86 resultados para Boundary conditions

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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We consider the imposition of Dirichlet boundary conditions in the finite element modelling of moving boundary problems in one and two dimensions for which the total mass is prescribed. A modification of the standard linear finite element test space allows the boundary conditions to be imposed strongly whilst simultaneously conserving a discrete mass. The validity of the technique is assessed for a specific moving mesh finite element method, although the approach is more general. Numerical comparisons are carried out for mass-conserving solutions of the porous medium equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions and for a moving boundary problem with a source term and time-varying mass.


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The P-1-P-1 finite element pair is known to allow the existence of spurious pressure (surface elevation) modes for the shallow water equations and to be unstable for mixed formulations. We show that this behavior is strongly influenced by the strong or the weak enforcement of the impermeability boundary conditions. A numerical analysis of the Stommel model is performed for both P-1-P-1 and P-1(NC)-P-1 mixed formulations. Steady and transient test cases are considered. We observe that the P-1-P-1 element exhibits stable discrete solutions with weak boundary conditions or with fully unstructured meshes. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We study the effect of varying the boundary condition on: the spectral function of a finite one-dimensional Hubbard chain, which we compute using direct (Lanczos) diagonalization of the Hamiltonian. By direct comparison with the two-body response functions and with the exact solution of the Bethe ansatz equations, we can identify both spinon and holon features in the spectra. At half-filling the spectra have the well-known structure of a low-energy holon band and its shadow-which spans the whole Brillouin zone-and a spinon band present for momenta less than the Fermi momentum. Features related to the twisted boundary condition are cusps in the spinon band. We show that the spectral building principle, adapted to account for both the finite system size and the twisted boundary condition, describes the spectra well in terms of single spinon and holon excitations. We argue that these finite-size effects are a signature of spin-charge separation and that their study should help establish the existence and nature of spin-charge separation in finite-size systems.


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We consider scattering of a time harmonic incident plane wave by a convex polygon with piecewise constant impedance boundary conditions. Standard finite or boundary element methods require the number of degrees of freedom to grow at least linearly with respect to the frequency of the incident wave in order to maintain accuracy. Extending earlier work by Chandler-Wilde and Langdon for the sound soft problem, we propose a novel Galerkin boundary element method, with the approximation space consisting of the products of plane waves with piecewise polynomials supported on a graded mesh with smaller elements closer to the corners of the polygon. Theoretical analysis and numerical results suggest that the number of degrees of freedom required to achieve a prescribed level of accuracy grows only logarithmically with respect to the frequency of the incident wave.


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We study initial-boundary value problems for linear evolution equations of arbitrary spatial order, subject to arbitrary linear boundary conditions and posed on a rectangular 1-space, 1-time domain. We give a new characterisation of the boundary conditions that specify well-posed problems using Fokas' transform method. We also give a sufficient condition guaranteeing that the solution can be represented using a series. The relevant condition, the analyticity at infinity of certain meromorphic functions within particular sectors, is significantly more concrete and easier to test than the previous criterion, based on the existence of admissible functions.


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We consider the time-harmonic Maxwell equations with constant coefficients in a bounded, uniformly star-shaped polyhedron. We prove wavenumber-explicit norm bounds for weak solutions. This result is pivotal for convergence proofs in numerical analysis and may be a tool in the analysis of electromagnetic boundary integral operators.


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Model differences in projections of extratropical regional climate change due to increasing greenhouse gases are investigated using two atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs): ECHAM4 (Max Planck Institute, version 4) and CCM3 (National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Climate Model version 3). Sea-surface temperature (SST) fields calculated from observations and coupled versions of the two models are used to force each AGCM in experiments based on time-slice methodology. Results from the forced AGCMs are then compared to coupled model results from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 2 (CMIP2) database. The time-slice methodology is verified by showing that the response of each model to doubled CO2 and SST forcing from the CMIP2 experiments is consistent with the results of the coupled GCMs. The differences in the responses of the models are attributed to (1) the different tropical SST warmings in the coupled simulations and (2) the different atmospheric model responses to the same tropical SST warmings. Both are found to have important contributions to differences in implied Northern Hemisphere (NH) winter extratropical regional 500 mb height and tropical precipitation climate changes. Forced teleconnection patterns from tropical SST differences are primarily responsible for sensitivity differences in the extratropical North Pacific, but have relatively little impact on the North Atlantic. There are also significant differences in the extratropical response of the models to the same tropical SST anomalies due to differences in numerical and physical parameterizations. Differences due to parameterizations dominate in the North Atlantic. Differences in the control climates of the two coupled models from the current climate, in particular for the coupled model containing CCM3, are also demonstrated to be important in leading to differences in extratropical regional sensitivity.


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A new boundary integral operator is introduced for the solution of the soundsoft acoustic scattering problem, i.e., for the exterior problem for the Helmholtz equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions. We prove that this integral operator is coercive in L2(Γ) (where Γ is the surface of the scatterer) for all Lipschitz star-shaped domains. Moreover, the coercivity is uniform in the wavenumber k = ω/c, where ω is the frequency and c is the speed of sound. The new boundary integral operator, which we call the “star-combined” potential operator, is a slight modification of the standard combined potential operator, and is shown to be as easy to implement as the standard one. Additionally, to the authors' knowledge, it is the only second-kind integral operator for which convergence of the Galerkin method in L2(Γ) is proved without smoothness assumptions on Γ except that it is Lipschitz. The coercivity of the star-combined operator implies frequency-explicit error bounds for the Galerkin method for any approximation space. In particular, these error estimates apply to several hybrid asymptoticnumerical methods developed recently that provide robust approximations in the high-frequency case. The proof of coercivity of the star-combined operator critically relies on an identity first introduced by Morawetz and Ludwig in 1968, supplemented further by more recent harmonic analysis techniques for Lipschitz domains.


