66 resultados para Multi Domain Information Model

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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The objective of this article is to study the problem of pedestrian classification across different light spectrum domains (visible and far-infrared (FIR)) and modalities (intensity, depth and motion). In recent years, there has been a number of approaches for classifying and detecting pedestrians in both FIR and visible images, but the methods are difficult to compare, because either the datasets are not publicly available or they do not offer a comparison between the two domains. Our two primary contributions are the following: (1) we propose a public dataset, named RIFIR , containing both FIR and visible images collected in an urban environment from a moving vehicle during daytime; and (2) we compare the state-of-the-art features in a multi-modality setup: intensity, depth and flow, in far-infrared over visible domains. The experiments show that features families, intensity self-similarity (ISS), local binary patterns (LBP), local gradient patterns (LGP) and histogram of oriented gradients (HOG), computed from FIR and visible domains are highly complementary, but their relative performance varies across different modalities. In our experiments, the FIR domain has proven superior to the visible one for the task of pedestrian classification, but the overall best results are obtained by a multi-domain multi-modality multi-feature fusion.


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An extensive off-line evaluation of the Noah/Single Layer Urban Canopy Model (Noah/SLUCM) urban land-surface model is presented using data from 15 sites to assess (1) the ability of the scheme to reproduce the surface energy balance observed in a range of urban environments, including seasonal changes, and (2) the impact of increasing complexity of input parameter information. Model performance is found to be most dependent on representation of vegetated surface area cover; refinement of other parameter values leads to smaller improvements. Model biases in net all-wave radiation and trade-offs between turbulent heat fluxes are highlighted using an optimization algorithm. Here we use the Urban Zones to characterize Energy partitioning (UZE) as the basis to assign default SLUCM parameter values. A methodology (FRAISE) to assign sites (or areas) to one of these categories based on surface characteristics is evaluated. Using three urban sites from the Basel Urban Boundary Layer Experiment (BUBBLE) dataset, an independent evaluation of the model performance with the parameter values representative of each class is performed. The scheme copes well with both seasonal changes in the surface characteristics and intra-urban heterogeneities in energy flux partitioning, with RMSE performance comparable to similar state-of-the-art models for all fluxes, sites and seasons. The potential of the methodology for high-resolution atmospheric modelling application using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is highlighted. This analysis supports the recommendations that (1) three classes are appropriate to characterize the urban environment, and (2) that the parameter values identified should be adopted as default values in WRF.


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Information modelling is a topic that has been researched a great deal, but still many questions around it have not been solved. An information model is essential in the design of a database which is the core of an information system. Currently most of databases only deal with information that represents facts, or asserted information. The ability of capturing semantic aspect has to be improved, and yet other types, such as temporal and intentional information, should be considered. Semantic Analysis, a method of information modelling, has offered a way to handle various aspects of information. It employs the domain knowledge and communication acts as sources of information modelling. It lends itself to a uniform structure whereby semantic, temporal and intentional information can be captured, which builds a sound foundation for building a semantic temporal database.


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Fingerprinting is a well known approach for identifying multimedia data without having the original data present but what amounts to its essence or ”DNA”. Current approaches show insufficient deployment of three types of knowledge that could be brought to bear in providing a finger printing framework that remains effective, efficient and can accommodate both the whole as well as elemental protection at appropriate levels of abstraction to suit various Foci of Interest (FoI) in an image or cross media artefact. Thus our proposed framework aims to deliver selective composite fingerprinting that remains responsive to the requirements for protection of whole or parts of an image which may be of particularly interest and be especially vulnerable to attempts at rights violation. This is powerfully aided by leveraging both multi-modal information as well as a rich spectrum of collateral context knowledge including both image-level collaterals as well as the inevitably needed market intelligence knowledge such as customers’ social networks interests profiling which we can deploy as a crucial component of our Fingerprinting Collateral Knowledge. This is used in selecting the special FoIs within an image or other media content that have to be selectively and collaterally protected.


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Fingerprinting is a well known approach for identifying multimedia data without having the original data present but instead what amounts to its essence or 'DNA'. Current approaches show insufficient deployment of various types of knowledge that could be brought to bear in providing a fingerprinting framework that remains effective, efficient and can accommodate both the whole as well as elemental protection at appropriate levels of abstraction to suit various Zones of Interest (ZoI) in an image or cross media artefact. The proposed framework aims to deliver selective composite fingerprinting that is powerfully aided by leveraging both multi-modal information as well as a rich spectrum of collateral context knowledge including both image-level collaterals and also the inevitably needed market intelligence knowledge such as customers' social networks interests profiling which we can deploy as a crucial component of our fingerprinting collateral knowledge.


