92 resultados para FORCE-CONSTANTS

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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General expressions for the force constants and dipole‐moment derivatives of molecules are derived, and the problems arising in their practical application are reviewed. Great emphasis is placed on the use of the Hartree–Fock function as an approximate wavefunction, and a number of its properties are discussed and re‐emphasised. The main content of this paper is the development of a perturbed Hartree–Fock theory that makes possible the direct calculation of force constants and dipole‐moment derivatives from SCF–MO wavefunctions. Essentially the theory yields ∂ϕi / ∂RJα, the derivative of an MO with respect to a nuclear coordinate.


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Normal coordinate calculations of XH4 and XH3 molecules are reviewed and discussed. It is shown that for most of these molecules the true values of the force constants in the most General Harmonic Force Field can be uniquely determined only by making use of vibration-rotation interaction constants. It is emphasized that without these extra data the GFF is not determined. The results are compared with various model force fields for these molecules.


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Analytical potential energy functions which are valid at all dissociation limits have been derived for the ground states of SO2 and O3. The procedure involves minimizing the errors between the observed vibrational spectra and spectra calculated by a variational procedure. Good agreement is obtained between the observed and calculated spectra for both molecules. Comparisons are made between anharmonic force fields, previously determined from the spectral data, and the force fields obtained by differentiating the derived analytical functions at the equilibrium configurations.


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The perturbed Hartree–Fock theory developed in the preceding paper is applied to LiH, BH, and HF, using limited basis‐set SCF–MO wavefunctions derived by previous workers. The calculated values for the force constant ke and the dipole‐moment derivative μ(1) are (experimental values in parentheses): LiH, ke  =  1.618(1.026)mdyn/Å,μ(1)  =  −18.77(−2.0±0.3)D/ÅBH,ke  =  5.199(3.032)mdyn/Å,μ(1)  =  −1.03(−)D/Å;HF,ke  =  12.90(9.651)mdyn/Å,μ(1)  =  −2.15(+1.50)D/Å. The values of the force on the proton were calculated exactly and according to the Hellmann–Feynman theorem in each case, and the discrepancies show that none of the wavefunctions used are close to the Hartree–Fock limit, so that the large errors in ke and μ(1) are not surprising. However no difficulties arose in the perturbed Hartree–Fock calculation, so that the application of the theory to more accurate wavefunctions appears quite feasible.


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The mathematical difficulties which can arise in the force constant refinement procedure for calculating force constants and normal co-ordinates are described and discussed. The method has been applied to the methyl fluoride molecule, using an electronic computer. The best values of the twelve force constants in the most general harmonic potential field were obtained to fit twenty-two independently observed experimental data, these being the six vibration frequencies, three Coriolis zeta constants and two centrifugal stretching constants DJ and DJK, for both CH3F and CD3F. The calculations have been repeated both with and without anharmonicity corrections to the vibration frequencies. All the experimental data were weighted according to the reliability of the observations, and the corresponding standard errors and correlation coefficients of the force constants have been deduced. The final force constants are discussed briefly, and compared with previous treatments, particularly with a recent Urey-Bradley treatment for this molecule.


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A method is discussed for imposing any desired constraint on the force field obtained in a force constant refinement calculation. The application of this method to force constant refinement calculations for the methyl halide molecules is reported. All available data on the vibration frequencies, Coriolis interaction constants and centrifugal stretching constants of CH3X and CD3X molecules were used in the refinements, but despite this apparent abundance of data it was found that constraints were necessary in order to obtain a unique solution to the force field. The results of unconstrained calculations, and of three different constrained calculations, are reported in this paper. The constrained models reported are a Urey—Bradley force field, a modified valence force field, and a constraint based on orbital-following bond-hybridization arguments developed in the following paper. The results are discussed, and compared with previous results for these molecules. The third of the above models is found to reproduce the observed data better than either of the first two, and additional reasons are given for preferring this solution to the force field for the methyl halide molecules.


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Force constant and normal co-ordinate calculations are reported for the E species vibrations of the allene molecule. Data on the fundamental vibration frequencies of allene-h4, allene-d4 and allene-1.1-d2 and on the five experimentally determined Coriolis zeta constants of C3H4 and C3D4, were used in a force constant refinement procedure. Allowing for product and sum rules this gives 21 independent data which were used to refine to the most general harmonic force field (10 parameters) with one constraint (in the absence of any constraints the refinement was not satisfactory). The results have been used to calculate the complete ζz Coriolis interaction matrix for the allene-1.1-d2 molecule, and hence to calculate the expected rotational structure of the perpendicular bending vibrations of this molecule; the good agreement obtained with the observed spectra is a check on our results.


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We report an extended version of our normal coordinate program ASYM40, which may be used to transform Cartesian force constants from ab initio calculations to a force field in nonredundant internal (symmetry) coordinates. When experimental data are available, scale factors for the theoretical force field may then be optimized by least-squares refinement. The alternative of refining an empirical force field to fit a wide variety of data, as with the previous version ASYM20, has been retained. We compare the results of least-squares refinement of the full harmonic force field with least-squares refinement of only the scale factors for an SCF calculated force field and conclude that the latter approach may be useful for large molecules where more sophisticated calculations are impractical. The refinement of scale factors for a theoretical force field is also useful when there are only limited spectroscopic data. The program will accept ab initio calculated force fields from any program that presents Cartesian force constants as output. The program is available through Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange.


