em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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LIght Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) data for terrain and land surveying has contributed to many environmental, engineering and civil applications. However, the analysis of Digital Surface Models (DSMs) from complex LIDAR data is still challenging. Commonly, the first task to investigate LIDAR data point clouds is to separate ground and object points as a preparatory step for further object classification. In this paper, the authors present a novel unsupervised segmentation algorithm-skewness balancing to separate object and ground points efficiently from high resolution LIDAR point clouds by exploiting statistical moments. The results presented in this paper have shown its robustness and its potential for commercial applications.


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A near real-time flood detection algorithm giving a synoptic overview of the extent of flooding in both urban and rural areas, and capable of working during night-time and day-time even if cloud was present, could be a useful tool for operational flood relief management. The paper describes an automatic algorithm using high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite data that builds on existing approaches, including the use of image segmentation techniques prior to object classification to cope with the very large number of pixels in these scenes. Flood detection in urban areas is guided by the flood extent derived in adjacent rural areas. The algorithm assumes that high resolution topographic height data are available for at least the urban areas of the scene, in order that a SAR simulator may be used to estimate areas of radar shadow and layover. The algorithm proved capable of detecting flooding in rural areas using TerraSAR-X with good accuracy, and in urban areas with reasonable accuracy. The accuracy was reduced in urban areas partly because of TerraSAR-X’s restricted visibility of the ground surface due to radar shadow and layover.


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A near real-time flood detection algorithm giving a synoptic overview of the extent of flooding in both urban and rural areas, and capable of working during night-time and day-time even if cloud was present, could be a useful tool for operational flood relief management. The paper describes an automatic algorithm using high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite data that builds on existing approaches, including the use of image segmentation techniques prior to object classification to cope with the very large number of pixels in these scenes. Flood detection in urban areas is guided by the flood extent derived in adjacent rural areas. The algorithm assumes that high resolution topographic height data are available for at least the urban areas of the scene, in order that a SAR simulator may be used to estimate areas of radar shadow and layover. The algorithm proved capable of detecting flooding in rural areas using TerraSAR-X with good accuracy, classifying 89% of flooded pixels correctly, with an associated false positive rate of 6%. Of the urban water pixels visible to TerraSAR-X, 75% were correctly detected, with a false positive rate of 24%. If all urban water pixels were considered, including those in shadow and layover regions, these figures fell to 57% and 18% respectively.


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It is now established that certain cognitive processes such as categorisation are tightly linked to the concepts encoded in language. Recent studies have shown that bilinguals with languages that differ in their concepts may show a shift in their cognition towards the L2 pattern primarily as a function of their L2 proficiency. This research has so far focused predominantly on L2 users who started learning the L2 in childhood or early puberty. The current study asks whether similar effects can be found in adult L2 learners. English speakers of L2 Japanese were given an object classification task involving real physical objects, and an online classification task involving artificial novel objects. Results showed a shift towards the L2 pattern, indicating that some degree of cognitive plasticity exists even when a second language is acquired later in life. These results have implications for theories of L2 acquisition and bilingualism, and contribute towards our understanding of the nature of the relationship between language and cognition in the L2 user’s mind.


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Previous work on object classification preferences shows that speakers of languages that lack morphological plural marking (like Yucatec and Japanese) display a tendency to match objects by common material, while speakers of languages with morphological plural marking (like English) display a tendency to match objects by common shape. The present paper compares categorisation preferences of English and Japanese speakers with those of Greek speakers. Greek resembles English in that it has morphological plural marking, but contrasts with English in that mass nouns typically do not resist pluralization. Results show that all groups distinguish significantly between countable objects and non-countable substances, but the degree to which they do this differs and conforms to language-specific grammatical patterns. It is argued that the effects of grammatical structure on categorisation preferences are finer-grained than earlier studies have assumed, thus providing a more precise account of the extent and nature of linguistic influence on cognition.


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Previous studies have demonstrated that there is a tight link between grammatical concepts and cognitive preferences in monolingual speakers (Lucy 1992, Lucy & Gaskins 2003, Imai & Gentner 1997, Imai & Mazuka 2003). Recent research has also shown that bilinguals with languages that differ in their concepts may shift their cognitive preferences as a function of their proficiency (Athanasopoulos, 2006) or cultural immersion (Cook, Bassetti, Kasai, Sasaki, & Takahashi, 2006). The current short paper assesses the relative impact of each of these variables, and furthermore asks whether bilinguals alternate between two distinct cognitive representations of language-specific concepts depending on the language used in the experiment. Results from an object classification task showed that Japanese–English bilinguals shifted their behaviour towards the second language (L2) pattern primarily as a function of their L2 proficiency, while cultural immersion and language of instruction played a minimal role. These findings suggest that acquisition of novel grammatical categories leads to cognitive restructuring in the bilingual mind and have implications for the relationship between language and cognitive processing.


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In the past decade, airborne based LIght Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) has been recognised by both the commercial and public sectors as a reliable and accurate source for land surveying in environmental, engineering and civil applications. Commonly, the first task to investigate LIDAR point clouds is to separate ground and object points. Skewness Balancing has been proven to be an efficient non-parametric unsupervised classification algorithm to address this challenge. Initially developed for moderate terrain, this algorithm needs to be adapted to handle sloped terrain. This paper addresses the difficulty of object and ground point separation in LIDAR data in hilly terrain. A case study on a diverse LIDAR data set in terms of data provider, resolution and LIDAR echo has been carried out. Several sites in urban and rural areas with man-made structure and vegetation in moderate and hilly terrain have been investigated and three categories have been identified. A deeper investigation on an urban scene with a river bank has been selected to extend the existing algorithm. The results show that an iterative use of Skewness Balancing is suitable for sloped terrain.


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Light Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) is an important modality in terrain and land surveying for many environmental, engineering and civil applications. This paper presents the framework for a recently developed unsupervised classification algorithm called Skewness Balancing for object and ground point separation in airborne LIDAR data. The main advantages of the algorithm are threshold-freedom and independence from LIDAR data format and resolution, while preserving object and terrain details. The framework for Skewness Balancing has been built in this contribution with a prediction model in which unknown LIDAR tiles can be categorised as “hilly” or “moderate” terrains. Accuracy assessment of the model is carried out using cross-validation with an overall accuracy of 95%. An extension to the algorithm is developed to address the overclassification issue for hilly terrain. For moderate terrain, the results show that from the classified tiles detached objects (buildings and vegetation) and attached objects (bridges and motorway junctions) are separated from bare earth (ground, roads and yards) which makes Skewness Balancing ideal to be integrated into geographic information system (GIS) software packages.