13 resultados para Filament

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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We report the cloning of an intermediate filament (IF) cDNA from the cephalochordate amphioxus that encodes a protein assignable to the type I keratin group. This is the first type I keratin reported from an invertebrate. Molecular phylogenetic analyses reveal that amphioxus also possesses a type II keratin, and that the genes encoding short-rod IF proteins underwent different patterns of duplication in vertebrates and their closest relatives, the cephalochordates. Extensive IF gene duplication and divergence may have facilitated the origin of new specialised cell types in vertebrates.


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In mid-March 2005 the northern lower stratospheric polar vortex experienced a severe stretching episode, bringing a large polar filament far south of Alaska toward Hawaii. This meridional intrusion of rare extent, coinciding with the polar vortex final warming and breakdown, was followed by a zonal stretching in the wake of the easterly propagating subtropical main flow. This caused polar air to remain over Hawaii for several days before diluting into the subtropics. After being successfully forecasted to pass over Hawaii by the high-resolution potential vorticity advection model Modèle Isentrope du transport Méso-échelle de l'Ozone Stratosphérique par Advection (MIMOSA), the filament was observed on isentropic surfaces between 415 K and 455 K (17–20 km) by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory stratospheric ozone lidar measurements at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii, between 16 and 19 March 2005. It was materialized as a thin layer of enhanced ozone peaking at 1.6 ppmv in a region where the climatological values usually average 1.0 ppmv. These values were compared to those obtained by the three-dimensional Chemistry-Transport Model MIMOSA-CHIM. Agreement between lidar and model was excellent, particularly in the similar appearance of the ozone peak near 435 K (18.5 km) on 16 March, and the persistence of this layer at higher isentropic levels for the following three days. Passive ozone, also modeled by MIMOSA-CHIM, was at about 3–4 ppmv inside the filament while above Hawaii. A detailed history of the modeled chemistry inside the filament suggests that the air mass was still polar ozone–depleted when passing over Hawaii. The filament quickly separated from the main vortex after its Hawaiian overpass. It never reconnected and, in less than 10 days, dispersed entirely in the subtropics


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In mid-March 2005, a rare lower stratospheric polar vortex filamentation event was observed simultaneously by the JPL lidar at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii, and by the EOS MLS instrument onboard the Aura satellite. The event coincided with the beginning of the spring 2005 final warming. On 16 March, the filament was observed by lidar around 0600 UT between 415 K and 455 K, and by MLS six hours earlier. It was seen on both the lidar and MLS profiles as a layer of enhanced ozone, peaking at 1.7 ppmv in a region where the climatological values are usually around or below 1 ppmv. Ozone profiles measured by lidar and MLS were compared to profiles from the Chemical Transport Model MIMOSA-CHIM. The agreement between lidar, MLS, and the model is excellent considering the difference in the sampling techniques. MLS was also able to identify the filament at another location north of Hawaii.


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The quantitative effects of uniform strain and background rotation on the stability of a strip of constant vorticity (a simple shear layer) are examined. The thickness of the strip decreases in time under the strain, so it is necessary to formulate the linear stability analysis for a time-dependent basic flow. The results show that even a strain rate γ (scaled with the vorticity of the strip) as small as 0.25 suppresses the conventional Rayleigh shear instability mechanism, in the sense that the r.m.s. wave steepness cannot amplify by more than a certain factor, and must eventually decay. For γ < 0.25 the amplification factor increases as γ decreases; however, it is only 3 when γ e 0.065. Numerical simulations confirm the predictions of linear theory at small steepness and predict a threshold value necessary for the formation of coherent vortices. The results help to explain the impression from numerous simulations of two-dimensional turbulence reported in the literature that filaments of vorticity infrequently roll up into vortices. The stabilization effect may be expected to extend to two- and three-dimensional quasi-geostrophic flows.


