20 resultados para Angular frequencies

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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A time series of the observed transport through an array of moorings across the Mozambique Channel is compared with that of six model runs with ocean general circulation models. In the observations, the seasonal cycle cannot be distinguished from red noise, while this cycle is dominant in the transport of the numerical models. It is found, however, that the seasonal cycles of the observations and numerical models are similar in strength and phase. These cycles have an amplitude of 5 Sv and a maximum in September, and can be explained by the yearly variation of the wind forcing. The seasonal cycle in the models is dominant because the spectral density at other frequencies is underrepresented. Main deviations from the observations are found at depths shallower than 1500 m and in the 5/y–6/y frequency range. Nevertheless, the structure of eddies in the models is close to the observed eddy structure. The discrepancy is found to be related to the formation mechanism and the formation position of the eddies. In the observations, eddies are frequently formed from an overshooting current near the mooring section, as proposed by Ridderinkhof and de Ruijter (2003) and Harlander et al. (2009). This causes an alternation of events at the mooring section, varying between a strong southward current, and the formation and passing of an eddy. This results in a large variation of transport in the frequency range of 5/y–6/y. In the models, the eddies are formed further north and propagate through the section. No alternation similar to the observations is observed, resulting in a more constant transport.


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Analyses of high-density single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data, such as genetic mapping and linkage disequilibrium (LD) studies, require phase-known haplotypes to allow for the correlation between tightly linked loci. However, current SNP genotyping technology cannot determine phase, which must be inferred statistically. In this paper, we present a new Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm for population haplotype frequency estimation, particulary in the context of LD assessment. The novel feature of the method is the incorporation of a log-linear prior model for population haplotype frequencies. We present simulations to suggest that 1) the log-linear prior model is more appropriate than the standard coalescent process in the presence of recombination (>0.02cM between adjacent loci), and 2) there is substantial inflation in measures of LD obtained by a "two-stage" approach to the analysis by treating the "best" haplotype configuration as correct, without regard to uncertainty in the recombination process. Genet Epidemiol 25:106-114, 2003. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Two experiments implement and evaluate a training scheme for learning to apply frequency formats to probability judgements couched in terms of percentages. Results indicate that both conditional and cumulative probability judgements can be improved in this manner, however the scheme is insufficient to promote any deeper understanding of the problem structure. In both experiments, training on one problem type only (either conditional or cumulative risk judgements) resulted in an inappropriate transfer of a learned method at test. The obstacles facing a frequency-based training programme for teaching appropriate use of probability data are discussed. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Visuospatial attentional bias was examined in Huntington's disease (HID) patients with mild disease, asymptomatic gene-positive patients and controls. No group differences were found on the grey scales task (which is a non-motor task of visuospatial attentional bias), although patients' trinucleotide (CAG) repeat length correlated with increasing leftward bias. On the line bisection task, symptomatic patients made significantly larger leftward bisection errors relative to controls, who showed the normal slight degree of leftward error (pseudo-neglect). The asymptomatic group showed a trend for greater leftward error than controls. A subset of participants went on to have structural MRI, which showed a correlation between increased leftward error on the line bisection task and reduced density in the angular gyrus area (BA39) bilaterally. This finding is consistent with recent literature suggesting a critical role for the angular gyrus in the lateralization of visuospatial attention.


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The amount of depth perceived from a fixed pattern of horizontal disparities varies with viewing distance. We investigated whether thresholds for discriminating stereoscopic corrugations at a range of spatial frequencies were also affected by viewing distance or whether they were determined solely by the angular disparity in the stimulus prior to scaling. Although thresholds were found to be determined primarily by disparity over a broad range of viewing distances, they were on average a factor of two higher at the shortest viewing distance (28.5 cm) than at larger viewing distances (57 to 450 cm). We found the same pattern of results when subjects' accommodation was arranged to be the same at all viewing distances. The change in thresholds at close distances is in the direction expected if subjects' performance is limited by a minimum perceived depth.


