16 resultados para AC converter
em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK
A Bond Graph is a graphical modelling technique that allows the representation of energy flow between the components of a system. When used to model power electronic systems, it is necessary to incorporate bond graph elements to represent a switch. In this paper, three different methods of modelling switching devices are compared and contrasted: the Modulated Transformer with a binary modulation ratio (MTF), the ideal switch element, and the Switched Power Junction (SPJ) method. These three methods are used to model a dc-dc Boost converter and then run simulations in MATLAB/SIMULINK. To provide a reference to compare results, the converter is also simulated using PSPICE. Both quantitative and qualitative comparisons are made to determine the suitability of each of the three Bond Graph switch models in specific power electronics applications
This paper presents an in-depth critical discussion and derivation of a detailed small-signal analysis of the Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge (PSFB) converter. Circuit parasitics, resonant inductance and transformer turns ratio have all been taken into account in the evaluation of this topology’s open-loop control-to-output, line-to-output and load-to-output transfer functions. Accordingly, the significant impact of losses and resonant inductance on the converter’s transfer functions is highlighted. The enhanced dynamic model proposed in this paper enables the correct design of the converter compensator, including the effect of parasitics on the dynamic behavior of the PSFB converter. Detailed experimental results for a real-life 36V-to-14V/10A PSFB industrial application show excellent agreement with the predictions from the model proposed herein.1
An improved amplifier for atmospheric fine wire resistance thermometry is described. The amplifier uses a low excitation current (50 mu A). This is shown to ensure negligible self-heating of the low mass fine wire resistance sensor, compared with measured nocturnal surface air temperature fluctuations. The system provides sufficient amplification for a +/- 50 degrees C span using a +/- 5 V dynamic range analog-to-digital converter, with a noise level of less than 0.01 degrees C. A Kelvin four-wire connection cancels the effect of long lead resistances: a 50 m length of screened cable connecting the Reading design of fine wire thermometer to the amplifier produced no measurable temperature change at 12 bit resolution.
This paper describes the design, implementation and characterisation of a contactless power transfer system for rotating applications. The power transfer system is based upon a zero-voltage-switched, full-bridge, DC-DC converter, but utilises a non-standard transformer. This transformer allows power transfer between its primary and secondary windings while also allowing free rotation between these windings. The aim of this research is to develop a solution that could replace mechanical slip-rings in certain applications where a non-contacting system would be advantageous. Based upon the design method presented in this paper, a 2 kW prototype system is constructed. Results obtained from testing the 2 kW prototype are presented and discussed. This discussion considers how the performance of the transformer varies with rotation and also the overall efficiency of the system
AC microsatellites have proved particularly useful as genetic markers. For some purposes, such as in population biology, the inferences drawn depend on the quantitative values of their mutation rates. This, together with intrinsic biological interest, has led to widespread study of microsatellite mutational mechanisms. Now, however, inconsistencies are appearing in the results of marker-based versus non-marker-based studies of mutational mechanisms. The reasons for this have not been investigated, but one possibility, pursued here, is that the differences result from structural differences between markers and genomic microsatellites. Here we report a comparison between the CEPH AC marker microsatellites and the global population of AC microsatellites in the human genome. AC marker microsatellites are longer than the global average. Controlling for length, marker microsatellites contain on average fewer interruptions, and have longer segments, than their genomic counterparts. Related to this, marker microsatellites show a greater tendency to concentrate the majority of their repeats into one segment. These differences plausibly result from scientists selecting markers for their high polymorphism. In addition to the structural differences, there are differences in the base composition of flanking sequences, marker flanking regions being richer in C and G and poorer in A and T. Our results indicate that there are profound differences between marker and genomic microsatellites that almost certainly affect their mutation rates. There is a need for a unified model of mutational mechanisms that accounts for both marker-derived and genomic observations. A suggestion is made as to how this might be done.
