96 resultados para Bile compounds.

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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We elucidate the detailed effects of gut microbial depletion on the bile acid sub-metabolome of multiple body compartments (liver, kidney, heart, and blood plasma) in rats. We use a targeted ultraperformance liquid chromatography with time of flight mass-spectrometry assay to characterize the differential primary and secondary bile acid profiles in each tissue and show a major increase in the proportion of taurine-conjugated bile acids in germ-free (GF) and antibiotic (streptomycin/penicillin)-treated rats.Although conjugated bile acids dominate the hepatic profile (97.0 ± 1.5%) of conventional animals, unconjugated bile acids comprise the largest proportion of the total measured bile acid profile in kidney (60.0±10.4%) andheart (53.0 ± 18.5%) tissues. In contrast, in the GF animal, taurine-conjugated bile acids (especially taurocholic acid and tauro-β-muricholic acid) dominated the bile acid profiles (liver: 96.0 ± 14.5%; kidney: 96 ± 1%; heart: 93 ± 1%; plasma: 93.0 ± 2.3%), with unconjugated and glycine-conjugated species representing a small proportion of the profile. Higher free taurine levels were found in GF livers compared with the conventional liver (5.1-fold; P < 0.001). Bile acid diversity was also lower in GF and antibiotic-treated tissues compared with conventional animals. Because bile acids perform important signaling functions, it is clear that these chemical communication networks are strongly influencedbymicrobial activitiesormodulation, as evidenced by farnesoid X receptor-regulated pathway transcripts. The presence of specific microbial bile acid co-metabolite patterns in peripheral tissues (including heart and kidney) implies a broader signaling role for these compounds and emphasizes the extent of symbiotic microbial influences in mammalian homeostasis.


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The first application of high field NMR spectroscopy (800 MHz for 1H observation) to human hepatic bile (as opposed to gall bladder bile) is reported. The bile sample used for detailed investigation was from a donor liver with mild fat infiltration, collected during organ retrieval prior to transplantation. In addition, to focus on the detection of bile acids in particular, a bile extract was analysed by 800 MHz 1H NMR spectroscopy, HPLC-NMR/MS and UPLC-MS. In the whole bile sample, 40 compounds have been assigned with the aid of two-dimensional 1H–1H TOCSY and 1H–13C HSQC spectra. These include phosphatidylcholine, 14 amino acids, 10 organic acids, 4 carbohydrates and polyols (glucose, glucuronate, glycerol and myo-inositol), choline, phosphocholine, betaine, trimethylamine-N-oxide and other small molecules. An initial NMR-based assessment of the concentration range of some key metabolites has been made. Some observed chemical shifts differ from expected database values, probably due to a difference in bulk diamagnetic susceptibility. The NMR spectra of the whole extract gave identification of the major bile acids (cholic, deoxycholic and chenodeoxycholic), but the glycine and taurine conjugates of a given bile acid could not be distinguished. However, this was achieved by HPLC-NMR/MS, which enabled the separation and identification of ten conjugated bile acids with relative abundances varying from approximately 0.1% (taurolithocholic acid) to 34.0% (glycocholic acid), of which, only the five most abundant acids could be detected by NMR, including the isomers glycodeoxycholic acid and glycochenodeoxycholic acid, which are difficult to distinguish by conventional LC-MS analysis. In a separate experiment, the use of UPLC-MS allowed the detection and identification of 13 bile acids. This work has shown the complementary potential of NMR spectroscopy, MS and hyphenated NMR/MS for elucidating the complex metabolic profile of human hepatic bile. This will be useful baseline information in ongoing studies of liver excretory function and organ transplantation.


