38 resultados para Clone

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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BACKGROUND: Several clones of extended-spectrum -lactamase (ESBL)producing extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) have globally expanded their distribution. ExPEC infections often originate from the patients own intestinal flora, although the degree of overlap between diarrheagenic E. coli and ExPEC pathotypes is unclear. Relatively little is known about antimicrobial drug resistance in the most common diarrheagenic E. coli groups, including enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), and bacterial gastroenteritis is generally managed without use of antimicrobial drugs. APPROACHES: We conducted this study to establish the presence and characteristics of ESBL-producing EAEC in a well-defined collection of ESBL-producing isolates. The isolates were from human and animal sources in Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. DNA from 359 ESBL isolates was screened for the presence of the EAEC transport regulator gene (aggR), located on the EAEC plasmid, using a real-time PCR assay and the phylogroup was determined for each positive isolate. A microarray was used to detect ESBL genes, such as blaCTX-M, at the group level, as previously described. The antimicrobial drug susceptibilities of EAEC isolates were determined and virulence factors associated with intestinal and extraintestinal infection and with EAEC were investigated . RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: We assigned a virulence score (total number of virulence factor genes detected; maximum possible score 22) and a resistance score (total number of drug classes; maximum score 11) to each isolate. We isolated 11 EAEC from humans. Eight of the EAEC were isolated from urine specimens, and 1 was isolated from a blood culture; 63% belonged to phylogroup D (Table). EAEC ST38, the most common (55%) ST, was significantly associated with extraintestinal sites in the subset of 140 human isolates (Fisher exact test, p<0.0001)


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The incidence-severity relationship for cashew gummosis, caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae, was studied to determine the feasibility of using disease incidence to estimate indirectly disease severity in order to establish the potential damage caused by this disease in semiarid north-eastern Brazil. Epidemics were monitored in two cashew orchards, from 1995 to 1998 in an experimental field composed of 28 dwarf clones, and from 2000 to 2002 in a commercial orchard of a single clone. The two sites were located 10 km from each other. Logarithmic transformation achieved the best linear adjustment of incidence and severity data as determined by coefficients of determination for place, age and pooled data. A very high correlation between incidence and severity was found in both fields, with different disease pressures, different cashew genotypes, different ages and at several epidemic stages. Thus, the easily assessed gummosis incidence could be used to estimate gummosis severity levels.


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White or Guinea yam (Dioscorea rotundata), grown for its underground tubers, is an important food in West Africa. Progress in yam breeding is constrained by variable flowering behaviour, making hybridization difficult. Yam clones may be dioecious, monoecious or hermaphrodite with variable sex ratios. The proportion of plants that flower and the flowering intensity also vary with season and location. The objective of the present work was to investigate whether variation in flowering behaviour was related to factors determining rate of development (photoperiod and temperature through sowing date, location and year) or growth (cumulative solar radiation and temperature). Sex ratios, the proportion of plants that had flower buds and open flowers, and the number of flowers or spikes was recorded in one male (TDr 131) and one female (TDr 99-9) clone of white yam grown in the field in Nigeria at three locations and at different sowing dates. Clone TDr 131 was uniformly male flowering, while clone TDr 99-9 exhibited a number of sex types with gynoecious, monoecious and trimonoecious plants observed. The proportion of flowering plants was low in both clones, averaging 0.34 in clone TDr 131 and 0.13 in clone TDr 99-9. Day of vine emergence had a significant and contrasting effect on the proportion of flowering plants and on flowering intensity in the two clones. In clone TDr 131, the proportion of flowering plants and flowering intensity declined with later vine emergence at all locations (r=0.43-0.53, P<0.05), whereas in clone TDr 99-9 the proportion of flowering plants increased with later emergence (r=0.46, P<0.01). In clone TDr 131, this response was strongly associated with warmer temperatures (r=0.49-0.50; P<0.05) and greater cumulative radiation (r=0.85-0.93; P<0.001) between vine emergence and flowering, rather than photoperiod at vine emergence. This suggests that flowering behaviour in the male clone TDr 131 is strongly influenced by factors that affect growth rather than development. Clone TDr 99-9, on the other hand, exhibited no clear relations between flowering and growth or developmental factors, though the proportion of flowering plants and flowering intensity was greatest at planting dates close to the longest day and at temperatures of 25-26 degrees C. This might suggest that flowering behaviour in clone TDr 99-9 is controlled by photothermal responses.


