30 resultados para Dopamine Responsive Gene-1

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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Mechanisms of nigral cell injury in Parkinson's disease remain unclear, although a combination of increased oxidative stress, the formation of catecholamine-quinones and the subsequent formation of neurotoxic cysteinyl-catecholamine conjugates may contribute. In the present study, peroxynitrite was observed to generate both 2-S- and 5-S-cysteinyl-dopamine and a dihydrobenzothiazine species, DHBT-1, following the reaction of dopamine with L-cysteine. The formation of 5-S-cysteinyl-dopamine and DHBT-1 in the presence of peroxynitrite induced significant neuronal injury. Pre-treatment of cortical neurons with pelargonidin, quercetin, hesperetin, caffeic acid, the 4'-O-Me derivatives of catechin and epicatechin (0.1-3.0 mu M) resulted in concentration dependant protection against 5-S-cysteinyl-dopamine-induced neurotoxicity. These data suggest that polyphenols may protect against neuronal injury induced by endogenous neurotoxins relevant to the aetiology of the Parkinson disease. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Intronic variation in the FTO (fat mass and obesity-associated) gene has been unequivocally associated with increased body mass index (BMI; in kg/m(2)) and the risk of obesity in populations of different ethnicity. OBJECTIVE: We examined whether this robust genetic predisposition to obesity can be attenuated by being more physically active. DESIGN: The FTO variant rs1121980 was genotyped in 20,374 participants (39-79 y of age) from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition-Norfolk Study, an ethnically homogeneous population-based cohort. Physical activity (PA) was assessed with a validated self-reported questionnaire. The interaction between rs1121980 and PA on BMI and waist circumference (WC) was examined by including the interaction term in mixed-effect models. RESULTS: We confirmed that the risk (T) allele of rs1121980 was significantly associated with BMI (0.31-unit increase per allele; P < 0.001) and WC (0.77-cm increase per allele; P < 0.001). The PA level attenuated the effect of rs1121980 on BMI and WC; ie, whereas in active individuals the risk allele increased BMI by 0.25 per allele, the increase in BMI was significantly (P for interaction = 0.004) more pronounced (76%) in inactive individuals (0.44 per risk allele). We observed similar effects for WC (P for interaction = 0.02): the risk allele increased WC by 1.04 cm per allele in inactive individuals but by only 0.64 cm in active individuals. CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed that PA attenuates the effect of the FTO rs1121980 genotype on BMI and WC. This observation has important public health implications because we showed that a genetic susceptibility to obesity induced by FTO variation can be overcome, at least in part, by adopting a physically active lifestyle.


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High levels of oxidative stress promote cardiac myocyte death, though lower levels are potentially cytoprotective/anabolic. We examined the changes in gene expression in rat neonatal cardiac myocytes exposed to apoptotic (0.2 mM) or nontoxic (0.04 mM) concentrations of H2O2 (2, 4, or 24 h) using Affymetrix microarrays. Using U34B arrays, we identified a ubiquitously expressed, novel H2O2-responsive gene [putative peroxide-inducible transcript 1 (Perit1)], which generates two alternatively spliced transcripts. Using 230 2.0 arrays, H2O2 (0.04 mM) promoted significant changes in expression of only 32 genes, all of which were seen with 0.2 mM H2O2. We failed to detect any increase in the rate of protein synthesis in cardiac myocytes exposed to <0.1 mM H2O2, further suggesting that global, low concentrations of H2O2 are not anabolic in this system. H2O2 (0.2 mM) promoted significant (P < 0.05, >1.75-fold) changes in expression of 649 mRNAs and 187 RNAs corresponding to no established gene. Of the mRNAs, 114 encoded transcriptional regulators including Krüppel-like factors (Klfs). Quantitative PCR independently verified the changes in Klf expression. Thus, H2O2-induced cardiac myocyte apoptosis is associated with dynamic changes in gene expression. The expression of these genes and their protein products potentially influences the progression of the apoptotic response.


