49 resultados para Phase stability field

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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A quasi-optical interferometric technique capable of measuring antenna phase patterns without the need for a heterodyne receiver is presented. It is particularly suited to the characterization of terahertz antennas feeding power detectors or mixers employing quasi-optical local oscillator injection. Examples of recorded antenna phase patterns at frequencies of 1.4 and 2.5 THz using homodyne detectors are presented. To our knowledge, these are the highest frequency antenna phase patterns ever recovered. Knowledge of both the amplitude and phase patterns in the far field enable a Gauss-Hermite or Gauss-Laguerre beam-mode analysis to be carried out for the antenna, of importance in performance optimization calculations, such as antenna gain and beam efficiency parameters at the design and prototype stage of antenna development. A full description of the beam would also be required if the antenna is to be used to feed a quasi-optical system in the near-field to far-field transition region. This situation could often arise when the device is fitted directly at the back of telescopes in flying observatories. A further benefit of the proposed technique is simplicity for characterizing systems in situ, an advantage of considerable importance as in many situations, the components may not be removable for further characterization once assembled. The proposed methodology is generic and should be useful across the wider sensing community, e.g., in single detector acoustic imaging or in adaptive imaging array applications. Furthermore, it is applicable across other frequencies of the EM spectrum, provided adequate spatial and temporal phase stability of the source can be maintained throughout the measurement process. Phase information retrieval is also of importance to emergent research areas, such as band-gap structure characterization, meta-materials research, electromagnetic cloaking, slow light, super-lens design as well as near-field and virtual imaging applications.


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The purity and structural stability of the high thermoelectric performance Cu12Sb4S13 and Cu10.4Ni1.6Sb4S13 tetrahedrite phases, synthesized by solid–liquid–vapor reaction and Spark Plasma Sintering, were studied at high temperature by Rietveld refinement using high resolution X-ray powder diffraction data, DSC/TG measurements and high resolution transmission electron microscopy. In a complementary study, the crystal structure of Cu10.5Ni1.5Sb4S13 as a function of temperature was investigated by powder neutron diffraction. The temperature dependence of the structural stability of ternary Cu12Sb4S13 is markedly different to that of the nickel-substituted phases, providing clear evidence for the significant and beneficial role of nickel substitution on both sample purity and stability of the tetrahedrite phase. Moreover, kinetic effects on the phase stability/decomposition have been identified and discussed in order to determine the maximum operating temperature for thermoelectric applications. The thermoelectric properties of these compounds have been determined for high density samples (>98%) prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering and therefore can be used as reference values for tetrahedrite samples. The maximum ZT of 0.8 was found for Cu10.4Ni1.6Sb4S13 at 700 K.


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We propose an elevation-dependent calibratory method to correct for the water vapour-induced delays over Mt. Etna that affect the interferometric syntheric aperture radar (InSAR) results. Water vapour delay fields are modelled from individual zenith delay estimates on a network of continuous GPS receivers. These are interpolated using simple kriging with varying local means over two domains, above and below 2 km in altitude. Test results with data from a meteorological station and 14 continuous GPS stations over Mt. Etna show that a reduction of the mean phase delay field of about 27% is achieved after the model is applied to a 35-day interferogram. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Three tripeptides Boc-Phe-Aib-Val-OMe (1), Boc-Leu-Aib-p-NA-NO2 (2) and Boc-Pro-Aib-m-NA-NO2 (3) (Aib: alpha-aminoisobutyric acid; p- and m-NA: para- and meta-nitroaniline) have been designed by incorporating aromatic rings to study the self-assembly and fibril formation. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies show that all the peptides adopt turn-like structures that are self-assembled through intermolecular hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions to create layers of beta-sheets. Solvent dependent NMR titration and CD studies show that the turn structures of the peptides also exist in the solution phase. The field emission scanning electron microscopic (FE-SEM) images of the peptides in the solid state reveal fibrillar structures of flat morphology that are formed through beta-sheet mediated self-assembly of the preorganized turn building blocks.