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Using a focused ion beam (FIB) instrument, electron-transparent samples (termed foils) have been cut from the naturally weathered surfaces of perthitic alkali feldspars recovered from soils overlying the Shap granite, northwest England. Characterization of these foils by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has enabled determination of the crystallinity and chemical composition of near-surface regions of the feldspar and an assessment of the influence of intragranular microtextures on the microtopography of grain surfaces and development of etch pits. Damage accompanying implantation of the 30 kV Ga+ ions used for imaging and deposition of protective platinum prior to ion milling creates amorphous layers beneath outer grain surfaces, but can be overcome by coating grains with > 85 nm of gold before FIB work. The sidewalls of the foil and feldspar surrounding original voids are also partially amorphized during later stages of ion milling. No evidence was found for the presence of amorphous or crystalline weathering products or amorphous "leached layers" immediately beneath outer grain surfaces. The absence of a leached layer indicates that chemical weathering of feldspar in the Shap soils is stoichiometric, or if non-stoichiometric, either the layer is too thin to resolve by the TEM techniques used (i.e., <=similar to 2.5 nm) or an insufficient proportion of ions have been leached from near-surface regions so that feldspar crystallinity is maintained. No evidence was found for any difference in the mechanisms of weathering where a microbial filament rests on the feldspar surface. Sub-micrometer-sized steps on the grain surface have formed where subgrains and exsolution lamellae have influenced the propagation of fractures during physical weathering, whereas finer scale corrugations form due to compositional or strain-related differences in dissolution rates of albite platelets and enclosing tweed orthoclase. With progressive weathering, etch pits that initiated at the grain surface extend into grain interiors as etch tubes by exploiting preexisting networks of nanopores that formed during the igneous history of the grain. The combination of FIB and TEM techniques is an especially powerful way of exploring mechanisms of weathering within the "internal zone" beneath outer grain surfaces, but results must be interpreted with caution owing to the ease with which artifacts can be created by the high-energy ion and electron beams used in the preparation and characterization of the foils.


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Data from the MIPAS instrument on Envisat, supplemented by meteorological analyses from ECMWF and the Met Office, are used to study the meteorological and trace-gas evolution of the stratosphere in the southern hemisphere during winter and spring 2003. A pole-centred approach is used to interpret the data in the physically meaningful context of the evolving stratospheric polar vortex. The following salient dynamical and transport features are documented and analysed: the merger of anticyclones in the stratosphere; the development of an intense, quasi-stationary anticyclone in spring; the associated top-down breakdown of the polar vortex; the systematic descent of air into the polar vortex; and the formation of a three-dimensional structure of a tracer filament on a planetary scale. The paper confirms and extends existing paradigms of the southern hemisphere vortex evolution. The quality of the MIPAS observations is seen to be generally good. though the water vapour retrievals are unrealistic above 10 hPa in the high-latitude winter.


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[ 1] A potential vorticity (PV) budget method has been used to attribute vertical transport across the near-tropopause ( 1 PVU surface) in extratropical weather systems to radiative, latent heating and cooling, and mixing processes. Sources and sinks of PV due to nonconservative processes are calculated online and advected as passive tracers. There is reasonable agreement between the spatial distribution of transport determined from the PV budget method and the transport across the 1 - 2 PVU zone from a passive tracer and trajectories, but different aspects of exchange can be diagnosed with each method. Stratosphere-to-troposphere transport occurred in the broad upper level PV anomalies and was attributed mainly to latent heating and cooling processes; troposphere-to-stratosphere transport occurred toward the tail of a PV filament and in a ridge region and was attributed mainly to radiative processes. The contribution of mixing processes to transport was comparatively small. Using the PV budget method, the domain integrated exchange across the 1 PVU surface was from stratosphere to troposphere, and the magnitude of 1 x 10(15) kg over a 2 day winter integration in a large North Atlantic domain is consistent with stratosphere-troposphere exchange calculations from other studies. This exchange arises from an approximate balance between the dominant stratosphere-to-troposphere transport due to latent heating and cooling processes and troposphere-to-stratosphere transport due to radiative processes. The direction of transport across the tropopause in a fold was found to be critically dependent on the PV surface considered to represent the tropopause.


