51 resultados para Oral History and Ethics -symposiumi 3.-4.12.2008 Helsingissä
em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK
In the coming decades, the Mediterranean region is expected to experience various climate impacts with negative consequences on agricultural systems and which will cause uneven reductions in agricultural production. By and large, the impacts of climate change on Mediterranean agriculture will be heavier for southern areas of the region. This unbalanced distribution of negative impacts underscores the significance and role of ethics in such a context of analysis. Consequently, the aim of this article is to justify and develop an ethical approach to agricultural adaptation in the Mediterranean and to derive the consequent implications for adaptation policy in the region. In particular, we define an index of adaptive capacity for the agricultural systems of the Mediterranean region on whose basis it is possible to group its different sub-regions, and we provide an overview of the suitable adaptation actions and policies for the sub-regions identified. We then vindicate and put forward an ethical approach to agricultural adaptation, highlighting the implications for the Mediterranean region and the limitations of such an ethical framework. Finally, we emphasize the broader potential of ethics for agricultural adaptation policy.
1. Chemical effects on organisms are typically assessed using individual-level endpoints or sometimes population growth rate (PGR), but such measurements are generally made at low population densities. In contrast most natural populations are subject to density dependence and fluctuate around the environmental carrying capacity as a result of individual competition for resources. As ecotoxicology aims to make reliable population projections of chemical impacts in the field, an understanding of how high-density or resource-limited populations respond to environmental chemicals is essential. 2. Our objective was to determine the joint effects of population density and chemical stress on the life history and PGR of an important ecotoxicological indicator species, Chironomus riparius, under controlled laboratory conditions. Populations were fed the same ration but initiated at different densities and exposed to a solvent control and three concentrations of C-14-cypermethrin in a sediment-water test system for 67 days at 20 +/- 1 degreesC. 3. Density had a negative effect on all the measured life-history traits, and PGR declined with increasing density in the controls. Exposure to C-14-cypermethrin had a direct negative effect on juvenile survival, presumably within the first 24 h because the chemical rapidly dissipated from the water column. Reductions in the initial larval densities resulted in an increase in the available resources for the survivors. Subsequently, exposed populations emerged sooner and started producing offspring earlier than the controls. C-14-cypermethrin had no effect on estimated fecundity and adult body weight but interacted with density to reduce the time to first emergence and first reproduction. As a result, PGR increased with cypermethrin concentration when populations were initiated at high densities. 4. Synthesis and applications. The results showed that the effects of C-14-cypermethrin were buffered at high density, so that the joint effects of density and chemical stress on PGR were less than additive. Low levels of chemical stressors may increase carrying capacity by reducing juvenile competition for resources. More and perhaps fitter adults may be produced, similar to the effects of predators and culling; however, toxicant exposure may result in survivors that are less tolerant to changing conditions. If less than additive effects are typical in the field, standard regulatory tests carried out at low density may overestimate the effects of environmental chemicals. Further studies over a wide range of chemical stressors and organisms with contrasting life histories are needed to make general recommendations.
The structures of trimethylchlorogermane ((CH3)(3)GeCl) and trimethylbromogermane ((CH3)(3)GeBr) have been determined by gas-phase electron diffraction (GED), augmented by the results from ab initio calculations employing second-order Moller-Plesset (MP2) level of theory and the 6-311+G(d) basis set. All the electrons were included in the correlation calculation. The results from the ab initio calculations indicated that these molecules have C-3v symmetry, and models with this symmetry were used in the electron diffraction analysis. The results for the principal distances (r(g)) and angles (angle(alpha)) from the combined GED/ab initio study of trimethylchlorogermane (with estimated 2sigma uncertainties) are: r(Ge-C) = 1.950(4) Angstrom, r(Ge-Cl) = 2.173(4) Angstrom, r(C-H) = 1.090(9) Angstrom, angleCGeC = 112.7(7)degrees, angleCGeCl = 106.0(8)degrees, angleGeCH = 107.8(12)degrees. The results for the principal distances (r(g)) and angles (angle(alpha)) from the combined GED/ab initio study of trimethylbromogermane (with estimated 2sigma uncertainties) are: r(Ge-C) = 1.952(7) Angstrom, r(Ge-Br) = 2.325(4) Angstrom, r(C-H) = 1. 140(28) Angstrom, angleCGeC = 114.2(11)degrees, angleCGeBr = 104.2(13)degrees, angleGeCH 106.9(43)degrees. Local C-3v symmetry and staggered conformation were assumed for the methyl groups.