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Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies show that the three designed tripeptides Boc-Leu-Aib-m-NA-NO2 (I), Boc-Phe-Aib-m-NA-NO2 (II) and Boc-Pro-Aib-m-ABA-OMe (III) (Aib, -aminoisobutyric acid; m-NA, m-nitroaniline; m-ABA, m-aminobenzoic acid; Boc, t-butyloxycarbonyl) containing aromatic rings in the backbones adopt -turn structures that are self-assembled through intermolecular hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions to create layers of -sheets. Solvent-dependent NMR titration and CD studies show that the -turn structures of the peptides also exist in the solution phase. The field emission scanning electron microscopic and transmission electron microscopic images of the peptides in the solid state reveal fibrillar structures of flat morphology that are formed through -sheet mediated self-assembly of the preorganised -turn building blocks.


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We investigate thin films of cylinder-forming diblock copolymer confined between electrically charged parallel plates, using self-consistent-field theory ( SCFT) combined with an exact treatment for linear dielectric materials. Our study focuses on the competition between the surface interactions, which tend to orient cylinder domains parallel to the plates, and the electric field, which favors a perpendicular orientation. The effect of the electric field on the relative stability of the competing morphologies is demonstrated with equilibrium phase diagrams, calculated with the aid of a weak-field approximation. As hoped, modest electric fields are shown to have a significant stabilizing effect on perpendicular cylinders, particularly for thicker films. Our improved SCFT-based treatment removes most of the approximations implemented by previous approaches, thereby managing to resolve outstanding qualitative inconsistencies among different approximation schemes.


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The LiHoxY1−xF4 Ising magnetic material subject to a magnetic field perpendicular to the Ho3+ Ising direction has shown over the past 20 years to be a host of very interesting thermodynamic and magnetic phenomena. Unfortunately, the availability of other magnetic materials other than LiHoxY1−xF4 that may be described by a transverse-field Ising model remains very much limited. It is in this context that we use here a mean-field theory to investigate the suitability of the Ho(OH)3, Dy(OH)3, and Tb(OH)3 insulating hexagonal dipolar Ising-type ferromagnets for the study of the quantum phase transition induced by a magnetic field, Bx, applied perpendicular to the Ising spin direction. Experimentally, the zero-field critical (Curie) temperatures are known to be Tc≈2.54, 3.48, and 3.72 K, for Ho(OH)3, Dy(OH)3, and Tb(OH)3, respectively. From our calculations we estimate the critical transverse field, Bxc, to destroy ferromagnetic order at zero temperature to be Bxc=4.35, 5.03, and 54.81 T for Ho(OH)3, Dy(OH)3, and Tb(OH)3, respectively. We find that Ho(OH)3, similarly to LiHoF4, can be quantitatively described by an effective S=1/2 transverse-field Ising model. This is not the case for Dy(OH)3 due to the strong admixing between the ground doublet and first excited doublet induced by the dipolar interactions. Furthermore, we find that the paramagnetic (PM) to ferromagnetic (FM) transition in Dy(OH)3 becomes first order for strong Bx and low temperatures. Hence, the PM to FM zero-temperature transition in Dy(OH)3 may be first order and not quantum critical. We investigate the effect of competing antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor exchange and applied magnetic field, Bz, along the Ising spin direction ẑ on the first-order transition in Dy(OH)3. We conclude from these preliminary calculations that Ho(OH)3 and Dy(OH)3 and their Y3+ diamagnetically diluted variants, HoxY1−x(OH)3 and DyxY1−x(OH)3, are potentially interesting systems to study transverse-field-induced quantum fluctuations effects in hard axis (Ising-type) magnetic materials.