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Tuber dormancy enables yams to survive in the ground during the dry season and post-harvest storage. Three clones of Dioscorea rotundata were harvested after five intervals and then stored in a cooler (20.6C) or at ambient temperature (27.8C). The time from harvest to sprouting was shorter as harvest was delayed. The period from sowing to sprouting for each clone was similar for tubers harvested from 140 days after planting, but tubers harvested earlier took longer to sprout. The cooler temperature delayed sprouting. Tubers of two clones sprouted after only 70 days of crop growth. If the dormancy period of these young tubers can be broken, the generation time of yam crop improvement programmes could be considerably reduced.


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1. Intra-specific variation in plant defence traits has been shown to profoundly affect herbivore community structure. Here we describe two experiments designed to test whether similar effects occur at higher trophic levels, by studying pea aphidnatural enemy interactions in a disused pasture in southern England. 2. In the first experiment, the numbers and identity of natural enemies attacking different monoclonal pea aphid colonies were recorded in a series of assays throughout the period of pea aphid activity. 3. In the summer assay, there was a significant effect of clone on the numbers of aphidophagous hoverfly larvae and the total number of non-hoverfly natural enemies recruited. Clone also appeared to influence the attack rate suffered by the primary predator in the system, the hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus, by Diplazon laetatorius, an ichneumonid parasitoid. Colonies were generally driven to extinction by hoverfly attack, resulting in the recording of low numbers of parasitoids and entomopathogens, suggesting intense intra-guild predation. 4. To further examine the influence of clonal variation on the recruitment of natural enemies, a second experiment was performed to monitor the temporal dynamics of community development. Colonies were destructively sampled every other day and the numbers of natural enemies attacking aphid colonies were recorded. These data demonstrated that clonal variation influenced the timing, abundance, and identity of natural enemies attacking aphid colonies. 5. Taken together, these data suggest that clonal variation may have a significant influence on the patterns of interactions between aphids and their natural enemies, and that such effects are likely to affect our understanding of the ecology and biological control of these insect herbivores.


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Fast-growing poplar trees may in future be used as a source of renewable energy for heat, electricity and biofuels such as bioethanol. Water use in Populus x euramericana (clone I214), following long-term exposure to elevated CO2 in the POPFACE (poplar free-air carbon dioxide enrichment) experiment, is quantified here. Stomatal conductance was measured and, during two measurement campaigns made before and after coppicing, whole-tree water use was determined using heat-balance sap-flow gauges, first validated using eddy covariance measurements of latent heat flux. Water use was determined by the balance between leaf-level reductions in stomatal conductance and tree-level stimulations in transpiration. Reductions in stomatal conductance were found that varied between 16 and 39% relative to ambient air. Whole-tree sap flow was increased in plants growing under elevated CO2, on average, by 12 and 23%, respectively, in the first and in the second measurement campaigns. These results suggest that future CO2 concentrations may result in an increase in seasonal water use in fast-growing, short-rotation Populus plantations.


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The effects of temperature and light integral on fruit growth and development of five cacao genotypes (Amelonado, AMAZ 15/15, SCA 6, SPEC 54/1 and UF 676) were studied in semi-controlled environment glasshouses in which the thermal regimes of cacao-growing regions of Brazil, Ghana and Malaysia were simulated. Fruit losses because of physiological will (cherelle will) were greater at higher temperatures and also differed significantly between genotypes, reflecting genetic differences in competition for assimilates between vegetative and reproductive components. Short-term measurements of fruit growth indicated faster growth rates at higher temperatures. In addition, a significant negative linear relationship between temperature and development time was observed. There was an effect of genotype on this relationship, such that time to fruit maturation at a given temperature was greatest for the clone UF 676 and least for AMAZ 15/15. Analysis of base temperatures, derived from these relationships indicated genetic variability in sensitivity of cacao fruit growth to temperature (base temperatures ranged from 7.5 degrees C for Amelonado and AMAZ 15/15 to 12.9 for SPEC 54/1). Final fruit size was a positive function of beam number for all genotypes and a positive function of light integral for Amelonado in the Malaysia simulated environment (where the temperature was almost constant). In simulated environments where temperature was the main variable (Brazil and Ghana) increases in temperature resulted in a significant decrease in final pod size for one genotype (Amelonado) in Brazil and for two genotypes (SPEC 54/1 and UF 676) in Ghana. It was hypothesised that pod growth duration (mediated by temperature), assimilation and beam number are all determinants of final pod size but that under specific conditions one of these factors may override the others. There was variability between genotypes in the response of beam size and beam lipid content to temperature. Negative relationships between temperature and bean size were found for Amelonado and UF 676. Lipid concentration was a curvilinear function of temperature for Amelonado and UF 676, with optimal temperatures of 23 degrees C and 24 degrees C, respectively. The variability observed here of different cacao genotypes to temperature highlights the need and opportunities for appropriate matching of planting material with local environments.