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A total of 94 European eels (Anguilla anguilla) were collected from five estuaries in the UK. The deconjugated metabolites of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the bile of the eels were separated using HPLC. Six PAH metabolites were identified: 1-hydroxy (1-OH) metabolites of phenanthrene, pyrene and chrysene; and the 1-OH, 3-OH and 7,8 dihydrodiol metabolites of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). The mean concentration of the six metabolites was greatest in eels from the Tyne (49 muM) followed by the Wear (33 muM), Tees (19 muM), Thames (4 muM) and Severn (2 muM) estuaries. Although 1-OH pyrene was always the dominant compound, there were significant differences (P<0.05) between sites and between estuaries for some metabolites. Normalising the molar concentration of the bile metabolites to the bile biliverdin absorbance reduced sample variation. When the metabolites identified were-each expressed as a percentage of the total detected, the metabolite profile was characteristic for each estuary. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A range of archaeological samples have been examined using FT-IR spectroscopy. These include suspected coprolite samples from the Neolithic site of Catalhoyuk in Turkey, pottery samples from the Roman site of Silchester, UK and the Bronze Age site of Gatas, Spain and unidentified black residues on pottery sherds from the Roman sites of Springhead and Cambourne, UK. For coprolite samples the aim of FT-IR analysis is identification. Identification of coprolites in the field is based on their distinct orange colour; however, such visual identifications can often be misleading due to their similarity with deposits such as ochre and clay. For pottery the aim is to screen those samples that might contain high levels of organic residues which would be suitable for GC-MS analysis. The experiments have shown coprolites to have distinctive spectra, containing strong peaks from calcite, phosphate and quartz; the presence of phosphorus may be confirmed by SEM-EDX analysis. Pottery containing organic residues of plant and animal origin has also been shown to generally display strong phosphate peaks. FT-IR has distinguished between organic resin and non-organic compositions for the black residues, with differences also being seen between organic samples that have the same physical appearance. Further analysis by CC-MS has confirmed the identification of the coprolites through the presence of coprostanol and bile acids, and shows that the majority of organic pottery residues are either fatty acids or mono- or di-acylglycerols from foodstuffs, or triterpenoid resin compounds exposed to high temperatures. One suspected resin sample was shown to contain no organic residues. and it is seen that resin samples with similar physical appearances have different chemical compositions. FT-IR is proposed as a quick and cheap method of screening archaeological samples before subjecting them to the more expensive and time-consuming method of GC-MS. This will eliminate inorganic samples such as clays and ochre from CC-MS analysis, and will screen those samples which are most likely to have a high concentration of preserved organic residues. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Visual exploration of scientific data in life science area is a growing research field due to the large amount of available data. The Kohonen’s Self Organizing Map (SOM) is a widely used tool for visualization of multidimensional data. In this paper we present a fast learning algorithm for SOMs that uses a simulated annealing method to adapt the learning parameters. The algorithm has been adopted in a data analysis framework for the generation of similarity maps. Such maps provide an effective tool for the visual exploration of large and multi-dimensional input spaces. The approach has been applied to data generated during the High Throughput Screening of molecular compounds; the generated maps allow a visual exploration of molecules with similar topological properties. The experimental analysis on real world data from the National Cancer Institute shows the speed up of the proposed SOM training process in comparison to a traditional approach. The resulting visual landscape groups molecules with similar chemical properties in densely connected regions.


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Structured data represented in the form of graphs arises in several fields of the science and the growing amount of available data makes distributed graph mining techniques particularly relevant. In this paper, we present a distributed approach to the frequent subgraph mining problem to discover interesting patterns in molecular compounds. The problem is characterized by a highly irregular search tree, whereby no reliable workload prediction is available. We describe the three main aspects of the proposed distributed algorithm, namely a dynamic partitioning of the search space, a distribution process based on a peer-to-peer communication framework, and a novel receiver-initiated, load balancing algorithm. The effectiveness of the distributed method has been evaluated on the well-known National Cancer Institute’s HIV-screening dataset, where the approach attains close-to linear speedup in a network of workstations.


