215 resultados para DePalma, Brian
This chapter compares lexical diversity of French words used by Dutch-French bilinguals, English-French bilinguals and Flemish L2 learners of French.
This article engages with the claims of Anne Brubaker that “[n]ow that the dust has settled after the so-called ‘Science Wars’ […] it is an opportune time to reassess the ways in which poststructural theory both argues persuasively for mathematics as a culturally embedded practice – a method as opposed to a metaphysics – and, at the same time, reinscribes realist notions of mathematics as a noise-free description of a mind independent reality.” Through a close re-reading of Jacques Derrida’s work I argue, in alliance with Vicki Kirby’s critique of the work of Brian Rotman, not only that Brubaker misunderstands Derrida’s “writing” but also that her argument constitutes a typical instance of much wider misreadings of Derrida and “poststructuralism” across a range of disciplines in terms of the ways in which her text re-institutes the very stabilities it itself attributes to Derrida’s texts.
Mild heating of the phosphidotriosmium cluster [Os3H(CO)10(µ2-PH2)](1) with [Os3(CO)12 –n(MeCN)n](n= 1 or 2) gives high yields of the (µ3-PH) bridged hexaosmium clusters (2) and (3); reactions of (2) and (3) with bases and X-ray structure analyses of (3) and of (6), which was obtained from (3) and MeO– followed by acid treatment are described.
Sustained monitoring of the Southern Ocean at Drake Passage: past achievements and future priorities
Drake Passage is the narrowest constriction of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) in the Southern Ocean, with implications for global ocean circulation and climate. We review the long-term sustained monitoring programmes that have been conducted at Drake Passage, dating back to the early part of the twentieth century. Attention is drawn to numerous breakthroughs that have been made from these programmes, including (a) the first determinations of the complex ACC structure and early quantifications of its transport; (b) realization that the ACC transport is remarkably steady over interannual and longer periods, and a growing understanding of the processes responsible for this; (c) recognition of the role of coupled climate modes in dictating the horizontal transport, and the role of anthropogenic processes in this; (d) understanding of mechanisms driving changes in both the upper and lower limbs of the Southern Ocean overturning circulation, and their impacts. It is argued that monitoring of this passage remains a high priority for oceanographic and climate research, but that strategic improvements could be made concerning how this is conducted. In particular, long-term programmes should concentrate on delivering quantifications of key variables of direct relevance to large-scale environmental issues: in this context, the time-varying overturning circulation is, if anything, even more compelling a target than the ACC flow. Further, there is a need for better international resource-sharing, and improved spatio-temporal coordination of the measurements. If achieved, the improvements in understanding of important climatic issues deriving from Drake Passage monitoring can be sustained into the future.
Reaction of Li(CPhCMe2) with SnCl4 or CrCl3·3thf (thf = tetrahydrofuran) affords the isoleptic compounds Sn(CPhCMe2)4 or [Cr(CPhCMe2)4] respectively. The mode of formation and chemical properties are reported for the chromium species, and the structures of the new compounds, both of which have been determined by single-crystal X-ray analysis, are described.
Studies of the 1H n.m.r. and electronic spectra of a series of alkenylferrocenes including (E) and (Z) stereoisomers of various styrylferrocenes, have provided methods of structure elucidation. Crystals of the title compound are monoclinic, space group P21/c with Z= 4 in a unit cell of dimensions a= 17.603(2), b= 10.218(2), c= 10.072 Å, β= 103.27(2)°. The structure has been determined by the heavy-atom method from diffractometer data and refind by full-matrix least-squares techniques to R= 0.043 for 2 219 unique reflections.
