90 resultados para Order-disorder effects

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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The effect of polydispersity on an AB diblock copolymer melt is investigated using latticebased Monte Carlo simulations. We consider melts of symmetric composition, where the B blocks are monodisperse and the A blocks are polydisperse with a Schultz-Zimm distribution. In agreement with experiment and self-consistent field theory (SCFT), we find that polydispersity causes a significant increase in domain size. It also induces a transition from flat to curved interfaces, with the polydisperse blocks residing on the inside of the interfacial curvature. Most importantly, the simulations show a relatively small shift in the order-disorder transition (ODT) in agreement with experiment, whereas SCFT incorrectly predicts a sizable shift towards higher temperatures.


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A partial phase diagram is constructed for diblock copolymer melts using lattice-based Monte Carlo simulations. This is done by locating the order-disorder transition (ODT) with the aid of a recently proposed order parameter and identifying the ordered phase over a wide range of copolymer compositions (0.2 <= f <= 0.8). Consistent with experiments, the disordered phase is found to exhibit direct first-order transitions to each of the ordered morphologies. This includes the spontaneous formation of a perforated-lamellar phase, which presumably forms in place of the gyroid morphology due to finite-size and/or nonequilibrium effects. Also included in our study is a detailed examination of disordered cylinder-forming (f=0.3) diblock copolymers, revealing a substantial degree of pretransitional chain stretching and short-range order that set in well before the ODT, as observed previously in analogous studies on lamellar-forming (f=0.5) molecules. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The phase diagram for diblock copolymer melts is evaluated from lattice-based Monte Carlo simulations using parallel tempering, improving upon earlier simulations that used sequential temperature scans. This new approach locates the order-disorder transition (ODT) far more accurately by the occurrence of a sharp spike in the heat capacity. The present study also performs a more thorough investigation of finite-size effects, which reveals that the gyroid (G) morphology spontaneously forms in place of the perforated-lamellar (PL) phase identified in the earlier study. Nevertheless, there still remains a small region where the PL phase appears to be stable. Interestingly, the lamellar (L) phase next to this region exhibits a small population of transient perforations, which may explain previous scattering experiments suggesting a modulated-lamellar (ML) phase.


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The temporal variability of the atmosphere through which radio waves pass in the technique of differential radar interferometry can seriously limit the accuracy with which the method can measure surface motion. A forward, nested mesoscale model of the atmosphere can be used to simulate the variable water content along the radar path and the resultant phase delays. Using this approach we demonstrate how to correct an interferogram of Mount Etna in Sicily associated with an eruption in 2004-5. The regional mesoscale model (Unified Model) used to simulate the atmosphere at higher resolutions consists of four nested domains increasing in resolution (12, 4, 1, 0.3 km), sitting within the analysis version of a global numerical model that is used to initiate the simulation. Using the high resolution 3D model output we compute the surface pressure, temperature and the water vapour, liquid and solid water contents, enabling the dominant hydrostatic and wet delays to be calculated at specific times corresponding to the acquisition of the radar data. We can also simulate the second-order delay effects due to liquid water and ice.


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The phase diagram for an AB diblock copolymer melt with polydisperse A blocks and monodisperse B blocks is evaluated using lattice-based Monte Carlo simulations. Experiments on this system have shown that the A-block polydispersity shifts the order-order transitions (OOTs) towards higher A-monomer content, while the order-disorder transition (ODT) moves towards higher temperatures when the A blocks form the minority domains and lower temperatures when the A blocks form the matrix. Although self-consistent field theory (SCFT) correctly accounts for the change in the OOTs, it incorrectly predicts the ODT to shift towards higher temperatures at all diblock copolymer compositions. In contrast, our simulations predict the correct shifts for both the OOTs and the ODT. This implies that polydispersity amplifies the fluctuation-induced correction to the mean-field ODT, which we attribute to a reduction in packing frustration. Consistent with this explanation, polydispersity is found to enhance the stability of the perforated-lamellar phase.


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Monte Carlo field-theoretic simulations (MCFTS) are performed on melts of symmetric diblock copolymer for invariant polymerization indexes extending down to experimentally relevant values of N̅ ∼ 10^4. The simulations are performed with a fluctuating composition field, W_−(r), and a pressure field, W_+(r), that follows the saddle-point approximation. Our study focuses on the disordered-state structure function, S(k), and the order−disorder transition (ODT). Although shortwavelength fluctuations cause an ultraviolet (UV) divergence in three dimensions, this is readily compensated for with the use of an effective Flory−Huggins interaction parameter, χ_e. The resulting S(k) matches the predictions of renormalized one-loop (ROL) calculations over the full range of χ_eN and N̅ examined in our study, and agrees well with Fredrickson−Helfand (F−H) theory near the ODT. Consistent with the F−H theory, the ODT is discontinuous for finite N̅ and the shift in (χ_eN)_ODT follows the predicted N̅^−1/3 scaling over our range of N̅.


