14 resultados para Fertilisation

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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Re-establishing nutrient-cycling is often a key goal of mine-site restoration. This goal can be achieved by applying fertilisers (particularly P) in combination with seeding N-fixing legumes. However, the effect of this strategy on other key restoration goals such as the establishment and growth of non-leguminous species has received little attention. We investigated the effects of P-application rates either singly, or in combination with seeding seven large understorey legume species, on jarrah forest restoration after bauxite mining. Five years after P application and seeding, legume species richness, density and cover were higher in the legume-seeded treatment. However, the increased establishment of legumes did not lead to increased soil N. Increasing P-application rates from 0 to 80 kg P ha−1 did not affect legume species richness, but significantly reduced legume density and increased legume cover: cover was maximal (∼50%) where 80 kg P ha−1 had been applied with large legume seeds. Increasing P-application had no effect on species richness of non-legume species, but increased the density of weeds and native ephemerals. Cover of non-legume species decreased with increasing P-application rates and was lower in plots where large legumes had been seeded compared with non-seeded plots. There was a significant legume × P interaction on weed and ephemeral density: at 80 kg P ha−1 the decline in density of these groups was greatest where legumes were seeded. In addition, the decline in cover for non-legume species with increasing P was greatest when legumes were seeded. Applying 20 kg P ha−1 significantly increased tree growth compared with tree growth in unfertilised plots, but growth was not increased further at 80 kg ha−1 and tree growth was not affected by seeding large legumes. Taken together, these data indicate that 80 kg ha−1 P-fertiliser in combination with (seeding) large legumes maximised vegetation cover at five years but could be suboptimal for re-establishing a jarrah forest community that, like unmined forest, contains a diverse community of slow-growing re-sprouter species. The species richness and cover of non-legume understorey species, especially the resprouters, was highest in plots that received either 0 or 20 kg ha−1 P and where large legumes had not been seeded. Therefore, our findings suggest that moderation of P-fertiliser and legumes could be the best strategy to fulfil the multiple restoration goals of establishing vegetation cover, while at the same time maximising tree growth and species richness of restored forest.


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The horticultural industry was instrumental in the early development and exploitation of genetic techniques over a century ago. This review will describe recent advances in a range of in vitro methods and their application to plant breeding, with especial emphasis on horticultural crops. These methods include improvements in the efficiency of haploid breeding techniques in many fruit and vegetable species using either microspore-derived or ovule-derived plants. Significant molecular information is now available to supplement these essentially empirical approaches and this may enable the more predictable application of these technologies in previously intransigent crops. Similarly there are now improved techniques for isolation of somatic hybrids, by application of either in vitro fertilisation or the culture of excised ovules from interspecific crosses. In addition to examples taken from the traditional scientific literature, emphasis will also be given to the use of patent databases as a valuable source of information on recent novel technologies developed in the commercial world.


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Ovaries were collected over a period of two years from heifers slaughtered at under 30 months of age and used to harvest 1757 oocytes. After in vitro maturation, fertilisation and culture, the proportions of oocytes and cleaved embryos that developed to blastocysts were significantly higher (P < 0.01) in the autumn, from September to November, than in the spring, from March to May. In contrast, embryo development, as assessed by oocytes that developed to eight or more cells and blastocysts, was lowest (P < 0.01) in the spring. These results were consistent during the two-year study, indicating a seasonal fluctuation in oocyte competence.


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Lack of sulphur nutrition during potato cultivation has been shown to have profound effects on tuber composition, affecting in particular the concentrations of free asparagine, other amino acids and sugars. This is important because free asparagine and sugars react at high temperatures to form acrylamide, a suspect carcinogen. Free amino acids and sugars also form a variety of other compounds associated with colour and flavour. In this study the volatile aroma compounds formed in potato flour heated at 180 °C for 20 min were compared for three varieties of potato grown, with and without sulphur fertiliser. Approximately 50 compounds were quantified in the headspace extracts of the heated flour, of which over 40 were affected by sulphur fertilisation and/or variety. Many of the 41 compounds found at higher concentrations in the sulphur-deficient flour were Strecker aldehydes and compounds formed from their condensation, whereas only one compound, benzaldehyde, behaved in the same way as did acrylamide and was found at higher concentrations in the sulphur-sufficient flour. The reasons for these effects are discussed.