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The effects of uniform straining and shearing on the stability of a surface quasi-geostrophic temperature filament are investigated. Straining is shown to stabilize perturbations for wide filaments but only for a finite time until the filament thins to a critical width, after which some perturbations can grow. No filament can be stabilized in practice, since there are perturbations that can grow large for any strain rate. The optimally growing perturbations, defined as solutions that reach a certain threshold amplitude first, are found numerically for a wide range of parameter values. The radii of the vortices formed through nonlinear roll-up are found to be proportional to θ/s, where θ is the temperature anomaly of the filament and s the strain rate, and are not dependent on the initial size of the filament. Shearing is shown to reduce the normal-mode growth rates, but it cannot stabilize them completely when there are temperature discontinuities in the basic state; smooth filaments can be stabilized completely by shearing and a simple scaling argument provides the shear rate required. Copyright © 2010 Royal Meteorological Society


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Although mutations in intermediate filament proteins cause many human disorders, the detailed pathogenic mechanisms and the way these mutations affect cell metabolism are unclear. In this study, selected keratin mutations were analysed for their effect on the epidermal stress response. Expression profiles of two keratin-mutant cell lines from epidermolysis bullosa simplex patients (one severe and one mild) were compared to a control keratinocyte line before and after challenge with hypo-osmotic shock, a common physiological stress that transiently distorts cell shape. Fewer changes in gene expression were found in cells with the severely disruptive mutation (55 genes altered) than with the mild mutation (174 genes) or the wild type cells (261 genes) possibly due to stress response pre-activation in these cells. We identified 16 immediate-early genes contributing to a general cell response to hypo-osmotic shock, and 20 genes with an altered expression pattern in the mutant keratin lines only. A number of dual-specificity phosphatases (MKP-1, MKP-2, MKP-3, MKP-5 and hVH3) are differentially regulated in these cells, and their downstream targets p-ERK and p-p38 are significantly up-regulated in the mutant keratin lines. Our findings strengthen the case for the expression of mutant keratin proteins inducing physiological stress, and this intrinsic stress may affect the cell responses to secondary stresses in patients' skin.


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The usefulness of any simulation of atmospheric tracers using low-resolution winds relies on both the dominance of large spatial scales in the strain and time dependence that results in a cascade in tracer scales. Here, a quantitative study on the accuracy of such tracer studies is made using the contour advection technique. It is shown that, although contour stretching rates are very insensitive to the spatial truncation of the wind field, the displacement errors in filament position are sensitive. A knowledge of displacement characteristics is essential if Lagrangian simulations are to be used for the inference of airmass origin. A quantitative lower estimate is obtained for the tracer scale factor (TSF): the ratio of the smallest resolved scale in the advecting wind field to the smallest “trustworthy” scale in the tracer field. For a baroclinic wave life cycle the TSF = 6.1 ± 0.3 while for the Northern Hemisphere wintertime lower stratosphere the TSF = 5.5 ± 0.5, when using the most stringent definition of the trustworthy scale. The similarity in the TSF for the two flows is striking and an explanation is discussed in terms of the activity of potential vorticity (PV) filaments. Uncertainty in contour initialization is investigated for the stratospheric case. The effect of smoothing initial contours is to introduce a spinup time, after which wind field truncation errors take over from initialization errors (2–3 days). It is also shown that false detail from the proliferation of finescale filaments limits the useful lifetime of such contour advection simulations to 3σ−1 days, where σ is the filament thinning rate, unless filaments narrower than the trustworthy scale are removed by contour surgery. In addition, PV analysis error and diabatic effects are so strong that only PV filaments wider than 50 km are at all believable, even for very high-resolution winds. The minimum wind field resolution required to accurately simulate filaments down to the erosion scale in the stratosphere (given an initial contour) is estimated and the implications for the modeling of atmospheric chemistry are briefly discussed.


