275 resultados para Logel, Christine


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Diets high in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) are increasingly being recommended as a highly-effective cholesterol-lowering strategy in populations at risk of CHD. However, the need for a re-appraisal of the benefits of diets rich in MUFA became apparent as a result of recent studies showing that meals high in olive oil cause greater postprandial activation of blood coagulation factor VII than meals rich in saturated fatty acids. The present review evaluates the evidence for the effects of MUFA-rich diets on fasting and postprandial measurements of haemostasis, and describes data from a recently-completed long-term controlled dietary intervention study. The data show that a background diet high in MUFA has no adverse effect on fasting haemostatic variables and decreases the postprandial activation of factor VII in response to a standard fat-containing meal. Since the same study also showed a significant reduction in the ex vivo activation of platelets in subjects on the high-MUFA diet, the overall findings suggest that there is no reason for concern regarding adverse haemostatic consequences of high-MUFA diets.


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A considerable amount of evidence has accumulated to support the view that the very long chain omega 3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)) have beneficial cardiovascular and anti-inflammatory properties and that levels of their consumption are insufficient in most Western diets. More recently, attention has been given to the possibility that the precursor omega-3 PUFA, alpha linolenic acid (ALNA), may share some of the beneficial actions of EPA/DHA on human health. Further research into the metabolism and physiological actions of ALNA, and comparisons with EPA/DHA, is needed before conclusions regarding the optimal amounts and types of omega-3 PUFA for human health can be defined. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which arises as a metabolic by-product of rumen hydrogenation and which is found in foods of animal origin, has been proposed to possess potent health promoting properties, but much of this research has been conducted in experimental animals. There is an urgent need for complementary studies in human volunteers, to confirm the putative anti-carcinogenic, anti-atherogenic, anti-lipogenic and immuno-suppressive properties of CLA.


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Convincing lipid-lowering effects of the fructooligosaccharide inulin have been demonstrated in animals, yet attempts to reproduce similar effects in humans have generated conflicting results. This may be because of the much lower doses used in humans as a result of the adverse gastrointestinal symptoms exhibited by most subjects consuming daily doses in excess of 30 g. Two studies that fed either oligofructose (20 g/d) or inulin (14 g/d) observed no effect on fasting total, LDL or HDL cholesterol, or serum triglycerides. Two other studies that fed inulin either in a breakfast cereal (9 g/d) or as a powdered addition to beverages and meals (10 g/d) reported similar reductions in fasting triglycerides (227 and 219%, respectively). In one of these studies, total and LDL cholesterol concentrations were also modestly reduced (5 and 7%, respectively). Because animal studies have identified inhibition of hepatic fatty acid synthesis as the major site of action for the triglyceride-lowering effects of inulin, and because this pathway is relatively inactive in humans unless a high carbohydrate diet is fed, future attempts to demonstrate lipid-lowering effects of inulin should consider the nature of the background diet as a determinant of response.


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Interest in effects of diet on postprandial lipoproteins has increased in recent years as a result of accumulating evidence for adverse cardiovascular consequences of elevated concentrations of triglyceride rich lipoproteins. Particular attention has been given to ability of different fatty acids to modulate postprandial lipoprotein responses because of evidence for both harmful and protective cardiovascular properties of the saturated, monounsaturated and ω-6 and ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) classes. Evidence for direct atherogenic properties of chylomicron remnants has led to attempts to monitor effects of diet specifically on this lipoprotein class. Limitations in the methods employed to measure chylomicron remnants and the small number of human studies which have evaluated effects of meal, and background diet, fatty acid composition, makes it difficult to draw definitive conclusions at the present time. However consideration of data from both animal and human studies tends to support the conclusion that diets, and meals, rich in PUFA (particularly long chain ω-3 PUFA), result in attenuated postprandial responses of the intestinally-derived lipoproteins. Attenuated responses to high PUFA meals appear to be due to greater rates of clearance and greater activation of lipoprotein lipase (LPL). Attenuated responses to high PUFA background diets may be due to adaptive changes involving both accelerated rates of clearance in peripheral tissues and liver, as well as decreased output of the competitor for chylomicron clearance, very low density lipoprotein (VLDL).


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