em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic imaging using a focal plane array detector has been used to study atherosclerotic arteries with a spatial resolution of 3-4 mum, i.e., at a level that is comparable with cellular dimensions. Such high spatial resolution is made possible using a micro-attenuated total reflection (ATR) germanium objective with a high refractive index and therefore high numerical aperture. This micro-ATR approach has enabled small structures within the vessel wall to be imaged for the first time by FTIR. Structures observed include the elastic lamellae of the tunica media and a heterogeneous distribution of small clusters of cholesterol esters within an atherosclerotic lesion, which may correspond to foam cells. A macro-ATR imaging method was also applied, which involves the use of a diamond macro-ATR accessory. This study of atherosclerosis is presented as an illustrative example of the wider potential of these A TR imaging approaches for cardiovascular medicine and biomedical applications. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The solvent-induced transition between self-assembled structures formed by the peptide AAKLVFF is studied via electron microscopy, light scattering, and spectroscopic techniques. The peptide is based on a core fragment of the amyloid beta-peptide, KLVFF, extended by two alanine residues. AAKLVFF exhibits distinct structures of twisted fibrils in water or nanotubes in methanol. For intermediate water/methanol compositions, these structures are disrupted and replaced by wide filamentous tapes that appear to be lateral aggregates of thin protofilaments. The orientation of the beta-strands in the twisted tapes or nanotubes can be deduced from X-ray diffraction on aligned stalks, as well as FT-IR experiments in transmission compared to attenuated total reflection. Strands are aligned perpendicular to the axis of the twisted fibrils or the nanotubes. The results are interpreted in light of recent results on the effect of competitive hydrogen bonding upon self-assembly in soft materials in water/methanol mixtures.
The polymer conformation structure of gluten extracted from a Polish wheat cultivar, Korweta, and gluten subtractions obtained from 2 U.K. breadmaking and biscuit flour cultivars, Hereward and Riband, was investigated using attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). The results showed the conformation of proteins varied between flour, hydrated flour, and hydrated gluten. The beta-sheet structure increased progressively from flour to hydrated flour and to hydrated gluten. In hydrated gluten protein fractions comprising gliadin, soluble glutenin, and gel protein, beta-sheet structure increased progressively from soluble gliadin and glutenin to gluten and gel protein; beta-sheet content was also greater in the gel protein from the breadmaking flour Hereward than the biscuit flour Riband.
Sainfoin is a temperate legume that contains condensed tannins (CT), i.e. polyphenols that are able to bind proteins and thus reduce protein degradation in the rumen. A reduction in protein degradation in the rumen can lead to a subsequent increase in amino acid flow to the small intestine. The effects of CT in the rumen and the intestine differ according to the amount and structure of CT and the nature of the protein molecular structure. The objective of the present study was to investigate the degradability in the rumen of three CT-containing sainfoin varieties and CT-free lucerne in relation to CT content and structure (mean degree of polymerization, proportion of prodelphinidins and cis-flavanol units) and protein structure (amide I and II bands, ratio of amide I-to-amide II, α-helix, β-sheet, ratio of α-helix-to-β-sheet). Protein molecular structures were identified using Fourier transform/infrared-attenuated total reflectance (FT/IR-ATR) spectroscopy. The in situ degradability of three sainfoin varieties (Ambra, Esparcette and Villahoz) was studied in 2008, during the first growth cycle at two harvest dates (P1 and P2, i.e. 5 May and 2 June, respectively) and at one date (P3) during the second growth cycle (2 June) and these were compared with a tannin-free legume, lucerne (Aubigny). Loss of dry matter (DMDeg) and nitrogen (NDeg) in polyester bags suspended in the rumen was measured using rumen-fistulated cows. The NDeg of lucerne compared with sainfoin was 0·80 v. 0·77 at P1, 0·78 v. 0·65 at P2 and 0·79 v. 0·70 at P3, respectively. NDeg was related to the rapidly disappearing fraction (‘a’) fraction (r=0·76), the rate of degradation (‘c’) (r=0·92), to the content (r=−0·81) and structure of CT. However, the relationship between NDeg and the slowly disappearing fraction (‘b’) was weak. There was a significant effect of date and species×date, for NDeg and ‘a’ fraction. The secondary protein structure varied with harvest date (species×date) and was correlated with the fraction ‘b’. Both tannin and protein structures influenced the NDeg degradation. CT content and structure were correlated to the ‘a’ fraction and to the ‘c’. Features of the protein molecular secondary structure were correlated to the ‘b’ fraction.
Fire investigation is a challenging area for the forensic investigator. The aim of this work was to use spectral changes to paint samples to estimate the temperatures to which a paint has been heated. Five paint samples (one clay paint, two car paints, one metallic paint, and one matt emulsion) have been fully characterized by a combination of attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-IR), Raman, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and powder X-ray diffraction. The thermal decomposition of these paints has been investigated by means of ATR-IR and thermal gravimetric analysis. Clear temperature markers are observed in the ATR-IR spectra namely: loss of m(C = O) band, >300°C; appearance of water bands on cooling, >500°C; alterations to m(Si–O) bands due to dehydration of silicate clays, >700°C; diminution of m(CO3) and d(CO3) modes of CaCO3, >950°C. We suggest the possible use of portable ATR-IR for nondestructive, in situ analysis of paints.