325 resultados para SHRINKAGE TEMPERATURE
A physiological experiment was carried out in a naturally ventilated, non-HVAC indoor environment of a spacious experimental room. More than 300 healthy university students volunteered for this study. The purpose of the study was to investigate the human physiological indicators which could be used to characterise the indoor operative temperature changes in a building and their impact on human thermal comfort based on the different climatic characteristics people would experience in Chongqing, China. The study found that sensory nerve conduction velocity (SCV) could objectively provide a good indicator for assessment of the human response to changes in indoor operative temperatures in a naturally ventilated situation. The results showed that with the changes in the indoor operative temperatures, the changing trend in the nerve conduction velocity was basically the same as that of the skin temperature at the sensory nerve measuring segment (Tskin(scv)). There was good coherent consistency among the factors: indoor operative temperature, SCV and Tskin(scv) in a certain indoor operative temperature range. Through self-adaptation and self-feedback regulation, the human physiological indicators would produce certain adaptive changes to deal with the changes in indoor operative temperature. The findings of this study should provide the baseline data to inform guidelines for the development of thermal environment-related standards that could contribute to efficient use of energy in buildings in China.
Rate coefficients for reactions of nitrate radicals (NO3) with (Z)-pent-2-ene, (E)-pent-2-ene, (Z)-hex-2-ene, (E)-hex-2-ene, (Z)-hex-3-ene, (E)-hex-3-ene and (E)-3-methylpent-2-ene were determined to be (6.55 +/- 0.78) x 10(-13) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1), (3.78 +/- 0.45) x 10(-13) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1), (5.30 +/- 0.73) x 10(-13) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1), (3.83 +/- 0.47) x 10(-13) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1), (4.37 +/- 0.49) x 10(-13) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1), (3.61 +/- 0.40) x 10(-13) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1) and (8.9 +/- 1.5) x 10(-12) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1), respectively. We performed kinetic experiments at room temperature and atmospheric pressure using a relative-rate technique with GC-FID analysis. The experimental results demonstrate a surprisingly large cis-trans (Z-E) effect, particularly in the case of the pent-2-enes, where the ratio of rate coefficients is ca. 1.7. Rate coefficients are discussed in terms of electronic and steric influences, and our results give some insight into the effects of chain length and position of the double bond on the reaction of NO3 with unsaturated hydrocarbons. Atmospheric lifetimes were calculated with respect to important oxidants in the troposphere for the alkenes studied, and NO3-initiated oxidation is found to be the dominant degradation route for (Z)-pent-2-ene, (Z)-hex-3-ene and (E)-3-methylpent-2-ene.
Changes in atmospheric temperature have a particular importance in climate research because climate models consistently predict a distinctive vertical profile of trends. With increasing greenhouse gas concentrations, the surface and troposphere are consistently projected to warm, with an enhancement of that warming in the tropical upper troposphere. Hence, attempts to detect this distinct ‘fingerprint’ have been a focus for observational studies. The topic acquired heightened importance following the 1990 publication of an analysis of satellite data which challenged the reality of the projected tropospheric warming. This review documents the evolution over the last four decades of understanding of tropospheric temperature trends and their likely causes. Particular focus is given to the difficulty of producing homogenized datasets, with which to derive trends, from both radiosonde and satellite observing systems, because of the many systematic changes over time. The value of multiple independent analyses is demonstrated. Paralleling developments in observational datasets, increased computer power and improved understanding of climate forcing mechanisms have led to refined estimates of temperature trends from a wide range of climate models and a better understanding of internal variability. It is concluded that there is no reasonable evidence of a fundamental disagreement between tropospheric temperature trends from models and observations when uncertainties in both are treated comprehensively
An updated analysis of observed stratospheric temperature variability and trends is presented on the basis of satellite, radiosonde, and lidar observations. Satellite data include measurements from the series of NOAA operational instruments, including the Microwave Sounding Unit covering 1979–2007 and the Stratospheric Sounding Unit (SSU) covering 1979–2005. Radiosonde results are compared for six different data sets, incorporating a variety of homogeneity adjustments to account for changes in instrumentation and observational practices. Temperature changes in the lower stratosphere show cooling of 0.5 K/decade over much of the globe for 1979–2007, with some differences in detail among the different radiosonde and satellite data sets. Substantially larger cooling trends are observed in the Antarctic lower stratosphere during spring and summer, in association with development of the Antarctic ozone hole. Trends in the lower stratosphere derived from radiosonde data are also analyzed for a longer record (back to 1958); trends for the presatellite era (1958–1978) have a large range among the different homogenized data sets, implying large trend uncertainties. Trends in the middle and upper stratosphere have been derived from updated SSU data, taking into account changes in the SSU weighting functions due to observed atmospheric CO2 increases. The results show mean cooling of 0.5–1.5 K/decade during 1979–2005, with the greatest cooling in the upper stratosphere near 40–50 km. Temperature anomalies throughout the stratosphere were relatively constant during the decade 1995–2005. Long records of lidar temperature measurements at a few locations show reasonable agreement with SSU trends, although sampling uncertainties are large in the localized lidar measurements. Updated estimates of the solar cycle influence on stratospheric temperatures show a statistically significant signal in the tropics (30N–S), with an amplitude (solar maximum minus solar minimum) of 0.5 K (lower stratosphere) to 1.0 K (upper stratosphere).
