50 resultados para [day] [water layer with no specific feature]

em CentAUR: Central Archive University of Reading - UK


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A morphological instability of a mushy layer due to a forced flow in the melt is analysed. The instability is caused by flow induced in the mushy layer by Bernoulli suction at the crests of a sinusoidally perturbed mush–melt interface. The flow in the mushy layer advects heat away from crests which promotes solidification. Two linear stability analyses are presented: the fundamental mechanism for instability is elucidated by considering the case of uniform flow of an inviscid melt; a more complete analysis is then presented for the case of a parallel shear flow of a viscous melt. The novel instability mechanism we analyse here is contrasted with that investigated by Gilpin et al. (1980) and is found to be more potent for the case of newly forming sea ice.


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This paper examines the role of the Arctic Ocean Atlantic water (AW) in modifying the Laptev Sea shelf bottom hydrography on the basis of historical records from 1932 to 2008, field observations carried out in April–May 2008, and 2002–2009 crossslope measurements. A climatology of bottom hydrography demonstrates warming that extends offshore from the 30–50 m depth contour. Bottom layer temperaturetime series constructed from historical records links the Laptev Sea outer shelf to the AW boundary current transporting warm and saline water from the North Atlantic. The AW warming of the mid‐1990s and the mid‐2000s is consistent with outer shelf bottom temperature variability. For April–May 2008 we observed on‐shelf near‐bottom warm and saline water intrusions up to the 20 m isobath. These intrusions are typically about 0.2°C warmer and 1–1.5 practical salinity units saltier than ambient water. The 2002–2009 crossslope observations are suggestive for the continental slope upward heat flux from the AW to the overlying lowhalocline water (LHW). The lateral on‐shelf winddriven transport of the LHW then results in the bottom layer thermohaline anomalies recorded over the Laptev Sea shelf. We also found that polynyainduced vertical mixing may act as a drainage of the bottom layer, permitting a relatively small portion of the AW heat to be directly released to the atmosphere. Finally, we see no significant warming (up until now) over the Laptev Sea shelf deeper than 10–15 m in the historical record. Future climate change, however, may bring more intrusions of Atlantic‐modified waters with potentially warmer temperature onto the shelf, which could have a critical impact on the stability of offshore submarine permafrost.


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The Kelvin Helmholtz (KH) problem, with zero stratification, is examined as a limiting case of the Rayleigh model of a single shear layer whose width tends to zero. The transition of the Rayleigh modal dispersion relation to the KH one, as well as the disappearance of the supermodal transient growth in the KH limit, are both rationalized from the counterpropagating Rossby wave perspective.


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A numerical scheme is presented tor the solution of the shallow water equations in a single radial coordinate. This can prove useful when testing codes for the two-dimensional shallow water equations. The scheme is applied with success to problems involving converging and diverging bores.


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An efficient algorithm based on flux difference splitting is presented for the solution of the two-dimensional shallow water equations in a generalised coordinate system. The scheme is based on solving linearised Riemann problems approximately and in more than one dimension incorporates operator splitting. The scheme has good jump capturing properties and the advantage of using body-fitted meshes. Numerical results are shown for flow past a circular obstruction.


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We prove that for a large class of vorticity functions the crests of any corresponding traveling gravity water wave of finite depth are necessarily points of maximal horizontal velocity. We also show that for waves with nonpositive vorticity the pressure everywhere in the fluid is larger than the atmospheric pressure. A related a priori estimate for waves with nonnegative vorticity is also given.


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This paper studies periodic traveling gravity waves at the free surface of water in a flow of constant vorticity over a flat bed. Using conformal mappings the free-boundary problem is transformed into a quasilinear pseudodifferential equation for a periodic function of one variable. The new formulation leads to a regularity result and, by use of bifurcation theory, to the existence of waves of small amplitude even in the presence of stagnation points in the flow.


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We report results from experimental water markets in which owners of two different sources of water supply water to households and farmers. The final water quality consumed by each type of consumer is determined through mixing of qualities from two different resources. We compare the standard duopolistic market structure with an alternative market clearing mechanism inspired by games with confirmed strategies (which have been shown to yield collusive outcomes). As in the static case, complex dynamic markets operating under a confirmed proposals protocol yield less efficient outcomes because coordination among independent suppliers has the usual effects of restricting output and increasing prices to the users. Our results suggest that, when market mechanisms are used to allocate water to its users, the rule of thumb used by competition authorities can also serve as a guide towards water market regulation.


