26 resultados para Hidden markov models

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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This article presents a statistical method for detecting recombination in DNA sequence alignments, which is based on combining two probabilistic graphical models: (1) a taxon graph (phylogenetic tree) representing the relationship between the taxa, and (2) a site graph (hidden Markov model) representing interactions between different sites in the DNA sequence alignments. We adopt a Bayesian approach and sample the parameters of the model from the posterior distribution with Markov chain Monte Carlo, using a Metropolis-Hastings and Gibbs-within-Gibbs scheme. The proposed method is tested on various synthetic and real-world DNA sequence alignments, and we compare its performance with the established detection methods RECPARS, PLATO, and TOPAL, as well as with two alternative parameter estimation schemes.


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Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) have been successfully applied to different modelling and classification problems from different areas over the recent years. An important step in using HMMs is the initialisation of the parameters of the model as the subsequent learning of HMM’s parameters will be dependent on these values. This initialisation should take into account the knowledge about the addressed problem and also optimisation techniques to estimate the best initial parameters given a cost function, and consequently, to estimate the best log-likelihood. This paper proposes the initialisation of Hidden Markov Models parameters using the optimisation algorithm Differential Evolution with the aim to obtain the best log-likelihood.


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In order to harness the computational capacity of dissociated cultured neuronal networks, it is necessary to understand neuronal dynamics and connectivity on a mesoscopic scale. To this end, this paper uncovers dynamic spatiotemporal patterns emerging from electrically stimulated neuronal cultures using hidden Markov models (HMMs) to characterize multi-channel spike trains as a progression of patterns of underlying states of neuronal activity. However, experimentation aimed at optimal choice of parameters for such models is essential and results are reported in detail. Results derived from ensemble neuronal data revealed highly repeatable patterns of state transitions in the order of milliseconds in response to probing stimuli.


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Existing methods of dive analysis, developed for fully aquatic animals, tend to focus on frequency of behaviors rather than transitions between them. They, therefore, do not account for the variability of behavior of semiaquatic animals, and the switching between terrestrial and aquatic environments. This is the first study to use hidden Markov models (HMM) to divide dives of a semiaquatic animal into clusters and thus identify the environmental predictors of transition between behavioral modes. We used 18 existing data sets of the dives of 14 American mink (Neovison vison) fitted with time-depth recorders in lowland England. Using HMM, we identified 3 behavioral states (1, temporal cluster of dives; 2, more loosely aggregated diving within aquatic activity; and 3, terminal dive of a cluster or a single, isolated dive). Based on the higher than expected proportion of dives in State 1, we conclude that mink tend to dive in clusters. We found no relationship between temperature and the proportion of dives in each state or between temperature and the rate of transition between states, meaning that in our study area, mink are apparently not adopting different diving strategies at different temperatures. Transition analysis between states has shown that there is no correlation between ambient temperature and the likelihood of mink switching from one state to another, that is, changing foraging modes. The variables provided good discrimination and grouped into consistent states well, indicating promise for further application of HMM and other state transition analyses in studies of semiaquatic animals.


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The detection of physiological signals from the motor system (electromyographic signals) is being utilized in the practice clinic to guide the therapist in a more precise and accurate diagnosis of motor disorders. In this context, the process of decomposition of EMG (electromyographic) signals that includes the identification and classification of MUAP (Motor Unit Action Potential) of a EMG signal, is very important to help the therapist in the evaluation of motor disorders. The EMG decomposition is a complex task due to EMG features depend on the electrode type (needle or surface), its placement related to the muscle, the contraction level and the health of the Neuromuscular System. To date, the majority of researches on EMG decomposition utilize EMG signals acquired by needle electrodes, due to their advantages in processing this type of signal. However, relatively few researches have been conducted using surface EMG signals. Thus, this article aims to contribute to the clinical practice by presenting a technique that permit the decomposition of surface EMG signal via the use of Hidden Markov Models. This process is supported by the use of differential evolution and spectral clustering techniques. The developed system presented coherent results in: (1) identification of the number of Motor Units actives in the EMG signal; (2) presentation of the morphological patterns of MUAPs in the EMG signal; (3) identification of the firing sequence of the Motor Units. The model proposed in this work is an advance in the research area of decomposition of surface EMG signals.


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We review and structure some of the mathematical and statistical models that have been developed over the past half century to grapple with theoretical and experimental questions about the stochastic development of aging over the life course. We suggest that the mathematical models are in large part addressing the problem of partitioning the randomness in aging: How does aging vary between individuals, and within an individual over the lifecourse? How much of the variation is inherently related to some qualities of the individual, and how much is entirely random? How much of the randomness is cumulative, and how much is merely short-term flutter? We propose that recent lines of statistical inquiry in survival analysis could usefully grapple with these questions, all the more so if they were more explicitly linked to the relevant mathematical and biological models of aging. To this end, we describe points of contact among the various lines of mathematical and statistical research. We suggest some directions for future work, including the exploration of information-theoretic measures for evaluating components of stochastic models as the basis for analyzing experiments and anchoring theoretical discussions of aging.