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We discuss the feasibility of wireless terahertz communications links deployed in a metropolitan area and model the large-scale fading of such channels. The model takes into account reception through direct line of sight, ground and wall reflection, as well as diffraction around a corner. The movement of the receiver is modeled by an autonomous dynamic linear system in state space, whereas the geometric relations involved in the attenuation and multipath propagation of the electric field are described by a static nonlinear mapping. A subspace algorithm in conjunction with polynomial regression is used to identify a single-output Wiener model from time-domain measurements of the field intensity when the receiver motion is simulated using a constant angular speed and an exponentially decaying radius. The identification procedure is validated by using the model to perform q-step ahead predictions. The sensitivity of the algorithm to small-scale fading, detector noise, and atmospheric changes are discussed. The performance of the algorithm is tested in the diffraction zone assuming a range of emitter frequencies (2, 38, 60, 100, 140, and 400 GHz). Extensions of the simulation results to situations where a more complicated trajectory describes the motion of the receiver are also implemented, providing information on the performance of the algorithm under a worst case scenario. Finally, a sensitivity analysis to model parameters for the identified Wiener system is proposed.


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We provide a unified framework for a range of linear transforms that can be used for the analysis of terahertz spectroscopic data, with particular emphasis on their application to the measurement of leaf water content. The use of linear transforms for filtering, regression, and classification is discussed. For illustration, a classification problem involving leaves at three stages of drought and a prediction problem involving simulated spectra are presented. Issues resulting from scaling the data set are discussed. Using Lagrange multipliers, we arrive at the transform that yields the maximum separation between the spectra and show that this optimal transform is equivalent to computing the Euclidean distance between the samples. The optimal linear transform is compared with the average for all the spectra as well as with the Karhunen–Loève transform to discriminate a wet leaf from a dry leaf. We show that taking several principal components into account is equivalent to defining new axes in which data are to be analyzed. The procedure shows that the coefficients of the Karhunen–Loève transform are well suited to the process of classification of spectra. This is in line with expectations, as these coefficients are built from the statistical properties of the data set analyzed.


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The fabrication and characterization of micromachined reduced-height air-filled rectangular waveguide components suitable for integration is reported in this paper. The lithographic technique used permits structures with heights of up to 100 μm to be successfully constructed in a repeatable manner. Waveguide S-parameter measurements at frequencies between 75-110 GHz using a vector network analyzer demonstrate low loss propagation in the TE10 mode reaching 0.2 dB per wavelength. Scanning electron microscope photographs of conventional and micromachined waveguides show that the fabrication technique can provide a superior surface finish than possible with commercially available components. In order to circumvent problems in efficiently coupling free-space propagating beams to the reduced-height G-band waveguides, as well as to characterize them using quasi-optical techniques, a novel integrated micromachined slotted horn antenna has been designed and fabricated, E-, H-, and D-plane far-field antenna pattern measurements at different frequencies using a quasi-optical setup show that the fabricated structures are optimized for 180-GHz operation with an E-plane half-power beamwidth of 32° elevated 35° above the substrate, a symmetrical H-plane pattern with a half-power beamwidth of 23° and a maximum D-plane cross-polar level of -33 dB. Far-field pattern simulations using HFSS show good agreement with experimental results.


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We investigate the processes involved in writing real-time holographic gratings in a photorefractive polymer (PRP) that incorporates an azo-dye. In such systems there may be gratings due to mechanisms associated with trans–cis isomerization (angular hole burning (AHB) and/or angular redistribution), which appear in addition to those arising from the photorefractive (PR) effect. The work presented here helps to understand the interactions which may occur between these different gratings. The formation of local gratings due to mechanisms associated with photoisomerization is studied, in a new PRP based on the photoconductor poly(N-vinylcarbazole):2, 4, 7-trinitro-9-fluorenone, plasticized with N-ethylcarbazole. The polymer includes the azo-dye 4-nitro-4'-pentyloxy-azobenzene and we observe both PR and photoisomerization gratings. The gratings are shown to be both polarization-sensitive and reversible. The presence of the photoisomerization gratings (which diffract almost as strongly as the PR gratings) significantly affects the field-dependent diffractive behaviour of the composite. A measurement of the lifetime of the cis state is made (τcis = 38 s) using photoinduced dichroism. This is close to the decay time constant of the local gratings (τdecay = 42 s), and it is suggested that the local grating mechanism is AHB of the azo-dye. This is the first time (to the knowledge of the authors) that a local grating due to AHB has been demonstrated in a PRP.


