30 resultados para Binding energies and masses

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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We report rigorous calculations of rovibrational energies and dipole transition intensities for three molecules using a new version of the code MULTIMODE. The key features of this code which permit, for the first time, such calculations for moderately sized but otherwise general polyatomic molecules are briefly described. Calculations for the triatomic molecule BF(2) are done to validate the code. New calculations for H(2)CO and H(2)CS are reported; these make use of semiempirical potentials but ab initio dipole moment surfaces. The new dipole surface for H(2)CO is a full-dimensional fit to the dipole moment obtained with the coupled-cluster with single and double excitations and a perturbative treatment of triple excitations method with the augmented correlation consistent triple zeta basis set. Detailed comparisons are made with experimental results from a fit to relative data for H(2)CS and absolute intensities from the HITRAN database for H(2)CO.


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The rovibration partition function of CH4 was calculated in the temperature range of 100-1000 K using well-converged energy levels that were calculated by vibrational-rotational configuration interaction using the Watson Hamiltonian for total angular momenta J=0-50 and the MULTIMODE computer program. The configuration state functions are products of ground-state occupied and virtual modals obtained using the vibrational self-consistent field method. The Gilbert and Jordan potential energy surface was used for the calculations. The resulting partition function was used to test the harmonic oscillator approximation and the separable-rotation approximation. The harmonic oscillator, rigid-rotator approximation is in error by a factor of 2.3 at 300 K, but we also propose a separable-rotation approximation that is accurate within 2% from 100 to 1000 K. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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Surface pressure measurements, external reflection- Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and neutron re. flectivity have been used to investigate the lipid-binding behavior of three antimicrobial peptides: melittin, magainin II, and cecropin P1. As expected, all three cationic peptides were shown to interact more strongly with the anionic lipid, 1,2 dihexadecanoyl-sn-glycerol3-( phosphor-rac-( 1- glycerol)) ( DPPG), compared to the zwitterionic lipid, 1,2 dihexadecanoyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphocholine ( DPPC). All three peptides have been shown to penetrate DPPC lipid layers by surface pressure, and this was confirmed for the melittin-DPPC interaction by neutron reflectivity measurements. Adsorption of peptide was, however, minimal, with a maximum of 0.4 mg m(-2) seen for melittin adsorption compared to 2.1 mg m(-2) for adsorption to DPPG ( from 0.7 mu M solution). The mode of binding to DPPG was shown to depend on the distribution of basic residues within the peptide alpha-helix, although in all cases adsorption below the lipid layer was shown to dominate over insertion within the layer. Melittin adsorption to DPPG altered the lipid layer structure observed through changes in the external reflection-Fourier transform infrared lipid spectra and neutron reflectivity. This lipid disruption was not observed for magainin or cecropin. In addition, melittin binding to both lipids was shown to be 50% greater than for either magainin or cecropin. Adsorption to the bare air-water interface was also investigated and surface activity followed the trend melittin. magainin. cecropin. External re. ection- Fourier transform infrared amide spectra revealed that melittin adopted a helical structure only in the presence of lipid, whereas magainin and cecropin adopted helical structure also at an airwater interface. This behavior has been related to the different charge distributions on the peptide amino acid sequences.


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The mutual influence of surface geometry (e.g. lattice parameters, morphology) and electronic structure is discussed for Cu-Ni bimetallic (111) surfaces. It is found that on flat surfaces the electronic d-states of the adlayer experience very little influence from the substrate electronic structure which is due to their large separation in binding energies and the close match of Cu and Ni lattice constants. Using carbon monoxide and benzene as probe molecules, it is found that in most cases the reactivity of Cu or Ni adlayers is very similar to the corresponding (111) single crystal surfaces. Exceptions are the adsorption of CO on submonolayers of Cu on Ni(111) and the dissociation of benzene on Ni/Cu(111) which is very different from Ni(111). These differences are related to geometric factors influencing the adsorption on these surfaces.


