47 resultados para Ichthyological freshwater fauna

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) is an important component of the climate system. Models indicate that the AMOC can be perturbed by freshwater forcing in the North Atlantic. Using an ocean-atmosphere general circulation model, we investigate the dependence of such a perturbation of the AMOC, and the consequent climate change, on the region of freshwater forcing. A wide range of changes in AMOC strength is found after 100 years of freshwater forcing. The largest changes in AMOC strength occur when the regions of deepwater formation in the model are forced directly, although reductions in deepwater formation in one area may be compensated by enhanced formation elsewhere. North Atlantic average surface air temperatures correlate linearly with the AMOC decline, but warming may occur in localised regions, notably over Greenland and where deepwater formation is enhanced. This brings into question the representativeness of temperature changes inferred from Greenland ice-core records.


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Under global warming, the predicted intensification of the global freshwater cycle will modify the net freshwater flux at the ocean surface. Since the freshwater flux maintains ocean salinity structures, changes to the density-driven ocean circulation are likely. A modified ocean circulation could further alter the climate, potentially allowing rapid changes, as seen in the past. The relevant feedback mechanisms and timescales are poorly understood in detail, however, especially at low latitudes where the effects of salinity are relatively subtle. In an attempt to resolve some of these outstanding issues, we present an investigation of the climate response of the low-latitude Pacific region to changes in freshwater forcing. Initiated from the present-day thermohaline structure, a control run of a coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model is compared with a perturbation run in which the net freshwater flux is prescribed to be zero over the ocean. Such an extreme experiment helps to elucidate the general adjustment mechanisms and their timescales. The atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are held constant, and we restrict our attention to the adjustment of the upper 1,000 m of the Pacific Ocean between 40°N and 40°S, over 100 years. In the perturbation run, changes to the surface buoyancy, near-surface vertical mixing and mixed-layer depth are established within 1 year. Subsequently, relative to the control run, the surface of the low-latitude Pacific Ocean in the perturbation run warms by an average of 0.6°C, and the interior cools by up to 1.1°C, after a few decades. This vertical re-arrangement of the ocean heat content is shown to be achieved by a gradual shutdown of the heat flux due to isopycnal (i.e. along surfaces of constant density) mixing, the vertical component of which is downwards at low latitudes. This heat transfer depends crucially upon the existence of density-compensating temperature and salinity gradients on isopycnal surfaces. The timescale of the thermal changes in the perturbation run is therefore set by the timescale for the decay of isopycnal salinity gradients in response to the eliminated freshwater forcing, which we demonstrate to be around 10-20 years. Such isopycnal heat flux changes may play a role in the response of the low-latitude climate to a future accelerated freshwater cycle. Specifically, the mechanism appears to represent a weak negative sea surface temperature feedback, which we speculate might partially shield from view the anthropogenically-forced global warming signal at low latitudes. Furthermore, since the surface freshwater flux is shown to play a role in determining the ocean's thermal structure, it follows that evaporation and/or precipitation biases in general circulation models are likely to cause sea surface temperature biases.


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A review of the implications of climate change for freshwater resources, based on Chapter 4 of Working Group 2, IPCC.


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A wide range of issues relating to the presence and fate of pesticides and other micro-organic contaminants (MOCs) in surface freshwater sedimentary environments is reviewed. These issues include the sources, transport and occurrence of MOCs in freshwater environments; their ecological effects; their interaction with sedimentary material; and a range of processes related to their fate, including degradation, diffusion in bed sediments, bioturbation and slow contaminant release. An emphasis is placed on those processes-chemical, physical or biological-in which sediments play a role in determining the fate of micro-organics in freshwater environments. The issues of occurrence, source and transport, and the ecological effects of micro-organics are introduced more briefly, the focus where these aspects are concerned being largely on pesticides. In the concluding section, key points and issues relating to the study of micro-organics in freshwater environments are summarised and areas where initial or further research would be welcome are highlighted. It is hoped that this paper will both form a useful reference for workers in the field of micro-organic contaminants, and also stimulate new work in the freshwater environment and beyond. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This investigation examines metal release from freshwater sediment using sequential extraction and single-step cold-acid leaching. The concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn released using a standard 3-step sequential extraction (Rauret et al., 1999) are compared to those released using a 0.5 M HCl; leach. The results show that the three sediments behave in very different ways when subject to the same leaching experiments: the cold-acid extraction appears to remove higher relative concentrations of metals from the iron-rich sediment than from the other two sediments. Cold-acid extraction appears to be more effective at removing metals from sediments with crystalline iron oxides than the "reducible" step of the sequential extraction. The results show that a single-step acid leach can be just as effective as sequential extractions at removing metals from sediment and are a great deal less time-consuming.


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A wide range of issues relating to the presence and fate of pesticides and other micro-organic contaminants (MOCs) in surface freshwater sedimentary environments is reviewed. These issues include the sources, transport and occurrence of MOCs in freshwater environments; their ecological effects; their interaction with sedimentary material; and a range of processes related to their fate, including degradation, diffusion in bed sediments, bioturbation and slow contaminant release. An emphasis is placed on those processes-chemical, physical or biological-in which sediments play a role in determining the fate of micro-organics in freshwater environments. The issues of occurrence, source and transport, and the ecological effects of micro-organics are introduced more briefly, the focus where these aspects are concerned being largely on pesticides. In the concluding section, key points and issues relating to the study of micro-organics in freshwater environments are summarised and areas where initial or further research would be welcome are highlighted. It is hoped that this paper will both form a useful reference for workers in the field of micro-organic contaminants, and also stimulate new work in the freshwater environment and beyond. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The commonly held view of the conditions in the North Atlantic at the last glacial maximum, based on the interpretation of proxy records, is of large-scale cooling compared to today, limited deep convection, and extensive sea ice, all associated with a southward displaced and weakened overturning thermohaline circulation (THC) in the North Atlantic. Not all studies support that view; in particular, the "strength of the overturning circulation" is contentious and is a quantity that is difficult to determine even for the present day. Quasi-equilibrium simulations with coupled climate models forced by glacial boundary conditions have produced differing results, as have inferences made from proxy records. Most studies suggest the weaker circulation, some suggest little or no change, and a few suggest a stronger circulation. Here results are presented from a three-dimensional climate model, the Hadley Centre Coupled Model version 3 (HadCM3), of the coupled atmosphere - ocean - sea ice system suggesting, in a qualitative sense, that these diverging views could all have occurred at different times during the last glacial period, with different modes existing at different times. One mode might have been characterized by an active THC associated with moderate temperatures in the North Atlantic and a modest expanse of sea ice. The other mode, perhaps forced by large inputs of meltwater from the continental ice sheets into the northern North Atlantic, might have been characterized by a sluggish THC associated with very cold conditions around the North Atlantic and a large areal cover of sea ice. The authors' model simulation of such a mode, forced by a large input of freshwater, bears several of the characteristics of the Climate: Long-range Investigation, Mapping, and Prediction (CLIMAP) Project's reconstruction of glacial sea surface temperature and sea ice extent.


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