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We previously found that dried live bacteria of a vaccine strain can be temporarily sensitive to bile acids and suggested that Bile Adsorbing Resins (BAR) can be used in oral vaccine tablets to protect dried bacteria from intestinal bile. Here, we report a quantitative analysis of the ability of BAR to exclude the dye bromophenol blue from penetrating into matrix tablets and also sections of hard capsule shells. Based on this quantitative analysis, we made a fully optimised formulation, comprising 25% w/w of cholestyramine in Vcaps™ HPMC capsules. This gave effectively 100% protection of viability from 4% bile, with 4200-fold more live bacteria recovered from this formulation compared to unprotected dry bacteria. From the image analysis, we found that the filler material or compaction force used had no measurable effect on dye exclusion but did affect the rate of tablet hydration. Increasing the mass fraction of BAR gave more exclusion of dye up to 25% w/w, after which a plateau was reached and no further dye exclusion was seen. More effective dye exclusion was seen with smaller particle sizes (i.e. cholestyramine) and when the BAR was thoroughly dried and disaggregated. Similar results were found when imaging dye penetration into capsule sections or tablets. The predictions of the dye penetration study were tested using capsules filled with dried attenuated Salmonella vaccine plus different BAR types, and the expected protection from bile was found, validating the imaging study. Surprisingly, depending on the capsule shell material, some protection was given by the capsule alone without adding BAR, with Vcaps™ HPMC capsules providing up to 174-fold protection against 1% bile; faster releasing Vcaps Plus™ HPMC capsules and Coni Snap™ gelatin capsules gave less protection.


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Live bacterial vaccines have great promise both as vaccines against enteric pathogens and as heterologous antigen vectors against diverse diseases. Ideally, room temperature stable dry formulations of live bacterial vaccines will allow oral vaccination without cold-chain storage or injections. Attenuated Salmonella can cross the intestinal wall and deliver replicating antigen plus innate immune activation signals directly to the intestinal immune tissues, however the ingested bacteria must survive firstly gastric acid and secondly the antimicrobial defences of the small intestine. We found that the way in which cells are grown prior to formulation markedly affects sensitivity to acid and bile. Using a previously published stable storage formulation that maintained over 10% viability after 56 days storage at room temperature, we found dried samples of an attenuated S. typhimurium vaccine lost acid and bile resistance compared to the same bacteria taken from fresh culture. The stable formulation utilised osmotic preconditioning in defined medium plus elevated salt concentration to induce intracellular trehalose accumulation before drying. Dried bacteria grown in rich media without osmotic preconditioning showed more resistance to bile, but less stability during storage, suggesting a trade-off between bile resistance and stability. Further optimization is needed to produce the ultimate room-temperature stable oral live bacterial vaccine formulation.


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We previously demonstrated that a dry, room temperature stable formulation of a live bacterial vaccine was highly susceptible to bile, and suggested that this will lead to significant loss of viability of any live bacterial formulation released into the intestine using an enteric coating or capsule. We found that bile and acid tolerance is very rapidly recovered after rehydration with buffer or water, raising the possibility that rehydration in the absence of bile prior to release into the intestine might solve the problem of bile toxicity to dried cells. We describe here a novel formulation that combines extensively studied bile acid adsorbent resins with the dried bacteria, to temporarily adsorb bile acids and allow rehydration and recovery of bile resistance of bacteria in the intestine before release. Tablets containing the bile acid adsorbent cholestyramine release 250-fold more live bacteria when dissolved in a bile solution, compared to control tablets without cholestyramine or with a control resin that does not bind bile acids. We propose that a simple enteric coated oral dosage form containing bile acid adsorbent resins will allow improved live bacterial delivery to the intestine via the oral route, a major step towards room temperature stable, easily administered and distributed vaccine pills and other bacterial therapeutics