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variety of transcription factors including Wilms tumor gene (Wt-1), steroidogenic factor 1 (Sf-1), dosage-sensitive sex reversal, adrenal hypoplasia congenita on the X-chromosome, Gene 1 (Dax-1), and pre-B-cell transcription factor 1 (Pbx1) have been defined as necessary for regular adrenocortical development. However, the role of Pbx1 for adrenal growth and function in the adult organism together with the molecular relationship between Pbx1 and these other transcription factors have not been characterized. We demonstrate that Pbx haploinsufficiency (Pbx1(+/-)) in mice is accompanied by a significant lower adrenal weight in adult animals compared with wild-type controls. Accordingly, baseline proliferating cell nuclear antigen levels are lower in Pbx1(+/-) mice, and unilateral adrenalectomy results in impaired contralateral compensatory adrenal growth, indicating a lower proliferative potential in the context of Pbx1 haploinsufficiency. In accordance with the key role of IGFs in adrenocortical proliferation and development, real-time RT-PCR demonstrates significant lower expression levels of the IGF-I receptor, and up-regulation of IGF binding protein-2. Functionally, Pbx1(+/-) mice display a blunted corticosterone response after ACTH stimulation coincident with lower adrenal expression of the ACTH receptor (melanocortin 2 receptor, Mc2-r). Mechanistically, in vitro studies reveal that Pbx1 and Sf-1 synergistically stimulates Mc2-r promoter activity. Moreover, Sf-1 directly activates the Pbx1 promoter activity in vitro and in vivo. Taken together, these studies provide evidence for a role of Pbx1 in the maintenance of a functional adrenal cortex mediated by synergistic actions of Pbx1 and Sf-1 in the transcriptional regulation of the critical effector of adrenocortical differentiation, the ACTH receptor.


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Triggering of defences by microbes has mainly been investigated using single elicitors or microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs), but MAMPs are released in planta as complex mixtures together with endogenous oligogalacturonan (OGA) elicitor. We investigated the early responses in Arabidopsis of calcium influx and oxidative burst induced by non-saturating concentrations of bacterial MAMPs, used singly and in combination: flagellin peptide (flg22), elongation factor peptide (elf18), peptidoglycan (PGN) and component muropeptides, lipo-oligosaccharide (LOS) and core oligosaccharides. This revealed that some MAMPs have additive (e.g. flg22 with elf18) and even synergistic (flg22 and LOS) effects, whereas others mutually interfere (flg22 with OGA). OGA suppression of flg22-induced defences was not a result of the interference with the binding of flg22 to its receptor flagellin-sensitive 2 (FLS2). MAMPs induce different calcium influx signatures, but these are concentration dependent and unlikely to explain the differential induction of defence genes [pathogenesis-related gene 1 (PR1), plant defensin gene 1.2 (PDF1.2) and phenylalanine ammonia lyase gene 1 (PAL1)] by flg22, elf18 and OGA. The peptide MAMPs are potent elicitors at subnanomolar levels, whereas PGN and LOS at high concentrations induce low and late host responses. This difference might be a result of the restricted access by plant cell walls of MAMPs to their putative cellular receptors. flg22 is restricted by ionic effects, yet rapidly permeates a cell wall matrix, whereas LOS, which forms supramolecular aggregates, is severely constrained, presumably by molecular sieving. Thus, MAMPs can interact with each other, whether directly or indirectly, and with the host wall matrix. These phenomena, which have not been considered in detail previously, are likely to influence the speed, magnitude, versatility and composition of plant defences.


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In mammalian cells, DNA ligase IIIalpha and DNA ligase I participate in the short- and long-patch base excision repair pathways, respectively. Using an in vitro repair assay employing DNA ligase-depleted cell extracts and DNA substrates containing a single lesion repaired either through short-patch (regular abasic site) or long-patch (reduced abasic site) base excision repair pathways, we addressed the question whether DNA ligases are specific to each pathway or if they are exchangeable. We find that immunodepletion of DNA ligase I did not affect the short-patch repair pathway but blocked long-patch repair, suggesting that DNA ligase IIIa is not able to substitute DNA ligase I during long-patch repair. In contrast, immunodepletion of DNA ligase IIIa did not significantly affect either pathway. Moreover, repair of normal abasic sites in wild-type and X-ray cross-complementing gene 1 (XRCC1)-DNA ligase IIIalpha-immunodepleted cell extracts involved similar proportions of short- and long-patch repair events. This suggests that DNA ligase I was able to efficiently substitute the XRCC1-DNA ligase IIIa complex during short-patch repair.


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We have identified and characterised a cDNA encoding a novel gene, designated myocyte stress 1 (ms1), that is up-regulated within 1 h in the left ventricle following the application of pressure overload by aortic banding in the rat. The deduced ms1 protein of 317 amino acids contains several putative functional motifs, including a region that is evolutionarily conserved. Distribution analysis indicates that rat ms1 mRNA expression is predominantly expressed in striated muscle and progressively increases in the left ventricle from embryo to adulthood. These findings suggest that rust may be important in striated muscle biology and the development of pressure-induced left ventricular hypertrophy. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies.


