68 resultados para Induction heating

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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The flow dynamics of crystal-rich high-viscosity magma is likely to be strongly influenced by viscous and latent heat release. Viscous heating is observed to play an important role in the dynamics of fluids with temperature-dependent viscosities. The growth of microlite crystals and the accompanying release of latent heat should play a similar role in raising fluid temperatures. Earlier models of viscous heating in magmas have shown the potential for unstable (thermal runaway) flow as described by a Gruntfest number, using an Arrhenius temperature dependence for the viscosity, but have not considered crystal growth or latent heating. We present a theoretical model for magma flow in an axisymmetric conduit and consider both heating effects using Finite Element Method techniques. We consider a constant mass flux in a 1-D infinitesimal conduit segment with isothermal and adiabatic boundary conditions and Newtonian and non-Newtonian magma flow properties. We find that the growth of crystals acts to stabilize the flow field and make the magma less likely to experience a thermal runaway. The additional heating influences crystal growth and can counteract supercooling from degassing-induced crystallization and drive the residual melt composition back towards the liquidus temperature. We illustrate the models with results generated using parameters appropriate for the andesite lava dome-forming eruption at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat. These results emphasize the radial variability of the magma. Both viscous and latent heating effects are shown to be capable of playing a significant role in the eruption dynamics of Soufriere Hills Volcano. Latent heating is a factor in the top two kilometres of the conduit and may be responsible for relatively short-term (days) transients. Viscous heating is less restricted spatially, but because thermal runaway requires periods of hundreds of days to be achieved, the process is likely to be interrupted. Our models show that thermal evolution of the conduit walls could lead to an increase in the effective diameter of flow and an increase in flux at constant magma pressure.


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The response of a uniform horizontal temperature gradient to prescribed fixed heating is calculated in the context of an extended version of surface quasigeostrophic dynamics. It is found that for zero mean surface flow and weak cross-gradient structure the prescribed heating induces a mean temperature anomaly proportional to the spatial Hilbert transform of the heating. The interior potential vorticity generated by the heating enhances this surface response. The time-varying part is independent of the heating and satisfies the usual linearized surface quasigeostrophic dynamics. It is shown that the surface temperature tendency is a spatial Hilbert transform of the temperature anomaly itself. It then follows that the temperature anomaly is periodically modulated with a frequency proportional to the vertical wind shear. A strong local bound on wave energy is also found. Reanalysis diagnostics are presented that indicate consistency with key findings from this theory.


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The influence on the summer flow over Asia of both the orographic and thermal forcing of the Tibetan Plateau is investigated using a sequence of idealised experiments with a global primitive equation model. The zonally averaged flow is prescribed and both realistic and idealised orography and heating are used. There is some similarity between the responses to the two forcings when applied separately. The upper tropospheric Tibetan anticyclone is predominantly forced by the heating but also weakly by the orography. Below this, both forcings tend to give air descending in an equatorward anticyclonic circulation down the isentropes to the west and rising in a similar poleward circulation to the east. However the heating-only response has a strong ascending southwesterly flow that is guided around the south and south-east of the orography when it is included. On the northern side, the westerly flow over the orography gives ascent on the upslope and descent on the downslope. It is found that heating over the Plateau leads to a potential vorticity (PV) minimum and that if it is sufficiently strong the flow is unstable, producing a quasi-biweekly oscillation. During this oscillation the Tibetan anticyclone changes between a single centre over the southwestern side of the Plateau and a split/double structure with centres over China and the Middle East. These characteristics are similar to observed variability in the region. Associated with this quasi-biweekly oscillation are significant variations in the strength of the ascent over the Plateau and the Rossby wave pattern over the North Pacific. The origin of the variability is instability associated with the zonally extended potential vorticity PV minimum on a θ-surface, as proposed by Hsu and Plumb (2000). This minimum is due to the tendency to reduce the PV above the heating over the Plateau and to advection by the consequent anticyclone of high PV around from the east and low PV to the west. The deep convection to the south and southeast of the Plateau tends to suppress the quasi-biweekly oscillation because the low PV produced above it acts to reduce the meridional PV gradient reversal. The occurrence of the oscillation depends on the relative magnitude of the heating in the two regions.


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The relations between soil electrical conductivity (ECa) and top- and sub-soil physical properties were examined for an arable field in England. The correlation coefficients between ECa and the soil particle size fractions were large and their cross variograms showed that the coregionalization was also strong. The coregionalization was stronger for the subsoil properties than for the topsoil, the reverse to the correlation coefficients. The relations between ECa and some soil properties, such as clay and water content, appear complex and emphasize that a map of ECa cannot substitute for sampling the soil.


