17 resultados para BitTorrent-like systems

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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We have performed systematic Monte Carlo studies on the influence of shifting the walls in slit-like systems constructed from folded graphene sheets on their adsorption properties. Specifically, we have analysed the effect on the mechanism of argon adsorption (T = 87 K) and on adsorption and separation of three binary gas mixtures: CO2/N2, CO2/CH4 and CH4/N2 (T = 298 K). The effects of the changes in interlayer distance were also determined. We show that folding of the walls significantly improves the adsorption and separation properties in comparison to ideal slit-like systems. Moreover, we demonstrate that mutual shift of sheets (for small interlayer distances) causes the appearance of small pores between opposite bulges. This causes an increase in vapour adsorption at low pressures. Due to overlapping of interactions with opposite walls causing an increase in adsorption energy, the mutual shift of sheets is also connected with the rise in efficiency of mixtures separation. The effects connected with sheet orientation vanish as the interlayer distance increases.


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Over the past few years a number of research studies, mainly involving desktop-based or head-mounted Virtual Reality (VR) systems, have been undertaken to determine what VR can contribute to the education process. In our study we have used the findings from a number of these studies to help in formulating a new study into the perceived merits and limitations of using VR in general, and immersive CAVE-like systems in particular, as an education tool. We conducted our study with a group of final year undergraduate students who were registered on a module that described VR in terms of the scientific issues, application areas, and strengths and weaknesses of the technology.


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We consider conjugate-gradient like methods for solving block symmetric indefinite linear systems that arise from saddle-point problems or, in particular, regularizations thereof. Such methods require preconditioners that preserve certain sub-blocks from the original systems but allow considerable flexibility for the remaining blocks. We construct a number of families of implicit factorizations that are capable of reproducing the required sub-blocks and (some) of the remainder. These generalize known implicit factorizations for the unregularized case. Improved eigenvalue clustering is possible if additionally some of the noncrucial blocks are reproduced. Numerical experiments confirm that these implicit-factorization preconditioners can be very effective in practice.


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This article begins by identifying a close relationship between the image of children generated by several sociologists working within the new sociology of childhood perspective and the claims and ambitions of the proponents of children's autonomy rights. The image of the child as a competent, self-controlled human agent are then subjected to observation from the perspective of Niklas Luhmann's social systems theory. The new sociology of childhood's constructivist approach is compared and contrasted with Niklas Luhmann's theory of 'operational constructivism'. The article applies tenets of Luhmann's theory, to the emergence of the new childhood sociologist's image of the child as a competent, self-controlled social agent, to the epistemological status of this image and, in particular, to claims that it derives from scientific endeavour. The article proceeds to identify two theoretical developments within sociology - sociology of identity and social agency - which have brought about fundamental changes in what may be considered 'sociological' and so 'scientific' and paved the way for sociological communications about what children,really are'. In conclusion, it argues that the merging of sociology with polemics, ideology, opinion and personal beliefs and, at the level of social systems, between science and politics represents in Luhmann's terms 'dedifferentiation'- a tendency he claims may have serious adverse consequences for modern society. This warning is applied to the scientific status of sociology - its claim to be able to produce 'facts' for society, upon which social systems, such as politics and law, may rely. Like the mass media, sociology may now be capable of producing only information, and not facts, about children.


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In the 'rice-wheat' and the 'cotton-wheat' farming systems of Pakistan's Punjab, late planting of wheat is a perennial problem due to often delayed harvesting of the previously planted and late maturing rice and cotton crops. This leaves very limited time for land preparation for 'on-time' planting of wheat. 'No-tillage' technologies that reduce the turn-round time for wheat cultivation after rice and cotton have been developed, but their uptake has not been as expected.-This paper attempts to determine the farm and farmer characteristics and other socio-economic factors that influence the adoption of 'no-tillage' technologies'. Logit models were developed for the analysis undertaken. In the 'cotton-wheat' system personal characteristics like education, tenancy status, attitude towards risk implied in the use of new technologies and contact with extension agents are the main factors that affect adoption. As regards the 'rice-wheat' system, resource endowments such as farm size, access to a 'no-tillage' drill, clayey soils and the area sown to the rice-wheat sequence along with tenancy and contact with extension agents were dominant in explaining adoption. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Consumers are increasingly seeking credence characteristics in the goods they buy and some production processes such as organic or animal welfare friendly systems can be successfully embedded in them. However when ethical considerations are involved, voluntary labeling may not be enough and in such cases a political response emerges such as a ban on unacceptable production as well as the consumption of the 'like products' in question, to confirm the credibility of the World Trade Organization (WTO).