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Objective: To evaluate cortisol suppression following 0.5 mg of dexamethasone (DEX) in trauma survivors (N = 52),with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), major depressive disorder (MDD), both, or neither disorder, and in subjects never exposed to trauma (N = 10), in order to examine interactions between diagnosis and trauma history on cortisol negative feedback inhibition. Method: Lifetime trauma exposure and psychiatric diagnoses were assessed and blood samples were obtained at 8:00 a.m. for the determination of baseline cortisol. Participants ingested 0.5 mg of DEX at 11:00 p.m. and blood samples for determination of cortisol and DEX were obtained at 8:00 a.m. the following day. Results: PTSD was associated with enhanced cortisol suppression in response to DEX Among trauma survivors, the presence of a traumatic event prior to the "focal" trauma had a substantial impact on cortisol suppression in subjects with MDD. Such subjects were more likely to show cortisol alterations similar to those associated with PTSD, whereas subjects with MDD with no prior trauma were more likely to show alterations in the opposite direction, i.e. relative non-suppression. Conclusions: Cortisol hypersuppression in PTSD appears not to be dependent on the presence of traumatic events prior to the focal trauma. However, prior trauma exposure may affect cortisol suppression in MDD. This finding may have implications for understanding why only some depressed patients show non-suppression on the DST. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Parental behaviors, most notably overcontrol, lack of warmth and expressed anxiety, have been implicated in models of the development and maintenance of anxiety disorders in children and young people. Theories of normative development have proposed that different parental responses are required to support emotional development in childhood and adolescence, yet age has not typically been taken into account in studies of parenting and anxiety disorders. In order to identify whether associations between anxiety disorder status and parenting differ in children and adolescents, we compared observed behaviors of parents of children (7–10 years) and adolescents (13–16 years) with and without anxiety disorders (n=120), while they undertook a series of mildly anxiety-provoking tasks. Parents of adolescents showed significantly lower levels of expressed anxiety, intrusiveness and warm engagement than parents of children. Furthermore, offspring age moderated the association between anxiety disorder status and parenting behaviors. Specifically, parents of adolescents with anxiety disorders showed higher intrusiveness and lower warm engagement than parents of non-anxious adolescents. A similar relationship between these parenting behaviors and anxiety disorder status was not observed among parents of children. The findings suggest that theoretical accounts of the role of parental behaviors in anxiety disorders in children and adolescents should distinguish between these different developmental periods. Further experimental research to establish causality, however, would be required before committing additional resources to targeting parenting factors within treatment.


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Background:  There has been increasing research interest in parenting by anxious adults; however, little is known about anxiety-subtype effects, or effects of the context in which parenting is assessed. Methods:  Two groups of anxious mothers, social phobia (N = 50), generalised anxiety disorder (N = 38), and nonanxious controls (N = 62) were assessed with their 4.9-year-old children in three tasks: two presented threat specifically relevant to each maternal disorder, namely, a social threat task where the child had to give a speech, and a nonsocial threat task where the child had to explore potentially scary objects; the third was a nonthreat task (playing with play dough). Seven parenting dimensions were scored. Effects on parenting of maternal anxiety subgroup and task, and their interactions, were examined, as were effects of earlier child behavioural inhibition and currently manifest anxiety. Results:  There were no parenting differences between maternal groups in the nonthreat play-dough task; parenting difficulties in the two anxious groups were principally evident in the disorder-specific challenge. Parenting differences between nonanxious and anxious mothers occurred independently of child characteristics. There was little evidence for particular forms of parenting difficulty being unique to maternal disorder. Conclusions:  Anxious mothers’ parenting difficulties emerge when occurring under challenge, especially when this is disorder-specific. These effects should be considered in research and clinical practice.


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We know that from mid-childhood onwards most new words are learned implicitly via reading; however, most word learning studies have taught novel items explicitly. We examined incidental word learning during reading by focusing on the well-documented finding that words which are acquired early in life are processed more quickly than those acquired later. Novel words were embedded in meaningful sentences and were presented to adult readers early (day 1) or later (day 2) during a five-day exposure phase. At test adults read the novel words in semantically neutral sentences. Participants’ eye movements were monitored throughout exposure and test. Adults also completed a surprise memory test in which they had to match each novel word with its definition. Results showed a decrease in reading times for all novel words over exposure, and significantly longer total reading times at test for early than late novel words. Early-presented novel words were also remembered better in the offline test. Our results show that order of presentation influences processing time early in the course of acquiring a new word, consistent with partial and incremental growth in knowledge occurring as a function of an individual’s experience with each word.