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A simplified general circulation model has been used to investigate the chain of causality whereby changes in tropospheric circulation and temperature are produced in response to stratospheric heating perturbations. Spinup ensemble experiments have been performed to examine the evolution of the tropospheric circulation in response to such perturbations. The primary aim of these experiments is to investigate the possible mechanisms whereby a tropospheric response to changing solar activity over the 11-yr solar cycle could be produced in response to heating of the equatorial lower stratosphere. This study therefore focuses on a stratospheric heating perturbation in which the heating is largest in the tropics. For comparison, experiments are also performed in which the stratosphere is heated uniformly at all latitudes and in which it is heated preferentially in the polar region. Thus, the mechanisms discussed have a wider relevance for the impact of stratospheric perturbations on the troposphere. The results demonstrate the importance of changing eddy momentum fluxes in driving the tropospheric response. This is confirmed by the lack of a similar response in a zonally symmetric model with fixed eddy forcing. Furthermore, it is apparent that feedback between the tropospheric eddy fluxes and tropospheric circulation changes is required to produce the full model response. The quasigeostrophic index of refraction is used to diagnose the cause of the changes in eddy behavior. It is demonstrated that the latitudinal extent of stratospheric heating is important in determining the direction of displacement of the tropospheric jet and storm track.


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A life cycle of the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) was constructed, based on 21 years of outgoing long-wave radiation data. Regression maps of NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data for the northern winter show statistically significant upper-tropospheric equatorial wave patterns linked to the tropical convection anomalies, and extratropical wave patterns over the North Pacific, North America, the Atlantic, the Southern Ocean and South America. To assess the cause of the circulation anomalies, a global primitive-equation model was initialized with the observed three-dimensional (3D) winter climatological mean flow and forced with a time-dependent heat source derived from the observed MJO anomalies. A model MJO cycle was constructed from the global response to the heating, and both the tropical and extratropical circulation anomalies generally matched the observations well. The equatorial wave patterns are established in a few days, while it takes approximately two weeks for the extratropical patterns to appear. The model response is robust and insensitive to realistic changes in damping and basic state. The model tropical anomalies are consistent with a forced equatorial Rossby–Kelvin wave response to the tropical MJO heating, although it is shifted westward by approximately 20° longitude relative to observations. This may be due to a lack of damping processes (cumulus friction) in the regions of convective heating. Once this shift is accounted for, the extratropical response is consistent with theories of Rossby wave forcing and dispersion on the climatological flow, and the pattern correlation between the observed and modelled extratropical flow is up to 0.85. The observed tropical and extratropical wave patterns account for a significant fraction of the intraseasonal circulation variance, and this reproducibility as a response to tropical MJO convection has implications for global medium-range weather prediction. Copyright © 2004 Royal Meteorological Society


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The frequency responses of two 50 Hz and one 400 Hz induction machines have been measured experimentally over a frequency range of 1 kHz to 400 kHz. This study has shown that the stator impedances of the machines behave in a similar manner to a parallel resonant circuit, and hence have a resonant point at which the Input impedance of the machine is at a maximum. This maximum impedance point was found experimentally to be as low as 33 kHz, which is well within the switching frequency ranges of modern inverter drives. This paper investigates the possibility of exploiting the maximum impedance point of the machine, by taking it into consideration when designing an inverter, in order to minimize ripple currents due to the switching frequency. Minimization of the ripple currents would reduce torque pulsation and losses, increasing overall performance. A modified machine model was developed to take into account the resonant point, and this model was then simulated with an inverter to demonstrate the possible advantages of matching the inverter switching frequency to the resonant point. Finally, in order to experimentally verify the simulated results, a real inverter with a variable switching frequency was used to drive an induction machine. Experimental results are presented.


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The results of a study of the variation of three-phase induction machines' input impedance with frequency are proposed. A range of motors were analysed, both two-pole and four-pole, and the magnitude and phase of the input impedance were obtained over a wide frequency range of 20 Hz-1 MHz. For test results that would be useful in the prediction of the performance of induction machines during typical use, a test procedure was developed to represent closely typical three-phase stator coil connections when the induction machine is driven by a three-phase inverter. In addition, tests were performed with the motor's cases both grounded and not grounded. The results of the study show that all induction machines of the type considered exhibit a multiresonant impedance profile, where the input impedance reaches at least one maximum as the input frequency is increased. Furthermore, the test results show that the grounding of the motor's case has a significant effect on the impedance profile. Methods to exploit the input impedance profile of an induction machine to optimise machine and inverter systems are also discussed.