Microsatellite lengths change over evolutionary time through a process of replication slippage. A recently proposed model of this process holds that the expansionary tendencies of slippage mutation are balanced by point mutations breaking longer microsatellites into smaller units and that this process gives rise to the observed frequency distributions of uninterrupted microsatellite lengths. We refer to this as the slippage/point-mutation theory. Here we derive the theory's predictions for interrupted microsatellites comprising regions of perfect repeats, labeled segments, separated by dinucleotide interruptions containing point mutations. These predictions are tested by reference to the frequency distributions of segments of AC microsatellite in the human genome, and several predictions are shown not to be supported by the data, as follows. The estimated slippage rates are relatively low for the first four repeats, and then rise initially linearly with length, in accordance with previous work. However, contrary to expectation and the experimental evidence, the inferred slippage rates decline in segments above 10 repeats. Point mutation rates are also found to be higher within microsatellites than elsewhere. The theory provides an excellent fit to the frequency distribution of peripheral segment lengths but fails to explain why internal segments are shorter. Furthermore, there are fewer microsatellites with many segments than predicted. The frequencies of interrupted microsatellites decline geometrically with microsatellite size measured in number of segments, so that for each additional segment, the number of microsatellites is 33.6% less. Overall we conclude that the detailed structure of interrupted microsatellites cannot be reconciled with the existing slippage/point-mutation theory of microsatellite evolution, and we suggest that microsatellites are stabilized by processes acting on interior rather than on peripheral segments.
Boolean input systems are in common used in the electric industry. Power supplies include such systems and the power converter represents these. For instance, in power electronics, the control variable are the switching ON and OFF of components as thyristors or transistors. The purpose of this paper is to use neural network (NN) to control continuous systems with Boolean inputs. This method is based on classification of system variations associated with input configurations. The classical supervised backpropagation algorithm is used to train the networks. The training of the artificial neural network and the control of Boolean input systems are presented. The design procedure of control systems is implemented on a nonlinear system. We apply those results to control an electrical system composed of an induction machine and its power converter.
Many photovoltaic inverter designs make use of a buck based switched mode power supply (SMPS) to produce a rectified sinusoidal waveform. This waveform is then unfolded by a low frequency switching structure to produce a fully sinusoidal waveform. The Cuk SMPS could offer advantages over the buck in such applications. Unfortunately the Cuk converter is considered to be difficult to control using classical methods. Correct closed loop design is essential for stable operation of Cuk converters. Due to these stability issues, Cuk converter based designs often require stiff low bandwidth control loops. In order to achieve this stable closed loop performance, traditional designs invariably need large, unreliable electrolytic capacitors. In this paper, an inverter with a sliding mode control approach is presented which enables the designer to make use of the Cuk converters advantages, while ameliorating control difficulties. This control method allows the selection of passive components based predominantly on ripple and reliability specifications while requiring only one state reference signal. This allows much smaller, more reliable non-electrolytic capacitors to be used. A prototype inverter has been constructed and results obtained which demonstrate the design flexibility of the Cuk topology when coupled with sliding mode control.
The purpose of this paper is to design a control law for continuous systems with Boolean inputs allowing the output to track a desired trajectory. Such systems are controlled by items of commutation. This type of systems, with Boolean inputs, has found increasing use in the electric industry. Power supplies include such systems and a power converter represents one of theses systems. For instance, in power electronics the control variable is the switching OFF and ON of components such as thyristors or transistors. In this paper, a method is proposed for the designing of a control law in state space for such systems. This approach is implemented in simulation for the control of an electronic circuit.
The phase shift full bridge (PSFB) converter allows high efficiency power conversion at high frequencies through zero voltage switching (ZVS); the parasitic drain-to-source capacitance of the MOSFET is discharged by a resonant inductance before the switch is gated resulting in near zero turn-on switching losses. Typically, an extra inductance is added to the leakage inductance of a transformer to form the resonant inductance necessary to charge and discharge the parasitic capacitances of the PSFB converter. However, many PSFB models do not consider the effects of the magnetizing inductance or dead-time in selecting the resonant inductance required to achieve ZVS. The choice of resonant inductance is crucial to the ZVS operation of the PSFB converter. Incorrectly sized resonant inductance will not achieve ZVS or will limit the load regulation ability of the converter. This paper presents a unique and accurate equation for calculating the resonant inductance required to achieve ZVS over a wide load range incorporating the effects of the magnetizing inductance and dead-time. The derived equations are validated against PSPICE simulations of a PSFB converter and extensive hardware experimentations.
