14 resultados para DRUG-RESISTANCE

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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P-glycoproteins (p-gps) are ubiquitous membrane proteins from the ABC (ATP-binding cassette) family. They have been found in many animals, bacteria, plants and fungi and are extremely important in regulating a wide range of xenobiotics including pesticides. P-gps have been linked to xenobiotic resistance, most famously in resistance to cancer drug treatments. Their wide substrate range has led to what is known as "multidrug resistance", where resistance developed to one type of xenobiotic gives resistance to a different classes of xenobiotic. P-gps are a major contributor to drug resistance in mammalian tumours and infections of protozoan parasites such as Plasmodium and Leishmania. There is a growing body of literature suggesting that p-gps, and other ABC proteins, are important in regulating pesticide toxicity and represent potential control failure through the development of pesticide resistance, in both agricultural and medical pests. At the same time, aspects of their biochemistry offer new hope in pest control, in particular in furthering our understanding of toxicity and offering insights into how we can improve control without recourse to new chemical discovery. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: The use of triclosan within various environments has been linked to the development of multiple drug resistance (MDR) through the increased expression of efflux pumps such as AcrAB-ToIC. In this work, we investigate the effect of triclosan exposure in order to ascertain the response of two species to the presence of this widely used biocide. Methods: The transcriptomes of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium SL1344 and Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 after exposure to the MIC of triclosan (0.12 mg/L) were determined in microarray experiments. Phenotypic validation of the transcriptomic data included RT-PCR, ability to form a biofilm and motility assays. Results: Despite important differences in the triclosan-dependent transcriptomes of the two species, increased expression of efflux pump component genes was seen in both. Increased expression of soxS was observed in Salmonella Typhimurium, however, within E. coli, decreased expression was seen. Expression of fabBAGI in Salmonella Typhimurium was decreased, whereas in E. coli expression of fabABFH was increased. Increased expression of ompR and genes within this regulon (e.g. ompC, csgD and ssrA) was seen in the transcriptome of Salmonella Typhimurium. An unexpected response of E. coli was the differential expression of genes within operons involved in iron homeostasis; these included fhu, fep and ent. Conclusions: These data indicate that whilst a core response to triclosan exposure exists, the differential transcriptome of each species was different. This suggests that E. coli K-12 should not be considered the paradigm for the Enterobacteriaceae when exploring the effects of antimicrobial agents.


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Since 1990 multiresistant (MR) Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium definitive phage-type (DT) 104 (MR DT104) and closely related phage types have emerged as a worldwide health problem in humans and food animals. In this study the presence of the bla(CARB-2) (ampicillin), cmlA (chloramphenicol), aadA2 (streptomycin/spectinomycin), sul1 (sulphonamide), and tetG (tetracycline) resistance genes in isolates of one such phage type, U302, have been determined. In addition bla(TEM) I primers have been used for the detection of TEM-type beta-lactamases. Isolates have also been characterized by plasmid profile and pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Thirty-three of 39 isolates were positive for blaCARB-2, cmlA, aadA2, sul1 and tetG, four for bla(TEM), aadA2 and sul1, one for aadA2 and sul1, and one for blaTEM only. bla(TEM)-mediated ampicillin resistance was transferred to Escherichia coli K12 from three isolates along with other resistance markers, including resistance to chloramphenicol, streptomycin, spectinomycin, sulphonamides, and tetracyclines. Strains carried up to 6 plasmids and 34 plasmid profiles were identified. Although the majority of strains (33/39) produced a PFGE profile identical to that predominant in MR DT104, six different patterns were generated demonstrating the presence of various clones within MR U302. The results show that the majority of the MR U302 strains studied possessed the same antibiotic resistance genes as MR DT104. However, isolates with distinctive PFGE patterns can have different mechanisms of resistance to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, sulphonamides, and tetracyclines. Such resistance genes may be borne on transmissible plasmids.


