22 resultados para 670704 Plastics in primary forms

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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Background Primary bacterial endosymbionts of insects (p-endosymbionts) are thought to be undergoing the process of Muller's ratchet where they accrue slightly deleterious mutations due to genetic drift in small populations with negligible recombination rates. If this process were to go unchecked over time, theory predicts mutational meltdown and eventual extinction. Although genome degradation is common among p-endosymbionts, we do not observe widespread p-endosymbiont extinction, suggesting that Muller's ratchet may be slowed or even stopped over time. For example, selection may act to slow the effects of Muller's ratchet by removing slightly deleterious mutations before they go to fixation thereby causing a decrease in nucleotide substitutions rates in older p-endosymbiont lineages. Methodology/Principal Findings To determine whether selection is slowing the effects of Muller's ratchet, we determined the age of the Candidatus Riesia/sucking louse assemblage and analyzed the nucleotide substitution rates of several p-endosymbiont lineages that differ in the length of time that they have been associated with their insect hosts. We find that Riesia is the youngest p-endosymbiont known to date, and has been associated with its louse hosts for only 13–25 My. Further, it is the fastest evolving p-endosymbiont with substitution rates of 19–34% per 50 My. When comparing Riesia to other insect p-endosymbionts, we find that nucleotide substitution rates decrease dramatically as the age of endosymbiosis increases. Conclusions/Significance A decrease in nucleotide substitution rates over time suggests that selection may be limiting the effects of Muller's ratchet by removing individuals with the highest mutational loads and decreasing the rate at which new mutations become fixed. This countering effect of selection could slow the overall rate of endosymbiont extinction.


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We reported recently that bovine theca interna cells in primary culture express several type-I and type-II receptors for bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). The same cells express at least two potential ligands for these receptors (BMP-4 and - 7), whereas bovine granulosa cells and oocytes express BMP-6. Therefore, BMPs of intrafollicular origin may exert autocrine/paracrine actions to modulate theca cell function. Here we report that BMP-4, - 6, and - 7 potently suppress both basal ( P < 0.0001; respective IC50 values, 0.78, 0.30, and 1.50 ng/ml) and LH-induced ( P < 0.0001; respective IC50 values, 5.00, 0.55, and 4.55 ng/ml) androgen production by bovine theca cells while having only a moderate effect on progesterone production and cell number. Semiquantitative RT-PCR showed that all three BMPs markedly reduced steady-state levels of mRNA for P450c17. Levels of mRNA encoding steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, P450scc, and 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase were also reduced but to a much lesser extent. Immunocytochemistry confirmed a marked reduction in cellular content of P450c17 protein after BMP treatment ( P < 0.001). Exposure to BMPs led to cellular accumulation of phosphorylated Smad1, but not Smad2, confirming that the receptors signal via a Smad1 pathway. The specificity of the BMP response was further explored by coincubating cells with BMPs and several potential BMP antagonists, chordin, gremlin, and follistatin. Gremlin and chordin were found to be effective antagonists of BMP-4 and - 7, respectively, and the observation that both antagonists enhanced ( P < 0.01) androgen production in the absence of exogenous BMP suggests an autocrine/paracrine role for theca-derived BMP- 4 and - 7 in modulating androgen production. Collectively, these data indicate that an intrafollicular BMP signaling pathway contributes to the negative regulation of thecal androgen production and that ovarian hyperandrogenic dysfunction could be a result of a defective autoregulatory pathway involving thecal BMP signaling.


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Oxidative modification of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) plays an important role in the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis. It has been proposed that the biological action of oxidized LDL (ox-LDL) may be partially attributed to its effect on a shift of the pattern of gene expression in endothelial cells. To examine the transcriptional response to ox-LDL, we applied cDNA array technology to cultured primary human endothelial cells challenged with oxidized human LDL. A twofold or greater difference in the expression of a particular gene was considered a significant difference in transcript abundance. Seventy-eight of the 588 genes analyzed were differentially expressed in response to the treatment. Ox-LDL significantly affected the expression of genes encoding for transcription factors, cell receptors, growth factors, adhesion molecules, extracellular matrix proteins, and enzymes involved in cholesterol metabolism. The alteration of the expression pattern of several genes was substantiated post hoc using RT-PCR. The experimental strategy identified several novel ox-LDL-sensitive genes associated with a "response to injury" providing a conceptual background to be utilized for future studies addressing the molecular basis of the early stages of atherogenesis.


