19 resultados para 5G Massive MIMO SCMA F-OFDM C-RAN MATLAB IOT Small Cells mmWave Beam-Forming

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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In civil applications, many researches on MIMO technique have achieved great progress. However, we consider military applications here. Differing from civil applications, military MIMO system may face many kinds of interferences, and the interference source may even not be equipped with multiple antennas. So the military MIMO system may receive some kind of strong interference coming from certain direction. Therefore, the military MIMO system must have capability to suppress directional interference. This paper presents a scheme to suppress directional interference for STBC MIMO system based on beam-forming. Simulation result shows that the scheme is valid to suppress directional strong interference for STBC MIMO system although with some performance loss compared with the ideal case of non-interference.


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A detached leaf bioassay was used to determine the influence of several film forming polymers and a conventional triazole fungicide on apple scab (Venturia inaequalis (Cooke) G. Wint.) development under laboratory in vitro conditions, supported by two field trials using established apple cv. Golden Delicious to further assess the efficacy of foliar applied film forming polymers as scab protectant compounds. All film forming polymers used in this investigation (Bond, Designer, Nu-Film P, Spray Gard, Moisturin, Companion PCT12) inhibited germination of conidia, subsequent formation of appressoria and reduced leaf scab severity using a detached leaf bioassay. Regardless of treatment, there were no obvious trends in the percentage of conidia with one to four appressoria 5 days after inoculation. The synthetic fungicide penconazole resulted in the greatest levels of germination inhibition, appressorium development and least leaf scab severity. Under field conditions, scab severity on leaves and fruit of apple cv. Golden Delicious treated with a film forming polymer (Bond, Spray Gard, Moisturin) was less than on untreated controls. However, greatest protection in both field trials was provided by the synthetic fungicide penconazole. Higher chlorophyll fluorescence Fv/Fm emissions in polymer and penconazole treated trees indicated less damage to the leaf photosynthetic system as a result of fungal invasion. In addition, higher SPAD values as measures of leaf chlorophyll content were recorded in polymer and penconazole treated trees. Application of a film forming polymer or penconazole resulted in a higher apple yield per tree at harvest in both the 2005 and 2006 field trials compared to untreated controls. Results suggest application of an appropriate film forming polymer may provide a useful addition to existing methods of apple scab management. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Developmental and biophysical leaf characteristics that influence post-harvest shelf life in lettuce, an important leafy crop, have been examined. The traits were studied using 60 informative F-9 recombinant inbed lines (RILs) derived from a cross between cultivated lettuce (Lactuca sativa cv. Salinas) and wild lettuce (L. serriola acc. UC96US23). Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for shelf life co-located most closely with those for leaf biophysical properties such as plasticity, elasticity, and breakstrength, suggesting that these are appropriate targets for molecular breeding for improved shelf life. Significant correlations were found between shelf life and leaf size, leaf weight, leaf chlorophyll content, leaf stomatal index, and epidermal cell number per leaf, indicating that these pre-harvest leaf development traits confer post-harvest properties. By studying the population in two contrasting environments in northern and southern Europe, the genotype by environment interaction effects of the QTLs relevant to leaf development and shelf life were assessed. In total, 107 QTLs, distributed on all nine linkage groups, were detected from the 29 traits. Only five QTLs were common in both environments. Several areas where many QTLs co-located (hotspots) on the genome were identified, with relatively little overlap between developmental hotspots and those relating to shelf life. However, QTLs for leaf biophysical properties (breakstrength, plasticity, and elasticity) and cell area correlated well with shelf life, confirming that the ideal ideotype lettuce should have small cells with strong cell walls. The identification of QTLs for leaf development, strength, and longevity will lead to a better understanding of processability at a genetic and cellular level, and allow the improvement of salad leaf quality through marker-assisted breeding.


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Aims: To study the development of resistance responses in Campylobacter jejuni to High Hydrostatic Pressure (HHP) treatments after the exposure to different stressful conditions that may be encountered in food processing environments, such as acid pH, elevated temperatures and cold storage. Methods and Results: C. jejuni cells in exponential and stationary growth phase were exposed to different sublethal stresses (acid, heat and cold shocks) prior to evaluate the development of resistance responses to HHP. For exponential-phase cells, neither of the conditions tested increased nor decreased HHP resistance of C. jejuni. For stationary-phase cells, acid and heat adaptation sensitized C. jejuni cells to the subsequent pressure treatment. On the contrary, cold-adapted stationary-phase cells developed resistance to HHP. Conclusions: Whereas C. jejuni can be classified as a stress sensitive microorganism, our findings have demonstrated that it can develop resistance responses under different stressing conditions. The resistance of stationary phase C. jejuni to HHP was increased after cells were exposed to cold temperatures. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results of this study contribute to a better knowledge of the physiology of C. jejuni and its survival to food preservation agents. Results here presented may help in the design of combined processes for food preservation based on HHP technology.