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Background: Severe malarial anaemia is a major complication of malaria infection and is multifactorial resulting from loss of circulating red blood cells (RBCs) from parasite replication, as well as immune-mediated mechanisms. An understanding of the causes of severe malarial anaemia is necessary to develop and implement new therapeutic strategies to tackle this syndrome of malaria infection. Methods: Using analysis of variance, this work investigated whether parasite-destruction of RBCs always accounts for the severity of malarial anaemia during infections of the rodent malaria model Plasmodium chabaudi in mice of a BALB/c background. Differences in anaemia between two different clones of P. chabaudi were also examined. Results: Circulating parasite numbers were not correlated with the severity of anaemia in either BALB/c mice or under more severe conditions of anaemia in BALB/c RAG2 deficient mice (lacking T and B cells). Mice infected with P. chabaudi clone CB suffered more severe anaemia than mice infected with clone AS, but this was not correlated with the number of parasites in the circulation. Instead, the peak percentage of parasitized RBCs was higher in CB-infected animals than in AS-infected animals, and was correlated with the severity of anaemia, suggesting that the availability of uninfected RBCs was impaired in CB-infected animals. Conclusion: This work shows that parasite numbers are a more relevant measure of parasite levels in P. chabaudi infection than % parasitaemia, a measure that does not take anaemia into account. The lack of correlation between parasite numbers and the drop in circulating RBCs in this experimental model of malaria support a role for the host response in the impairment or destruction of uninfected RBC in P. chabaudi infections, and thus development of acute anaemia in this malaria model.


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Two clones of Daphnia magna (Standard and Ruth) were exposed for 7 days to sub-lethal concentrations of acephate (5.0 and 10.0 mg/L). Survivorship, individual growth, reproduction and the population growth rate (lambda) were evaluated over three weeks. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was measured on days 2, 7 and 21. Acephate exposure inhibited AChE activity but had no direct effect on life history (LH) traits. There was also no effect of clone on AChE activity, LH and lambda. However, a significant interaction between clone and acephate concentration was found on both fecundity and AChE inhibition at 48 h was associated with a decrease in lambda the Standard clone and an increase in lambda in clone Ruth. Therefore, our findings show that genotypic variation will influence the link between AChE activity and toxic effects at higher levels of biological organisation in D. magna. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to test whether resistance of clones of Theobroma cacao ( cocoa) varied between isolates of Moniliophthora (formerly Crinipellis) perniciosa, the cause of witches' broom disease. Developing buds of vegetatively propagated T. cacao grown in greenhouses in the UK were inoculated with 16 000 spores of M. perniciosa per meristem in water, under conditions where water condensed on the inoculated shoot for at least 12 h after inoculation. The proportion of successful inoculations varied between clones and was inversely correlated with time to symptom production or broom formation. A specific interaction was demonstrated among three single-spore isolates of M. perniciosa and the clone Scavina 6 (SCA 6) and a variety of susceptible clones. Isolates Castenhal-I and APC3 were equally likely to infect SCA 6 and the other clones, but isolate Gran Couva A9 never infected SCA 6, although it was as virulent on the other clones. The interaction was maintained when the wetness period was extended to 70 h. Offspring of SCA 6 x Amelonado matings were all susceptible to both Castenhal-I and GC-A5, with no evidence of greater variability in susceptibility to GC-A5 than Castanhal-I. This suggests recessive inheritance of a single homozygous factor conferring resistance to GC-A5, from SCA 6. The progenies were slightly more susceptible to Castanhal-I than GC-A5. The implications for managing the disease are discussed.


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BACKGROUND: The bacterial biothreat agents Burkholderia mallei and Burkholderia pseudomallei are the cause of glanders and melioidosis, respectively. Genomic and epidemiological studies have shown that B. mallei is a recently emerged, host restricted clone of B. pseudomallei. RESULTS: Using bacteriophage-mediated immunoscreening we identified genes expressed in vivo during experimental equine glanders infection. A family of immunodominant antigens were identified that share protein domain architectures with hemagglutinins and invasins. These have been designated Burkholderia Hep_Hag autotransporter (BuHA) proteins. A total of 110/207 positive clones (53%) of a B. mallei expression library screened with sera from two infected horses belonged to this family. This contrasted with 6/189 positive clones (3%) of a B. pseudomallei expression library screened with serum from 21 patients with culture-proven melioidosis. CONCLUSION: Members of the BuHA proteins are found in other Gram-negative bacteria and have been shown to have important roles related to virulence. Compared with other bacterial species, the genomes of both B. mallei and B. pseudomallei contain a relative abundance of this family of proteins. The domain structures of these proteins suggest that they function as multimeric surface proteins that modulate interactions of the cell with the host and environment. Their effect on the cellular immune response to B. mallei and their potential as diagnostics for glanders requires further study.