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There is growing evidence that a number of oral Treponema species, in particular Treponema denticola, are associated with the progression of human periodontal disease. The major sheath (or surface) protein (Msp) of T. denticola is implicated in adhesion of bacteria to host cells and tissue proteins and is likely to be an important virulence factor. However, the binding regions of the Msp are not known. We have purified from Escherichia coli recombinant Msp (rMsp) polypeptides corresponding to the following: full-length Msp (rMsp) minus 13 N-terminal amino acid (aa) residues, an amino-terminal fragment (rN-Msp, 189 aa residues), a 57-aa residue segment from the central region (rV-Msp), and a C-terminal fragment (rC-Msp, 272 aa residues). rMsp (530 aa residues) bound to immobilized fibronectin, keratin, laminin, collagen type 1, fibrinogen, hyaluronic acid, and heparin. The N- and V-region polypeptides, but not rC-Msp, also bound to these substrates. Binding of rMsp to fibronectin was targeted to the N-terminal heparin I/fibrin I domain. Antibodies to the N-region or V-region polypeptides, but not antibodies to the rC-Msp fragment, blocked adhesion of T. denticola ATCC 35405 cells to a range of host protein molecules. These results suggest that the N-terminal half of Msp carries epitopes that are surface exposed and that are involved in mediating adhesion. Binding of rMsp onto the cell surface of low-level fibronectin-binding Treponema isolates conferred a 10-fold increase in fibronectin binding. This confirms that Msp functions autonomously as an adhesin and raises the possibility that phenotypic complementation of virulence functions might occur within mixed populations of Treponema species.


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Five isoforms of follistatin (FST) (Mr 31, 33, 35, 37, 41kDa) were purified from bovine follicular fluid (bFF). Comparison of their activin- and heparan sulphate proteoglycan (HSP)-binding properties and bio-potencies in neutralization of activin-A action in vitro revealed that all five isoforms bound activin-A, but with different affinities. Only the 31kDa isoform (FST-288) bound to HSP. FST-288 also showed the greatest biopotency with 35 and 41kDa isoforms being least potent. To determine whether bovine follicle development is associated with changing intrafollicular FST and activin profiles, we analyzed bFF from dominant (DF) and subordinate (SF) follicles collected at strategic times during a synchronized estrous cycle. Total FST, activin-A and activin-AB were measured by immunoassay while individual FST isoforms were quantified by immunoblotting. Follicle diameter was positively correlated with estrogen:progesterone ratio (r=0.56) in bFF but negatively correlated with activin-A (r=-0.34), activin-AB (r=-0.80) and ‘total’ FST (r=-0.70) levels. Follicle diameter was positively correlated with abundance of the 41 kDa isoform (r=0.59) but negatively correlated with abundance of 33 and 31 kDa isoforms (r=-0.56, -0.41). Both follicle status (DF vs SF) and cycle stage affected total FST, activin-A, activin-B levels while follicle status, but not cycle stage, affected abundance of 41, 37, 33 and 31kDa FST isoforms. Collectively, these findings indicate that intrafollicular FST isoforms that differ in their ability to bind and neutralise activins and associate with cell-surface proteoglycans, show divergent changes during follicle development. Enhanced FST production may have an important negative role, either directly or via inhibition of the positive effects of activins, on follicle growth and function during follicular waves.


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The small (21 kDa) guanine nucleotide-binding protein (small G protein) superfamily comprises 5 subfamilies (Ras, Rho, ADP ribosylation factors [ARFs], Rab, and Ran) that act as molecular switches to regulate numerous cellular responses. Cardiac myocyte hypertrophy is associated with cell growth and changes in the cytoskeleton and myofibrillar apparatus. In other cells, the Ras subfamily regulates cell growth whereas the Rho subfamily (RhoA, Rac1, and Cdc42) regulates cell morphology. Thus, the involvement of small G proteins in hypertrophy has become an area of significant interest. Hearts from transgenic mice expressing activated Ras develop features consistent with hypertrophy, whereas mice overexpressing RhoA develop lethal heart failure. In isolated neonatal rat cardiac myocytes, transfection or infection with activated Ras, RhoA, or Rac1 induces many of the features of hypertrophy. We discuss the mechanisms of activation of the small G proteins and the downstream signaling pathways involved. The latter may include protein kinases, particularly the mitogen-activated or Rho-activated protein kinases. We conclude that although there is significant evidence implicating Ras, RhoA, and Rac1 in hypertrophy, the mechanisms are not fully understood.


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In molecular mechanics simulations of biological systems, the solvation water is typically represented by a default water model which is an integral part of the force field. Indeed, protein nonbonding parameters are chosen in order to obtain a balance between water-water and protein-water interactions and hence a reliable description of protein solvation. However, less attention has been paid to the question of whether the water model provides a reliable description of the water properties under the chosen simulation conditions, for which more accurate water models often exist. Here we consider the case of the CHARMM protein force field, which was parametrized for use with a modified TIP3P model. Using quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical calculations, we investigate whether the CHARMM force field can be used with other water models: TIP4P and TIP5P. Solvation properties of N-methylacetamide (NMA), other small solute molecules, and a small protein are examined. The results indicate differences in binding energies and minimum energy geometries, especially for TIP5P, but the overall description of solvation is found to be similar for all models tested. The results provide an indication that molecular mechanics simulations with the CHARMM force field can be performed with water models other than TIP3P, thus enabling an improved description of the solvent water properties.