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The aim of a phase H clinical trial is to decide whether or not to develop an experimental therapy further through phase III clinical evaluation. In this paper, we present a Bayesian approach to the phase H trial, although we assume that subsequent phase III clinical trials will hat,e standard frequentist analyses. The decision whether to conduct the phase III trial is based on the posterior predictive probability of a significant result being obtained. This fusion of Bayesian and frequentist techniques accepts the current paradigm for expressing objective evidence of therapeutic value, while optimizing the form of the phase II investigation that leads to it. By using prior information, we can assess whether a phase II study is needed at all, and how much or what sort of evidence is required. The proposed approach is illustrated by the design of a phase II clinical trial of a multi-drug resistance modulator used in combination with standard chemotherapy in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Antimicrobial drug resistance is a global challenge for the 21st century with the emergence of resistant bacterial strains worldwide. Transferable resistance to beta-lactam antimicrobial drugs, mediated by production of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs), is of particular concern. In 2004, an ESBL-carrying IncK plasmid (pCT) was isolated from cattle in the United Kingdom. The sequence was a 93,629-bp plasmid encoding a single antimicrobial drug resistance gene, bla(CTX-M-14). From this information, PCRs identifying novel features of pCT were designed and applied to isolates from several countries, showing that the plasmid has disseminated worldwide in bacteria from humans and animals. Complete DNA sequences can be used as a platform to develop rapid epidemiologic tools to identify and trace the spread of plasmids in clinically relevant pathogens, thus facilitating a better understanding of their distribution and ability to transfer between bacteria of humans and animals.


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Evolutionary processes play a central role in the development, progression and response to treatment of cancers. The current challenge facing researchers is to harness evolutionary theory to further our understanding of the clinical progression of cancers. Central to this endeavour will be the development of experimental systems and approaches by which theories of cancer evolution can be effectively tested. We argue here that the experimental evolution approach – whereby evolution is observed in real time and which has typically employed microorganisms – can be usefully applied to cancer. This approach allows us to disentangle the ecological causes of natural selection, identify the genetic basis of evolutionary changes and determine their repeatability. Cell cultures used in cancer research share many of the desirable traits that make microorganisms ideal for studying evolution. As such, experimental cancer evolution is feasible and likely to give great insight into the selective pressures driving the evolution of clinically destructive cancer traits. We highlight three areas of evolutionary theory with importance to cancer biology that are amenable to experimental evolution: drug resistance, social evolution and resource competition. Understanding the diversity, persistence and evolution of cancers is vital for treatment and drug development, and an experimental evolution approach could provide strategic directions and focus for future research.


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Multiple subclonal populations of tumor cells can coexist within the same tumor. This intra-tumor heterogeneity will have clinical implications and it is therefore important to identify factors that drive or suppress such heterogeneous tumor progression. Evolutionary biology can provide important insights into this process. In particular, experimental evolution studies of microbial populations, which exist as clonal populations that can diversify into multiple subclones, have revealed important evolutionary processes driving heterogeneity within a population. There are transferrable lessons that can be learnt from these studies that will help us to understand the process of intra-tumor heterogeneity in the clinical setting. In this review, we summarize drivers of microbial diversity that have been identified, such as mutation rate and environmental influences, and discuss how knowledge gained from microbial experimental evolution studies may guide us to identify and understand important selective factors that promote intra-tumor heterogeneity. Furthermore, we discuss how these factors could be used to direct and optimize research efforts to improve patient care, focusing on therapeutic resistance. Finally, we emphasize the need for longitudinal studies to address the impact of these potential tumor heterogeneity-promoting factors on drug resistance, metastatic potential and clinical outcome.


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Inappropriate platelet aggregation creates a cardiovascular risk that is largely managed with thienopyridines and aspirin. Although effective, these drugs carry risks of increased bleeding and drug 'resistance', underpinning a drive for new antiplatelet agents. To discover such drugs, one strategy is to identify a suitable druggable target and then find small molecules that modulate it. A good and unexploited target is the platelet collagen receptor, GPVI, which promotes thrombus formation. To identify inhibitors of GPVI that are safe and bioavailable, we docked a FDA-approved drug library into the GPVI collagen-binding site in silico. We now report that losartan and cinanserin inhibit GPVI-mediated platelet activation in a selective, competitive and dose-dependent manner. This mechanism of action likely underpins the cardioprotective effects of losartan that could not be ascribed to its antihypertensive effects. We have, therefore, identified small molecule inhibitors of GPVI-mediated platelet activation, and also demonstrated the utility of structure-based repurposing.


