17 resultados para Elastic Properties.

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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Despite recent research exploring the elastic properties of avian keratins, data on failure properties are less common in the literature. In this paper we present data on the failure properties and moduli of both avian feather and claw keratin in tension and the modulus of claw keratin in compression. Increased water content acts to decrease stiffness and strength but to increase strain at failure. The modulus of claw did not differ significantly when tested under tension and compression.


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The difference between the rate of change of cerebral blood volume (CBV) and cerebral blood flow (CBF) following stimulation is thought to be due to circumferential stress relaxation in veins (Mandeville, J.B., Marota, J.J.A., Ayata, C., Zaharchuk, G., Moskowitz, M.A., Rosen, B.R., Weisskoff, R.M., 1999. Evidence of a cerebrovascular postarteriole windkessel with delayed compliance. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 19, 679–689). In this paper we explore the visco-elastic properties of blood vessels, and present a dynamic model relating changes in CBF to changes in CBV. We refer to this model as the visco-elastic windkessel (VW) model. A novel feature of this model is that the parameter characterising the pressure–volume relationship of blood vessels is treated as a state variable dependent on the rate of change of CBV, producing hysteresis in the pressure–volume space during vessel dilation and contraction. The VW model is nonlinear time-invariant, and is able to predict the observed differences between the time series of CBV and that of CBF measurements following changes in neural activity. Like the windkessel model derived by Mandeville, J.B., Marota, J.J.A., Ayata, C., Zaharchuk, G., Moskowitz, M.A., Rosen, B.R., Weisskoff, R.M., 1999. Evidence of a cerebrovascular postarteriole windkessel with delayed compliance. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 19, 679–689, the VW model is primarily a model of haemodynamic changes in the venous compartment. The VW model is demonstrated to have the following characteristics typical of visco-elastic materials: (1) hysteresis, (2) creep, and (3) stress relaxation, hence it provides a unified model of the visco-elastic properties of the vasculature. The model will not only contribute to the interpretation of the Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) signals from functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) experiments, but also find applications in the study and modelling of the brain vasculature and the haemodynamics of circulatory and cardiovascular systems.


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Baby leaf salads are gaining in popularity over traditional whole head lettuce salads in response to consumer demand for greater variety and convenience in their diet. Baby lettuce leaves are mixed, washed and packaged as whole leaves, with a shelf-life of approximately 10 days post-processing. End of shelf-life, as determined by the consumer, is typified by bruising, water-logging and blackening of the leaves, but the biological events causing this phenotype have not been studied to date. We investigated the physiological and ultrastructural characteristics during postharvest shelf-life of two lettuce varieties with very different leaf morphologies. Membrane disruption was an important determinant of cell death in both varieties. although the timing and characteristics of breakdown was different in each with Lollo rossa showing signs of aging such as thylakoid disruption and plastoglobuli accumulation earlier than Cos. Membranes in Lollo rossa showed a later, but more distinct increase in permeability than in Cos. as indicated by electrolyte leakage and the presence of cytoplasmic fragments in the vacuole, but Cos membranes show distinct fractures towards the end of shelf-life. The tissue lost less than 25% fresh weight during shelf-life and there was little protein loss compared to developmentally aging leaves in an ambient environment. Biophysical measurements showed that breakstrength was significantly reduced in Lollo rossa, whereas irreversible leaf plasticity was significantly reduced in Cos leaves. The reversible elastic properties of both varieties changed throughout shelf-life. We compared the characteristics of shelf-life in both varieties of bagged lettuce leaves with other leafy salad crops and discuss the potential targets for future work to improve postharvest quality of baby leaf lettuce. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Crumpets are made by heating fermented batter on a hot plate at around 230°C. The characteristic structure dominated by vertical pores develops rapidly: structure has developed throughout around 75% of the product height within 30s, which is far faster than might be expected from transient heat conduction through the batter. Cooking is complete within around 3 min. Image analysis based on results from X-ray tomography shows that the voidage fraction is approximately constant and that there is continual coalescence between the larger pores throughout the product although there is also a steady level of small bubbles trapped within the solidified batter. We report here experimental studies which shed light on some of the mechanisms responsible for this structure, together with some models of key phenomena.Three aspects are discussed here: the role of gas (carbon dioxide and nitrogen) nuclei in initiating structure development; convective heat transfer inside the developing pores; and the kinetics of setting the batter into an elastic solid structure. It is shown conclusively that the small bubbles of carbon dioxide resulting from the fermentation stage play a crucial role as nuclei for pore development: without these nuclei, the result is not a porous structure, but rather a solid, elastic, inedible, gelatinized product. These nuclei are also responsible for the tiny bubbles which are set in the final product. The nuclei form the source of the dominant pore structure which is largely driven by the, initially explosive, release of water vapour from the batter together with the desorption of dissolved carbon dioxide. It is argued that the rapid evaporation, transport and condensation of steam within the growing pores provides an important mechanism, as in a heat pipe, for rapid heat transfer, and models for this process are developed and tested. The setting of the continuous batter phase is essential for final product quality: studies using differential scanning calorimetry and on the kinetics of change in the visco-elastic properties of the batter suggest that this process is driven by the kinetics of gelatinization. Unlike many thermally driven food processes the rates of heating are such that gelatinization kinetics cannot be neglected. The implications of these results for modelling and for the development of novel structures are discussed.


