River Lee catchment is presented. Specifically, data describing the chemical, microbiological and macrobiological water quality and fisheries communities have been analysed, based on a division into river, sewage treatment works, fish-farm, lake and industrial samples. Nutrient enrichment and the highest concentrations of metals and micro-organics were found in the urbanised, lower reaches of the Lee and in the Lee Navigation. Average annual concentrations of metals were generally within environmental quality standards although, oil many occasions, concentrations of cadmium, copper, lead, mercury and zinc were in excess of the standards. Various organic substances (used as herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, chlorination by-products and industrial solvents) were widely detected in the Lee system. Concentrations of ten micro-organic substances were observed in excess of their environmental quality standards, though not in terms of annual averages. Sewage treatment works were the principal point source input of nutrients. metals and micro-organic determinands to the catchment. Diffuse nitrogen sources contributed approximately 60% and 27% of the in-stream load in the upper and lower Lee respectively, whereas approximately 60% and 20% of the in-stream phosphorus load was derived from diffuse sources in the upper and lower Lee. For metals, the most significant source was the urban runoff from North London. In reaches less affected by effluent discharges, diffuse runoff from urban and agricultural areas dominated trends. Flig-h microbiological content, observed in the River Lee particularly in urbanised reaches, was far in excess of the EC Bathing Water Directive standards. Water quality issues and degraded habitat in the lower reaches of the Lee have led to impoverished aquatic fauna but, within the mid-catchment reaches and upper agricultural tributaries, less nutrient enrichment and channel alteration has permitted more diverse aquatic fauna.


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The kinetics of reactive uptake of gaseous N2O5 on sub-micron aerosol particles composed of aqueous ammonium sulfate, ammonium hydrogensulfate and sodium nitrate has been investigated. Uptake was measured in a laminar flow reactor, coupled with a differential mobility analyser (DMA) to obtain the aerosol size distribution, with N2O5 detection using NO chemiluminescence. FTIR spectroscopy was used to obtain information about the composition and water content of the aerosol particles under the conditions used in the kinetic measurements. The aerosols were generated by the nebulisation of aqueous salt solutions. The uptake coefficient on the sulfate salts was in the range [gamma]=0.0015 to 0.033 depending on temperature, humidity and phase of the aerosol. On sodium nitrate aerosols the values were much lower, [gamma]<0.001, confirming the inhibition of N2O5 hydrolysis by nitrate ions. At high humidity (>50% r.h.) the uptake coefficient on liquid sulfate aerosols is independent of water content, but at lower humidity, especially below the efflorescence point, the reactivity of the aerosol declines, correlating with the lower water content. The lower uptake rate on solid aerosols may be due to limitations imposed by the liquid volume in the particles. Uptake on sulfate aerosols showed a negative temperature dependence at T>290 K but no significant temperature dependence at lower temperatures. The results are generally consistent with previous models of N2O5 hydrolysis where the reactive intermediate is NO2+ produced by autoionisation of nitrogen pentoxide in the condensed phase.


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The microwave spectra of CHD2CN and CHD2NC have been measured from 18 to 40 GHz; about 20 type A and 30 type C transitions have been observed for each molecule. These have been fitted to a Hamiltonian using 3 rotational constants, and 5 quartic and 4 sextic distortion constants, in the IrS reduction of Watson [in “Vibrational spectra and structure” Vol. 6 (1977)]; the standard error of the fit is 26 kHz. For methyl cyanide the 5 quartic distortion constants have been used to further refine the recent harmonic force field of Duncan et al. [J. Mol. Spectrosc. 69, 123 (1978)], but the changes are small. Finally, for both molecules, the harmonic force field has been used to determine zero point average moments of inertia Iz from the ground state rotational constants for many isotopic species, and these have been used to determine an rz structure. The results are compared with rs structure calculations.