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Future high levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) may increase biomass production of terrestrial plants and hence plant requirements for soil mineral nutrients to sustain a greater biomass production. Phosphorus (P), an element essential for plant growth, is found in soils both in inorganic and in organic forms. In this work, three genotypes of Populus were grown under ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations (FACE) for 5 years. An N fertilisation treatment was added in years 4 and 5 after planting. Using a fractionation scheme, total P was sequentially extracted using H2O, NaOH, HCl and HNO3, and P determined as both molybdate (Mo) reactive and total P. Molybdate-reactive P is defined as mainly inorganic but also some labile organic P which is determined by Vanado-molybdophosphoric acid colorimetric methods. Organic P was also measured to assess all plant available and weatherable P pools. We tested the hypotheses that higher P demand due to increased growth is met by a depletion of easily weatherable soil P pools, and that increased biomass inputs increases the amount of organic P in the soil. The concentration of organic P increased under FACE, but was associated with a decrease in total soil organic matter. The greatest increase in the soil P due to elevated CO2 was found in the HCl-extractable P fraction in the non-fertilised treatment. In the NaOH-extractable fraction the Mo-reactive P increased under FACE, but total P did not differ between ambient and FACE. The increase in both the NaOH- and HCl-extractable fractions was smaller after N addition. The results showed that elevated atmospheric CO2 has a positive effect on soil P availability rather than leading to depletion.We suggest that the increase in the NaOH- and HCl-extractable fractions is biologically driven by organic matter mineralization, weathering and mycorrhizal hyphal turnover.


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Acrylamide is a probable human carcinogen that forms in plant-derived foods when free asparagine and reducing sugars react at high temperatures. The identification of rye varieties with low acrylamide-forming potential or agronomic conditions that produce raw material with low acrylamide precursor concentrations would reduce the acrylamide formed in baked rye foods without the need for additives or potentially costly changes to processes. This work compared five commercial rye varieties grown under a range of fertilisation regimes to investigate the effects of genotype and nutrient (nitrogen and sulphur) availability on the accumulation of acrylamide precursors. A strong correlation was established between the free asparagine concentration of grain and the acrylamide formed upon heating. The five rye varieties accumulated different concentrations of free asparagine in the grain, indicating that there is genetic control of this trait and that variety selection could be useful in reducing acrylamide levels in rye products. High levels of nitrogen fertilisation were found to increase the accumulation of free asparagine, showing that excessive nitrogen application should be avoided in order not to exacerbate the problem of acrylamide formation. This effect of nitrogen was mitigated in two of the varieties by the application of sulphur.


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The low availability of zinc (Zn) in soils and crops affects dietary Zn intake worldwide. This study sought to determine if the natural genetic variation in shoot Zn concentrations (Zn(shoot)) is sufficient to pursue a crop improvement breeding strategy in a leafy vegetable crop. The gene-pool of Brassica oleracea L. was sampled using a large (n = 376) diversity foundation set (DFS), representing almost all species-wide common allelic variation, and 74 commercial varieties (mostly F(1)). The DFS genotypes were grown at low and high soil phosphorus (P) levels under glasshouse and field conditions, and also in a Zn-deficient soil, with or without Zn-fertilisation, in a glasshouse. Despite the large variation in Zn(shoot) among genotypes, environment had a profound effect on Zn(shoot) The heritability of Zn(shoot) was significant, but relatively low, among 90 doubled-haploid (DH) lines from a mapping population. While several quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with Zn(shoot) occurred on chromosomes C2, C3, C5, C7, and C9, these were generally weak and conditional upon growth conditions. Breeding for Zn(shoot) in B. oleracea is therefore likely to be challenging. Shoot P concentrations increased substantially in all genotypes under low soil Zn conditions. Conversely, only some genotypes had increased Zn(shoot) at low soil P levels. Sufficient natural genetic variation may therefore exist to study some of the interactions between Zn and P nutrition.


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Background: There are compelling economic and environmental reasons to reduce our reliance on inorganic phosphate (Pi) fertilisers. Better management of Pi fertiliser applications is one option to improve the efficiency of Pi fertiliser use, whilst maintaining crop yields. Application rates of Pi fertilisers are traditionally determined from analyses of soil or plant tissues. Alternatively, diagnostic genes with altered expression under Pi limiting conditions that suggest a physiological requirement for Pi fertilisation, could be used to manage Pifertiliser applications, and might be more precise than indirect measurements of soil or tissue samples. Results: We grew potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants hydroponically, under glasshouse conditions, to control their nutrient status accurately. Samples of total leaf RNA taken periodically after Pi was removed from the nutrient solution were labelled and hybridised to potato oligonucleotide arrays. A total of 1,659 genes were significantly differentially expressed following Pi withdrawal. These included genes that encode proteins involved in lipid, protein, and carbohydrate metabolism, characteristic of Pi deficient leaves and included potential novel roles for genes encoding patatin like proteins in potatoes. The array data were analysed using a support vector machine algorithm to identify groups of genes that could predict the Pi status of the crop. These groups of diagnostic genes were tested using field grown potatoes that had either been fertilised or unfertilised. A group of 200 genes could correctly predict the Pi status of field grown potatoes. Conclusions: This paper provides a proof-of-concept demonstration for using microarrays and class prediction tools to predict the Pi status of a field grown potato crop. There is potential to develop this technology for other biotic and abiotic stresses in field grown crops. Ultimately, a better understanding of crop stresses may improve our management of the crop, improving the sustainability of agriculture.