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Glutamate excitotoxicity is implicated in the aetiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) with impairment of glutamate transport into astrocytes a possible cause of glutamate-induced injury to motor neurons. It is possible that mutations of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1), responsible for about 20% of familial ALS, down-regulates glutamate transporters via oxidative stress. We transfected primary mouse astrocytes to investigate the effect of the FALS-linked mutant hSOD1(G93A) and wild-type SOD1 (hSOD1(wt)) on the glutamate uptake system. Using western blotting, immunocytochemistry and RT-PCR it was shown that expression of either hSOD1(G93A) or hSOD1(wt) in astrocytes produced down-regulation of the levels of a glutamate transporter GLT-1, without alterations in its mRNA level. hSOD1(G93A) or hSOD1(wt) expression caused a decrease of the monomeric form of GLT-1 without increasing oxidative multimers of GLT-1. The effects were selective to GLT-1, since another glutamate transporter GLAST protein and mRNA levels were not altered. Reflecting the decrease in GLT-1 protein, [H-3]D-aspartate uptake was reduced in cultures expressing hSOD1(G93A) or hSOD1(wt). The hSOD1-induced decline in GLT-1 protein and [H-3]D-aspartate uptake was not blocked by the antioxidant Trolox nor potentiated by antioxidant depletion using catalase and glutathione peroxidase inhibitors. Measurement of 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein (DCF)-induced fluorescence revealed that expression of hSOD1(G93A) or hSOD1(wt) in astrocytes does not lead to detectable increase of intracellular reactive oxygen species. This study suggests that levels of GLT-1 protein in astrocytes are reduced rapidly by overexpression of hSOD1, and is due to a property shared between the wild-type and G93A mutant form, but does not involve the production of intracellular oxidative stress.


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Background Epidemiological studies suggest that soy consumption contributes to the prevention of coronary heart disease. The proposed anti-atherogenic effects of soy appear to be carried by the soy isoflavones with genistein as the most abundant compound. Aim of the study To identify proteins or pathways by which genistein might exert its protective activities on atherosclerosis, we analyzed the proteomic response of primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells ( HUVEC) that were exposed to the pro-atherosclerotic stressors homocysteine or oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL). Methods HUVEC were incubated with physiological concentrations of homocysteine or ox-LDL in the absence and presence of genistein at concentrations that can be reached in human plasma by a diet rich in soy products (2.5 muM) or by pharmacological intervention ( 25 muM). Proteins from HUVEC were separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and those that showed altered expression level upon genistein treatment were identified by peptide mass fingerprints derived from tryptic digests of the protein spots. Results Several proteins were found to be differentially affected by genistein. The most interesting proteins that were potently decreased by homocysteine treatment were annexin V and lamin A. Annexin V is an antithrombotic molecule and mutations in nuclear lamin A have been found to result in perturbations of plasma lipids associated with hypertension. Genistein at low and high concentrations reversed the stressor-induced decrease of these anti-atherogenic proteins. Ox-LDL treatment of HUVEC resulted in an increase in ubiquitin conjugating enzyme 12, a protein involved in foam cell formation. Treatment with genistein at both doses reversed this effect. Conclusions Proteome analysis allows the identification of potential interactions of dietary components in the molecular process of atherosclerosis and consequently provides a powerful tool to define biomarkers of response.


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Background: Several lines of evidence suggest that the dietary isoflavone genistein (Gen) has beneficial effects with regard to cardiovascular disease and in particular on aspects related to blood pressure and angiogenesis. The biological action of Gen may be, at Least in part, attributed to its ability to affect cell signalling and response. However, so far, most of the molecular mechanisms underlying the activity of Gen in the endothelium are unknown. Methods and results: To examine the transcriptional response to 2.5 mu M Gen on primary human endothelial cells (HUVEC), we applied cDNA array technology both under baseline condition and after treatment with the pro-atherogenic stimulus, copper-oxidized LDL. The alteration of the expression patterns of individual transcripts was substantiated using either RT-PCR or Northern blotting. Gen significantly affected the expression of genes encoding for proteins centrally involved in the vascular tone such as endothelin-converting enzyme-1, endothetin-2, estrogen related receptor a and atria[ natriuretic peptide receptor A precursor. Furthermore, Gen countered the effect of oxLDL on mRNA levels encoding for vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 165, types 1 and 2. Conclusions: Our data indicate that physiologically achievable levels of Gen change the expression of mRNA encoding for proteins involved in the control of blood pressure under baseline conditions and reduce the angiogenic response to oxLDL in the endothelium. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: This study was carried out as part of a European Union funded project (PharmDIS-e+), to develop and evaluate software aimed at assisting physicians with drug dosing. A drug that causes particular problems with drug dosing in primary care is digoxin because of its narrow therapeutic range and low therapeutic index. Objectives: To determine (i) accuracy of the PharmDIS-e+ software for predicting serum digoxin levels in patients who are taking this drug regularly; (ii) whether there are statistically significant differences between predicted digoxin levels and those measured by a laboratory and (iii) whether there are differences between doses prescribed by general practitioners and those suggested by the program. Methods: We needed 45 patients to have 95% Power to reject the null hypothesis that the mean serum digoxin concentration was within 10% of the mean predicted digoxin concentration. Patients were recruited from two general practices and had been taking digoxin for at least 4 months. Exclusion criteria were dementia, low adherence to digoxin and use of other medications known to interact to a clinically important extent with digoxin. Results: Forty-five patients were recruited. There was a correlation of 0·65 between measured and predicted digoxin concentrations (P < 0·001). The mean difference was 0·12 μg/L (SD 0·26; 95% CI 0·04, 0·19, P = 0·005). Forty-seven per cent of the patients were prescribed the same dose as recommended by the software, 44% were prescribed a higher dose and 9% a lower dose than recommended. Conclusion: PharmDIS-e+ software was able to predict serum digoxin levels with acceptable accuracy in most patients.