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This study investigated the separate and combined anthelmintic (AH) effects of different phenolic compounds, including condensed tannins and flavonoids, all of which are known to occur in willow leaves, a potentially valuable dry season feed. A range of contrasting model tannins, which span the whole range of willow tannins, were isolated from tilia flowers, goat willow leaves, black currant leaves and red currant leaves. All together, the tested compounds represented the major tannin types (procyanidins and prodelphinidins) and flavonoid types (flavonols, flavones and flavanones). The larval exsheathment inhibition assay (LEIA) was used to assess their in vitro effects on Haemonchus contortus third stage larvae. Arbutin, vanillic acid, and taxifolin proved to be ineffective whereas naringenin, quercetin and luteolin were highly effective at 250 μM concentrations. Procyanidin (PC) tannins tended to be less active than prodelphinidin tannins (PD). Experiments with combinations of tannins and quercetin or luteolin revealed for the first time the existence of synergistic AH effects between tannins and flavonoid monomers. They also provided evidence that synergistic effects appear to occur at slightly lower concentrations of PC than PD. This suggests that the AH activity of condensed tannins can be significantly enhanced by the addition of quercetin or luteolin. This information may prove useful for plant breeding or selection and for designing optimal feed mixtures.


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BACKGROUND: Several clones of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)–producing extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) have globally expanded their distribution. ExPEC infections often originate from the patient’s own intestinal flora, although the degree of overlap between diarrheagenic E. coli and ExPEC pathotypes is unclear. Relatively little is known about antimicrobial drug resistance in the most common diarrheagenic E. coli groups, including enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), and bacterial gastroenteritis is generally managed without use of antimicrobial drugs. APPROACHES: We conducted this study to establish the presence and characteristics of ESBL-producing EAEC in a well-defined collection of ESBL-producing isolates. The isolates were from human and animal sources in Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. DNA from 359 ESBL isolates was screened for the presence of the EAEC transport regulator gene (aggR), located on the EAEC plasmid, using a real-time PCR assay and the phylogroup was determined for each positive isolate. A microarray was used to detect ESBL genes, such as blaCTX-M, at the group level, as previously described. The antimicrobial drug susceptibilities of EAEC isolates were determined and virulence factors associated with intestinal and extraintestinal infection and with EAEC were investigated . RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: We assigned a virulence score (total number of virulence factor genes detected; maximum possible score 22) and a resistance score (total number of drug classes; maximum score 11) to each isolate. We isolated 11 EAEC from humans. Eight of the EAEC were isolated from urine specimens, and 1 was isolated from a blood culture; 63% belonged to phylogroup D (Table). EAEC ST38, the most common (55%) ST, was significantly associated with extraintestinal sites in the subset of 140 human isolates (Fisher exact test, p<0.0001)


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Resistance to human skin innate defenses is crucial for survival and carriage of Staphylococcus aureus, a common cutaneous pathogen and nasal colonizer. Free fatty acids extracted from human skin sebum possess potent antimicrobial activity against S. aureus. The mechanisms by which S. aureus overcomes this host defense during colonization remain unknown. Here, we show that S. aureus IsdA, a surface protein produced in response to the host, decreases bacterial cellular hydrophobicity rendering them resistant to bactericidal human skin fatty acids and peptides. IsdA is required for survival of S. aureus on live human skin. Reciprocally, skin fatty acids prevent the production of virulence determinants and the induction of antibiotic resistance in S. aureus and other Gram-positive pathogens. A purified human skin fatty acid was effective in treating systemic and topical infections of S. aureus suggesting that our natural defense mechanisms can be exploited to combat drug-resistant pathogens.


