9 resultados para Albuquerque, New Mexico.
em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK
We are social beings. What we do and don’t do, what we think, the decisions we take are all influenced by those around us. Sometimes we are conscious of those influences, often we are not. Those who influence us are not just our close family and friends, our own social and professional networks, but the wider societies and cultures to which we belong. The goals we espouse, the values we hold, the image we have of ourselves are all molded to a large extent by our interactions and relationships with other people. The social sciences offer a range of concepts and tools for exploring these influences. In this paper, I introduce some of these and illustrate them with recent research I and my colleagues have been doing at the University of Reading among livestock farmers in the UK, with a view to providing insights that can then be used to plan and implement more effective interventions.
The Muleshoe Dunes, an east-west trending dunefield on the border separating Texas and New Mexico, consist of two distinct components: a white (carbonate rich) component and an overlying pink (quartz rich) component. The pink component exhibits significant spatial variation in redness. The reddest sands, in the western part of the dunefield, decrease in redness towards the east. This gradient is thought to result from abrasion of all iron-rich, red clay coating as the sediments were transported eastward by Late Quaternary aeolian processes. The effects of aeolian abrasion on the spectral signature and surface texture of the sediments were examined using laboratory abrasion experiments. Changes in spectral reflectance of abrasion samples from the laboratory were compared to field samples that were abraded naturally because of sediment transport. The changes resulting from increased time of abrasion are similar to those observed with increased distance downwind in the dunefield. These results suggest that downwind abrasion can explain the pattern of dune colour in the Muleshoe Dunes, although this does not preclude other possible causes. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The Muleshoe Dunes, an east-west trending dunefield on the border separating Texas and New Mexico, consist of two distinct components: a white (carbonate rich) component and an overlying pink (quartz rich) component. The pink component exhibits significant spatial variation in redness. The reddest sands, in the western part of the dunefield, decrease in redness towards the east. This gradient is thought to result from abrasion of all iron-rich, red clay coating as the sediments were transported eastward by Late Quaternary aeolian processes. The effects of aeolian abrasion on the spectral signature and surface texture of the sediments were examined using laboratory abrasion experiments. Changes in spectral reflectance of abrasion samples from the laboratory were compared to field samples that were abraded naturally because of sediment transport. The changes resulting from increased time of abrasion are similar to those observed with increased distance downwind in the dunefield. These results suggest that downwind abrasion can explain the pattern of dune colour in the Muleshoe Dunes, although this does not preclude other possible causes. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Once unit-cell dimensions have been determined from a powder diffraction data set and therefore the crystal system is known (e.g. orthorhombic), the method presented by Markvardsen, David, Johnson & Shankland [Acta Cryst. (2001), A57, 47-54] can be used to generate a table ranking the extinction symbols of the given crystal system according to probability. Markvardsen et al. tested a computer program (ExtSym) implementing the method against Pawley refinement outputs generated using the TF12LS program [David, Ibberson & Matthewman (1992). Report RAL-92-032. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, UK]. Here, it is shown that ExtSym can be used successfully with many well known powder diffraction analysis packages, namely DASH [David, Shankland, van de Streek, Pidcock, Motherwell & Cole (2006). J. Appl. Cryst. 39, 910-915], FullProf [Rodriguez-Carvajal (1993). Physica B, 192, 55-69], GSAS [Larson & Von Dreele (1994). Report LAUR 86-748. Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA], PRODD [Wright (2004). Z. Kristallogr. 219, 1-11] and TOPAS [Coelho (2003). Bruker AXS GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany]. In addition, a precise description of the optimal input for ExtSym is given to enable other software packages to interface with ExtSym and to allow the improvement/modification of existing interfacing scripts. ExtSym takes as input the powder data in the form of integrated intensities and error estimates for these intensities. The output returned by ExtSym is demonstrated to be strongly dependent on the accuracy of these error estimates and the reason for this is explained. ExtSym is tested against a wide range of data sets, confirming the algorithm to be very successful at ranking the published extinction symbol as the most likely. (C) 2008 International Union of Crystallography Printed in Singapore - all rights reserved.