Immobilised Os species prepared via chemical vapour deposition (CVD) of Os-3(CO)(12) onto MCM-41 are active and selective catalysts for the dihydroxylation of trans-stilbene in acetone and water, using N-methylmorpholine N-oxide as the oxidant. A detailed temperature programmed decomposition study of the solids enables to identify the active sites as Os-x(CO)(y) surface species. The initial loading of the MCM-41 with the trinuclear precursor, as well as the temperature of the post-synthesis oxidising treatment, are found to have a significant impact on the structure/geometry of the resulting surface species, and thus their catalytic properties. We show how it is also affected by the confined environment of the MCM-41 mesopores and especially the curvature of the 30 Angstrom diameter channels. Finally, a careful study of the catalytic properties of the materials together with a study of the reactivity of the reaction products under similar conditions enable to suggest a mechanism involving the reaction of the oxidant with the osmium carbonyl surface species to form the catalytically active Os-oxo sites, and the formation of an osmoate-type species (through adsorption of the alkene onto the Os-oxo site) which subsequently reacts with the solvent to produce the diol. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction of 3,4-bis(tributylstannyl)furan-2(5H)-one using chelating ligand or polar solvent gives mixtures of single and double coupled products, even when one equivalent of halide coupling partner is used. After optimization, the double coupling reaction was shown to be general, with the use of two equivalents of aryl iodides giving 3,4-disubstituted furanones, The reaction using benzyl bromides proceeds at lower temperatures than the corresponding coupling using aryl iodides, giving dibenzylfuranones. The methodology has been exemplified in a synthesis of (+/-)-hinokinin.
In the field of conducting polymers, both poly(pyrrole) and poly(thiophene) have been investigated extensively and are used currently in a wide variety of applications including microelectronics, electrode materials, sensors and optoelectronics. Amongst these polymers, 3- and 3,4- substituted poly(pyrroles) and poly(thiophenes) have received significant attention in recent years as demonstrated by the increase in the number of patents and publications that describe their use. This review covers the development in the synthesis of 3- and 3,4- Substituted poly(pyrroles) and poly(thiophenes) over the last 30 years, their polymerisation in addition to describing the material properties and applications of the resulting polymers. In particular, this review focuses upon the variety of methodologies employed for the synthesis of 3- and 3,4-substituted pyrroles and thiophenes as well as upon the broad range of functional groups that can be attached to the heterocyclic ring system in order to tailor the properties of the resulting polymers.
The bifunctional carbamoyl methyl sulfoxide ligands, PhCH2SOCH2CONHPh (L-1), PhCH2SOCH2CONHCH2Ph (L-2), (PhSOCH2CONPr2)-Pr-i (L-3), PhSOCH2CONBu2 (L-4), (PhSOCH2CONBu2)-Bu-i (L-5) and PhSOCH2CON(C8H17)(2) (L-6) have been synthesized and characterized by spectroscopic methods. The selected coordination chemistry of L-1, L-3, L-4 and L-5 with [UO2(NO3)(2)] and [Ce(NO3)(3)] has been evaluated. The structures of the compounds [UO2(NO3)(2)((PhSOCH2CONBu2)-Bu-i)] (10) and [Ce(NO3)(3)(PhSOCH2CONBu2)(2)] (12) have been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction methods. Preliminary extraction studies of ligand L-6 with U(VI), Pu(IV) and Am(III) in tracer level showed an appreciable extraction for U(VI) and Pu(IV) in up to 10 M HNO3 but not for Am(III). Thermal studies on compounds 8 and 10 in air revealed that the ligands can be destroyed completely on incineration. The electron spray mass spectra of compounds 8 and 10 in acetone show that extensive ligand distribution reactions occur in solution to give a mixture of products with ligand to metal ratios of 1 : 1 and 2 : 1. However, 10 retains its solid state structure in CH2Cl2.
