110 resultados para Calcium absorption

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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The influence of soil organisms on metal mobility and bioavailability in soils is not currently fully understood. We conducted experiments to determine whether calcium carbonate granules secreted by the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris could incorporate and immobilise lead in lead- and calcium- amended artificial soils. Soil lead concentrations were up to 2000 mg kg-1 and lead:calcium ratios by mass were 0.5-8. Average granule production rates of 0.39 + 0.04 mgcalcite earthworm-1 day-1 did not vary with soil lead concentration. The lead:calcium ratio in granules increased significantly with that of the soil (r2 = 0.81, p = 0.015) with lead concentrations in granules reaching 1577 mg kg-1. X-ray diffraction detected calcite and aragonite in the granules with indications that lead was incorporated into the calcite at the surface of the granules. In addition to the presence of calcite and aragonite X-ray absorption spectroscopy indicated that lead was present in the granules mainly as complexes sorbed to the surface but with traces of lead-bearing calcite and cerussite. The impact that lead-incorporation into earthworm calcite granules has on lead mobility at lead-contaminated sites will depend on the fraction of total soil lead that would be otherwise mobile.


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Measurements of near-infrared water vapour continuum using continuous wave cavity ring down spectroscopy (cw- CRDS) have been performed at around 10611.6 and 10685:2 cm1. The continuum absorption coefficients for N2- broadening have been determined for two temperatures and wavenumbers. These results represent the first near-IR continuum laboratory data determined within the complex spectral environment in the 940nm water vapour band and are in reasonable agreement with simulations using the semiempirical CKD formulation.


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The water vapour continuum absorption is an important component of molecular absorption of radiation in atmosphere. However, uncertainty in knowledge of the value of the continuum absorption at present can achieve 100% in different spectral regions leading to an error in flux calculation up to 3-5 W/m2 global mean. This work uses line-by-line calculations to reveal the best spectral intervals for experimental verification of the CKD water vapour continuum models in the currently least studied near-infrared spectral region. Possible sources of errors in continuum retrieval taken into account in the simulation include the sensitivity of laboratory spectrometers and uncertainties in the spectral line parameters in HITRAN-2004 and Schwenke-Partridge database. It is shown that a number of micro-windows in near-IR can be used at present for laboratory detection of the water vapour continuum with estimated accuracy from 30 to 5%.


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Despite the potentially important role that water dimers may play in the Earth’s energy balance, there is still a lack of firm evidence for absorption of radiation by dimers in near-atmospheric conditions. We present results of the first high-resolution laboratory measurements of the water vapor continuum absorption within the 3100–4400 cm1 spectral region at a range of near-room temperatures. The analysis indicates a large contribution of dimer absorption to the water vapor continuum, significantly in excess of that predicted by other modern representations of the continuum. The temperature dependence agrees well with that expected for dimers.


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Increasing levels of CO2 and H+ proton in the rhizosphere from some legumes may play an important role in calcite dissolution of calcareous salt affected soils. Soils planted with white and brown varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) and hyacinth bean (Dolichos lablab L.) relying on either fertilizer N (KNO3) or N-fixation were compared against soils to which gypsum was applied and a control without plants and gypsum application to study the possibility of Ca2+ release from calcite and Na+ leaching. As compared to plants relying on inorganic N, leachates from all pore volumes (0·5, 1·0, 1·5, 2·0 pore volume) in lysimeters planted with N-fixing hyacinth bean contained significantly higher concentrations of HCO with lower concentrations from lysimeters planted with white cowpea relying on N-fixation. However, the lowest concentrations of HCO were recorded in the gypsum and control treatments. In initial leaching, lysimeters planted with N-fixing plants maintained similar leachate Ca2+ and Na+ concentrations compared to gypsum amended soils. However, gypsum amended soils were found to have a prolonged positive effect on Na+ removal. It might be concluded that some legumes that are known to fix N in calcareous salt affected soils may be an alternative ameliorant to the extremely expensive gypsum through calcite solubilization and a consequent release of Ca2+.


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The AMPA receptor (AMPAR) subunit GluR2, which regulates excitotoxicity and the inflammatory cytokine tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) have both been implicated in motor neurone vulnerability in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/Motor Neurone Disease. TNF alpha has been reported to increase cell surface expression of AMPAR subunits to increase synaptic strength and enhance excitotoxicity, but whether this mechanism occurs in motor neurones is unknown. We used primary cultures of mouse motor neurones and cortical neurones to examine the interaction between TNF alpha receptor activation, GluR2 availability, AMPAR-mediated calcium entry and susceptibility to excitotoxicity. Short exposure to a physiologically relevant concentration of TNFalpha (10 ng/ml, 15 min) caused a marked redistribution of both GluR1 and GluR2 to the cell surface as determined by cell surface biotinylation and immunofluorescence. Using Fura-2 AM microfluorimetry we showed that exposure to TNFalpha caused a rapid reduction in the peak amplitude of AMPA-mediated calcium entry in a PI3-kinase and p38 kinase-dependent manner, consistent with increased insertion of GluR2-containing AMPAR into the plasma membrane. This resulted in a protection of motor neurones against kainate-induced cell death. Our data therefore, suggests that TNF alpha acts primarily as a physiological regulator of synaptic activity in motor neurones rather than a pathological drive in ALS