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The relationship of the anharmonic force constants in curvilinear internal coordinates to the observed vibration-rotation spectrum of a molecule is reviewed. A simplified method of setting up the required non-linear coordinate transformations is described: this makes use of an / tensor, which is a straightforward generalization of the / matrix used in the customary description of harmonic force constant calculations. General formulae for the / tensor elements, in terms of the familiar L matrix elements, are presented. The use of non-linear symmetry coordinates and redundancies are described. Sample calculations on the water and ammonia molecules are reported.


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Interaction force constants between bond-stretching and angle-bending co-ordinates in polyatomic molecules have been attributed, by some authors, to changes of hybridization due to orbital-following of the bending co-ordinate, and consequent changes of bond length due to the change of hybridization. A method is described for using this model quantitatively to reduce the number of independent force constants in the potential function of a polyatomic molecule, by relating stretch-bend interaction constants to the corresponding diagonal stretching constants. It is proposed to call this model the Hybrid Orbital Force Field. The model is applied to the tetrahedral four co-ordinated carbon atom (as in methane) and to the trigonal planar three coordinated carbon atom (as in formaldehyde).


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The J = 2−1 microwave spectrum of six isotopic species of HSiF3 has been observed and assigned in excited states of five of the six fundamental vibrations. The assignment is based on relative intensities, double resonance experiments, and trial anharmonic force constant calculations. Analysis of the spectra leads to experimental values for five of the constants, all three l-doubling constants qt, one Fermi resonance constant φ233, and one zeta constant. The harmonic force field has been refined to all the available data on vibration wavenumbers, centrifugal distortion constants, and zeta constants. The cubic anharmonic force field has been refined to the data on and qt constants, using two models: a valence force model with two cubic force constants for SiH and SiF stretching, and a more sophisticated model. With the help of these calculations, the following equilibrium structure has been determined: re(SiH) = 1.4468(±5) Å, re(SiF) = 1.5624(±1) Å, HSiF = 110.64(±3)°,


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Redundancy relations between vibrational coordinates may be linear (as for rectilinear coordinates used in deriving a G matrix), or non-linear (as for curvilinear coordinates used in formulating model force fields). It is shown that geometrically defined internal coordinates are necessarily curvilinear. Hence it is shown that linear force constants can occur in model force field calculations involving redundant coordinates, in disagreement with the recent proposal of Gussoni and Zerbi.


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The theory of harmonic force constant refinement calculations is reviewed, and a general-purpose program for force constant and normal coordinate calculations is described. The program, called ASYM20. is available through Quantum Chemistry Program Exchange. It will work on molecules of any symmetry containing up to 20 atoms and will produce results on a series of isotopomers as desired. The vibrational secular equations are solved in either nonredundant valence internal coordinates or symmetry coordinates. As well as calculating the (harmonic) vibrational wavenumbers and normal coordinates, the program will calculate centrifugal distortion constants, Coriolis zeta constants, harmonic contributions to the α′s. root-mean-square amplitudes of vibration, and other quantities related to gas electron-diffraction studies and thermodynamic properties. The program will work in either a predict mode, in which it calculates results from an input force field, or in a refine mode, in which it refines an input force field by least squares to fit observed data on the quantities mentioned above. Predicate values of the force constants may be included in the data set for a least-squares refinement. The program is written in FORTRAN for use on a PC or a mainframe computer. Operation is mainly controlled by steering indices in the input data file, but some interactive control is also implemented.


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The complete general harmonic force field of methyl flouride was recalculated using the most recent literature frequency, Coriolis ζ, and centrifugal distortion data for 12CH3F, 13CH3F, 12CD3F, 12CHD2F and 12CH2DF. The anharmonic corrections applied to the observed frequency data and the adopted molecular geometry are considered to be more realistic than those used hitherto. There is excellent overall agreement between the fitted force constants and the highest quality ab initio force field currently available.


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Rotational structure has been resolved and analyzed in two of the infrared‐active perpendicular bands of C2H4 vapor: the Type b fundamental band, ν10, at 826 cm—1, and the Type c fundamental band, ν7, at 949 cm—1. Many of the individual PP and RR branch lines have been observed. The analysis has been confined to values of the quantum number K≥3, for which energy levels ethylene shows no detectable deviations from a symmetric‐top rotational structure. The analysis reveals a Coriolis interaction between ν7 and ν10, and between ν4 and ν10, and values of the Coriolis constants ζ7,10z and ζ4,10y are obtained; these are related to normal coordinate calculations for the appropriate symmetry species, and force constants are derived to fit the observed zeta constants. The band center of ν10 has been revised from the original figure of 810 cm—1 to the new value, 826 cm—1, and the inactive frequency ν4 is estimated to lie at 1023±3 cm—1, in good agreement with the previous estimate of 1027 cm—1. The change in the value of ν10 leads to a suggested change in the value of the Raman‐active fundamental ν6 from 1236 to 1222 cm—1. New combination bands have been observed at 2174 cm—1, assigned as ν3+ν10; and at 2252 cm—1, assigned as ν4+ν6; also rotational structure has been resolved and analyzed in the ν6+ν10 band at 2048 cm—1. The new data obtained for the C2H4 molecule are summarized in Table XII, with all of the other data presently available on the vibrational and rotational constants.