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In this paper we consider one-dimensional diffusions with constant coefficients in a finite interval with jump boundary and a certain deterministic jump distribution. We use coupling methods in order to identify the spectral gap in the case of a large drift and prove that there is a threshold drift above which the bottom of the spectrum no longer depends on the drift. As a corollary to our result we are able to answer two questions concerning elliptic eigenvalue problems with non-local boundary conditions formulated previously by Iddo Ben-Ari and Ross Pinsky.


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We study boundary value problems posed in a semistrip for the elliptic sine-Gordon equation, which is the paradigm of an elliptic integrable PDE in two variables. We use the method introduced by one of the authors, which provides a substantial generalization of the inverse scattering transform and can be used for the analysis of boundary as opposed to initial-value problems. We first express the solution in terms of a 2 by 2 matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem whose \jump matrix" depends on both the Dirichlet and the Neumann boundary values. For a well posed problem one of these boundary values is an unknown function. This unknown function is characterised in terms of the so-called global relation, but in general this characterisation is nonlinear. We then concentrate on the case that the prescribed boundary conditions are zero along the unbounded sides of a semistrip and constant along the bounded side. This corresponds to a case of the so-called linearisable boundary conditions, however a major difficulty for this problem is the existence of non-integrable singularities of the function q_y at the two corners of the semistrip; these singularities are generated by the discontinuities of the boundary condition at these corners. Motivated by the recent solution of the analogous problem for the modified Helmholtz equation, we introduce an appropriate regularisation which overcomes this difficulty. Furthermore, by mapping the basic Riemann-Hilbert problem to an equivalent modified Riemann-Hilbert problem, we show that the solution can be expressed in terms of a 2 by 2 matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem whose jump matrix depends explicitly on the width of the semistrip L, on the constant value d of the solution along the bounded side, and on the residues at the given poles of a certain spectral function denoted by h. The determination of the function h remains open.


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In this paper we investigate the equilibrium properties of magnetic dipolar (ferro-) fluids and discuss finite-size effects originating from the use of different boundary conditions in computer simulations. Both periodic boundary conditions and a finite spherical box are studied. We demonstrate that periodic boundary conditions and subsequent use of Ewald sum to account for the long-range dipolar interactions lead to a much faster convergence (in terms of the number of investigated dipolar particles) of the magnetization curve and the initial susceptibility to their thermodynamic limits. Another unwanted effect of the simulations in a finite spherical box geometry is a considerable sensitivity to the container size. We further investigate the influence of the surface term in the Ewald sum-that is, due to the surrounding continuum with magnetic permeability mu(BC)-on the convergence properties of our observables and on the final results. The two different ways of evaluating the initial susceptibility, i.e., (1) by the magnetization response of the system to an applied field and (2) by the zero-field fluctuation of the mean-square dipole moment of the system, are compared in terms of speed and accuracy.


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It has long been known that the urban surface energy balance is different to that of a rural surface, and that heating of the urban surface after sunset gives rise to the Urban Heat Island (UHI). Less well known is how flow and turbulence structure above the urban surface are changed during different phases of the urban boundary layer (UBL). This paper presents new observations above both an urban and rural surface and investigates how much UBL structure deviates from classical behaviour. A 5-day, low wind, cloudless, high pressure period over London, UK, was chosen for analysis, during which there was a strong UHI. Boundary layer evolution for both sites was determined by the diurnal cycle in sensible heat flux, with an extended decay period of approximately 4 h for the convective UBL. This is referred to as the “Urban Convective Island” as the surrounding rural area was already stable at this time. Mixing height magnitude depended on the combination of regional temperature profiles and surface temperature. Given the daytime UHI intensity of 1.5∘C, combined with multiple inversions in the temperature profile, urban and rural mixing heights underwent opposite trends over the period, resulting in a factor of three height difference by the fifth day. Nocturnal jets undergoing inertial oscillations were observed aloft in the urban wind profile as soon as the rural boundary layer became stable: clear jet maxima over the urban surface only emerged once the UBL had become stable. This was due to mixing during the Urban Convective Island reducing shear. Analysis of turbulent moments (variance, skewness and kurtosis) showed “upside-down” boundary layer characteristics on some mornings during initial rapid growth of the convective UBL. During the “Urban Convective Island” phase, turbulence structure still resembled a classical convective boundary layer but with some influence from shear aloft, depending on jet strength. These results demonstrate that appropriate choice of Doppler lidar scan patterns can give detailed profiles of UBL flow. Insights drawn from the observations have implications for accuracy of boundary conditions when simulating urban flow and dispersion, as the UBL is clearly the result of processes driven not only by local surface conditions but also regional atmospheric structure.


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In this review I summarise some of the most significant advances of the last decade in the analysis and solution of boundary value problems for integrable partial differential equations in two independent variables. These equations arise widely in mathematical physics, and in order to model realistic applications, it is essential to consider bounded domain and inhomogeneous boundary conditions. I focus specifically on a general and widely applicable approach, usually referred to as the Unified Transform or Fokas Transform, that provides a substantial generalisation of the classical Inverse Scattering Transform. This approach preserves the conceptual efficiency and aesthetic appeal of the more classical transform approaches, but presents a distinctive and important difference. While the Inverse Scattering Transform follows the "separation of variables" philosophy, albeit in a nonlinear setting, the Unified Transform is a based on the idea of synthesis, rather than separation, of variables. I will outline the main ideas in the case of linear evolution equations, and then illustrate their generalisation to certain nonlinear cases of particular significance.