37 resultados para Narrow-band interference filters

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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The VISIR instrument for the European Southern Observatory (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a thermal-infrared imager and spectrometer currently being developed by the French Service d'Astrophysique of CEA Saclay, and Dutch NFRA ASTRON Dwingeloo consortium. This cryogenic instrument will employ precision infrared bandpass filters in the N-( =7.5-14µm) and Q-( =16-28µm) band mid-IR atmospheric windows to study interstellar and circumstellar environments crucial for star and planetary formation theories. As the filters in these mid-IR wavelength ranges are of interest to many astronomical cryogenic instruments, a worldwide astronomical filter consortium was set up with participation from 12 differing institutes, each requiring instrument specific filter operating environments and optical metrology. This paper describes the design and fabrication methods used to manufacture these astronomical consortium filters, including the rationale for the selection of multilayer coating designs, temperature-dependant optical properties of the filter materials and FTIR spectral measurements showing the changes in passband and blocking performance on cooling to <50K. We also describe the development of a 7-14µm broadband antireflection coating deposited on Ge lenses and KRS-5 grisms for cryogenic operation at 40K


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The principles of operation of an experimental prototype instrument known as J-SCAN are described along with the derivation of formulae for the rapid calculation of normalized impedances; the structure of the instrument; relevant probe design parameters; digital quantization errors; and approaches for the optimization of single frequency operation. An eddy current probe is used As the inductance element of a passive tuned-circuit which is repeatedly excited with short impulses. Each impulse excites an oscillation which is subject to decay dependent upon the values of the tuned-circuit components: resistance, inductance and capacitance. Changing conditions under the probe that affect the resistance and inductance of this circuit will thus be detected through changes in the transient response. These changes in transient response, oscillation frequency and rate of decay, are digitized, and then normalized values for probe resistance and inductance changes are calculated immediately in a micro processor. This approach coupled with a minimum analogue processing and maximum of digital processing has advantages compared with the conventional approaches to eddy current instruments. In particular there are: the absence of an out of balance condition and the flexibility and stability of digital data processing.


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This invention relates to the manufacture of multi-layer interference filters for use with infra-red radiation, especially at wavelengths beyond 3.8 microns. A method of manufacturing a multi-layer interference filter comprising the steps of forming on a substrate successive layers of lead telluride and another material in alternation, under conditions in which sufficient oxygen is included in the lead telluride layers to reduce the apparent free charge carrier concentration therein, so that the resulting filter exhibits enhanced transparency to radiation of wavelengths greater than 3.8 microns and enhanced natural absorption to radiation of wavelength less than 3.8 microns.


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As improvements to the optical design of spectrometer and radiometer instruments evolve with advances in detector sensitivity, use of focal plane detector arrays and innovations in adaptive optics for large high altitude telescopes, interest in mid-infrared astronomy and remote sensing applications have been areas of progressive research in recent years. This research has promoted a number of developments in infrared coating performance, particularly by placing increased demands on the spectral imaging requirements of filters to precisely isolate radiation between discrete wavebands and improve photometric accuracy. The spectral design and construction of multilayer filters to accommodate these developments has subsequently been an area of challenging thin-film research, to achieve high spectral positioning accuracy, environmental durability and aging stability at cryogenic temperatures, whilst maximizing the far-infrared performance. In this paper we examine the design and fabrication of interference filters in instruments that utilize the mid-infrared N-band (6-15 µm) and Q-band (16-28 µm) atmospheric windows, together with a rationale for the selection of materials, deposition process, spectral measurements and assessment of environmental durability performance.


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With continually increasing demands for improvements to atmospheric and planetary remote-sensing instrumentation, for both high optical system performance and extended operational lifetimes, an investigation to access the effects of prolonged exposure of the space environment to a series of infrared interference filters and optical materials was promoted on the NASA LDEF mission. The NASA Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) was launchd by the Space Shuttle to transport various science and technology experiments both to and from space, providing investigators with the opportunity to study the effects of the space environment on materials and systems used in space-flight applications. Preliminary results to be discussed consist of transmission measurements obtained and processed from an infrared spectrophotometer both before (1983) and after (1990) exposure compared with unexposed control specimens, together with results of detailed microscopic and general visual examinations performed on the experiment. The principle lead telluride (PbTe) and Zinc Sulphide (ZnS) based multilayer filters selected for this preliminary investigation consist of : an 8-12µm low pass edge filter, a 10.6µm 2.5% half bandwidth (HBW) double half-wave narrow bandpass filter, and a 10% HBW triple half-wave wide bandpass filter at 15µm. Optical substrates of MgF2 and KRS-5 (T1BrI) will also be discussed.