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It is shown here that the angular relation equations between direct and reciprocal vectors are very similar to the angular relation equations in Euler's theorem. These two sets of equations are usually treated separately as unrelated equations in different fields. In this careful study, the connection between the two sets of angular equations is revealed by considering the cosine rule for the spherical triangle. It is found that understanding of the correlation is hindered by the facts that the same variables are defined differently and different symbols are used to represent them in the two fields. Understanding the connection between different concepts is not only stimulating and beneficial, but also a fundamental tool in innovation and research, and has historical significance. The background of the work presented here contains elements of many scientific disciplines. This work illustrates the common ground of two theories usually considered separately and is therefore of benefit not only for its own sake but also to illustrate a general principle that a theory relevant to one discipline can often be used in another. The paper works with chemistry related concepts using mathematical methodologies unfamiliar to the usual audience of mainstream experimental and theoretical chemists.


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We describe a one-port de-embedding technique suitable for the quasi-optical characterization of terahertz integrated components at frequencies beyond the operational range of most vector network analyzers. This technique is also suitable when the manufacturing of precision terminations to sufficiently fine tolerances for the application of a TRL de-embedding technique is not possible. The technique is based on vector reflection measurements of a series of easily realizable test pieces. A theoretical analysis is presented for the precision of the technique when implemented using a quasi-optical null-balanced bridge reflectometer. The analysis takes into account quantization effects in the linear and angular encoders associated with the balancing procedure, as well as source power and detector noise equivalent power. The precision in measuring waveguide characteristic impedance and attenuation using this de-embedding technique is further analyzed after taking into account changes in the power coupled due to axial, rotational, and lateral alignment errors between the device under test and the instruments' test port. The analysis is based on the propagation of errors after assuming imperfect coupling of two fundamental Gaussian beams. The required precision in repositioning the samples at the instruments' test-port is discussed. Quasi-optical measurements using the de-embedding process for a WR-8 adjustable precision short at 125 GHz are presented. The de-embedding methodology may be extended to allow the determination of S-parameters of arbitrary two-port junctions. The measurement technique proposed should prove most useful above 325 GHz where there is a lack of measurement standards.


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The robustness of the parameterized gravity wave response to an imposed radiative perturbation in the middle atmosphere is examined. When momentum is conserved and for reasonable gravity wave drag parameters, the response to a polar cooling induces polar downwelling above the region of the imposed cooling, with consequent adiabatic warming. This response is robust to changes in the gravity wave source spectrum, background flow, gravity wave breaking criterion, and model lid height. When momentum is not conserved, either in the formulation or in the implementation of the gravity wave drag parameterization, the response becomes sensitive to the above-mentioned factors—in particular to the model lid height. The spurious response resulting from nonconservation is found to be nonnegligible in terms of the total gravity wave drag–induced downwelling.


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It is shown that under reasonable assumptions, conservation of angular momentum provides a strong constraint on gravity wave drag feedbacks to radiative perturbations in the middle atmosphere. In the time mean, radiatively induced temperature perturbations above a given altitude z cannot induce changes in zonal mean wind and temperature below z through feedbacks in gravity wave drag alone (assuming an unchanged gravity wave source spectrum). Thus, despite the many uncertainties in the parameterization of gravity wave drag, the role of gravity wave drag in middle-atmosphere climate perturbations may be much more limited than its role in climate itself. This constraint limits the possibilities for downward influence from the mesosphere. In order for a gravity wave drag parameterization to respect the momentum constraint and avoid spurious downward influence, any nonzero parameterized momentum flux at a model lid must be deposited within the model domain, and there must be no zonal mean sponge layer. Examples are provided of how violation of these conditions leads to spurious downward influence. For planetary waves, the momentum constraint does not prohibit downward influence, but it limits the mechanisms by which it can occur: in the time mean, downward influence from a radiative perturbation can only arise through changes in reflection and meridional propagation properties of planetary waves.