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An urban energy and water balance model is presented which uses a small number of commonly measured meteorological variables and information about the surface cover. Rates of evaporation-interception for a single layer with multiple surface types (paved, buildings, coniferous trees and/or shrubs, deciduous trees and/or shrubs, irrigated grass, non-irrigated grass and water) are calculated. Below each surface type, except water, there is a single soil layer. At each time step the moisture state of each surface is calculated. Horizontal water movements at the surface and in the soil are incorporated. Particular attention is given to the surface conductance used to model evaporation and its parameters. The model is tested against direct flux measurements carried out over a number of years in Vancouver, Canada and Los Angeles, USA. At all measurement sites the model is able to simulate the net all-wave radiation and turbulent sensible and latent heat well (RMSE = 25–47 W m−2, 30–64 and 20–56 W m−2, respectively). The model reproduces the diurnal cycle of the turbulent fluxes but typically underestimates latent heat flux and overestimates sensible heat flux in the day time. The model tracks measured surface wetness and simulates the variations in soil moisture content. It is able to respond correctly to short-term events as well as annual changes. The largest uncertainty relates to the determination of surface conductance. The model has the potential be used for multiple applications; for example, to predict effects of regulation on urban water use, landscaping and planning scenarios, or to assess climate mitigation strategies.


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High spatial resolution vertical profiles of pore-water chemistry have been obtained for a peatland using diffusive equilibrium in thin films (DET) gel probes. Comparison of DET pore-water data with more traditional depth-specific sampling shows good agreement and the DET profiling method is less invasive and less likely to induce mixing of pore-waters. Chloride mass balances as water tables fell in the early summer indicate that evaporative concentration dominates and there is negligible lateral flow in the peat. Lack of lateral flow allows element budgets for the same site at different times to be compared. The high spatial resolution of sampling also enables gradients to be observed that permit calculations of vertical fluxes. Sulfate concentrations fall at two sites with net rates of 1.5 and 5.0nmol cm− 3 day− 1, likely due to a dominance of bacterial sulfate reduction, while a third site showed a net gain in sulfate due to oxidation of sulfur over the study period at an average rate of 3.4nmol cm− 3 day− 1. Behaviour of iron is closely coupled to that of sulfur; there is net removal of iron at the two sites where sulfate reduction dominates and addition of iron where oxidation dominates. The profiles demonstrate that, in addition to strong vertical redox related chemical changes, there is significant spatial heterogeneity. Whilst overall there is evidence for net reduction of sulfate within the peatland pore-waters, this can be reversed, at least temporarily, during periods of drought when sulfide oxidation with resulting acid production predominates.


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We present helium scattering measurements of a water ad-layer grown on a O(2 1)/Ru(0001) surface. The adsorbed water layer results in a well ordered helium diffraction pattern with systematic extinctions of diffraction spots due to glide line symmetries. The data reflects a well-defined surface structure that maintains proton order even at surprisingly high temperatures of 140 K. The diffraction data we measure is consistent with a structure recently derived from STM measurements performed at 6 K. Comparison with recent DFT calculation is in partial agreement, suggesting that these calculations might be underestimating the contribution of relative water molecule orientations to the binding energy.


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A solution of the lidar equation is discussed, that permits combining backscatter and depolarization measurements to quantitatively distinguish two different aerosol types with different depolarization properties. The method has been successfully applied to simultaneous observations of volcanic ash and boundary layer aerosol obtained in Exeter, United Kingdom, on 16 and 18 April 2010, permitting the contribution of the two aerosols to be quantified separately. First a subset of the atmospheric profiles is used where the two aerosol types belong to clearly distinguished layers, for the purpose of characterizing the ash in terms of lidar ratio and depolarization. These quantities are then used in a threecomponent atmosphere solution scheme of the lidar equation applied to the full data set, in order to compute the optical properties of both aerosol types separately. On 16 April a thin ash layer, 100–400 m deep, is observed (average and maximum estimated ash optical depth: 0.11 and 0.2); it descends from ∼2800 to ∼1400 m altitude over a 6‐hour period. On 18 April a double ash layer, ∼400 m deep, is observed just above the morning boundary layer (average and maximum estimated ash optical depth: 0.19 and 0.27). In the afternoon the ash is entrained into the boundary layer, and the latter reaches a depth of ∼1800 m (average and maximum estimated ash optical depth: 0.1 and 0.15). An additional ash layer, with a very small optical depth, was observed on 18 April at an altitude of 3500–4000 m. By converting the lidar optical measurements using estimates of volcanic ash specific extinction, derived from other works, the observations seem to suggest approximate peak ash concentrations of ∼1500 and ∼1000 mg/m3,respectively, on the two observations dates.