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Data quality is a difficult notion to define precisely, and different communities have different views and understandings of the subject. This causes confusion, a lack of harmonization of data across communities and omission of vital quality information. For some existing data infrastructures, data quality standards cannot address the problem adequately and cannot fulfil all user needs or cover all concepts of data quality. In this study, we discuss some philosophical issues on data quality. We identify actual user needs on data quality, review existing standards and specifications on data quality, and propose an integrated model for data quality in the field of Earth observation (EO). We also propose a practical mechanism for applying the integrated quality information model to a large number of datasets through metadata inheritance. While our data quality management approach is in the domain of EO, we believe that the ideas and methodologies for data quality management can be applied to wider domains and disciplines to facilitate quality-enabled scientific research.


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In this paper we present a novel approach to detect people meeting. The proposed approach works by translating people behaviour from trajectory information into semantic terms. Having available a semantic model of the meeting behaviour, the event detection is performed in the semantic domain. The model is learnt employing a soft-computing clustering algorithm that combines trajectory information and motion semantic terms. A stable representation can be obtained from a series of examples. Results obtained on a series of videos with different types of meeting situations show that the proposed approach can learn a generic model that can effectively be applied on the behaviour recognition of meeting situations.


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What this paper adds? What is already known on the subject? Multi-sensory treatment approaches have been shown to impact outcome measures positively, such as accuracy of speech movement patterns and speech intelligibility in adults with motor speech disorders, as well as in children with apraxia of speech, autism and cerebral palsy. However, there has been no empirical study using multi-sensory treatment for children with speech sound disorders (SSDs) who demonstrate motor control issues in the jaw and orofacial structures (e.g. jaw sliding, jaw over extension, inadequate lip rounding/retraction and decreased integration of speech movements). What this paper adds? Findings from this study indicate that, for speech production disorders where both the planning and production of spatiotemporal parameters of movement sequences for speech are disrupted, multi-sensory treatment programmes that integrate auditory, visual and tactile–kinesthetic information improve auditory and visual accuracy of speech production. The training (practised in treatment) and test words (not practised in treatment) both demonstrated positive change in most participants, indicating generalization of target features to untrained words. It is inferred that treatment that focuses on integrating multi-sensory information and normalizing parameters of speech movements is an effective method for treating children with SSDs who demonstrate speech motor control issues.


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This thesis is an empirical-based study of the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and its implications in terms of corporate environmental and financial performance. The novelty of this study includes the extended scope of the data coverage, as most previous studies have examined only the power sector. The use of verified emissions data of ETS-regulated firms as the environmental compliance measure and as the potential differentiating criteria that concern the valuation of EU ETS-exposed firms in the stock market is also an original aspect of this study. The study begins in Chapter 2 by introducing the background information on the emission trading system (ETS), which focuses on (i) the adoption of ETS as an environmental management instrument and (ii) the adoption of ETS by the European Union as one of its central climate policies. Chapter 3 surveys four databases that provide carbon emissions data in order to determine the most suitable source of the data to be used in the later empirical chapters. The first empirical chapter, which is also Chapter 4 of this thesis, investigates the determinants of the emissions compliance performance of the EU ETS-exposed firms through constructing the best possible performance ratio from verified emissions data and self-configuring models for a panel regression analysis. Chapter 5 examines the impacts on the EU ETS-exposed firms in terms of their equity valuation with customised portfolios and multi-factor market models. The research design takes into account the emissions allowance (EUA) price as an additional factor, as it has the most direct association with the EU ETS to control for the exposure. The final empirical Chapter 6 takes the investigation one step further, by specifically testing the degree of ETS exposure facing different sectors with sector-based portfolios and an extended multi-factor market model. The findings from the emissions performance ratio analysis show that the business model of firms significantly influences emissions compliance, as the capital intensity has a positive association with the increasing emissions-to-emissions cap ratio. Furthermore, different sectors show different degrees of sensitivity towards the determining factors. The production factor influences the performance ratio of the Utilities sector, but not the Energy or Materials sectors. The results show that the capital intensity has a more profound influence on the utilities sector than on the materials sector. With regard to the financial performance impact, ETS-exposed firms as aggregate portfolios experienced a substantial underperformance during the 2001–2004 period, but not in the operating period of 2005–2011. The results of the sector-based portfolios show again the differentiating effect of the EU ETS on sectors, as one sector is priced indifferently against its benchmark, three sectors see a constant underperformance, and three sectors have altered outcomes.