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The binding of NO to iron is involved in the biological function of many heme proteins. Contrary to ligands like CO and O-2, which only bind to ferrous (Fe-II) iron, NO binds to both ferrous and ferric (Fe-II) iron. In a particular protein, the natural oxidation state can therefore be expected to be tailored to the required function. Herein, we present an ob initio potential-energy surface for ferric iron interacting with NO. This potential-energy surface exhibits three minima corresponding to eta'-NO coordination (the global minimum), eta(1)-ON coordination and eta(2) coordination. This contrasts with the potential-energy surface for Fe-II-NO, which ex- hibits only two minima (the eta(2) coordination mode for Fe-II is a transition state, not a minimum). In addition, the binding energies of NO are substantially larger for Fe-III than for Fe-II. We have performed molecular dynamics simulations for NO bound to ferric myoglobin (Mb(III)) and compare these with results obtained for Mb(II). Over the duration of our simulations (1.5 ns), all three binding modes are found to be stable at 200 K and transiently stable at 300 K, with eventual transformation to the eta(1)-NO global-minimum conformation. We discuss the implication of these results related to studies of rebinding processes in myoglobin.


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The DNA G-qadruplexes are one of the targets being actively explored for anti-cancer therapy by inhibiting them through small molecules. This computational study was conducted to predict the binding strengths and orientations of a set of novel dimethyl-amino-ethyl-acridine (DACA) analogues that are designed and synthesized in our laboratory, but did not diffract in Synchrotron light.Thecrystal structure of DNA G-Quadruplex(TGGGGT)4(PDB: 1O0K) was used as target for their binding properties in our studies.We used both the force field (FF) and QM/MM derived atomic charge schemes simultaneously for comparing the predictions of drug binding modes and their energetics. This study evaluates the comparative performance of fixed point charge based Glide XP docking and the quantum polarized ligand docking schemes. These results will provide insights on the effects of including or ignoring the drug-receptor interfacial polarization events in molecular docking simulations, which in turn, will aid the rational selection of computational methods at different levels of theory in future drug design programs. Plenty of molecular modelling tools and methods currently exist for modelling drug-receptor or protein-protein, or DNA-protein interactionssat different levels of complexities.Yet, the capasity of such tools to describevarious physico-chemical propertiesmore accuratelyis the next step ahead in currentresearch.Especially, the usage of most accurate methods in quantum mechanics(QM) is severely restricted by theirtedious nature. Though the usage of massively parallel super computing environments resulted in a tremendous improvement in molecular mechanics (MM) calculations like molecular dynamics,they are still capable of dealing with only a couple of tens to hundreds of atoms for QM methods. One such efficient strategy that utilizes thepowers of both MM and QM are the QM/MM hybrid methods. Lately, attempts have been directed towards the goal of deploying several different QM methods for betterment of force field based simulations, but with practical restrictions in place. One of such methods utilizes the inclusion of charge polarization events at the drug-receptor interface, that is not explicitly present in the MM FF.


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Elucidating the biological and biochemical roles of proteins, and subsequently determining their interacting partners, can be difficult and time consuming using in vitro and/or in vivo methods, and consequently the majority of newly sequenced proteins will have unknown structures and functions. However, in silico methods for predicting protein–ligand binding sites and protein biochemical functions offer an alternative practical solution. The characterisation of protein–ligand binding sites is essential for investigating new functional roles, which can impact the major biological research spheres of health, food, and energy security. In this review we discuss the role in silico methods play in 3D modelling of protein–ligand binding sites, along with their role in predicting biochemical functionality. In addition, we describe in detail some of the key alternative in silico prediction approaches that are available, as well as discussing the Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP) and the Continuous Automated Model EvaluatiOn (CAMEO) projects, and their impact on developments in the field. Furthermore, we discuss the importance of protein function prediction methods for tackling 21st century problems.


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The complexation of Cu by sewage sludge-derived dissolved organic matter (SSDOM) is a process by which the environmental significance of the element may become enhanced due to reduced soil sorption and, hence, increased mobility. The work described in this paper used an ion selective electrode procedure to show that SSDOM complexation of Cu was greatest at intermediate pH values because competition between hydrogen ions and Cu for SSDOM binding sites, and between hydroxyl ions and SSDOM as Cu ligands, was lowest at such values. Batch sorption experiments further showed that the process of Cu complexation by SSDOM provided an explanation for enhanced desorption of Cu from the solid phase of a contaminated, organic matter-rich, clay loam soil, and reduced adsorption of Cu onto the solid phase of a sandy loam soil. Complexation of Cu by SSDOM did not affect uptake of Cu by spring barley plants, when compared to free ionic Cu, in a sand-culture pot experiment. However, it did appear to lead to greater biomass yields of the plant; perhaps indicating that the Cu-SSDOM complex had a lower toxicity towards the plant than the free Cu ion.