Two tridentate N,N,O donor Schiff bases, HL1 (4-(2-ethylamino-ethylimino)-pentan-2-one) and HL2 (3-(2-amino-propylimino)-1-phenyl-butan-1-one) on reaction with Cu-II acetate in presence of triethyl amine yielded two basal-apical, mono-atomic acetate oxygen-bridging dimeric copper(II) complexes, [Cu2L21(OAc)(2)] (1), [Cu2L22(OAc)(2)] (2). Whereas two other similar tridentate ligands HL3 (4-(2-amino-propylimino)-pentane-2-one) and HL3 (3-(2-amino-ethylimino)-1-phenyl-butan-1-one) under the same conditions produced a mixture of the corresponding dinners and a one-dimensional alternating chain of the dimer and copper acetate moiety, [Cu4L23(OAc)(6)](n) (3) and [Cu4L24(OAc)(6)](n) (4), formed by a very rare mu(3) bridging mode of the acetate ion. All four complexes (1-4) have been characterized by X-ray crystallography. The isotropic Hamiltonian, H = -JS(1)S(2) has been used to interpret the magnetic data. Magnetic measurements of 1 and 2 in the temperature range 2-300 K reveal a very weak antiferromagnetic coupling for both complexes U = -0.56 and -1.19 cm(-1) for 1 and 2, respectively). (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The cellular actions of genistein, and its in vivo metabolites, are believed to mediate the decreased risk of breast cancer associated with high soy consumption. The genistein metabolite, 5,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxyisoflavone (THIF), induced G2-M cell cycle arrest in T47D tumorigenic breast epithelial cells via a mechanism involving the activation of ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related kinase (ATR) via its phosphorylation at Ser(428). This activation of ATR appeared to result from THIF-induced increases in intracellular oxidative stress, a depletion of cellular GSH and an increase in DNA strand breakage. THIF treatment also led to an inhibition of cdc2, which was accompanied by the phosphorylation of both p53 (Ser(15)) and Chk1 (Ser(296)) and the de-activation of cdc25C phosphatase. We suggest the anti-proliferative actions of THIF may be mediated by initial oxidative DNA damage, activation of ATR and downstream regulation of the p53 and Chk1 pathways leading to cell cycle arrest in G2-M. This may represent one mechanism by which genistein exerts its cellular activity in vivo. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: Animal studies have suggested that conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a natural component of ruminant meat and dairy products, may confer beneficial effects on health. However, little information on the effects of CLA on immune function is available, especially in humans. Furthermore, the effects of individual isomers of CLA have not been adequately investigated. Objective: This study investigated the effects of supplementing the diet with 3 doses of highly enriched cis-9,trans-11 CLA (0.59, 1.19, and 2.38 g/d) or trans-10,cis-12 CLA (0.63, 1.26, and 2.52 g/d) on immune outcomes in healthy humans. Design: The study had a randomized, double-blind, crossover design. Healthy men consumed 1, 2, and 4 capsules sequentially that contained 80% of either cis-9,trans-11 CLA or trans-10,cis-12 CLA for consecutive 8-wk periods. This regimen was followed by a 6-wk washout and a crossover to the other isomer. Results: Both CLA isomers decreased mitogen-induced T lymphocyte activation in a dose-dependent manner. There was a significant negative correlation between mitogen-induced T lymphocyte activation and the proportions of both cis-9,trans-11 CLA and trans-10,cis-12 CLA in peripheral blood mononuclear cell lipids. However, CLA did not affect lymphocyte subpopulations or serum concentrations of C-reactive protein and did not have any consistent effects on ex vivo cytokine production. Conclusion: CLA supplementation results in a dose-dependent reduction in the mitogen-induced activation of T lymphocytes. The effects of cis-9,trans-l I CLA and trans-10,cis-12 CLA were similar, and there was a negative correlation between mitogen-induced T lymphocyte activation and the cis-9,trans-11 CLA and trans-10,cis-12 CLA contents of mononuclear cells.
This paper examines optimal solutions of control systems with drift defined on the orthonormal frame bundle of particular Riemannian manifolds of constant curvature. The manifolds considered here are the space forms Euclidean space E³, the spheres S³ and the hyperboloids H³ with the corresponding frame bundles equal to the Euclidean group of motions SE(3), the rotation group SO(4) and the Lorentz group SO(1,3). The optimal controls of these systems are solved explicitly in terms of elliptic functions. In this paper, a geometric interpretation of the extremal solutions is given with particular emphasis to a singularity in the explicit solutions. Using a reduced form of the Casimir functions the geometry of these solutions is illustrated.
Substituted amphetamines such as p-chloroamphetamine and the abused drug methylenedioxymethamphetamine cause selective destruction of serotonin axons in rats, by unknown mechanisms. Since some serotonin neurones also express neuronal nitric oxide synthase, which has been implicated in neurotoxicity, the present study was undertaken to determine whether nitric oxide synthase expressing serotonin neurones are selectively vulnerable to methylenedioxymethamphetamine or p-chloroamphetamine. Using double-labeling immunocytochemistry and double in situ hybridization for nitric oxide synthase and the serotonin transporter, it was confirmed that about two thirds of serotonergic cell bodies in the dorsal raphe nucleus expressed nitric oxide synthase, however few if any serotonin transporter immunoreactive axons in striatum expressed nitric oxide synthase at detectable levels. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (30 mg/kg) or p-chloroamphetamine (2 x 10 mg/kg) was administered to Sprague-Dawley rats, and 7 days after drug administration there were modest decreases in the levels of serotonin transporter protein in frontal cortex, and striatum using Western blotting, even though axonal loss could be clearly seen by immunostaining. p-Chloroamphetamine or methylenedioxymethamphetamine administration did not alter the level of nitric oxide synthase in striatum or frontal cortex, determined by Western blotting. Analysis of serotonin neuronal cell bodies 7 days after p-chloroamphetamine treatment, revealed a net down-regulation of serotonin transporter mRNA levels, and a profound change in expression of nitric oxide synthase, with 33% of serotonin transporter mRNA positive cells containing nitric oxide synthase mRNA, compared with 65% in control animals. Altogether these results support the hypothesis that serotonin neurones which express nitric oxide synthase are most vulnerable to substituted amphetamine toxicity, supporting the concept that the selective vulnerability of serotonin neurones has a molecular basis.