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This paper considers the various complex changes that occur to nitrogen (N) containing compounds in forages through the processes of ensiling, rumen degradation and microbial synthesis, post-ruminal digestion and absorption and synthesis into milk protein. Particular emphasis is placed on reviewing recent data on the efficiency of utilisation of N-containing compounds in silages by rumen microbes, since low efficiency here is believed to be a major cause of large N losses to the environment on some silage-based diets. Data are reviewed which show that although rumen degradation of N compounds in silage is rapid and extensive, up to 10% of the soluble N can escape the rumen by being associated with the liquid phase. There is now firm evidence that the composition of the amino acids (AAs) absorbed is heavily dependent on the process of ensiling and that witting or use of certain silage additives conserve the initial amino acid profile of the forage. This provides an opportunity to manipulate the amino acid supply to better match demand thus potentially enhancing utilisation. This review confirms that utilisation of the N fractions in grass and legume silages in particular, is poor and the efficiency of microbial protein synthesis (EMPS) is consistently higher on maize silage-based diets. It is concluded that the way in which grass and legume silages in particular are produced and used in the future needs a radical rethink. New research needs to be aimed at enhancing the utilisation of N in the rumen through a better understanding of N/carbohydrate relationships and the ability of forages to supply degraded carbohydrate. Also more emphasis is needed on understanding of the potentially different role of the different N fractions that exist in silages. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rhizobium leguminosarum synthesizes polyhydroxybutyrate and glycogen as its main carbon storage compounds. To examine the role of these compounds in bacteroid development and in symbiotic efficiency, single and double mutants of R. legumosarum bv. viciae were made which lack polyhydroxybutyrate synthase (phaC), glycogen synthase (glgA), or both. For comparison, a single phaC mutant also was isolated in a bean-nodulating strain of R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli. In one large glasshouse trial, the growth of pea plants inoculated with the R. leguminosarum bv. viciae phaC mutant were significantly reduced compared with wild-type-inoculated plants. However, in subsequent glasshouse and growth-room studies, the growth of pea plants inoculated with the mutant were similar to wildtype-inoculated plants. Bean plants were unaffected by the loss of polyhydroxybutyrate biosynthesis in bacteroids. Pea plants nodulated by a glycogen synthase mutants or the glgA/phaC double mutant, grew as well as the wild type in growth-room experiments. Light and electron micrographs revealed that pea nodules infected with the glgA mutant accumulated large amounts of starch in the II/III interzone. This suggests that glycogen may be the dominant carbon storage compound in pea bacteroids. Polyhydroxybutyrate was present in bacteria in the infection thread of pea plants but was broken down during bacteroid formation. In nodules infected with a phaC mutant of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae, there was a drop in the amount of starch in the II/III interzone, where bacteroids form. Therefore, we propose a carbon burst hypothesis for bacteroid formation, where polyhydroxybutyrate accumulated by bacteria is degraded to fuel bacteroid differentiation.


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Effects of increased ammonia and/or arginine absorption across the portal-drained viscera (PDV) on net splanchnic (PDV and liver) metabolism of nitrogenous compounds and urinary N excretion were investigated in six cathetenzed Hereford x Angus steers (501 +/- 1 kg BW) fed a 75% alfalfa:25% (as-fed basis) corn-soybean meal diet (0.523 MJ of ME/[kg BW0.15.d]) every 2 h without (27.0 g of N/kg of dietary DM) and with 20 g of urea/kg of dietary DM (35.7 g of N/kg of dietary DM) in a split-plot design. Net splanchnic flux measurements were obtained immediately before beginning and ending a 72-h mesenteric vein infusion of L-arginine (15 mmol/h). For 3 d before and during arginine infusion, daily urine voided was measured and analyzed for N composition. Feeding urea increased PDV absorption (P < 0.01) and hepatic removal (P < 0.01) of ammonia N, accounting for 80% of increased hepatic urea N output (P < 0.01). Numerical increases in net hepatic removal of AA N could account for the remaining portion of increased hepatic urea N output. Arginine infusion increased hepatic arginine removal (P < 0.01) and hepatic urea N output (P < 0.03) and switched hepatic ornithine flux from net uptake to net output (P < 0.01), but numerical changes in net hepatic removal of ammonia and AA N could not account fully for the increase in hepatic urea N output. Increases in urine N excretion equaled quantities of N fed as urea or infused as arginine. Estimated salivary urea N excretion was not changed by either treatment. Urea cycle regulation occurs via a complex interaction of mechanisms and requires N sources other than ammonia, but the effect of increased ammonia absorption on hepatic catabolism of individual AA in the present study was not significant.