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Endothelin-1 promotes cardiomyocyte hypertrophy by inducing changes in gene expression. Immediate early genes including activating transcription factor 3 (Atf3), Egr1 and Ptgs2 are rapidly and transiently upregulated by endothelin-1 in cardiomyocytes. Atf3 regulates expression of downstream genes and is implicated in negative feedback regulation of other immediate early genes. To identify Atf3-regulated genes, we knocked down Atf3 expression in cardiomyocytes exposed to endothelin-1 and used microarrays to interrogate the transcriptomic effects. Of upregulated mRNAs, expression of 23 (including Egr1, Ptgs2) was enhanced and expression of 25 was inhibited by Atf3 knockdown. Using quantitative PCR, we determined that knockdown of Atf3 had little effect on upregulation of Egr1 mRNA over 30 min, but abolished the subsequent decline, causing sustained Egr1 mRNA expression and enhanced protein expression. This resulted from direct binding of Atf3 to the Egr1 promoter. Mathematical modelling established that Atf3 can suffice to suppress Egr1 expression. Given the widespread co-regulation of Atf3 with Egr1, we suggest that the Atf3-Egr1 negative feedback loop is of general significance. Loss of Atf3 caused abnormal cardiomyocyte growth, presumably resulting from dysregulation of target genes. Our data therefore identify Atf3 as a nexus in cardiomyocyte hypertrophy required to facilitate the full and proper growth response.


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Extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2) and their substrates, p90 ribosomal S6 kinases (RSKs), phosphorylate different transcription factors, contributing differentially to transcriptomic profiles. In cardiomyocytes, ERK1/2 are required for >70% of the transcriptomic response to endothelin-1. Here, we investigated the role of RSKs in the transcriptomic responses to Gq protein-coupled receptor agonists, endothelin-1, phenylephrine (generic α1-adrenergic receptor agonist) and A61603 (α1A-adrenergic receptor selective). Phospho-ERK1/2 and phospho-RSKs appeared in cardiomyocyte nuclei within 2-3 min of stimulation (endothelin-1>a61603≈phenylephrine). All agonists increased nuclear RSK2, but only endothelin-1 increased nuclear RSK1 content. PD184352 (inhibits ERK1/2 activation) and BI-D1870 (inhibits RSKs) were used to dissect the contribution of RSKs to the endothelin-1-responsive transcriptome. Of 213 RNAs upregulated at 1 h, 51% required RSKs for upregulation whereas 29% required ERK1/2 but not RSKs. The transcriptomic response to phenylephrine overlapped with, but was not identical to, endothelin-1. As with endothelin-1, PD184352 inhibited upregulation of most phenylephrine-responsive transcripts, but the greater variation in effects of BI-D1870 suggests that differential RSK signalling influences global gene expression. A61603 induced similar changes in RNA expression in cardiomyocytes as phenylephrine, indicating that the signal was mediated largely through α1A-adrenergic receptors. A61603 also increased expression of immediate early genes in perfused adult rat hearts and, as in cardiomyocytes, upregulation of the majority of genes was inhibited by PD184352. PD184352 or BI-D1870 prevented the increased surface area induced by endothelin-1 in cardiomyocytes. Thus, RSKs play a significant role in regulating cardiomyocyte gene expression and hypertrophy in response to Gq protein-coupled receptor stimulation.


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(1,3;1,4)-beta-d-Glucan (beta-glucan) accounts for 20% of the total cell walls in the starchy endosperm of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and is an important source of dietary fiber for human nutrition with potential health benefits. Bioinformatic and array analyses of gene expression profiles in developing caryopses identified the CELLULOSE SYNTHASE-LIKE F6 (CSLF6) gene as encoding a putative beta-glucan synthase. RNA interference constructs were therefore designed to down-regulate CSLF6 gene expression and expressed in transgenic wheat under the control of a starchy endosperm-specific HMW subunit gene promoter. Analysis of wholemeal flours using an enzyme-based kit and by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography after digestion with lichenase showed decreases in total beta-glucan of between 30% and 52% and between 36% and 53%, respectively, in five transgenic lines compared to three control lines. The content of water-extractable beta-glucan was also reduced by about 50% in the transgenic lines, and the M(r) distribution of the fraction was decreased from an average of 79 to 85 x 10(4) g/mol in the controls and 36 to 57 x 10(4) g/mol in the transgenics. Immunolocalization of beta-glucan in semithin sections of mature and developing grains confirmed that the impact of the transgene was confined to the starchy endosperm with little or no effect on the aleurone or outer layers of the grain. The results confirm that the CSLF6 gene of wheat encodes a beta-glucan synthase and indicate that transgenic manipulation can be used to enhance the health benefits of wheat products.