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An efflux system, CmeABC, in Campylobacter jejuni was previously described, and a second efflux system, CmeDEF, has now been identified. The substrates of CmeDEF include ampicillin, ethidium bromide, acridine, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), deoxycholate, triclosan, and cetrimide, but not ciprofloxacin or erythromycin. C. jejuni NCTC11168 and two efflux pump knockout strains, cmeB::Kan(r) and cmeF::Kan(r), were exposed to 0.5 to 1 mu g of ciprofloxacin/ml in agar plates. All mutants arising from NCTC11168 were resistant to ciprofloxacin but not to other agents and contained a mutation resulting in the replacement of threonine 86 with isoleucine in the quinolone resistance-determining region of GyrA. Mutants with two distinct phenotypes were selected from the efflux pump knockout strains. Mutants with the first phenotype were resistant to ciprofloxacin only and had the same substitution within GyrA as the NCTC11168-derived mutants. Irrespective of the parent strain, mutants with the second phenotype were resistant to ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, ethidium bromide, acridine orange, and SDS and had no mutation in gyrA. These mutants expressed levels of the efflux pump genes cmeB and cmeF and the major outer membrane protein gene porA similar to those expressed by the respective parent strains. No mutations were detected in cmeF or cmeB. Accumulation assays revealed that the mutants accumulated lower concentrations of drug. These data suggest the involvement of a non-CmeB or -CmeF efflux pump or reduced uptake conferring multiple-antibiotic resistance, which can be selected after exposure to a fluoroquinolone.


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The last decade has seen successful clinical application of polymer–protein conjugates (e.g. Oncaspar, Neulasta) and promising results in clinical trials with polymer–anticancer drug conjugates. This, together with the realisation that nanomedicines may play an important future role in cancer diagnosis and treatment, has increased interest in this emerging field. More than 10 anticancer conjugates have now entered clinical development. Phase I/II clinical trials involving N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide (HPMA) copolymer-doxorubicin (PK1; FCE28068) showed a four- to fivefold reduction in anthracycline-related toxicity, and, despite cumulative doses up to 1680 mg/m2 (doxorubicin equivalent), no cardiotoxicity was observed. Antitumour activity in chemotherapy-resistant/refractory patients (including breast cancer) was also seen at doxorubicin doses of 80–320 mg/m2, consistent with tumour targeting by the enhanced permeability (EPR) effect. Hints, preclinical and clinical, that polymer anthracycline conjugation can bypass multidrug resistance (MDR) reinforce our hope that polymer drugs will prove useful in improving treatment of endocrine-related cancers. These promising early clinical results open the possibility of using the water-soluble polymers as platforms for delivery of a cocktail of pendant drugs. In particular, we have recently described the first conjugates to combine endocrine therapy and chemotherapy. Their markedly enhanced in vitro activity encourages further development of such novel, polymer-based combination therapies. This review briefly describes the current status of polymer therapeutics as anticancer agents, and discusses the opportunities for design of second-generation, polymer-based combination therapy, including the cocktail of agents that will be needed to treat resistant metastatic cancer.


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almonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is an established model organism for Gram-negative, intracellular pathogens. Owing to the rapid spread of resistance to antibiotics among this group of pathogens, new approaches to identify suitable target proteins are required. Based on the genome sequence of Salmonella Typhimurium and associated databases, a genome-scale metabolic model was constructed. Output was based on an experimental determination of the biomass of Salmonella when growing in glucose minimal medium. Linear programming was used to simulate variations in energy demand, while growing in glucose minimal medium. By grouping reactions with similar flux responses, a sub-network of 34 reactions responding to this variation was identified (the catabolic core). This network was used to identify sets of one and two reactions, that when removed from the genome-scale model interfered with energy and biomass generation. 11 such sets were found to be essential for the production of biomass precursors. Experimental investigation of 7 of these showed that knock-outs of the associated genes resulted in attenuated growth for 4 pairs of reactions, while 3 single reactions were shown to be essential for growth.