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The respiratory emission of CO2 from roots is frequently proposed as an attractant that allows soil-dwelling insects to locate host plant roots, but this role has recently become less certain. CO2 is emitted from many sources other than roots, so does not necessarily indicate the presence of host plants, and because of the high density of roots in the upper soil layers, spatial gradients may not always be perceptible by soil-dwelling insects. The role of CO2 in host location was investigated using the clover root weevil Sitona lepidus Gyllenhall and its host plant white clover (Trifolium repens L.) as a model system. Rhizochamber experiments showed that CO2 concentrations were approximately 1000 ppm around the roots of white clover, but significantly decreased with increasing distance from roots. In behavioural experiments, no evidence was found for any attraction by S. lepidus larvae to point emissions of CO2, regardless of emission rates. Fewer than 15% of larvae were attracted to point emissions of CO2, compared with a control response of 17%. However, fractal analysis of movement paths in constant CO2 concentrations demonstrated that searching by S. lepidus larvae significantly intensified when they experienced CO2 concentrations similar to those found around the roots of white clover (i.e. 1000 ppm). It is suggested that respiratory emissions of CO2 may act as a 'search trigger' for S. lepidus, whereby it induces larvae to search a smaller area more intensively, in order to detect location cues that are more specific to their host plant.


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The formation of hydrogen-bonded interpolymer complexes between poly(acrylic acid) and poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone) as well as amphiphilic copolymers of N-vinyl pyrrolidone with vinyl propyl ether has been studied in aqueous and organic solutions. It was demonstrated that introduction of vinyl propyl ether units into the macromolecules of the nonionic polymer enhances their ability to form complexes in aqueous solutions due to more significant contribution of hydrophobic effects. The complexation was found to be a multistage process that involves the formation of primary polycomplex particles, which further aggregate to form spherical nanoparticles. Depending on the environmental factors (pH, solvent nature), these nanoparticles may either form stable colloidal solutions or undergo further aggregation, resulting in precipitation of interpolymer complexes. In organic solvents, the intensity of complex formation increases in the following order: methanol < ethanol < isopropanol < dioxane. The multilayered coatings were developed using layer-by-layer deposition of interpolymer complexes on glass surfaces. It was demonstrated that the solvent nature affects the efficiency of coating deposition.


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In previous work we have found that Cp2TiCl2 and its corresponding deriv. of tamoxifen, Titanocene tamoxifen, show an unexpected proliferative effect on hormone dependent breast cancer cells MCF-7. In order to check if this behavior is a general trend for titanocene derivs. we have tested two other titanocene derivs., Titanocene Y and Titanocene K, on this cell line. Interestingly, these two titanocene complexes behave in a totally different manner. Titanocene K is highly proliferative on MCF-7 cells even at low concns. (0.5 .mu.M), thus behave almost similarly to Cp2TiCl2. This proliferative effect is also obsd. in the presence of bovine serum albumin (BSA). In contrast, Titanocene Y alone has almost no effect on MCF-7 at a concn. of 10 .mu.M, but exhibits a significant dose dependent cytotoxic effect of up to 50% when incubated with BSA (20-50 .mu.g/mL). This confirms the crucial role played by the binding to serum proteins in the expression of the in vivo, cytotoxicity of the titanocene complexes. From the hydridolithiation reaction of 6-p-anisylfulvene with LiBEt3H followed by transmetallation with iron dichloride [bis-[(p-methoxy-benzyl)cyclopentadienyl]iron(II)] (Ferrocene Y) was synthesized. This complex, which was characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction, contains the robust ferrocenyl unit instead of Ti assocd. with easily leaving groups such as chlorine and shows only a modest cytotoxicity against MCF-7 or MDA-MB-231 cells.


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This study evaluates computer-generated written explanations about drug prescriptions that are based on an analysis of both patient and doctor informational needs. Three experiments examine the effects of varying the type of information given about the possible side effects of the medication, and the order of information within the explanation. Experiment 1 investigated the effects of these two factors on people's ratings of how good they consider the explanations to be and of their perceived likelihood of taking the medication, as well as on their memory for the information in the explanation. Experiment 2 further examined the effects of varying information about side effects by separating out the contribution of number and severity of side effects. It was found that participants in this study did not “like” explanations that described severe side effects, and also judged that they would be less likely to take the medication if given such explanations. Experiment 3 therefore investigated whether information about severe side effects could be presented in such a way as to increase judgements of how good explanations are thought to be, as well as the perceived likelihood of adherence. The results showed some benefits of providing additional explanatory information.