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The tribe Bovini contains a number of commercially and culturally important species, such as cattle. Understanding their evolutionary time scale is important for distinguishing between post-glacial and domestication-associated population expansions, but estimates of bovine divergence times have been hindered by a lack of reliable calibration points. We present a Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of 481 mitochondrial D-loop sequences, including 228 radiocarbon-dated ancient DNA sequences, using a multi-demographic coalescent model. By employing the radiocarbon dates as internal calibrations, we co-estimate the bovine phylogeny and divergence times in a relaxed-clock framework. The analysis yields evidence for significant population expansions in both taurine and zebu cattle, European aurochs and yak clades. The divergence age estimates support domestication-associated expansion times (less than 12 kyr) for the major haplogroups of cattle. We compare the molecular and palaeontological estimates for the Bison-Bos divergence.


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In molecular biology, it is often desirable to find common properties in large numbers of drug candidates. One family of methods stems from the data mining community, where algorithms to find frequent graphs have received increasing attention over the past years. However, the computational complexity of the underlying problem and the large amount of data to be explored essentially render sequential algorithms useless. In this paper, we present a distributed approach to the frequent subgraph mining problem to discover interesting patterns in molecular compounds. This problem is characterized by a highly irregular search tree, whereby no reliable workload prediction is available. We describe the three main aspects of the proposed distributed algorithm, namely, a dynamic partitioning of the search space, a distribution process based on a peer-to-peer communication framework, and a novel receiverinitiated load balancing algorithm. The effectiveness of the distributed method has been evaluated on the well-known National Cancer Institute’s HIV-screening data set, where we were able to show close-to linear speedup in a network of workstations. The proposed approach also allows for dynamic resource aggregation in a non dedicated computational environment. These features make it suitable for large-scale, multi-domain, heterogeneous environments, such as computational grids.


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In this paper, we present a distributed computing framework for problems characterized by a highly irregular search tree, whereby no reliable workload prediction is available. The framework is based on a peer-to-peer computing environment and dynamic load balancing. The system allows for dynamic resource aggregation, does not depend on any specific meta-computing middleware and is suitable for large-scale, multi-domain, heterogeneous environments, such as computational Grids. Dynamic load balancing policies based on global statistics are known to provide optimal load balancing performance, while randomized techniques provide high scalability. The proposed method combines both advantages and adopts distributed job-pools and a randomized polling technique. The framework has been successfully adopted in a parallel search algorithm for subgraph mining and evaluated on a molecular compounds dataset. The parallel application has shown good calability and close-to linear speedup in a distributed network of workstations.


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A new snow-soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer (Snow-SVAT) scheme, which simulates the accumulation and ablation of the snow cover beneath a forest canopy, is presented. The model was formulated by coupling a canopy optical and thermal radiation model to a physically-based multi-layer snow model. This canopy radiation model is physically-based yet requires few parameters, so can be used when extensive in-situ field measurements are not available. Other forest effects such as the reduction of wind speed, interception of snow on the canopy and the deposition of litter were incorporated within this combined model, SNOWCAN, which was tested with data taken as part of the Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS) international collaborative experiment. Snow depths beneath four different canopy types and at an open site were simulated. Agreement between observed and simulated snow depths was generally good, with correlation coefficients ranging between r^2=0.94 and r^2=0.98 for all sites where automatic measurements were available. However, the simulated date of total snowpack ablation generally occurred later than the observed date. A comparison between simulated solar radiation and limited measurements of sub-canopy radiation at one site indicates that the model simulates the sub-canopy downwelling solar radiation early in the season to within measurement uncertainty.


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Recently, two approaches have been introduced that distribute the molecular fragment mining problem. The first approach applies a master/worker topology, the second approach, a completely distributed peer-to-peer system, solves the scalability problem due to the bottleneck at the master node. However, in many real world scenarios the participating computing nodes cannot communicate directly due to administrative policies such as security restrictions. Thus, potential computing power is not accessible to accelerate the mining run. To solve this shortcoming, this work introduces a hierarchical topology of computing resources, which distributes the management over several levels and adapts to the natural structure of those multi-domain architectures. The most important aspect is the load balancing scheme, which has been designed and optimized for the hierarchical structure. The approach allows dynamic aggregation of heterogenous computing resources and is applied to wide area network scenarios.


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Frequent pattern discovery in structured data is receiving an increasing attention in many application areas of sciences. However, the computational complexity and the large amount of data to be explored often make the sequential algorithms unsuitable. In this context high performance distributed computing becomes a very interesting and promising approach. In this paper we present a parallel formulation of the frequent subgraph mining problem to discover interesting patterns in molecular compounds. The application is characterized by a highly irregular tree-structured computation. No estimation is available for task workloads, which show a power-law distribution in a wide range. The proposed approach allows dynamic resource aggregation and provides fault and latency tolerance. These features make the distributed application suitable for multi-domain heterogeneous environments, such as computational Grids. The distributed application has been evaluated on the well known National Cancer Institute’s HIV-screening dataset.