Methane is the second most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas in the atmosphere next to carbon dioxide. Its global warming potential (GWP) for a time horizon of 100 years is 25, which makes it an attractive target for climate mitigation policies. Although the methane GWP traditionally includes the methane indirect effects on the concentrations of ozone and stratospheric water vapour, it does not take into account the production of carbon dioxide from methane oxidation. We argue here that this CO2-induced effect should be included for fossil sources of methane, which results in slightly larger GWP values for all time horizons. If the global temperature change potential is used as an alternative climate metric, then the impact of the CO2-induced effect is proportionally much larger. We also discuss what the correction term should be for methane from anthropogenic biogenic sources.
The effect of variation of the water model on the temperature dependence of protein and hydration water dynamics is examined by performing molecular dynamics simulations of myoglobin with the TIP3P, TIP4P, and TIP5P water models and the CHARMM protein force field at temperatures between 20 and 300 K. The atomic mean-square displacements, solvent reorientational relaxation times, pair angular correlations between surface water molecules, and time-averaged structures of the protein are all found to be similar, and the protein dynamical transition is described almost indistinguishably for the three water potentials. The results provide evidence that for some purposes changing the water model in protein simulations without a loss of accuracy may be possible.
The heterogeneous solid catalyst, mercaptopropylsilica (MPS), has been prepared by a modified procedure in water and its structure confirmed by solid state carbon-13 CP-MAS NMR spectrum. This catalyst has been efficiently utilized for the synthesis of a wide variety of tri-, tetrasubstituted imidazoles and their bis-analogues at room temperature. The protocol was further explored for the synthesis of the drug trifenagrel.
The dependence of clear-sky outgoing longwave radiation on surface temperature and relative humidity
A simulation of the earth's clear-sky long-wave radiation budget is used to examine the dependence of clear-sky outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR) on surface temperature and relative humidity. the simulation uses the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts global reanalysed fields to calculate clear-sky OLR over the period from January 1979 to December 1993, thus allowing the seasonal and interannual time-scales to be resolved. the clear-sky OLR is shown to be primarily dependent on temperature changes at high latitudes and on changes in relative humidity at lower latitudes. Regions exhibiting a ‘super-greenhouse’ effect are identified and are explained by considering the changes in the convective regime associated with the Hadley circulation over the seasonal cycle, and with the Walker circulation over the interannual time-scale. the sensitivity of clear-sky OLR to changes in relative humidity diminishes with increasing relative humidity. This is explained by the increasing saturation of the water-vapour absorption bands with increased moisture. By allowing the relative humidity to vary in specified vertical slabs of the troposphere over an interannual time-scale it is shown that changes in humidity in the mid troposphere (400 to 700 hPa) are of most importance in explaining clear-sky OLR variations. Relative humidity variations do not appear to affect the positive thermodynamic water-vapour feedback significantly in response to surface temperature changes.
In this study we quantify the relationship between the aerosol optical depth increase from a volcanic eruption and the severity of the subsequent surface temperature decrease. This investigation is made by simulating 10 different sizes of eruption in a global circulation model (GCM) by changing stratospheric sulfate aerosol optical depth at each time step. The sizes of the simulated eruptions range from Pinatubo‐sized up to the magnitude of supervolcanic eruptions around 100 times the size of Pinatubo. From these simulations we find that there is a smooth monotonic relationship between the global mean maximum aerosol optical depth anomaly and the global mean temperature anomaly and we derive a simple mathematical expression which fits this relationship well. We also construct similar relationships between global mean aerosol optical depth and the temperature anomaly at every individual model grid box to produce global maps of best‐fit coefficients and fit residuals. These maps are used with caution to find the eruption size at which a local temperature anomaly is clearly distinct from the local natural variability and to approximate the temperature anomalies which the model may simulate following a Tambora‐sized eruption. To our knowledge, this is the first study which quantifies the relationship between aerosol optical depth and resulting temperature anomalies in a simple way, using the wealth of data that is available from GCM simulations.
The potential longevity of japonica rice (Oryza sativa L. subsp. japonica) seed is particularly sensitive to high temperature – and thus climate change – during development and maturation. Cultivar Taipei 309 was grown at 28/208C (12 h/12 h) and then from 19 DAA (days after 50% anthesis), when seeds were just over half filled, at 28/208C, 30/228C, 32/248C or 34/268C (12 h/12 h). Whereas ability to germinate ex planta had been achieved in almost all seeds by 24 DAA, only half the population were desiccation tolerant. Desiccation tolerance continued to increase over the subsequent 28 d, similarly at all four temperatures. Subsequent longevity, assessed by p50 (period in days to reduce viability to 50% in hermetic storage at 408C with c. 15% moisture content), increased progressively at 28/208C until 38 DAA, and remained constant until the final harvest (52 DAA). The three warmer temperature regimes provided similar longevity to 28/208C at any one harvest, except at 38 DAA where the warmest (34/268C) was poorer. That temperature regime also provided greater seed-to-seed variability within each survival curve. The results confirm that appreciable improvement in seed quality occurs during seed development and also subsequent maturation in japonica rice, but that increase in temperature from 28/208C to 34/268C during late seed filling onwards has comparatively little effect thereon. Comparison with previous investigations suggests that seed quality development may be less sensitive to high temperatures during late development and maturation than during the early seed development that precedes it.