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This study has explored the underlying causes of preventable drug-related admissions to hospital, from primary care through semi-structured interviews and review of patients’ medical records. Analysis of the data has revealed that communication failures between different groups of healthcare professionals and between healthcare professionals and patients contribute to preventable drug-related admissions, as do knowledge gaps about medication in both healthcare professionals and patients. In addition, working conditions for community pharmacists severely limit their ability to effectively act as a safety barrier to patients receiving inappropriate medication. Limitations include heavy workloads, lack of access to patients’ clinical information, poor relationships with general practitioners and time restrictions. The results of this study represent an important addition to our understanding of the contribution of human error as an underlying cause of preventable drug-related morbidity, and the factors which contribute to errors occurring in the primary healthcare setting.


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Objective. To examine the association between worry and problem-solving skills and beliefs (confidence and perceived control) in primary school children. Method. Children (8–11 years) were screened using the Penn State Worry Questionnaire for Children. High (N ¼ 27) and low (N ¼ 30) scorers completed measures of anxiety, problem-solving skills (generating alternative solutions to problems, planfulness, and effectiveness of solutions) and problem-solving beliefs(confidence and perceived control). Results. High and low worry groups differed significantly on measures of anxiety and problem-solving beliefs (confidence and control) but not on problem-solving skills. Conclusions. Consistent with findings with adults, worry in children was associated with cognitive distortions, not skills deficits. Interventions for worried children may benefit froma focus on increasing positive problem-solving beliefs.


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Anxiety disorders in childhood are common, disabling and run a chronic course. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) effective but is expensive and trained therapists are scarce. Guided self-help treatments may be a means of widening access to treatment. This study aimed to examine the feasibility of guided CBT self-help for childhood anxiety disorders in Primary Care, specifically in terms of therapist adherence, patient and therapist satisfaction and clinical gain. Participants were children aged 5-12 years referred to two Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (PCAMHSs) in Oxfordshire, UK, who met diagnostic criteria for a primary anxiety disorder. Of the 52 eligible children, 41 anxious children were assessed for anxiety severity and interference before and after receiving CBT self-help, delivered via the parent (total therapy time= 5 hours) by Primary Mental Health Workers (PMHWs). Therapy sessions were rated for treatment adherence and patients and PMHWs completed satisfaction questionnaires after treatment completion. Over 80% of therapy sessions were rated at a high level of treatment adherence. Parents and PMHWs reported high satisfaction with the treatment. 61% of the children assessed no longer met criteria for their primary anxiety disorder diagnosis following treatment, and 76% were rated as ‘much’/’very much’ improved on the Clinician’s Global Impression-Improvement scale. There were significant reductions on parent and child report measures of anxiety symptoms, interference, and depression. Preliminary exploration indicated that parental anxiety was associated with child treatment outcome. The findings suggest that guided CBT self-help represents a promising treatment for childhood anxiety in primary care.


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This study aims to: 1) assess the proportion of General Practioners (GPs) who are aware of or who have read the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE; 2005a) guidelines for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), 2) compare this with the proportion of other mental health disorders found by previous research and 3) establish the prevalence of OCD in primary care. Questionnaires were sent to all GPs (n = 795) and practice managers (n = 157) in Berkshire and Buckinghamshire, South East England. These contained 19 questions and took 5 min to complete. After the first set of responses, larger practices were visited and telephoned to encourage further responses. The response rates were 10.1% from GPs and 19.1% from practice managers. In all, 48.7% of the GPs were aware of the NICE guidelines for OCD and 30.3% reported that they had read them – higher than for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, but lower than for depression. Of registered patients, 0.2% were diagnosed with OCD, lower than the 1.1% found in epidemiological studies.