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Competition is one of the most important biotic factors determining the structure of ecological communities. In this study, we show that there is variation in competitive ability between two clones of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, both of which out-compete a clone of the vetch aphid, Megoura viciae, in the laboratory. We tested whether this variation in competitive ability would alter the outcome of interspecific competition in the field. White one pea aphid clone followed the pattern set in the laboratory, out-competing the Megoura viciae clone, another showed the reverse effect with Megoura viciae dominating. These differences appear to be the result of variation in early population growth rate between the pea aphid clones, rather than predation, although predation did lead to the eventual extinction of colonies. We also questioned whether intra- and interspecific differences in predator escape behaviour could affect the outcome of competition in the field. All three clones responded similarly to the presence of foraging hoverfly larvae (Episyrphus balteatus), but the Megoura viciae clone dropped from the plant significantly less often in response to the presence of a foraging two-spot ladybird (Adalia bipunctata). This work provides evidence that intraspecific variation in competitive ability can alter the outcome of interspecific competitive interactions in nature and suggests that species-specific behavioural. traits may have the potential to modify the outcome of these interactions. (c) 2005 Gesellschaft fur Okologie. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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1. The presence of an across-species trade-off between dispersal ability and competitive ability has been proposed as a mechanism that facilitates coexistence. It is not clear if a similar trade-off exists within species. Such a trade-off would constrain the evolution of either trait and, given appropriate selection pressures, promote local adaptation in these traits. 2. This study found substantial levels of heritable variation in competitive ability of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris (Homoptera: Aphididae), measured in terms of relative survival when reared with a single clone of the vetch aphid, Megoura viciae Buckton (Homoptera: Aphididae). 3. Pea aphids can move to new patches by either flying (longer distance dispersal) or walking (local dispersal) from plant to plant. There was considerable clonal variation in dispersal ability, measured in terms of the proportion of winged offspring produced, and ability to survive away from their host plant. 4. Winged individuals showed longer off-plant survival times than wingless forms of the same pea aphid clone. 5. There was no evidence of a relationship between clonal competitive ability and either measure of dispersal ability, although the power of the test is limited by the number of pea aphid clones used in the trial. 6. However, there was a positive correlation between clonal fecundity and the proportion of winged offspring produced. Although speculative, it is suggested that clones that are more likely to either overwhelm their host plant or attract higher numbers of natural enemies as a result of having higher fecundity are more likely to produce winged morphs.


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Artificial pod inoculation was used to compare the relative aggressiveness of seven Colombian isolates of Moniliophthora roreri (the causal agent of moniliasis or frosty pod disease), representing four major genetic groupings of the pathogen in cacao (cocoa), when applied to five diverse cacao genotypes (ICS-1, ICS-95, TSH-565, SCC-61 and CAP-34) at La Suiza Experimental Farm, Santander Department, Colombia. The following variables were evaluated 9 weeks after inoculation of 2- to 3-month-old pods with spore suspensions (1.2 x 10(5) spores mL(-1)): (i) disease incidence (DI); (ii) external severity (ES); and (iii) internal severity (IS). IS was found to be of greatest value in classifying the reaction of the host genotype against M. roreri. Genetic variation reported between isolates and cacao genotypes was not matched by similar diversity in their aggressiveness. All isolates were generally highly aggressive against most cacao genotypes, with only two isolates showing reduced IS and ES reactions. There was considerable variation between clones in the IS and ES scores, but one cultivated clone (ICS-95) displayed a significant level of resistance against all seven isolates. This clone may be useful in cacao breeding initiatives for resistance to moniliasis of cacao.


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The current version of this database on CD-ROM contains information on 14 127 cocoa (Theobroma cacao) clones and their 14 112 synonyms, the origin and history of the clones and the clone names, and accession lists for 48 of the major cocoa gene banks including quarantine stations. Also included are morphological data for leaves, fruits and seeds, disease reactions, quality and agronomic characters, and reference information on common abbreviations and acronyms, cocoa gene bank addresses and a full bibliography (with hyperlinked reference to data). New additions are 748 photographs and drawings of 428 individual clones in 11 different locations. Also included are 376 profiles for 15 simple sequence repeat primer pairs on 331 clones held in the University of Reading Intermediate Cocoa Quarantine Facility. Minimum system requirements are Windows 95 or later, a Pentium 166 with 32 MB RAM, CD-ROM drive and a minimum 20 MB hard disk space. A user guide is included in the package.