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We propose a novel method for scoring the accuracy of protein binding site predictions – the Binding-site Distance Test (BDT) score. Recently, the Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) has been used to evaluate binding site predictions, both by developers of new methods and by the assessors for the community wide prediction experiment – CASP8. Whilst being a rigorous scoring method, the MCC does not take into account the actual 3D location of the predicted residues from the observed binding site. Thus, an incorrectly predicted site that is nevertheless close to the observed binding site will obtain an identical score to the same number of nonbinding residues predicted at random. The MCC is somewhat affected by the subjectivity of determining observed binding residues and the ambiguity of choosing distance cutoffs. By contrast the BDT method produces continuous scores ranging between 0 and 1, relating to the distance between the predicted and observed residues. Residues predicted close to the binding site will score higher than those more distant, providing a better reflection of the true accuracy of predictions. The CASP8 function predictions were evaluated using both the MCC and BDT methods and the scores were compared. The BDT was found to strongly correlate with the MCC scores whilst also being less susceptible to the subjectivity of defining binding residues. We therefore suggest that this new simple score is a potentially more robust method for future evaluations of protein-ligand binding site predictions.


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The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans expresses two metallothioneins (MTs), CeMT-1 and CeMT-2, that are believed to be key players in the protection against metal toxicity. In this study, both isoforms were expressed in vitro in the presence of either Zn(II) or Cd(II). Metal binding stoichiometries and affinities were determined by ESI-MS and NMR, respectively. Both isoforms had equal zinc binding ability, but differed in their cadmium binding behaviour, with higher affinity found for CeMT-2. In addition, wild-type C. elegans, single MT knockouts and a double MT knockout allele were exposed to zinc (340 μm) or cadmium (25 μm) to investigate effects in vivo. Zinc levels were significantly increased in all knockout strains, but were most pronounced in the CeMT-1 knockout, mtl-1 (tm1770), while cadmium accumulation was highest in the CeMT-2 knockout, mtl-2 (gk125) and the double knockout mtl-1;mtl-2 (zs1). In addition, metal speciation was assessed by X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy. This showed that O-donating, probably phosphate-rich, ligands play a dominant role in maintaining the physiological concentration of zinc, independently of metallothionein status. In contrast, cadmium was shown to coordinate with thiol groups, and the cadmium speciation of the wild-type and the CeMT-2 knockout strain was distinctly different to the CeMT-1 and double knockouts. Taken together, and supported by a simple model calculation, these findings show for the first time that the two MT isoforms have differential affinities towards Cd(II) and Zn(II) at a cellular level, and this is reflected at the protein level. This suggests that the two MT isoforms have distinct in vivo roles.


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Purpose: We assessed the anticonvulsant potential of the phytocannabinoid Δ9-tetrahydrocannabivarin (Δ9-THCV) by investigating its effects in an in vitro piriform cortex (PC) brain slice model of epileptiform activity, on cannabinoid CB1 receptor radioligand-binding assays and in a generalized seizure model in rats. Methods: Δ9-THCV was applied before (10 μmΔ9-THCV) or during (10–50 μmΔ9-THCV) epileptiform activity induced by Mg2+-free extracellular media in adult rat PC slices and measured using multielectrode array (MEA) extracellular electrophysiologic techniques. The actions of Δ9-THCV on CB1 receptors were examined using [3H]SR141716A competition binding and [35S]GTPS assays in rat cortical membranes. Effects of Δ9-THCV (0.025–2.5 mg/kg) on pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)–induced seizures in adult rats were also assessed. Results: After induction of stable spontaneous epileptiform activity, acute Δ9-THCV application (≥20 μm) significantly reduced burst complex incidence and the amplitude and frequency of paroxysmal depolarizing shifts (PDSs). Furthermore, slices pretreated with 10 μmΔ9-THCV prior to induction of epileptiform activity exhibited significantly reduced burst complex incidence and PDS peak amplitude. In radioligand-binding experiments, Δ9-THCV acted as a CB1 receptor ligand, displacing 0.5 nm [3H]SR141716A with a Ki∼290 nm, but exerted no agonist stimulation of [35S]GTPS binding. In PTZ-induced seizures in vivo, 0.25 mg/kg Δ9-THCV significantly reduced seizure incidence. Discussion: These data demonstrate that Δ9-THCV exerts antiepileptiform and anticonvulsant properties, actions that are consistent with a CB1 receptor–mediated mechanism and suggest possible therapeutic application in the treatment of pathophysiologic hyperexcitability states.