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In this paper we report the antioxidant activity of different compounds which are present in coffee or are produced as a result of the metabolism of this beverage. In vitro methods such as the ABTS(center dot+) [ABTS = 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)] decolorization assay and the oxygen radical absorbance capacity assay (ORAC) were used to assess the capacity of coffee compounds to scavenge free radicals. The importance of caffeine metabolites and colonic metabolites in the overall antioxidant activity associated with coffee consumption is shown. Colonic metabolites such as m-coumaric acid and dihydroferulic acid showed high antioxidant activity. The ability of these compounds to protect human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation by copper and 2,2'-azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride was also explored. 1-Methyluric acid was particularly effective at inhibiting LDL oxidative modification. Different experiments showed that this caffeine metabolite is not incorporated into LDL particles. However, at physiologically relevant concentrations, it was able to delay for more than 13 h LDL oxidation by copper.


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Rhizobium leguminosarum synthesizes polyhydroxybutyrate and glycogen as its main carbon storage compounds. To examine the role of these compounds in bacteroid development and in symbiotic efficiency, single and double mutants of R. legumosarum bv. viciae were made which lack polyhydroxybutyrate synthase (phaC), glycogen synthase (glgA), or both. For comparison, a single phaC mutant also was isolated in a bean-nodulating strain of R. leguminosarum bv. phaseoli. In one large glasshouse trial, the growth of pea plants inoculated with the R. leguminosarum bv. viciae phaC mutant were significantly reduced compared with wild-type-inoculated plants. However, in subsequent glasshouse and growth-room studies, the growth of pea plants inoculated with the mutant were similar to wildtype-inoculated plants. Bean plants were unaffected by the loss of polyhydroxybutyrate biosynthesis in bacteroids. Pea plants nodulated by a glycogen synthase mutants or the glgA/phaC double mutant, grew as well as the wild type in growth-room experiments. Light and electron micrographs revealed that pea nodules infected with the glgA mutant accumulated large amounts of starch in the II/III interzone. This suggests that glycogen may be the dominant carbon storage compound in pea bacteroids. Polyhydroxybutyrate was present in bacteria in the infection thread of pea plants but was broken down during bacteroid formation. In nodules infected with a phaC mutant of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae, there was a drop in the amount of starch in the II/III interzone, where bacteroids form. Therefore, we propose a carbon burst hypothesis for bacteroid formation, where polyhydroxybutyrate accumulated by bacteria is degraded to fuel bacteroid differentiation.


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Platelets play a substantial role in cardiovascular disease, and for many years there has been a search for dietary components that are able to inhibit platelet function and therefore decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. Platelets can be inhibited by alcohol, dietary fats and some antioxidants, including a group of compounds, the polyphenols, found in fruits and vegetables. A number of these compounds have been shown to inhibit platelet function both in vitro and in vivo. In the present study the effects of the hydroxycinnamates and the flavonoid quercetin on platelet activation and cell signalling in vitro were investigated. The hydroxycinnamates inhibited platelet function, although not at levels that can be achieved in human plasma by dietary intervention. However, quercetin inhibited platelet aggregation at levels lower than those previously reported. Quercetin was also found to inhibit intracellular Ca mobilisation and whole-cell tyrosine protein phosphorylation in platelets, which are both processes essential for platelet activation. The effect of polyphenols on platelet aggregation in vivo was also investigated. Twenty subjects followed a low-polyphenol diet for 3 d before and also during supplementation. All subjects were supplemented with a polyphenol-rich meal every lunchtime for 5 d. Platelet aggregation and plasma flavonols were measured at baseline and after 5 d of dietary supplementation. Total plasma flavonoids increased significantly after the dietary intervention period (P = 0.001). However, no significant changes in ex vivo platelet aggregation were observed. Further investigation of the effects of individual polyphenolic compounds on platelet function, both in vitro and in vivo, is required in order to elucidate their role in the relationship between diet and the risk of cardiovascular disease.