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Over the years, the MCF7 human breast cancer cell line has provided a model system for the study of cellular and molecular mechanisms in oestrogen regulation of cell proliferation and in progression to oestrogen and antioestrogen independent growth. Global gene expression profiling has shown that oestrogen action in MCF7 cells involves the coordinated regulation of hundreds of genes across a wide range of functional groupings and that more genes are down regulated than upregulated. Adaptation to long-term oestrogen deprivation, which results in loss of oestrogen-responsive growth, involves alterations to gene patterns not only at early time points (0-4 weeks) but continuing through to later times (20-55 weeks), and even involves alterations to patterns of oestrogen-regulated gene expression. Only 48% of the genes which were regulated >= 2-fold by oestradiol in oestrogen-responsive cells retained this responsiveness after long-term oestrogen deprivation but other genes developed de novo oestrogen regulation. Long-term exposure to fulvestrant, which resulted in loss of growth inhibition by the antioestrogen, resulted in some very large fold changes in gene expression up to 10,000-fold. Comparison of gene profiles produced by environmental chemicals with oestrogenic properties showed that each ligand gave its own unique expression profile which suggests that environmental oestrogens entering the human breast may give rise to a more complex web of interference in cell function than simply mimicking oestrogen action at inappropriate times. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The DcuS-DcuR system of Escherichia coli is a two-component sensor-regulator that controls gene expression in response to external C-4-dicarboxylates and citrate. The DcuS protein is particularly interesting since it contains two PAS domains, namely a periplasmic C-4-dicarboxylate-sensing PAS domain (PASp) and a cytosolic PAS domain (PASc) of uncertain function. For a study of the role of the PASc domain, three different fragments of DcuS were overproduced and examined: they were PASc-kinase, PASc, and kinase. The two kinase-domain-containing fragments were autophosphorylated by [gamma-P-32]ATP. The rate was not affected by fumarate or succinate, supporting the role of the PASp domain in C-4-dicarboxylate sensing. Both of the phosphorylated DcuS constructs were able to rapidly pass their phosphoryl groups to DcuR, and after phosphorylation, DcuR dephosphorylated rapidly. No prosthetic group or significant quantity of metal was found associated with either of the PASc-containing proteins. The DNA-binding specificity of DcuR was studied by use of the pure protein. It was found to be converted from a monomer to a dimer upon acetylphosphate treatment, and native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis suggested that it can oligomerize. DcuR specifically bound to the promoters of the three known DcuSR-regulated genes (dctA, dcuB, and frdA), with apparent K(D)s of 6 to 32 muM for untreated DcuR and less than or equal to1 to 2 muM for the acetylphosphate-treated form. The binding sites were located by DNase I footprinting, allowing a putative DcuR-binding motif [tandemly repeated (T/A)(A/T)(T/C)(A/T)AA sequences] to be identified. The DcuR-binding sites of the dcuB, dctA, and frdA genes were located 27, 94, and 86 bp, respectively, upstream of the corresponding +1 sites, and a new promoter was identified for dcuB that responds to DcuR.


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TGF-beta1 levels increase after vascular injury and promote vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation. We define a nonviral gene delivery system that targets alphavbeta3 and alpha5beta1 integrins that are expressed on proliferating VSMCs and strongly induced by TGF-beta1. A 15-amino acid RGDNP-containing peptide from American Pit Viper venom was linked to a Lys(16) peptide as vector (molossin vector) and complexed with Lipofectamine or fusogenic peptide for delivery of luciferase or beta-galactosidase reporter genes to primary cultures of human, rabbit, and rat VSMCs. Preincubation of VSMCs with TGF-beta1 for 24 h, but not with PDGF-BB, interferon-gamma, TNF-alpha, nor PMA, increased alphavbeta3 and alpha5beta1 expressions on VSMCs and enhanced gene delivery of molossin vector. Thus beta-galactosidase activity increased from 35 +/- 5% (controls) to 75 +/- 5% after TGF-beta1 treatment, and luciferase activity increased fourfold over control values. Potential use of this system in vessel bypass surgery was examined in an ex vivo rat aortic organ culture model after endothelial damage. Molossin vector system delivered beta-galactosidase to VSMCs in the vessel wall that remained for up to 12 days posttransfection. The molossin vector system, when combined with TGF-beta1, enhances gene delivery to proliferating VSMCs and might have clinical applications for certain vasculoproliferative diseases.


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The genetic analysis workshop 15 (GAW15) problem 1 contained baseline expression levels of 8793 genes in immortalised B cells from 194 individuals in 14 Centre d’Etude du Polymorphisme Humane (CEPH) Utah pedigrees. Previous analysis of the data showed linkage and association and evidence of substantial individual variations. In particular, correlation was examined on expression levels of 31 genes and 25 target genes corresponding to two master regulatory regions. In this analysis, we apply Bayesian network analysis to gain further insight into these findings. We identify strong dependences and therefore provide additional insight into the underlying relationships between the genes involved. More generally, the approach is expected to be applicable for integrated analysis of genes on biological pathways.