This study focuses on the mechanisms underlying water and heat transfer in upper soil layers, and their effects on soil physical prognostic variables and the individual components of the energy balance. The skill of the JULES (Joint UK Land Environment Simulator) land surface model (LSM) to simulate key soil variables, such as soil moisture content and surface temperature, and fluxes such as evaporation, is investigated. The Richards equation for soil water transfer, as used in most LSMs, was updated by incorporating isothermal and thermal water vapour transfer. The model was tested for three sites representative of semi-arid and temperate arid climates: the Jornada site (New Mexico, USA), Griffith site (Australia) and Audubon site (Arizona, USA). Water vapour flux was found to contribute significantly to the water and heat transfer in the upper soil layers. This was mainly due to isothermal vapour diffusion; thermal vapour flux also played a role at the Jornada site just after rainfall events. Inclusion of water vapour flux had an effect on the diurnal evolution of evaporation, soil moisture content and surface temperature. The incorporation of additional processes, such as water vapour flux among others, into LSMs may improve the coupling between the upper soil layers and the atmosphere, which in turn could increase the reliability of weather and climate predictions.
We evaluate the effects of spatial resolution on the ability of a regional climate model to reproduce observed extreme precipitation for a region in the Southwestern United States. A total of 73 National Climate Data Center observational sites spread throughout Arizona and New Mexico are compared with regional climate simulations at the spatial resolutions of 50 km and 10 km for a 31 year period from 1980 to 2010. We analyze mean, 3-hourly and 24-hourly extreme precipitation events using WRF regional model simulations driven by NCEP-2 reanalysis. The mean climatological spatial structure of precipitation in the Southwest is well represented by the 10 km resolution but missing in the coarse (50 km resolution) simulation. However, the fine grid has a larger positive bias in mean summer precipitation than the coarse-resolution grid. The large overestimation in the simulation is in part due to scale-dependent deficiencies in the Kain-Fritsch convective parameterization scheme that generate excessive precipitation and induce a slow eastward propagation of the moist convective summer systems in the high-resolution simulation. Despite this overestimation in the mean, the 10 km simulation captures individual extreme summer precipitation events better than the 50 km simulation. In winter, however, the two simulations appear to perform equally in simulating extremes.
In the first part of this article, we introduced a new urban surface scheme, the Met Office – Reading Urban Surface Exchange Scheme (MORUSES), into the Met Office Unified Model (MetUM) and compared its impact on the surface fluxes with respect to the current urban scheme. In this second part, we aim to analyze further the reasons behind the differences. This analysis is conducted by a comparison of the performance of the two schemes against observations and against a third model, the Single Column Reading Urban model (SCRUM). The key differences between the three models lie in how each model incorporates the heat stored in the urban fabric and how the surface-energy balance is coupled to the underlying substrate. The comparison of the models with observations from Mexico City reveals that the performance of MORUSES is improved if roof insulation is included by minimizing the roof thickness. A comparison of MORUSES and SCRUM reveals that, once insulation is included within MORUSES, these two models perform equally well against the observations overall, but that there are differences in the details of the simulations at the roof and canyon level. These differences are attributed to the different representations of the heat-storage term, specifically differences in the dominant frequencies captured by the urban canopy and substrate, between the models. These results strongly suggest a need for an urban model intercomparison exercise. Copyright © 2010 Royal Meteorological Society and Crown Copyright
The names Opuntia bulbispina, O. clavata, O. emoryi and O. grahamii, originally proposed by George Engelmann between 1848 and 1856, are reviewed and typified after new findings of previously unknown voucher specimens. Original materials collected by some of the collaborators employed by Engelmann during the Mexican Boundary Survey were discovered in a loan from the Torrey Herbarium at the New York Botanical Garden (NY). Many of the materials include fragments of stems and fruits, and others include only sectioned flowers and some seeds. Particularly good descriptions of the species here concerned were published in Engelmann’s “Synopsis of the Cactaceae” in 1857, and exceptional illustrations were produced by Paulus Roetter and printed in “Cactaceae of the Boundary” in 1859. The problems surrounding some previous typifications of these names range from typification of joint lectotypes to illegitimate typifications of illustrations when original material was known to exist. The materials selected for typification were collected by the Mexican Boundary Survey and are lodged at the herbaria of the Missouri Botanical Garden (MO) and the New York Botanical Garden (NY); some are illustrations published by Engelmann.