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Numerous techniques exist which can be used for the task of behavioural analysis and recognition. Common amongst these are Bayesian networks and Hidden Markov Models. Although these techniques are extremely powerful and well developed, both have important limitations. By fusing these techniques together to form Bayes-Markov chains, the advantages of both techniques can be preserved, while reducing their limitations. The Bayes-Markov technique forms the basis of a common, flexible framework for supplementing Markov chains with additional features. This results in improved user output, and aids in the rapid development of flexible and efficient behaviour recognition systems.


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The dynamics of inter-regional communication within the brain during cognitive processing – referred to as functional connectivity – are investigated as a control feature for a brain computer interface. EMDPL is used to map phase synchronization levels between all channel pair combinations in the EEG. This results in complex networks of channel connectivity at all time–frequency locations. The mean clustering coefficient is then used as a descriptive feature encapsulating information about inter-channel connectivity. Hidden Markov models are applied to characterize and classify dynamics of the resulting complex networks. Highly accurate levels of classification are achieved when this technique is applied to classify EEG recorded during real and imagined single finger taps. These results are compared to traditional features used in the classification of a finger tap BCI demonstrating that functional connectivity dynamics provide additional information and improved BCI control accuracies.


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Undirected graphical models are widely used in statistics, physics and machine vision. However Bayesian parameter estimation for undirected models is extremely challenging, since evaluation of the posterior typically involves the calculation of an intractable normalising constant. This problem has received much attention, but very little of this has focussed on the important practical case where the data consists of noisy or incomplete observations of the underlying hidden structure. This paper specifically addresses this problem, comparing two alternative methodologies. In the first of these approaches particle Markov chain Monte Carlo (Andrieu et al., 2010) is used to efficiently explore the parameter space, combined with the exchange algorithm (Murray et al., 2006) for avoiding the calculation of the intractable normalising constant (a proof showing that this combination targets the correct distribution in found in a supplementary appendix online). This approach is compared with approximate Bayesian computation (Pritchard et al., 1999). Applications to estimating the parameters of Ising models and exponential random graphs from noisy data are presented. Each algorithm used in the paper targets an approximation to the true posterior due to the use of MCMC to simulate from the latent graphical model, in lieu of being able to do this exactly in general. The supplementary appendix also describes the nature of the resulting approximation.


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Although financial theory rests heavily upon the assumption that asset returns are normally distributed, value indices of commercial real estate display significant departures from normality. In this paper, we apply and compare the properties of two recently proposed regime switching models for value indices of commercial real estate in the US and the UK, both of which relax the assumption that observations are drawn from a single distribution with constant mean and variance. Statistical tests of the models' specification indicate that the Markov switching model is better able to capture the non-stationary features of the data than the threshold autoregressive model, although both represent superior descriptions of the data than the models that allow for only one state. Our results have several implications for theoretical models and empirical research in finance.


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None of the current surveillance streams monitoring the presence of scrapie in Great Britain provide a comprehensive and unbiased estimate of the prevalence of the disease at the holding level. Previous work to estimate the under-ascertainment adjusted prevalence of scrapie in Great Britain applied multiple-list capture–recapture methods. The enforcement of new control measures on scrapie-affected holdings in 2004 has stopped the overlapping between surveillance sources and, hence, the application of multiple-list capture–recapture models. Alternative methods, still under the capture–recapture methodology, relying on repeated entries in one single list have been suggested in these situations. In this article, we apply one-list capture–recapture approaches to data held on the Scrapie Notifications Database to estimate the undetected population of scrapie-affected holdings with clinical disease in Great Britain for the years 2002, 2003, and 2004. For doing so, we develop a new diagnostic tool for indication of heterogeneity as well as a new understanding of the Zelterman and Chao’s lower bound estimators to account for potential unobserved heterogeneity. We demonstrate that the Zelterman estimator can be viewed as a maximum likelihood estimator for a special, locally truncated Poisson likelihood equivalent to a binomial likelihood. This understanding allows the extension of the Zelterman approach by means of logistic regression to include observed heterogeneity in the form of covariates—in case studied here, the holding size and country of origin. Our results confirm the presence of substantial unobserved heterogeneity supporting the application of our two estimators. The total scrapie-affected holding population in Great Britain is around 300 holdings per year. None of the covariates appear to inform the model significantly.