9 resultados para Open source software -- TFG

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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In this paper we describe a lightweight Web portal developed for running computational jobs on a IBM JS21 Bladecenter cluster, ThamesBlue, for inferring and analyzing evolutionary histories. We first discuss the need for leveraging HPC as a enabler for molecular phylogenetics research. We go on to describe how the portal is designed to interface with existing open-source software that is typical of a HPC resource configuration, and how by design this portal is generic enough to be portable to other similarly configured compute clusters, and for other applications.


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[English] This paper is a tutorial introduction to pseudospectral optimal control. With pseudospectral methods, a function is approximated as a linear combination of smooth basis functions, which are often chosen to be Legendre or Chebyshev polynomials. Collocation of the differential-algebraic equations is performed at orthogonal collocation points, which are selected to yield interpolation of high accuracy. Pseudospectral methods directly discretize the original optimal control problem to recast it into a nonlinear programming format. A numerical optimizer is then employed to find approximate local optimal solutions. The paper also briefly describes the functionality and implementation of PSOPT, an open source software package written in C++ that employs pseudospectral discretization methods to solve multi-phase optimal control problems. The software implements the Legendre and Chebyshev pseudospectral methods, and it has useful features such as automatic differentiation, sparsity detection, and automatic scaling. The use of pseudospectral methods is illustrated in two problems taken from the literature on computational optimal control. [Portuguese] Este artigo e um tutorial introdutorio sobre controle otimo pseudo-espectral. Em metodos pseudo-espectrais, uma funcao e aproximada como uma combinacao linear de funcoes de base suaves, tipicamente escolhidas como polinomios de Legendre ou Chebyshev. A colocacao de equacoes algebrico-diferenciais e realizada em pontos de colocacao ortogonal, que sao selecionados de modo a minimizar o erro de interpolacao. Metodos pseudoespectrais discretizam o problema de controle otimo original de modo a converte-lo em um problema de programa cao nao-linear. Um otimizador numerico e entao empregado para obter solucoes localmente otimas. Este artigo tambem descreve sucintamente a funcionalidade e a implementacao de um pacote computacional de codigo aberto escrito em C++ chamado PSOPT. Tal pacote emprega metodos de discretizacao pseudo-spectrais para resolver problemas de controle otimo com multiplas fase. O PSOPT permite a utilizacao de metodos de Legendre ou Chebyshev, e possui caractersticas uteis tais como diferenciacao automatica, deteccao de esparsidade e escalonamento automatico. O uso de metodos pseudo-espectrais e ilustrado em dois problemas retirados da literatura de controle otimo computacional.


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High-density oligonucleotide (oligo) arrays are a powerful tool for transcript profiling. Arrays based on GeneChip® technology are amongst the most widely used, although GeneChip® arrays are currently available for only a small number of plant and animal species. Thus, we have developed a method to improve the sensitivity of high-density oligonucleotide arrays when applied to heterologous species and tested the method by analysing the transcriptome of Brassica oleracea L., a species for which no GeneChip® array is available, using a GeneChip® array designed for Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Genomic DNA from B. oleracea was labelled and hybridised to the ATH1-121501 GeneChip® array. Arabidopsis thaliana probe-pairs that hybridised to the B. oleracea genomic DNA on the basis of the perfect-match (PM) probe signal were then selected for subsequent B. oleracea transcriptome analysis using a .cel file parser script to generate probe mask files. The transcriptional response of B. oleracea to a mineral nutrient (phosphorus; P) stress was quantified using probe mask files generated for a wide range of gDNA hybridisation intensity thresholds. An example probe mask file generated with a gDNA hybridisation intensity threshold of 400 removed > 68 % of the available PM probes from the analysis but retained >96 % of available A. thaliana probe-sets. Ninety-nine of these genes were then identified as significantly regulated under P stress in B. oleracea, including the homologues of P stress responsive genes in A. thaliana. Increasing the gDNA hybridisation intensity thresholds up to 500 for probe-selection increased the sensitivity of the GeneChip® array to detect regulation of gene expression in B. oleracea under P stress by up to 13-fold. Our open-source software to create probe mask files is freely available http://affymetrix.arabidopsis.info/xspecies/ webcite and may be used to facilitate transcriptomic analyses of a wide range of plant and animal species in the absence of custom arrays.