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We study stagnation points of two-dimensional steady gravity free-surface water waves with vorticity. We obtain for example that, in the case where the free surface is an injective curve, the asymptotics at any stagnation point is given either by theStokes corner flowwhere the free surface has a corner of 120°, or the free surface ends in a horizontal cusp, or the free surface is horizontally flat at the stagnation point. The cusp case is a new feature in the case with vorticity, and it is not possible in the absence of vorticity. In a second main result we exclude horizontally flat singularities in the case that the vorticity is 0 on the free surface. Here the vorticity may have infinitely many sign changes accumulating at the free surface, which makes this case particularly difficult and explains why it has been almost untouched by research so far. Our results are based on calculations in the original variables and do not rely on structural assumptions needed in previous results such as isolated singularities, symmetry and monotonicity.


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Using a water balance modelling framework, this paper analyses the effects of urban design on the water balance, with a focus on evapotranspiration and storm water. First, two quite different urban water balance models are compared: Aquacycle which has been calibrated for a suburban catchment in Canberra, Australia, and the single-source urban evapotranspiration-interception scheme (SUES), an energy-based approach with a biophysically advanced representation of interception and evapotranspiration. A fair agreement between the two modelled estimates of evapotranspiration was significantly improved by allowing the vegetation cover (leaf area index, LAI) to vary seasonally, demonstrating the potential of SUES to quantify the links between water sensitive urban design and microclimates and the advantage of comparing the two modelling approaches. The comparison also revealed where improvements to SUES are needed, chiefly through improved estimates of vegetation cover dynamics as input to SUES, and more rigorous parameterization of the surface resistance equations using local-scale suburban flux measurements. Second, Aquacycle is used to identify the impact of an array of water sensitive urban design features on the water balance terms. This analysis confirms the potential to passively control urban microclimate by suburban design features that maximize evapotranspiration, such as vegetated roofs. The subsequent effects on daily maximum air temperatures are estimated using an atmospheric boundary layer budget. Potential energy savings of about 2% in summer cooling are estimated from this analysis. This is a clearreturn on investment’ of using water to maintain urban greenspace, whether as parks distributed throughout an urban area or individual gardens or vegetated roofs.


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Uncertainty regarding changes in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) quantity and quality has created interest in managing peatlands for their ecosystem services such as drinking water provision. The evidence base for such interventions is, however, sometimes contradictory. We performed a laboratory climate manipulation using a factorial design on two dominant peatland vegetation types (Calluna vulgaris and Sphagnum Spp.) and a peat soil collected from a drinking water catchment in Exmoor National Park, UK. Temperature and rainfall were set to represent baseline and future conditions under the UKCP09 2080s high emissions scenario for July and August. DOC leachate then underwent standard water treatment of coagulation/flocculation before chlorination. C. vulgaris leached more DOC than Sphagnum Spp. (7.17 versus 3.00 mg g−1) with higher specific ultraviolet (SUVA) values and a greater sensitivity to climate, leaching more DOC under simulated future conditions. The peat soil leached less DOC (0.37 mg g−1) than the vegetation and was less sensitive to climate. Differences in coagulation removal efficiency between the DOC sources appears to be driven by relative solubilisation of protein-like DOC, observed through the fluorescence peak C/T. Post-coagulation only differences between vegetation types were detected for the regulated disinfection by-products (DBPs), suggesting climate change influence at this scale can be removed via coagulation. Our results suggest current biodiversity restoration programmes to encourage Sphagnum Spp. will result in lower DOC concentrations and SUVA values, particularly with warmer and drier summers.