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Worldwide, many people are zinc (Zn)-deficient. Dietary Zn intake can be increased by producing crops with higher concentrations of Zn in their edible portions. This can be achieved by applying Zn-fertilisers to varieties with an increased ability to acquire Zn and to accumulate Zn in their edible portions. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an important food crop and is, therefore, a target for bio-fortification with Zn. Field trials incorporating a core collection of 23 potato genotypes, performed over 4 years (2006 – 2009), indicated significant genotypic effects on tuber Zn concentration and suggested that tuber Zn concentration was influenced by environmental effects, but also found that genotype environment (G E) interactions were not significant. Tuber Zn concentrations averaged 10.8 mg kg–1 dry matter (DM), and the ratio between the lowest and the highest varietal tuber Zn-concentration averaged 1.76. Tuber Zn concentrations could be increased by foliar Zn-fertilisation. Tuber yields of ‘Maris Piper’ were unaffected by foliar applications of < 1.08 g Zn plant–1. The relationship between tuber Zn concentration and foliar Zn application followed a saturation curve, reaching a maximum at approx. 30 mg Zn kg–1 DM at a foliar Zn application rate of 1.08 g plant–1. Despite a 40-fold increase in shoot Zn concentration compared to the unfertilised controls following foliar Zn fertilisation with 2.16 g Zn plant–1, only a doubling in tuber Zn concentration was observed. This suggests that the biofortification of tubers with Zn was restricted by the limited mobility of Zn in the phloem. A significant positive linear relationship between tuber Zn concentration and tuber N concentration supported the hypothesis of co-transport of Zn and N-compounds in the phloem.


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We present a simple, generic model of annual tree growth, called "T". This model accepts input from a first-principles light-use efficiency model (the "P" model). The P model provides values for gross primary production (GPP) per unit of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Absorbed PAR is estimated from the current leaf area. GPP is allocated to foliage, transport tissue, and fine-root production and respiration in such a way as to satisfy well-understood dimensional and functional relationships. Our approach thereby integrates two modelling approaches separately developed in the global carbon-cycle and forest-science literature. The T model can represent both ontogenetic effects (the impact of ageing) and the effects of environmental variations and trends (climate and CO2) on growth. Driven by local climate records, the model was applied to simulate ring widths during the period 1958–2006 for multiple trees of Pinus koraiensis from the Changbai Mountains in northeastern China. Each tree was initialised at its actual diameter at the time when local climate records started. The model produces realistic simulations of the interannual variability in ring width for different age cohorts (young, mature, and old). Both the simulations and observations show a significant positive response of tree-ring width to growing-season total photosynthetically active radiation (PAR0) and the ratio of actual to potential evapotranspiration (α), and a significant negative response to mean annual temperature (MAT). The slopes of the simulated and observed relationships with PAR0 and α are similar; the negative response to MAT is underestimated by the model. Comparison of simulations with fixed and changing atmospheric CO2 concentration shows that CO2 fertilisation over the past 50 years is too small to be distinguished in the ring-width data, given ontogenetic trends and interannual variability in climate.


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Ruminant production is a vital part of food industry but it raises environmental concerns, partly due to the associated methane outputs. Efficient methane mitigation and estimation of emissions from ruminants requires accurate prediction tools. Equations recommended by international organizations or scientific studies have been developed with animals fed conserved forages and concentrates and may be used with caution for grazing cattle. The aim of the current study was to develop prediction equations with animals fed fresh grass in order to be more suitable to pasture-based systems and for animals at lower feeding levels. A study with 25 nonpregnant nonlactating cows fed solely fresh-cut grass at maintenance energy level was performed over two consecutive grazing seasons. Grass of broad feeding quality, due to contrasting harvest dates, maturity, fertilisation and grass varieties, from eight swards was offered. Cows were offered the experimental diets for at least 2 weeks before housed in calorimetric chambers over 3 consecutive days with feed intake measurements and total urine and faeces collections performed daily. Methane emissions were measured over the last 2 days. Prediction models were developed from 100 3-day averaged records. Internal validation of these equations, and those recommended in literature, was performed. The existing in greenhouse gas inventories models under-estimated methane emissions from animals fed fresh-cut grass at maintenance while the new models, using the same predictors, improved prediction accuracy. Error in methane outputs prediction was decreased when grass nutrient, metabolisable energy and digestible organic matter concentrations were added as predictors to equations already containing dry matter or energy intakes, possibly because they explain feed digestibility and the type of energy-supplying nutrients more efficiently. Predictions based on readily available farm-level data, such as liveweight and grass nutrient concentrations were also generated and performed satisfactorily. New models may be recommended for predictions of methane emissions from grazing cattle at maintenance or low feeding levels.