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Intimin and EspA proteins are virulence factors expressed by attaching and effacing Escherichia coli (AEEC) such as enteropathogenic and enterohaemorrhagic E. coli. The EspA protein makes up a filament structure forming part of the type III secretion system (TTSS) that delivers effector proteins to the host epithelial cell. Bacterial surface displayed intimin interacts with translocated intimin receptor in the host cell membrane leading to intimate attachment of the bacterium and subsequent attaching and effacing lesions. Here, we have assessed the use of recombinant monoclonal antibodies against E. coli O157:147 EspA and intimin for the disruption of AEEC interaction with the host cell. Anti-gamma intimin antibodies did not reduce either adhesion of E. coli O157:H7 to host cell mono-layers or subsequent host cell actin rearrangement. Anti-EspA antibodies similarly had no effect on bacterial adhesion however they had a marked effect upon E. coli O157:H7-induced host cell actin rearrangement, where both monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies completely blocked cytoskeletal changes within the host cell. Furthermore, these anti-EspA antibodies were shown to reduce actin rearrangement induced by some but not all other AEEC serotypes tested. Both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies could be used to label E. coli O157 EspA filaments and these immunoreagents did not inhibit the formation of such filaments. This is the first report of monoclonal antibodies to EspA capable of disrupting the TTSS function of E. coli O157:H7. (c) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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A coordinated ground-based observational campaign using the IMAGE magnetometer network, EISCAT radars and optical instruments on Svalbard has made possible detailed studies of a travelling convection vortices (TCV) event on 6 January 1992. Combining the data from these facilities allows us to draw a very detailed picture of the features and dynamics of this TCV event. On the way from the noon to the drawn meridian, the vortices went through a remarkable development. The propagation velocity in the ionosphere increased from 2.5 to 7.4 km s−1, and the orientation of the major axes of the vortices rotated from being almost parallel to the magnetic meridian near noon to essentially perpendicular at dawn. By combining electric fields obtained by EISCAT and ionospheric currents deduced from magnetic field recordings, conductivities associated with the vortices could be estimated. Contrary to expectations we found higher conductivities below the downward field aligned current (FAC) filament than below the upward directed. Unexpected results also emerged from the optical observations. For most of the time there were no discrete aurora at 557.7 nm associated with the TCVs. Only once did a discrete form appear at the foot of the upward FAC. This aurora subsequently expanded eastward and westward leaving its centre at the same longitude while the TCV continued to travel westward. Also we try to identify the source regions of TCVs in the magnetosphere and discuss possible generation mechanisms.


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In a numerical, isopycnal, ocean model the mixing is investigated with the environment of two idealized Agulhas rings, one that splits, and one that remains coherent. The evolution of a passive tracer , initially contained within the rings, shows that tracer leakage is associated with the for mation of filaments in the early stage of ring evolution. These filaments reach down to the ther mocline. In the deepest layers leakage occurs on a larger scale. Self-advection of the rings is ver y irregular , and it is not possible to compute a Lagrangian boundar y i n order to estimate the transport of leakage from the rings. T o describe the processes that gover n tracer leakage, in a coordinate frame moving with the ring a kinematic separatrix is defined in the streamfunction field for the nondivergent flow . Initially , filaments arise because of the elongation of the ring, which is mainly gover ned by an m 5 2 instability that is collaborating with differential rotation. Because of beta, the symmetr y i s destroyed related to the separatrix associated with a stagnation point in the flow . The filament upstream of the stagnation point grows much faster and is associated with the bulk of tracer leakage. Mixing is enhanced by time dependence of the separatrix. As a result, there are no large differences between the leakage from a coherent ring, where the m 5 2 instability equilibrates, and from a splitting ring, where the m 5 2 instability keeps growing, which confir ms that the amount of leakage is mainly gover ned by the ring’ s initial defor mation combined with unsteady self-advection of the ring and not by the splitting of the ring. The decay of tracer content in the ther mocline shows that in the first months up to 40% of the ring water can be mixed with the environment. In deeper layers the decay of tracer content may reach up to 90%.