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Experimentally and theoretically determined infrared spectra are reported for a series of straight-chain perfluorocarbons: C2F6, C3F8, C4F10, C5F12, C6F14, and C8F18. Theoretical spectra were determined using both density functional (DFT) and ab initio methods. Radiative efficiencies (REs) were determined using the method of Pinnock et al. (1995) and combined with atmospheric lifetimes from the literature to determine global warming potentials (GWPs). Theoretically determined absorption cross sections were within 10% of experimentally determined values. Despite being much less computationally expensive, DFT calculations were generally found to perform better than ab initio methods. There is a strong wavenumber dependence of radiative forcing in the region of the fundamental C-F vibration, and small differences in wavelength between band positions determined by theory and experiment have a significant impact on the REs. We apply an empirical correction to the theoretical spectra and then test this correction on a number of branched chain and cyclic perfluoroalkanes. We then compute absorption cross sections, REs, and GWPs for an additional set of perfluoroalkenes.


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A wealth of recent studies has highlighted the diverse and important influences of carbon monoxide (CO) on cellular signaling pathways. Such studies have implicated CO, and the enzymes from which it is derived (heme oxygenases) as potential therapeutic targets, particularly (although not exclusively) in inflammation, immunity and cardiovascular disease.1 In a recent study,2 we demonstrated that CO inhibited cardiac L-type Ca(2+) channels. This effect arose due to the ability of CO to bind to mitochondria (presumably at complex IV of the electron transport chain) and so cause electron leak, which resulted in increased production of reactive oxygen species. These modulated the channel's activity through interactions with three cysteine residues in the cytosolic C-terminus of the channel's major, pore-forming subunit. Our study provided a potential mechanism for the cardioprotective effects of CO and also highlighted ion channels as a major potential target group for this gasotransmitter.


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With many operational centers moving toward order 1-km-gridlength models for routine weather forecasting, this paper presents a systematic investigation of the properties of high-resolution versions of the Met Office Unified Model for short-range forecasting of convective rainfall events. The authors describe a suite of configurations of the Met Office Unified Model running with grid lengths of 12, 4, and 1 km and analyze results from these models for a number of convective cases from the summers of 2003, 2004, and 2005. The analysis includes subjective evaluation of the rainfall fields and comparisons of rainfall amounts, initiation, cell statistics, and a scale-selective verification technique. It is shown that the 4- and 1-km-gridlength models often give more realistic-looking precipitation fields because convection is represented explicitly rather than parameterized. However, the 4-km model representation suffers from large convective cells and delayed initiation because the grid length is too long to correctly reproduce the convection explicitly. These problems are not as evident in the 1-km model, although it does suffer from too numerous small cells in some situations. Both the 4- and 1-km models suffer from poor representation at the start of the forecast in the period when the high-resolution detail is spinning up from the lower-resolution (12 km) starting data used. A scale-selective precipitation verification technique implies that for later times in the forecasts (after the spinup period) the 1-km model performs better than the 12- and 4-km models for lower rainfall thresholds. For higher thresholds the 4-km model scores almost as well as the 1-km model, and both do better than the 12-km model.


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Neural stem cells (NSCs) are early precursors of neuronal and glial cells. NSCs are capable of generating identical progeny through virtually unlimited numbers of cell divisions (cell proliferation), producing daughter cells committed to differentiation. Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB) is an inducible, ubiquitous transcription factor also expressed in neurones, glia and neural stem cells. Recently, several pieces of evidence have been provided for a central role of NF-kappaB in NSC proliferation control. Here, we propose a novel mathematical model for NF-kappaB-driven proliferation of NSCs. We have been able to reconstruct the molecular pathway of activation and inactivation of NF-kappaB and its influence on cell proliferation by a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Then we use a combination of analytical and numerical techniques to study the model dynamics. The results obtained are illustrated by computer simulations and are, in general, in accordance with biological findings reported by several independent laboratories. The model is able to both explain and predict experimental data. Understanding of proliferation mechanisms in NSCs may provide a novel outlook in both potential use in therapeutic approaches, and basic research as well.