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The phase diagram for an AB diblock copolymer melt with polydisperse A blocks and monodisperse B blocks is evaluated using lattice-based Monte Carlo simulations. Experiments on this system have shown that the A-block polydispersity shifts the order-order transitions (OOTs) towards higher A-monomer content, while the order-disorder transition (ODT) moves towards higher temperatures when the A blocks form the minority domains and lower temperatures when the A blocks form the matrix. Although self-consistent field theory (SCFT) correctly accounts for the change in the OOTs, it incorrectly predicts the ODT to shift towards higher temperatures at all diblock copolymer compositions. In contrast, our simulations predict the correct shifts for both the OOTs and the ODT. This implies that polydispersity amplifies the fluctuation-induced correction to the mean-field ODT, which we attribute to a reduction in packing frustration. Consistent with this explanation, polydispersity is found to enhance the stability of the perforated-lamellar phase.


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Ground magnetic field perturbations recorded by the CANOPUS magnetometer network in the 7 to 13 MLT sector are used to examine how reconfigurations of the dayside polar ionospheric flow take place in response to north-south changes of the IMF. During the 6-hour interval in question IMF Bz oscillates between ±7 nT with about a 1-hour period. Corresponding variations in the ground magnetic disturbance are observed which we infer are due to changes in ionospheric flow. Cross correlation of the data obtained from two ground stations at 73.5° magnetic latitude, but separated by ∼2 hours in MLT, shows that changes in the flow are initiated in the prenoon sector (∼10 MLT) and then spread outward toward dawn and dusk with a phase speed of ∼5 km s−1 over the longitude range ∼8 to 12 MLT, slowing to ∼2 km s−1 outside this range. Cross correlating the data from these ground stations with IMP 8 IMF Bz records produces a MLT variation in the ground response delay relative to the IMF which is compatible with these deduced phase speeds. We interpret these observations in terms of the ionospheric response to the onset, expansion and decay of magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause.


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Idealized, convection-resolving simulations of moist orographic flows are conducted to investigate the influence of temperature and moist stability on the drying ratio (DR), defined as the fraction of the impinging water mass removed as orographic precipitation. In flow past a long ridge, where most of the air rises over the barrier rather than detouring around it, DR decreases as the surface temperature (Ts) increases, even as the orographic cap cloud becomes statically unstable at higher Ts and develops embedded convection. This behaviour is explained by a few physical principles: (1) the Clausius–Clapeyron equation dictates that the normalized condensation rate decreases as the flow gets warmer, (2) the replacement of ice-phase precipitation growth with warm-rain processes decreases the efficiency by which condensate is converted to precipitation, thereby lowering precipitation efficiency, and (3) embedded convection acts more to vertically redistribute moisture than to enhance precipitation. Over an isolated mountain, the effects of (1) and (2) are counteracted by moisture deflection around the barrier, which is stronger in the colder, more stable flows.


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We investigate the ability of an applied electric field to convert the morphology of a diblock-copolymer thin film from a monolayer of spherical domains embedded in the matrix to cylindrical domains that penetrate through the matrix. As expected, the applied field increases the relative stability of cylindrical domains, while simultaneously reducing the energy barrier that impedes the transition to cylinders. The effectiveness of the field is enhanced by a large dielectric contrast between the two block-copolymer components, particularly when the low-dielectric contrast component forms the matrix. Furthermore, the energy barrier is minimized by selecting sphere-forming diblock copolymers that are as compositionally symmetric as possible. Our calculations, which are the most quantitatively reliable to date, are performed using a numerically precise spectral algorithm based on self-consistent-field theory supplemented with an exact treatment for linear dielectric materials.


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We examine the stability of lamellar stacks in the presence of an electric field, E-0, applied normal to the lamellae. Calculations are performed with self-consistent field theory (SCFT) supplemented by an exact treatment of the electrostatic energy for linear dielectric materials. The calculations identify a critical electric field, E-0*, beyond which the lamellar stack becomes unstable with respect to undulations. This E-0* rapidly decreases towards zero as the number of lamellae in the stack diverges. Our quantitative predictions for E-0* are consistent with previous experimental measurements by Xu and co-workers.