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Perceptual effects of room reverberation on a "sir" or "stir" test-word can be observed when the level of reverberation in the word is increased, while the reverberation in a surrounding 'context I utterance remains at a minimal level. The result is that listeners make more "sit" identifications. When the context's reverberation is also increased, to approach the level in the test word, extrinsic perceptual compensation is observed, so that the number of listeners' "sir" identifications reduces to a value similar to that found with minimal reverberation. Thus far, compensation effects have only been observed with speech or speech-like contexts in which the short-term spectrum changes as the speaker's articulators move. The results reported here show that some noise contexts with static short-term spectra can also give rise to compensation. From these experiments it would appear that compensation requires a context with a temporal envelope that fluctuates to some extent, so that parts of it resemble offsets. These findings are consistent with a rather general kind of perceptual compensation mechanism; one that is informed by the 'tails' that reverberation adds at offsets. Other results reported here show that narrow-band contexts do not bring about compensation, even when their temporal-envelopes are the same as those of the more effective wideband contexts. These results suggest that compensation is confined to the frequency range occupied by the context, and that in a wideband sound it might operate in a 'band by band' manner.


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The health risks associated with the inhalation or ingestion of cadmium are well documented([1,2]). During the past 18 years, EU legislation has steadily been introduced to restrict its use, leaving a requirement for the development of replacement materials. This paper looks at possible alternatives to various cadmium II-VI dielectric compounds used in the deposition of optical thin-films for various opto-electronic devices. Application areas of particular interest are for infrared multilayer interference filter fabrication and solar cell industries, where cadmium-based coatings currently find widespread use. The results of single and multilayer designs comprising CdTe, CdS, CdSe and PbTe deposited onto group IV and II-VI materials as interference filters for the mid-IR region are presented. Thin films of SnN, SnO2, SnS and SnSe are fabricated by plasma assisted CVD, reactive RF sputtering and thermal evaporation. Examination of these films using FTIR spectroscopy, SEM, EDX analysis and optical characterisation methods provide details of material dispersion, absorption, composition, refractive index, energy band gap and layer thicknesses. The optimisation of deposition parameters in order to synthesise coatings with similar optical and semiconductor properties as those containing cadmium has been investigated. Results of environmental, durability and stability trials are also presented.


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The design and manufacture of the band-defining filters and their associated dichroic beam splitter for the 11- and the 12-µm infrared channels of the advanced along-track scanning radiometer are described. The filter requirements that have led to the choice of coating designs, coating materials, disposition of coatings, and effects of polarization are discussed. Overall spectral throughputs of the filter and dichroic interaction for the two channels are also presented.


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Infrared multilayer interference filters have been used extensively in satellite radiometers for about 15 years. Filters manufactured by the University of Reading have been used in Nimbus 5, 6, and 7, TIROS N, and the Pioneer Venus orbiter. The ability of the filters to withstand the space environment in these applications is critical; if degradation takes place, the effects would range from worsening of signal-to-noise performance to complete system failure. An experiment on the LDEF will enable the filters, for the first time, to be subjected to authoritative spectral measurements following space exposure to ascertain their suitability for spacecraft use and to permit an understanding of degradation mechanisms.


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The design and manufacture of dielectric-film interference filters for cooled FIR stronmy is described. The bands are 16.5-21.5µm, 17.5-19.5µm, 19.5-21.5µm and 27µm cut on. The films are PbTe/CdSe and the substrates are CdTe (some 1/2 mm thick), without absorption in the region: KRS-6 films are used for antireflection.