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In this paper we are mainly concerned with the development of efficient computer models capable of accurately predicting the propagation of low-to-middle frequency sound in the sea, in axially symmetric (2D) and in fully 3D environments. The major physical features of the problem, i.e. a variable bottom topography, elastic properties of the subbottom structure, volume attenuation and other range inhomogeneities are efficiently treated. The computer models presented are based on normal mode solutions of the Helmholtz equation on the one hand, and on various types of numerical schemes for parabolic approximations of the Helmholtz equation on the other. A new coupled mode code is introduced to model sound propagation in range-dependent ocean environments with variable bottom topography, where the effects of an elastic bottom, of volume attenuation, surface and bottom roughness are taken into account. New computer models based on finite difference and finite element techniques for the numerical solution of parabolic approximations are also presented. They include an efficient modeling of the bottom influence via impedance boundary conditions, they cover wide angle propagation, elastic bottom effects, variable bottom topography and reverberation effects. All the models are validated on several benchmark problems and versus experimental data. Results thus obtained were compared with analogous results from standard codes in the literature.


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In this work, we introduce dipeptides containing tryptophan N-capped with the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug naproxen and C-terminal dehydroamino acids, dehydrophenylalanine (ΔPhe), dehydroaminobutyric acid (ΔAbu), and dehydroalanine (ΔAla) as efficacious protease resistant hydrogelators. Optimized conditions for gel formation are reported. Transmission electron microscopy experiments revealed that the hydrogels consist of networks of micro/nanosized fibers formed by peptide self-assembly. Fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy indicate that the self-assembly process is driven by stacking interactions of the aromatic groups. The naphthalene groups of the naproxen moieties are highly organized in the fibers through chiral stacking. Rheological experiments demonstrated that the most hydrophobic peptide (containing C-terminal ΔPhe) formed more elastic gels at lower critical gelation concentrations. This gel revealed irreversible breakup, while the C-terminal ΔAbu and ΔAla gels, although less elastic, exhibited structural recovery and partial healing of the elastic properties. A potential antitumor thieno[3,2-b]pyridine derivative was incorporated (noncovalently) into the gel formed by the hydrogelator containing C-terminal ΔPhe residue. Fluorescence and Förster resonance energy transfer measurements indicate that the drug is located in a hydrophobic environment, near/associated with the peptide fibers, establishing this type of hydrogel as a good drug-nanocarrier candidate.