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A novel capillary flow device has been developed and applied to study the orientation of worm-like micelles, among other systems. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) data from micelles formed by a Pluronic block copolymer in aqueous salt solution provides evidence for the formation of worm-like micelles, which align under flow. A transition from a rod-like form factor to a less persistent conformation is observed under flow. Flow alignment of worm-like micelles formed by the low molar mass amphiphile system cetyl pyridinium chloride+sodium salicylate is studied for comparative purposes. Here, inhomogenous flow at the micron scale is revealed by streaks in the small-angle light scattering pattern perpendicular to the flow direction. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Distributed computing paradigms for sharing resources such as Clouds, Grids, Peer-to-Peer systems, or voluntary computing are becoming increasingly popular. While there are some success stories such as PlanetLab, OneLab, BOINC, BitTorrent, and SETI@home, a widespread use of these technologies for business applications has not yet been achieved. In a business environment, mechanisms are needed to provide incentives to potential users for participating in such networks. These mechanisms may range from simple non-monetary access rights, monetary payments to specific policies for sharing. Although a few models for a framework have been discussed (in the general area of a "Grid Economy"), none of these models has yet been realised in practice. This book attempts to fill this gap by discussing the reasons for such limited take-up and exploring incentive mechanisms for resource sharing in distributed systems. The purpose of this book is to identify research challenges in successfully using and deploying resource sharing strategies in open-source and commercial distributed systems.


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Since its introduction in 1993, the Message Passing Interface (MPI) has become a de facto standard for writing High Performance Computing (HPC) applications on clusters and Massively Parallel Processors (MPPs). The recent emergence of multi-core processor systems presents a new challenge for established parallel programming paradigms, including those based on MPI. This paper presents a new Java messaging system called MPJ Express. Using this system, we exploit multiple levels of parallelism - messaging and threading - to improve application performance on multi-core processors. We refer to our approach as nested parallelism. This MPI-like Java library can support nested parallelism by using Java or Java OpenMP (JOMP) threads within an MPJ Express process. Practicality of this approach is assessed by porting to Java a massively parallel structure formation code from Cosmology called Gadget-2. We introduce nested parallelism in the Java version of the simulation code and report good speed-ups. To the best of our knowledge it is the first time this kind of hybrid parallelism is demonstrated in a high performance Java application. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Human-like computer interaction systems requires far more than just simple speech input/output. Such a system should communicate with the user verbally, using a conversational style language. It should be aware of its surroundings and use this context for any decisions it makes. As a synthetic character, it should have a computer generated human-like appearance. This, in turn, should be used to convey emotions, expressions and gestures. Finally, and perhaps most important of all, the system should interact with the user in real time, in a fluent and believable manner.


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Starting from the classical Saltzman two-dimensional convection equations, we derive via a severe spectral truncation a minimal 10 ODE system which includes the thermal effect of viscous dissipation. Neglecting this process leads to a dynamical system which includes a decoupled generalized Lorenz system. The consideration of this process breaks an important symmetry and couples the dynamics of fast and slow variables, with the ensuing modifications to the structural properties of the attractor and of the spectral features. When the relevant nondimensional number (Eckert number Ec) is different from zero, an additional time scale of O(Ec−1) is introduced in the system, as shown with standard multiscale analysis and made clear by several numerical evidences. Moreover, the system is ergodic and hyperbolic, the slow variables feature long-term memory with 1/f3/2 power spectra, and the fast variables feature amplitude modulation. Increasing the strength of the thermal-viscous feedback has a stabilizing effect, as both the metric entropy and the Kaplan-Yorke attractor dimension decrease monotonically with Ec. The analyzed system features very rich dynamics: it overcomes some of the limitations of the Lorenz system and might have prototypical value in relevant processes in complex systems dynamics, such as the interaction between slow and fast variables, the presence of long-term memory, and the associated extreme value statistics. This analysis shows how neglecting the coupling of slow and fast variables only on the basis of scale analysis can be catastrophic. In fact, this leads to spurious invariances that affect essential dynamical properties (ergodicity, hyperbolicity) and that cause the model losing ability in describing intrinsically multiscale processes.