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Perceptual compensation for reverberation was measured by embedding test words in contexts that were either spoken phrases or processed versions of this speech. The processing gave steady-spectrum contexts with no changes in the shape of the short-term spectral envelope over time, but with fluctuations in the temporal envelope. Test words were from a continuum between "sir" and "stir." When the amount of reverberation in test words was increased, to a level above the amount in the context, they sounded more like "sir." However, when the amount of reverberation in the context was also increased, to the level present in the test word, there was perceptual compensation in some conditions so that test words sounded more like "stir" again. Experiments here found compensation with speech contexts and with some steady-spectrum contexts, indicating that fluctuations in the context's temporal envelope can be sufficient for compensation. Other results suggest that the effectiveness of speech contexts is partly due to the narrow-band "frequency-channels" of the auditory periphery, where temporal-envelope fluctuations can be more pronounced than they are in the sound's broadband temporal envelope. Further results indicate that for compensation to influence speech, the context needs to be in a broad range of frequency channels. (c) 2007 Acoustical Society of America.


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This invention relates to the manufacture of coated substrates, and particularly, but not exclusively, to the deposition of multi-layer coatings in the manufacture of interference filters consisting of multiple thin films. An object of the invention is to allow accurate control of the deposition of a succession of layers having good uniformity, for example during the manufacture by vacuum evaporation of multilayer interference filters for use with infrared radiation of particularly long wavelength, using a method which is self calibrating and which avoids the repetitive use of individual control layers.


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Instability is a serious problem for acoustic Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) headsets as a result of large errors in estimating the transfer function of the plant. Typically this occurs when, for example, a wearer adjusts the headset. In this paper, the instability problem of adaptive ANC headset is addressed. To ensure stability of the whole system, we propose a hybrid solution consisting of an analog feedback loop parallel to the digital loop, and the role of the analog loop in stabilizing the headset is analyzed theoretically. Finally the methodology of implementing such a hybrid ANC headset is described in detail. The experiments carried out on the headset prototype show that the headset is robust under considerable fluctuations of the plant transfer characteristics, and has very good noise cancellation performance both for narrow-band and wide-band disturbances.


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There has been considerable interest in the climate impact of trends in stratospheric water vapor (SWV). However, the representation of the radiative properties of water vapor under stratospheric conditions remains poorly constrained across different radiation codes. This study examines the sensitivity of a detailed line-by-line (LBL) code, a Malkmus narrow-band model and two broadband GCM radiation codes to a uniform perturbation in SWV in the longwave spectral region. The choice of sampling rate in wave number space (Δν) in the LBL code is shown to be important for calculations of the instantaneous change in heating rate (ΔQ) and the instantaneous longwave radiative forcing (ΔFtrop). ΔQ varies by up to 50% for values of Δν spanning 5 orders of magnitude, and ΔFtrop varies by up to 10%. In the three less detailed codes, ΔQ differs by up to 45% at 100 hPa and 50% at 1 hPa compared to a LBL calculation. This causes differences of up to 70% in the equilibrium fixed dynamical heating temperature change due to the SWV perturbation. The stratosphere-adjusted radiative forcing differs by up to 96% across the less detailed codes. The results highlight an important source of uncertainty in quantifying and modeling the links between SWV trends and climate.


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A comprehensive evaluation of seasonal backward trajectories initialized in the northern hemisphere lowermost stratosphere (LMS) has been performed to investigate the factors that determine the temporal and spatial structure of troposphere-to-stratosphere-transport (TST) and it's impact on the LMS. In particular we explain the fundamental role of the transit time since last TST (tTST) for the chemical composition of the LMS. According to our results the structure of the LMS can be characterized by a layer with tTST<40 days forming a narrow band around the local tropopause. This layer extends about 30 K above the local dynamical tropopause, corresponding to the extratropical tropopause transition layer (ExTL) as identified by CO. The LMS beyond this layer shows a relatively well defined separation as marked by an aprupt transition to longer tTST indicating less frequent mixing and a smaller fraction of tropospheric air. Thus the LMS constitutes a region of two well defined regimes of tropospheric influence. These can be characterized mainly by different transport times from the troposphere and different fractions of tropospheric air. Carbon monoxide (CO) mirrors this structure of tTST due to it's finite lifetime on the order of three months. Water vapour isopleths, on the other hand, do not uniquely indicate TST and are independent of tTST, but are determined by the Lagrangian Cold Point (LCP) of air parcels. Most of the backward trajectories from the LMS experienced their LCP in the tropics and sub-tropics, and TST often occurs 20 days after trajectories have encountered their LCP. Therefore, ExTL properties deduced from CO and H2O provide totally different informations on transport and particular TST for the LMS.