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1. Soil carbon (C) storage is a key ecosystem service. Soil C stocks play a vital role in soil fertility and climate regulation, but the factors that control these stocks at regional and national scales are unknown, particularly when their composition and stability are considered. As a result, their mapping relies on either unreliable proxy measures or laborious direct measurements. 2. Using data from an extensive national survey of English grasslands we show that surface soil (0-7cm) C stocks in size fractions of varying stability can be predicted at both regional and national scales from plant traits and simple measures of soil and climatic conditions. 3. Soil C stocks in the largest pool, of intermediate particle size (50-250 µm), were best explained by mean annual temperature (MAT), soil pH and soil moisture content. The second largest C pool, highly stable physically and biochemically protected particles (0.45-50 µm), was explained by soil pH and the community abundance weighted mean (CWM) leaf nitrogen (N) content, with the highest soil C stocks under N rich vegetation. The C stock in the small active fraction (250-4000 µm) was explained by a wide range of variables: MAT, mean annual precipitation, mean growing season length, soil pH and CWM specific leaf area; stocks were higher under vegetation with thick and/or dense leaves. 4. Testing the models describing these fractions against data from an independent English region indicated moderately strong correlation between predicted and actual values and no systematic bias, with the exception of the active fraction, for which predictions were inaccurate. 5. Synthesis and Applications: Validation indicates that readily available climate, soils and plant survey data can be effective in making local- to landscape-scale (1-100,000 km2) soil C stock predictions. Such predictions are a crucial component of effective management strategies to protect C stocks and enhance soil C sequestration.


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The urban boundary layer, above the canopy, is still poorly understood. One of the challenges is obtaining data by sampling more than a few meters above the rooftops, given the spatial and temporal inhomogeneities in both horizontal and vertical. Sodars are generally useful tools for ground-based remote sensing of winds and turbulence, but rely on horizontal homogeneity (as do lidars) in building up 3-component wind vectors from sampling three or more spatially separated volumes. The time taken for sound to travel to a typical range of 200 m and back is also a limitation. A sodar of radically different design is investigated, aimed at addressing these problems. It has a single vertical transmitted sound pulse. Doppler shifted signals are received from a number of volumes around the periphery of the transmitted beam with microphones which each having tight angular sensitivity at zenith angles slightly off-vertical. The spatial spread of sampled volumes is therefore smaller. By having more receiver microphones than a conventional sodar, the effect of smaller zenith angle is offset. More rapid profiling is also possible with a single vertical transmitted beam, instead of the usual multiple beams.A prototype design is described, together with initial field measurements. It is found that the beam forming using a single dish antenna and the drift of the sound pulse downwind both give rise to reduced performance compared with expectations. It is concluded that, while the new sodar works in principle, the compromises arising in the design mean that the expected advantages have not been realized


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Small-scale anaerobic digester installation has been a development objective of the Indian government to provide rural households clean fuel. Anaerobic digester installation is heavily subsidised. Depending on caste, the rate of subsidy offered for the smallest system available (1m3) varies between 32.35% and 41.18% of the total installation price. Yet, there are gaps in knowledge regarding the usefulness of such subsidies from a sustainability perspective. A cost-benefit analysis was conducted to evaluate the circumstances required for digester sustainability. The analysis used household data collected from 115 cattle owning households in Odisha, India to evaluate profitability at three levels of subsidy (none, General caste subsidy, and Schedule Caste/Schedule Tribe subsidy). Additional analyses considered the effect of; taking a loan, replacing electric lighting with biogas lighting, and the wealth level of the household. The results indicated that access to subsidy improved profitability. Yet, profitability could be achieved without the use of subsidy. The level of benefit accrued by households was similar independent of wealth. However, the provision of subsidy was essential for ensuring profitability for those households required to take a loan to meet the expense of installation. Such findings highlight the importance of subsidy as a means of including the poor.


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This paper proposes a new iterative algorithm for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) joint data detection and phase noise (PHN) cancellation based on minimum mean square prediction error. We particularly highlight the relatively less studied problem of "overfitting" such that the iterative approach may converge to a trivial solution. Specifically, we apply a hard-decision procedure at every iterative step to overcome the overfitting. Moreover, compared with existing algorithms, a more accurate Pade approximation is used to represent the PHN, and finally a more robust and compact fast process based on Givens rotation is proposed to reduce the complexity to a practical level. Numerical Simulations are also given to verify the proposed algorithm. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This correspondence proposes a new algorithm for the OFDM joint data detection and phase noise (PHN) cancellation for constant modulus modulations. We highlight that it is important to address the overfitting problem since this is a major detrimental factor impairing the joint detection process. In order to attack the overfitting problem we propose an iterative approach based on minimum mean square prediction error (MMSPE) subject to the constraint that the estimated data symbols have constant power. The proposed constrained MMSPE algorithm (C-MMSPE) significantly improves the performance of existing approaches with little extra complexity being imposed. Simulation results are also given to verify the proposed algorithm.


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An input variable selection procedure is introduced for the identification and construction of multi-input multi-output (MIMO) neurofuzzy operating point dependent models. The algorithm is an extension of a forward modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonal least squares procedure for a linear model structure which is modified to accommodate nonlinear system modeling by incorporating piecewise locally linear model fitting. The proposed input nodes selection procedure effectively tackles the problem of the curse of dimensionality associated with lattice-based modeling algorithms such as radial basis function neurofuzzy networks, enabling the resulting neurofuzzy operating point dependent model to be widely applied in control and estimation. Some numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed construction algorithm.