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The understanding of the statistical properties and of the dynamics of multistable systems is gaining more and more importance in a vast variety of scientific fields. This is especially relevant for the investigation of the tipping points of complex systems. Sometimes, in order to understand the time series of given observables exhibiting bimodal distributions, simple one-dimensional Langevin models are fitted to reproduce the observed statistical properties, and used to investing-ate the projected dynamics of the observable. This is of great relevance for studying potential catastrophic changes in the properties of the underlying system or resonant behaviours like those related to stochastic resonance-like mechanisms. In this paper, we propose a framework for encasing this kind of studies, using simple box models of the oceanic circulation and choosing as observable the strength of the thermohaline circulation. We study the statistical properties of the transitions between the two modes of operation of the thermohaline circulation under symmetric boundary forcings and test their agreement with simplified one-dimensional phenomenological theories. We extend our analysis to include stochastic resonance-like amplification processes. We conclude that fitted one-dimensional Langevin models, when closely scrutinised, may result to be more ad-hoc than they seem, lacking robustness and/or well-posedness. They should be treated with care, more as an empiric descriptive tool than as methodology with predictive power.


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When ε-nitro-a,β-unsaturated esters are added to conjugated cyanosulfones in the presence of a bifunctional thiourea catalyst, a highly stereoselective domino reaction occurs to generate complex cyclohexanes with up to four stereogenic centers, one of which is quaternary in nature. Therefore, it is demonstrated that, like nitro compounds, sulfones can undergo an asymmetric intramolecular conjugate addition to r,β- unsaturated esters in the presence of a bifunctional organocatalyst.


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Native-like use of preterit and imperfect morphology in all contexts by English learners of L2 Spanish is the exception rather than the rule, even for successful learners. Nevertheless, recent research has demonstrated that advanced English learners of L2 Spanish attain a native-like morphosyntactic competence for the preterit/imperfect contrast, as evidenced by their native-like knowledge of associated semantic entailments (Goodin-Mayeda and Rothman 2007, Montrul and Slabakova 2003, Slabakova and Montrul 2003, Rothman and Iverson 2007). In addition to an L2 disassociation of morphology and syntax (e.g., Bruhn de Garavito 2003, Lardiere 1998, 2000, 2005, Prévost and White 1999, 2000, Schwartz 2003), I hypothesize that a system of learned pedagogical rules contributes to target-deviant L2 performance in this domain through the most advanced stages of L2 acquisition via its competition with the generative system. I call this hypothesis the Competing Systems Hypothesis. To test its predictions, I compare and contrast the use of the preterit and imperfect in two production tasks by native, tutored (classroom), and naturalistic learners of L2 Spanish.


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Studying the pathogenesis of an infectious disease like colibacillosis requires an understanding of the responses of target hosts to the organism both as a pathogen and as a commensal. The mucosal immune system constitutes the primary line of defence against luminal micro-organisms. The immunoglobulin-superfamily-based adaptive immune system evolved in the earliest jawed vertebrates, and the adaptive and innate immune system of humans, mice, pigs and ruminants co-evolved in common ancestors for approximately 300 million years. The divergence occurred only 100 mya and, as a consequence, most of the fundamental immunological mechanisms are very similar. However, since pressure on the immune system comes from rapidly evolving pathogens, immune systems must also evolve rapidly to maintain the ability of the host to survive and reproduce. As a consequence, there are a number of areas of detail where mammalian immune systems have diverged markedly from each other, such that results obtained in one species are not always immediately transferable to another. Thus, animal models of specific diseases need to be selected carefully, and the results interpreted with caution. Selection is made simpler where specific host species like cattle and pigs can be both target species and reservoirs for human disease, as in infections with Escherichia coli.