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Measurements of the ionospheric E-region during total solar eclipses have been used to provide information about the evolution of the solar magnetic field and EUV and X-ray emissions from the solar corona and chromosphere. By measuring levels of ionisation during an eclipse and comparing these measurements with an estimate of the unperturbed ionisation levels (such as those made during a control day, where available) it is possible to estimate the percentage of ionising radiation being emitted by the solar corona and chromosphere. Previously unpublished data from the two eclipses presented here are particularly valuable as they provide information that supplements the data published to date. The eclipse of 23 October 1976 over Australia provides information in a data gap that would otherwise have spanned the years 1966 to 1991. The eclipse of 4 December 2002 over Southern Africa is important as it extends the published sequence of measurements. Comparing measurements from eclipses between 1932 and 2002 with the solar magnetic source flux reveals that changes in the solar EUV and X-ray flux lag the open source flux measurements by approximately 1.5 years. We suggest that this unexpected result comes about from changes to the relative size of the limb corona between eclipses, with the lag representing the time taken to populate the coronal field with plasma hot enough to emit the EUV and X-rays ionising our atmosphere.


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Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) datasets can be compared or combined following chromatographic alignment. Here we describe a simple solution to the specific problem of aligning one LC-MS dataset and one LC-MS/MS dataset, acquired on separate instruments from an enzymatic digest of a protein mixture, using feature extraction and a genetic algorithm. First, the LC-MS dataset is searched within a few ppm of the calculated theoretical masses of peptides confidently identified by LC-MS/MS. A piecewise linear function is then fitted to these matched peptides using a genetic algorithm with a fitness function that is insensitive to incorrect matches but sufficiently flexible to adapt to the discrete shifts common when comparing LC datasets. We demonstrate the utility of this method by aligning ion trap LC-MS/MS data with accurate LC-MS data from an FTICR mass spectrometer and show how hybrid datasets can improve peptide and protein identification by combining the speed of the ion trap with the mass accuracy of the FTICR, similar to using a hybrid ion trap-FTICR instrument. We also show that the high resolving power of FTICR can improve precision and linear dynamic range in quantitative proteomics. The alignment software, msalign, is freely available as open source.


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The ability to display and inspect powder diffraction data quickly and efficiently is a central part of the data analysis process. Whilst many computer programs are capable of displaying powder data, their focus is typically on advanced operations such as structure solution or Rietveld refinement. This article describes a lightweight software package, Jpowder, whose focus is fast and convenient visualization and comparison of powder data sets in a variety of formats from computers with network access. Jpowder is written in Java and uses its associated Web Start technology to allow ‘single-click deployment’ from a web page, http://www.jpowder.org. Jpowder is open source, free and available for use by anyone.


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This paper introduces PSOPT, an open source optimal control solver written in C++. PSOPT uses pseudospectral and local discretizations, sparse nonlinear programming, automatic differentiation, and it incorporates automatic scaling and mesh refinement facilities. The software is able to solve complex optimal control problems including multiple phases, delayed differential equations, nonlinear path constraints, interior point constraints, integral constraints, and free initial and/or final times. The software does not require any non-free platform to run, not even the operating system, as it is able to run under Linux. Additionally, the software generates plots as well as LATEX code so that its results can easily be included in publications. An illustrative example is provided.


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Brain-Computer Interfacing (BCI) has been previously demonstrated to restore patient communication, meeting with varying degrees of success. Due to the nature of the equipment traditionally used in BCI experimentation (the electroencephalograph) it is mostly conned to clinical and research environments. The required medical safety standards, subsequent cost of equipment and its application/training times are all issues that need to be resolved if BCIs are to be taken out of the lab/clinic and delivered to the home market. The results in this paper demonstrate a system developed with a low cost medical grade EEG amplier unit in conjunction with the open source BCI2000 software suite thus constructing the cheapest per electrode system available, meeting rigorous clinical safety standards. Discussion of the future of this technology and future work concerning this platform are also introduced.


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For users of climate services, the ability to quickly determine the datasets that best fit one's needs would be invaluable. The volume, variety and complexity of climate data makes this judgment difficult. The ambition of CHARMe ("Characterization of metadata to enable high-quality climate services") is to give a wider interdisciplinary community access to a range of supporting information, such as journal articles, technical reports or feedback on previous applications of the data. The capture and discovery of this "commentary" information, often created by data users rather than data providers, and currently not linked to the data themselves, has not been significantly addressed previously. CHARMe applies the principles of Linked Data and open web standards to associate, record, search and publish user-derived annotations in a way that can be read both by users and automated systems. Tools have been developed within the CHARMe project that enable annotation capability for data delivery systems already in wide use for discovering climate data. In addition, the project has developed advanced tools for exploring data and commentary in innovative ways, including an interactive data explorer and comparator ("CHARMe Maps") and a tool for correlating climate time series with external "significant events" (e.g. instrument failures or large volcanic eruptions) that affect the data quality. Although the project focuses on climate science, the concepts are general and could be applied to other fields. All CHARMe system software is open-source, released under a liberal licence, permitting future projects to re-use the source code as they wish.