234 resultados para Goat milk cooling


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Sensitive methods that are currently used to monitor proteolysis by plasmin in milk are limited due to 7 their high cost and lack of standardisation for quality assurance in the various dairy laboratories. In 8 this study, four methods, trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid (TNBS), reverse phase high pressure liquid 9 chromatography (RP-HPLC), gel electrophoresis and fluorescamine, were selected to assess their 10 suitability for the detection of proteolysis in milk by plasmin. Commercial UHT milk was incubated 11 with plasmin at 37 °C for one week. Clarification was achieved by isoelectric precipitation (pH 4·6 12 soluble extracts)or 6% (final concentration) trichloroacetic acid (TCA). The pH 4·6 and 6% TCA 13 soluble extracts of milk showed high correlations (R2 > 0·93) by the TNBS, fluorescamine and 14 RP-HPLC methods, confirming increased proteolysis during storage. For gel electrophoresis,15 extensive proteolysis was confirmed by the disappearance of α- and β-casein bands on the seventh 16 day, which was more evident in the highest plasmin concentration. This was accompanied by the 17 appearance of α- and β-casein proteolysis products with higher intensities than on previous days, 18 implying that more products had been formed as a result of casein breakdown. The fluorescamine 19 method had a lower detection limit compared with the other methods, whereas gel electrophoresis 20 was the best qualitative method for monitoring β-casein proteolysis products. Although HPLC was the 21 most sensitive, the TNBS method is recommended for use in routine laboratory analysis on the basis 22 of its accuracy, reliability and simplicity.


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There appears to be a large mis-match between (1) the advice given on milk/dairy foods by various authorities, (2) public perceptions of harm from the consumption of milk and dairy products and, (3) the evidence from long-term prospective cohort studies. These studies provide convincing evidence that increased consumption of milk can lead to reductions in the risk of vascular disease and possibly some cancers and provide an overall survival advantage. The volume of evidence available for milk products such as cheese and butter is however surprisingly limited and too small to come to any clear conclusions as to their effects on health.


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This study investigated the potential application of mid-infrared spectroscopy (MIR 4,000–900 cm−1) for the determination of milk coagulation properties (MCP), titratable acidity (TA), and pH in Brown Swiss milk samples (n = 1,064). Because MCP directly influence the efficiency of the cheese-making process, there is strong industrial interest in developing a rapid method for their assessment. Currently, the determination of MCP involves time-consuming laboratory-based measurements, and it is not feasible to carry out these measurements on the large numbers of milk samples associated with milk recording programs. Mid-infrared spectroscopy is an objective and nondestructive technique providing rapid real-time analysis of food compositional and quality parameters. Analysis of milk rennet coagulation time (RCT, min), curd firmness (a30, mm), TA (SH°/50 mL; SH° = Soxhlet-Henkel degree), and pH was carried out, and MIR data were recorded over the spectral range of 4,000 to 900 cm−1. Models were developed by partial least squares regression using untreated and pretreated spectra. The MCP, TA, and pH prediction models were improved by using the combined spectral ranges of 1,600 to 900 cm−1, 3,040 to 1,700 cm−1, and 4,000 to 3,470 cm−1. The root mean square errors of cross-validation for the developed models were 2.36 min (RCT, range 24.9 min), 6.86 mm (a30, range 58 mm), 0.25 SH°/50 mL (TA, range 3.58 SH°/50 mL), and 0.07 (pH, range 1.15). The most successfully predicted attributes were TA, RCT, and pH. The model for the prediction of TA provided approximate prediction (R2 = 0.66), whereas the predictive models developed for RCT and pH could discriminate between high and low values (R2 = 0.59 to 0.62). It was concluded that, although the models require further development to improve their accuracy before their application in industry, MIR spectroscopy has potential application for the assessment of RCT, TA, and pH during routine milk analysis in the dairy industry. The implementation of such models could be a means of improving MCP through phenotypic-based selection programs and to amend milk payment systems to incorporate MCP into their payment criteria.


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The cheese industry has continually sought a robust method to monitor milk coagulation. Measurement of whey separation is also critical to control cheese moisture content, which affects quality. The objective of this study was to demonstrate that an online optical sensor detecting light backscatter in a vat could be applied to monitor both coagulation and syneresis during cheesemaking. A prototype sensor having a large field of view (LFV) relative to curd particle size was constructed. Temperature, cutting time, and calcium chloride addition were varied to evaluate the response of the sensor over a wide range of coagulation and syneresis rates. The LFV sensor response was related to casein micelle aggregation and curd firming during coagulation and to changes in curd moisture and whey fat contents during syneresis. The LFV sensor has potential as an online, continuous sensor technology for monitoring both coagulation and syneresis during cheesemaking.