Electrochemical and photochemical properties of the tetrahedral cluster [Ru3Ir(mu(3)-H)(CO)(13)] were studied in order to prove whether the previously established thermal conversion of this cluster into the hydrogenated derivative [Ru3Ir(mu-H)(3)(CO)(12)] also occurs by means of redox or photochemical activation. Two-electron reduction of [Ru3Ir(mu(3)-H)(CO)(13)] results in the loss of CO and concomitant formation of the dianion [Ru3Ir(mu(3)-H)(CO)(12)](2-). The latter reduction product is stable in CH2Cl2 at low temperatures but becomes partly protonated above 283 K into the anion [Ru3Ir(mu-H)(2)(CO)(12)](-) by traces of water. The dianion [Ru3Ir(mu(3)-H)(CO)(12)](2-) is also the product of the electrochemical reduction of [Ru3Ir(mu-H)(3)(CO)(12)] accompanied by the loss of H-2. Stepwise deprotonation of [Ru3Ir(mu-H)(3)(CO)(12)] with Et4NOH yields [Ru3Ir(mu-H)(2)(CO)(12)](-) and [Ru3Ir(mu(3)-H)(CO)(12)](2-). Reverse protonation of the anionic clusters can be achieved, e. g., with trifluoromethylsulfonic acid. Thus, the electrochemical conversion of [Ru3Ir(mu(3)-H)(CO)(13)] into [Ru3Ir(mu-H)(3)(CO)(12)] is feasible, demanding separate two-electron reduction and protonation steps. Irradiation into the visible absorption band of [Ru3Ir(mu3-H)(CO)(13)] in hexane does not induce any significant photochemical conversion. Irradiation of this cluster in the presence of CO with lambda(irr) > 340 nm, however, triggers its efficient photofragmentation into reactive unsaturated ruthenium and iridium carbonyl fragments. These fragments are either stabilised by dissolved CO or undergo reclusterification to give homonuclear clusters. Most importantly, in H-2-saturated hexane, [Ru3Ir(mu(3)-H)(CO)(13)] converts selectively into the [Ru3Ir(mu-H)(3)(CO)(12)] photoproduct. This conversion is particularly efficient at lambda(irr) > 340 nm.
Stepwise electrochemical reduction of the complex fac-[Mn(Br)(CO)(3)(tmbp)] (tmbp = 4,4',5,5'-tetramethyl-2,2'-biphosphinine) produces the dimer [Mn(CO)(3)(tmbp)](2) and the five-coordinate anion [Mn(CO)(3)(tmbp)](-). All three members of the redox series have been characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The crystallographic data provide valuable insight into the localization of the added electrons on the (carbonyl)manganese and tmbp centers. In particular, the formulation of the two-electron-reduced anion as [Mn-0(CO)(3)(tmbp(-))](-) also agrees with the analysis of its IR nu(CO) wavenumbers and with the results of density functional theoretical (DFT) MO calculations on this compound. The strongly delocalized pi-bonding in the anion stabilizes its five-coordinate geometry and results in the appearance of several mixed Mn-to-tmbp charge-transfer/IL(tmbp) transitions in the near-UV-vis spectral region. A thorough voltammetric and UV-vis/IR spectroelectrochemical study of the reduction path provided evidence for a direct formation of [Mn(CO)(3)(tmbp)](-) via a two-electron ECE mechanism involving the [Mn(CO)(3)(tmbp)](.) radical transient. At ambient temperature [Mn(CO)(3)(tmbp)](-) reacts rapidly with nonreduced fac-[Mn(Br)(CO)(3)(tmbp)] to produce [Mn(CO)(3)(tmbp)](2). Comparison with the analogous 2,2'-bipyridine complexes has revealed striking similarity in the bonding properties and reactivity, despite the stronger pi-acceptor character of the tmbp ligand.