Microcontroller-based peak current mode control of a buck converter is investigated. The new solution uses a discrete time controller with digital slope compensation. This is implemented using only a single-chip microcontroller to achieve desirable cycle-by-cycle peak current limiting. The digital controller is implemented as a two-pole, two-zero linear difference equation designed using a continuous time model of the buck converter and a discrete time transform. Subharmonic oscillations are removed with digital slope compensation using a discrete staircase ramp. A 16 W hardware implementation directly compares analog and digital control. Frequency response measurements are taken and it is shown that the crossover frequency and expected phase margin of the digital control system match that of its analog counterpart.
This work proposes a method to objectively determine the most suitable analogue redesign method for forward type converters under digital voltage mode control. Particular emphasis is placed on determining the method which allows the highest phase margin at the particular switching and crossover frequencies chosen by the designer. It is shown that at high crossover frequencies with respect to switching frequency, controllers designed using backward integration have the largest phase margin; whereas at low crossover frequencies with respect to switching frequency, controllers designed using bilinear integration have the largest phase margins. An accurate model of the power stage is used for simulation, and experimental results from a Buck converter are collected. The performance of the digital controllers is compared to that of the equivalent analogue controller both in simulation and experiment. Excellent correlation between the simulation and experimental results is presented. This work will allow designers to confidently choose the analogue redesign method which yields the greater phase margin for their application.
Two aircraft instruments for the measurement of total odd nitrogen (NOy) were compared side by side aboard a Learjet A35 in April 2003 during a campaign of the AFO2000 project SPURT (Spurengastransport in der Tropopausenregion). The instruments albeit employing the same measurement principle (gold converter and chemiluminescence) had different inlet configurations. The ECO-Physics instrument operated by ETH-Zürich in SPURT had the gold converter mounted outside the aircraft, whereas the instrument operated by FZ-Jülich in the European project MOZAIC III (Measurements of ozone, water vapour, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides aboard Airbus A340 in-service aircraft) employed a Rosemount probe with 80 cm of FEP-tubing connecting the inlet to the gold converter. The NOy concentrations during the flight ranged between 0.3 and 3 ppb. The two data sets were compared in a blind fashion and each team followed its normal operating procedures. On average, the measurements agreed within 7%, i.e. within the combined uncertainty of the two instruments. This puts an upper limit on potential losses of HNO3 in the Rosemount inlet of the MOZAIC instrument. Larger transient deviations were observed during periods after calibrations and when the aircraft entered the stratosphere. The time lag of the MOZAIC instrument observed in these instances is in accordance with the time constant of the MOZAIC inlet line determined in the laboratory for HNO3.
This article proposes a systematic approach to determine the most suitable analogue redesign method to be used for forward-type converters under digital voltage mode control. The focus of the method is to achieve the highest phase margin at the particular switching and crossover frequencies chosen by the designer. It is shown that at high crossover frequencies with respect to switching frequency, controllers designed using backward integration have the largest phase margin; whereas at low crossover frequencies with respect to switching frequency, controllers designed using bilinear integration with pre-warping have the largest phase margins. An algorithm has been developed to determine the frequency of the crossing point where the recommended discretisation method changes. An accurate model of the power stage is used for simulation and experimental results from a Buck converter are collected. The performance of the digital controllers is compared to that of the equivalent analogue controller both in simulation and experiment. Excellent closeness between the simulation and experimental results is presented. This work provides a concrete example to allow academics and engineers to systematically choose a discretisation method.