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The objective of this study was to investigate a novel light backscatter sensor, with a large field of view relative to curd size, for continuous on-line monitoring of coagulation and syneresis to improve curd moisture content control. A three-level, central composite design was employed to study the effects of temperature, cutting time, and CaCl2 addition on cheese making parameters. The sensor signal was recorded and analyzed. The light backscatter ratio followed a sigmoid increase during coagulation and decreased asymptotically after gel cutting. Curd yield and curd moisture content were predicted from the time to the maximum slope of the first derivative of the light backscatter ratio during coagulation and the decrease in the sensor response during syneresis. Whey fat was affected by coagulation kinetics and cutting time, suggesting curd rheological properties at cutting are dominant factors determining fat losses. The proposed technology shows potential for on-line monitoring of coagulation and syneresis. 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved..


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An experiment was undertaken to investigate the effect of milk fat level (0%, 2.5% and 5.0% w/w) and gel firmness level at cutting (5, 35 and 65 Pa) on indices of syneresis, while curd was undergoing stirring. The curd moisture content, yield of whey, fat in whey and casein fines in whey were measured at fixed intervals between 5 and 75 min after cutting the gel. The casein level in milk and clotting conditions was kept constant in all trials. The trials were carried out using recombined whole milk in an 11 L cheese vat. The fat level in milk had a large negative effect on the yield of whey. A clear effect of gel firmness on casein fines was observed. The best overall prediction, in terms of coefficient of determination, was for curd moisture content using milk fat concentration, time after gel cutting and set-to-cut time (R2 = 0.95).


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Previous studies have reported that cheese curd syneresis kinetics can be monitored by dilution of chemical tracers, such as Blue Dextran, in whey. The objective of this study was to evaluate an improved tracer method to monitor whey volumes expelled over time during syneresis. Two experiments with different ranges of milk fat (0-5% and 2.3-3.5%) were carried out in an 11 L double-O laboratory scale cheese vat. Tracer was added to the curd-whey mixture during the cutting phase of cheese making and samples were taken at 10 min intervals up to 75 min after cutting. The volume of whey expelled was measured gravimetrically and the dilution of tracer in the whey was measured by absorbance at 620 nm. The volumes of whey expelled were significantly reduced at higher milk fat levels. Whey yield was predicted with a SEP ranging from 3.2 to 6.3 g whey/100 mL of milk and a CV ranging from 2.03 to 2.7% at different milk fat levels.


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Curd rheology and calcium distribution in buffalo and cows’ milk, were compared at their natural pH and during acidification (pH 6.5–5.6). Buffalo milk displays a curd structure and rheology different from that of cows’ milk and the casein-bound calcium, as well as the contents of fat, protein and calcium, are also higher. Due to these higher amounts of casein-bound calcium, the overall curd strength with buffalo milk (as indicated by the dynamic moduli) was higher, at similar pH values, than those of equivalent gels produced from cows’ milk. The curd rheology was adversely affected at lower pH (5.8–5.6) in both of the milk types, due to the loss of casein-bound calcium from casein micelles. The degree of solubilisation of calcium in buffalo milk during acidification is quite different from that observed in cows’ milk with a lower proportion of the calcium being solubilised in the former. The maximum curd firmness was obtained at pH 6.0 in both milk types. For both species, these rheological and micellar changes were qualitatively the same but quantitatively different, due to the different milk compositions.


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Bifidobacterium strains of human origin were screened for their ability to grow in milk and produce exopolysaccharides (EPS). Bifidobacterium strains were grown in low-fat UHT milk and were evaluated for their growth, acidification properties, EPS production and ability to increase the viscosity of fermented milk. The strains that grew well in milk were strains of Bifidobacterium breve and Bifidobacterium longum and B. longum subsp. longum. Among the 22 strains, EPS was produced by Bifidobacterium bifidum ALM 35, B. breve NCIMB 8807 (UCC 2003), B. longum subsp. infantis CCUG 52486 and Bifidobacterium infantis NCIMB 702205 at concentrations ranging from 25 to 140 . The molecular mass and the composition varied considerably, depending on the strain. Analysis of the correlation between the apparent viscosity of the fermented milk and pH indicated that the EPS produced during the acidification of milk possibly contributed to the viscosity of the milk products.


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Tannic acid (0.1–1%, w/w) and gallic acid (0.3–1%, w/w) were added to skim milk prior to acidification with GDL. The acid gelation of tannic and gallic acid fortified milk had a faster gelation time in comparison with the control gel without phenolic compounds. The addition of tannic acid and gallic acid (up to 0.8%) to the milk resulted in a higher storage modulus (G′), decrease in the water mobility (T2 time) and had no significant effect on the syneresis index (SI). However, the inclusion of 1% gallic acid resulted in a significant decrease in G′, a significant increase in the SI and a wider T2 distribution. Lowering the temperature of the gels from 30 to 5 °C caused the G′ for the gels with gallic and tannic acid to increase significantly in comparison with the control, possibly due to increased hydrogen bonding in the presence of phenolic compounds