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The stability of ternary blends of two immiscible homopolymers and a block copolymer compatiblizer depends crucially on the effective interaction between the copolymermonolayers that form between the unlike homopolymer domains. Here, the interaction is calculated for blends involving A and B homopolymers of equal size with ABABdiblock copolymers of symmetric composition using both self-consistent field theory (SCFT) and strong-segregation theory (SST). If the homopolymers are larger than the copolymer molecules, an attractive interaction is predicted which would destroy the blend. This conclusion coupled with considerations regarding the elastic properties of the monolayer suggests that the optimum size of the homopolymer molecules is about 80% that of the copolymer molecule. A detailed examination of the theory demonstrates that the attraction results from the configurational entropy loss of the homopolymer molecules trapped between the copolymermonolayers. We conclude by suggesting how the monolayers can be altered in order to suppress this attraction and thus improve compatiblization.


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In this paper we focused on the differences of mechanical properties of tension and normal wood of 1-year-old poplar trees, artificially tilted. Elastic and fracture properties have been measured and linked to the anatomy. Tension wood is well known because it prevents good surface finishing and leads to difficulties with sawing. We studied three main mechanical properties: young modulus, energy of cutting and longitudinal residual strain of maturation (with strain gauges) because of their importance in wood technology. Moreover, this work takes place in a larger project of study, the phenomena of axes re-orientation in trees (allowing by the production of reaction wood), where these data are required for biomechanical modelling. The results show that tension wood has a higher young modulus, needs a higher energy to be cut and exhibited a higher level of longitudinal residual strain of maturation than those of normal wood. The results suggest that these differences require deeper analysis of the wood than anatomy: measurement of microfibril orientation in the S2 layer and also the lignin composition in monomeric units.


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The rheological properties of fresh gluten in small amplitude oscillation in shear (SAOS) and creep recovery after short application of stress was related to the hearth breadbaking performance of wheat flours using the multivariate statistics partial least squares (PLS) regression. The picture was completed by dough mixing and extensional properties, flour protein size distribution determined by SE-HPLC, and high molecular weight glutenin subunit (HMW-GS) composition. The sample set comprised 20 wheat cultivars grown at two different levels of nitrogen fertilizer in one location. Flours yielding stiffer and more elastic glutens, with higher elastic and viscous moduli (G' and G") and lower tan 8 values in SAOS, gave doughs that were better able to retain their shape during proving and baking, resulting in breads of high form ratios. Creep recovery measurements after short application of stress showed that glutens from flours of good breadmaking quality had high relative elastic recovery. The nitrogen fertilizer level affected the protein size distribution by an increase in monomeric proteins (gliadins), which gave glutens of higher tan delta and flatter bread loaves (lower form ratio).


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The rheological properties of dough and gluten are important for end-use quality of flour but there is a lack of knowledge of the relationships between fundamental and empirical tests and how they relate to flour composition and gluten quality. Dough and gluten from six breadmaking wheat qualities were subjected to a range of rheological tests. Fundamental (small-deformation) rheological characterizations (dynamic oscillatory shear and creep recovery) were performed on gluten to avoid the nonlinear influence of the starch component, whereas large deformation tests were conducted on both dough and gluten. A number of variables from the various curves were considered and subjected to a principal component analysis (PCA) to get an overview of relationships between the various variables. The first component represented variability in protein quality, associated with elasticity and tenacity in large deformation (large positive loadings for resistance to extension and initial slope of dough and gluten extension curves recorded by the SMS/Kieffer dough and gluten extensibility rig, and the tenacity and strain hardening index of dough measured by the Dobraszczyk/Roberts dough inflation system), the elastic character of the hydrated gluten proteins (large positive loading for elastic modulus [G'], large negative loadings for tan delta and steady state compliance [J(e)(0)]), the presence of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) 5+10 vs. 2+12, and a size distribution of glutenin polymers shifted toward the high-end range. The second principal component was associated with flour protein content. Certain rheological data were influenced by protein content in addition to protein quality (area under dough extension curves and dough inflation curves [W]). The approach made it possible to bridge the gap between fundamental rheological properties, empirical measurements of physical properties, protein composition, and size distribution. The interpretation of this study gave indications of the molecular basis for differences in breadmaking performance.