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Pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) detect molecular signatures of microbes and initiate immune responses to infection. Prototypical PRRs such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs) signal via a conserved pathway to induce innate response genes. In contrast, the signaling pathways engaged by other classes of putative PRRs remain ill defined. Here, we demonstrate that the β-glucan receptor Dectin-1, a yeast binding C type lectin known to synergize with TLR2 to induce TNFα and IL-12, can also promote synthesis of IL-2 and IL-10 through phosphorylation of the membrane proximal tyrosine in the cytoplasmic domain and recruitment of Syk kinase. syk−/− dendritic cells (DCs) do not make IL-10 or IL-2 upon yeast stimulation but produce IL-12, indicating that the Dectin-1/Syk and Dectin-1/TLR2 pathways can operate independently. These results identify a novel signaling pathway involved in pattern recognition by C type lectins and suggest a potential role for Syk kinase in regulation of innate immunity.


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The neural crest is a multipotent embryonic cell population that arises from neural ectoderm and forms derivatives essential for vertebrate function. Neural crest induction requires an ectodermal signal, thought to be a Writ ligand, but the identity of the Wnt that performs this function in amniotes is unknown. Here, we demonstrate that Wnt6, derived from the ectoderm, is necessary for chick neural crest induction. Crucially, we also show that Wnt6 acts through the non-canonical pathway and not the beta-catenin-dependant pathway. Surprisingly, we found that canonical Wnt signaling inhibited neural crest production in the chick embryo. In light of studies in anamniotes demonstrating that canonical Wnt signaling induces neural crest, these results indicate a significant and novel change in the mechanism of neural crest induction during vertebrate evolution. These data also highlight a key role for noncanonical Wnt signaling in cell type specification from a stem population during development.


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Spores of the hyperparasite Acremonium alternatum reduced powdery mildew infection by Leveillula taurica on greenhouse tomato. The effect was slightly increased when spores were applied killed, and therefore not due to direct parasitism. The effect was systemic, protecting untreated leaves above the treated ones. Spores killed by heat had more effect than when killed by UV, so the effect was presumably due to induction of host resistance by substances released when cells were heat killed. The size of the effect depended upon leaf age and level of infection. Effects on primary infection and expansion of successful infections appear to be under independent control.


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To investigate flower induction in June-bearing strawberry plants, morphological changes in shoot apices and Historic H4 expression in the central zone during flower initiation were observed. Strawberry plants were placed under flower inducible, short-day conditions (23 degrees C/17 degrees C, 10 h day length) for differing number of days (8, 16, 20, 24 or 32 days) and then these plants were transferred to non-inducible, long-day conditions (25 degrees C/20 degrees C, 14 h day length). The shoot apices of plants placed under short-day conditions for 8 days were flat, similar to shoot apices of plants in the vegetative phase of development, and Histone H4 was not expressed in the central zone during the experimental period. On the other hand, the shoot apices of plants placed under short-day conditions for 16 days remained flat, similar to shoot apices of plants placed under short-day conditions for 8 days, but Histone H4 was expressed in the central zone at the end of the short-day treatment. Morphological changes in the shoot apices of these plants were observed 8 days after the change in day-length. These plants developed differentiated flower organs after they were grown for another 30 days under long-day conditions. These results indicate that changes in the expression pattern of the Histone H4 gene occur before morphological changes during flower induction and that the expression of the gene in the central zone can be used as one of the indicators of the flowering process in strawberries. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Oxidized low-density lipoproteins (LDL) play a central role in atherogenesis and induce expression of the antioxidant stress protein heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1). In the present study we investigated induction of HO-1 and adaptive increases in reduced glutathione (GSH) in human aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC) in response to moderately oxidized LDL (moxLDL, 100 mu g protein/ml, 24 h), a species containing high levels of lipid hydroperoxides. Expression and activity of HO-1 and GSH levels were elevated to a greater extent by moxLDL than highly oxidized LDL but unaffected by native or acetylated LDL. Inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC) or mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) p38(MAPK) and MEK or c-jun-NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) significantly attenuated induction of HO-1. Phosphorylation of p38(MAPK), extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2), or JNK and nuclear translocation of the transcription factor Nrf2 were enhanced following acute exposure of SMC to rnoxLDL (100 mu g proteiri/ml, 1-2 h). Pretreatment of SMC with the antioxidant vitamin C (100 mu M, 24 h) attenuated the induction of HO-1 by moxLDL. Native and oxidized LDL did not alter basal levels of intracellular ATP, mitochondrial dehydrogenase activity, or expression of the lectin-like oxidized LDL receptor (LOX-1) in SMC. These findings demonstrate for the first time that activation of PKC, p38(MAPK), JNK, ERK1/2, and Nrf2 by oxidized LDL in human SMC leads to HO-1 induction, constituting an adaptive response against oxidative injury that can be ameliorated by vitamin C. (C) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.