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Procedures for routine analysis of soil phosphorus (P) have been used for assessment of P status, distribution and P losses from cultivated mineral soils. No similar studies have been carried out on wetland peat soils. The objective was to compare extraction efficiency of ammonium lactate (PAL), sodium bicarbonate (P-Olsen), and double calcium lactate (P-DCaL) and P distribution in the soil profile of wetland peat soils. For this purpose, 34 samples of the 0-30, 30-60 and 60-90 cm layers were collected from peat soils in Germany, Israel, Poland, Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom and analysed for P. Mean soil pH (CaCl2, 0.01 M) was 5.84, 5.51 and 5.47 in the 0-30, 30-60 and 60-90 cm layers, respectively. The P-DCaL was consistently about half the magnitude of either P-AL or P-Olsen. The efficiency of P extraction increased in the order P-DCaL < P-AL &LE; P-Olsen, with corresponding means (mg kg(-1)) for all soils (34 samples) of 15.32, 33.49 and 34.27 in 0-30 cm; 8.87, 17.30 and 21.46 in 30-60 cm; and 5.69, 14.00 and 21.40 in 60-90 cm. The means decreased with depth. When examining soils for each country separately, P-Olsen was relatively evenly distributed in the German, UK and Slovenian soils. P-Olsen was linearly correlated (r = 0.594, P = 0.0002) with pH, whereas the three P tests (except P-Olsen vs P-DCaL) significantly correlated with each other (P = 0.017850.0001). The strongest correlation (r = 0.617, P = 0.0001) was recorded for P-AL vs P-DCaL) and the two methods were inter-convertible using a regression equation: P-AL = -22.593 + 5.353 pH + 1.423 P-DCaL, R-2 = 0.550.


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Tomato plants ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. var. DRK) were grown hydroponically to determine the effect of an uneven distribution of nutrients in the root zone on blossomend rot (BER) and Ca and K concentrations in the fruits. The plants were grown in rockwool with their root system divided into two portions. Each portion was irrigated with nutrient solutions with either the same or the different electrical conductivity (EC) in the range 0 to 6 dS m(-1). Solutions with high EC supplied to both sides of the root system significantly increased the incidence of BER. However, when only water or a solution of low EC was supplied to one portion, BER was reduced by 80%. Fruit yields were significantly higher ( P < 0.01) for plants that received solutions of the uneven EC treatments (6/0 or 4.5/0 EC treatment). Plants supplied with solutions of uneven EC generally had higher leaf and fruit concentrations of Ca but lower concentrations of K than those supplied with solutions of high EC. There was no difference in Ca concentration at the distal end of young fruits of the uneven EC treatment but it was reduced in the high EC treatments. The concentration of K in the mature fruits of the uneven EC treatments was lower than that of the high EC treatments and higher or similar that of the 3/3 or 2.5/2.5 EC treatments ( controls). A clear relationship was found between the incidence of BER and the exudation rate. High rate of xylem exudation was observed in the uneven EC treatments. Reduction of BER in the uneven EC treatments is most likely to be the effect of high exudation rate on Ca status in the young fruits. It was concluded that high EC of solution had positive effects on Ca concentration and incidence of BER provided that nutrient solution with low EC or water is supplied to the one portion of the root system.


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The total calcium level of raw skimmed milk was reduced by 10, 19, 29, 40 and 51% using Duolite® ion-exchange resin. The products were examined for concentrations of ionic calcium, sodium and potassium and the pH, ethanol stability, micelle diameter and ζ-potential were also measured. Ionic calcium decreased with removal of calcium and pH increased. Calcium removal resulted in an increase in the ethanol stability from 88% to above 100%. Casein micelle diameter increased as calcium was removed. The ζ-potential of the skimmed bulk milk was -24.4 mV, gradually becoming more negative with calcium removal to -30.6 mV after 51% calcium removal. The milk became more translucent as calcium was removed. To investigate the reversibility of this process, calcium chloride was added back to the depleted samples to restore their original total calcium content. At 51% removal, restoration of the total calcium level resulted in formation of clots. At levels of 10 and 19% calcium removal, the ethanol stability remained above 100%, but at higher levels of calcium removal the alcohol stability was adversely affected when the calcium was added back. Adding back calcium resulted in partial restoration of the original casein micelle diameter.


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Insoluble calcium salts were added to milk to increase total calcium by 30 mM, without changing properties influencing heat stability, such as pH and ionic calcium. There were no major signs of instability associated with coagulation, sediment formation or fouling when subjected to ultra high temperature (UHT) and in-container sterilisation. The buffering capacity was also unaltered. On the other hand, addition of soluble calcium salts reduced pH, increased ionic calcium and caused coagulation to occur. Calcium chloride showed the largest destabilising effect, followed by calcium lactate and calcium gluconate. Milk became unstable to UHT processing at lower calcium additions compared to in-container sterilisation.