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Tofu gels were rheologically examined to determine their storage or elastic (G′) and loss or viscous (G″) moduli as a function of frequency within their linear viscoelastic limits. The tofu gels were made using either glucono-δ-lactone (GDL) or calcium sulphate (CaSO4·2H2O), followed by either heat treatment (heated soymilk at 97 °C prior to coagulation and subsequently held at 70 °C for 60 min, HT) or high pressure treatment (400 MPa at 20 °C for 10 min, HP). The overall moduli values of the GDL gels and CaSO4·2H2O gels of both physical treatments were similar, each gave frequency profiles expected for weak viscoelastic materials. However, although both temperature and high pressure treatments could be used to produce tofu gels, the final products were not the same. Pressure formed gels, despite having a higher overall “consistency” (increasing values of their moduli), had a proportionately higher contribution from the loss modulus (increased tan δ). Differences could also be observed using confocal scanning laser microscopy. While such treatment may give rise to differing systems/structures, with new or modified organoleptic properties, the more “open” structures obtained by pressure treatment may well cause processing difficulties if subsequent reworking or moulding is required.


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Tofu gels were rheologically examined to determine their storage or elastic (G') and loss or viscous (G '') moduli as a function of frequency within their linear viscoelastic limits. The tofu gels were made using either glucono-delta-lactone (GDL) or calcium sulphate (CaSO4 center dot 2H(2)O), followed by either heat treatment (heated soymilk at >= 97 degrees C prior to coagulation and subsequently held at 70 degrees C for 60 min, HT) or high pressure treatment (400 MPa at 20 degrees C for 10 min, HP). The overall moduli values of the GDL gels and CaSO4 center dot 2H(2)O gels of both physical treatments were similar, each gave frequency profiles expected for weak viscoelastic materials. However, although both temperature and high pressure treatments could be used to produce tofu gels, the final products were not the same. Pressure formed gels, despite having a higher overall "consistency" (increasing values of their moduli), had a proportionately higher contribution from the loss modulus (increased tan delta). Differences could also be observed using confocal scanning laser microscopy. While such treatment may give rise to differing systems/structures, with new or modified organoleptic properties, the more "open" structures obtained by pressure treatment may well cause processing difficulties if subsequent reworking or moulding is required. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Commercially available UHT cream was tempered at 4 degrees C for 24 h and whipped for different times: 3. 6. 9 and 12 nun. The following properties of cream were measured: rheological and interfacial properties. overrun and size distribution of air bubbles. The whipping process changes the properties of cream, which exhibits viscoelastic behaviour with a high influence of elastic component. The air bubbles incorporated during the process result in forming stronger foam containing smaller bubbles. and also give a higher overrun. These changes are observed around 9 min of whipping. when the amount of air is sufficient to create a stable structure. Further whipping reduces the overrun and the foam partly collapses: this may be caused by aggregation of fat droplets. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mucoadhesive polymeric films have been prepared based on blends of chitosan and hydroxyethylcellulose. The blends have been characterized by IR spectroscopy, DSC, WAXD, TGA, SEM, and mechanical testing. It is demonstrated that the mechanical properties of chitosan are improved significantly upon blending with hydroxyethylcellulose. An increase in hydroxyethylcellulose content in the blends makes the materials more elastic. The thermal treatment of the blends at 100 degrees C leads to partial cross-linking of the polymers and formation of water-insoluble but swellable materials. The adhesion of the films towards porcine buccal mucosa decreases with increasing hydroxyethylcellulose content in the blends.