Treatment of the labile cluster [Os3(CO)11(MeCN)] with PH3 affords the substituted product [Os3(CO)11(PH3)](1) in high yield. Subsequent reaction of (1) with Na2CO3 in MeOH, followed by acidification, gives the hydrido phosphido cluster [Os3(µ-H)(CO)10(µ-PH2)](2). When (2) is heated to 45–60 °C in the presence of [Os3(CO)11(MeCN)] a hexanuclear complex with the formulation [Os6(µ-H)2(CO)21(µ3-PH)](3) is obtained. If this reaction is repeated using [Os3(CO)10(MeCN)2] instead of [Os3(CO)11(MeCN)], an acetonitrile-containing product, [Os6(µ-H)2(CO)20(MeCN)(µ3-PH)](4), is obtained. An X-ray analysis of (4) shows that two Os3 triangular units are linked by a µ3-phosphinidene ligand, which symmetrically bridges an Os–Os edge of one triangle and is terminally co-ordinated to one Os atom of the second triangle. When (3) is treated with a weak base, such as [N(PPh3)2]Cl or [PPh3Me] Br, deprotonation to the corresponding cluster monoanion [Os6(µ-H)(CO)21(µ3-PH)]–(5) occurs. Treatment of (5) with a weak acid regenerates (3) in quantitative yield. Thermolysis of (3) leads to a closing up of the metal framework, affording the cluster [Os6(µ-H)(CO)18(µ6-P)], which readily deprotonates to give the anion [Os6(CO)18(µ6-P)]–(7) in the presence of [N(PPh3)2] Cl or [PPh3Me]Br. The same anion (7) may also be obtained by direct thermolysis of (5). An X-ray analysis of the [PPh3Me]+ salt of (7) confirms that the phosphorus occupies an interstitial site in a trigonal-prismatic hexaosmium framework, and co-ordinates to all six metal atoms with an average Os–P distance of 2.31 (1)Å. Proton and 31P n.m.r. data on all the new clusters are presented, and the position of the phosphorus resonance in the 31P n.m.r. spectrum is related to the changes in the environment of the phosphorus atom.
The reaction of 4-phenylbut-3-en-2-one with cyanoacetamide is not confined to a 1 : 1 reaction [which results in formation of 3-cyano-6-methyl-4-phenylpyridin-2(1H)-one]. The reaction of 2 mole equivalents of 4-phenylbut-3-en-2-one with one of cyanoacetamide also takes place, the products being 1-cyano-6-hydroxy-6-methyl-4-methylene-8,9-diphenyl-3-azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonan-2-one and 3-cyano-6-methyl-3-(3-oxo-1-phenylbutyl)-4-phenyl-3,4-dihydropyridin-2(1H)-one. The latter compound cyclises in acid medium to form 6-acetyl-4-cyano-1-methyl-5,8-diphenyl-2-azabicyclo[2.2.2]octan-3-one. X-Ray crystal structures of the 3-azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonan-2-one and the 3-azabicyclo[2.2.2]octan-2-one derivatives are described.
The Virtual Lightbox for Museums and Archives (VLMA) is a tool for collecting and reusing, in a structured fashion, the online contents of museums and archive datasets. It is not restricted to datasets with visual components although VLMA includes a lightbox service that enables comparison and manipulation of visual information. With VLMA, one can browse and search collections, construct personal collections, annotate them, export these collections to XML or Impress (Open Office) presentation format, and share collections with other VLMA users. VLMA was piloted as an e-Learning tool as part of JISC’s e-Learning focus in its first phase (2004-2005) and in its second phase (2005-2006) it has incorporated new partner collections while improving and expanding interfaces and services. This paper concerns its development as a research and teaching tool, especially to teachers using museum collections, and discusses the recent development of VLMA.
The classic view, following Charney and Webster and Holton, is that significant midlatitude forcing of the Tropics can be expected only in regions with westerly winds in the upper troposphere because it is only in these regions that stationary Rossby waves will be able to propagate toward the equator. Here it is shown that higherlatitude forcing can project directly onto equatorial waves and give a significant tropical response in both easterly and westerly tropical flow. The equatorial response to higher-latitude forcing is considered in the context of a dry atmosphere and a localized higher-latitude forcing with eastward or westward phase speed. Previous ideas of the Doppler shifting of equatorial waves by zonal flows are extended to include consideration of a forcing involving a range of zonal wavenumbers. A Gill-type model suggests that there can be significant forcing of equatorial waves by either vorticity forcing or heating in higher latitudes. In agreement with the theory, the Kelvin wave response to eastward forcing is peaked at high frequencies/short periods but reduces only slowly with decreasing frequency. Primitive-equation experiments confirm the strong equatorial response associated with a deep Kelvin wave for forcing in midlatitudes. The response is strongest in the Eastern Hemisphere with its equatorial, upper-tropospheric easterlies. The possible importance of this equatorial response in the organization of large-scale, deep tropical convection and the initiation of the Madden–Julian oscillation is discussed. The ability of westward forcing in higher latitudes to trigger Rossby–gravity and Rossby waves is found in the primitive-equation model to be significant but rather less robust. These wave signatures are clearest in the lower troposphere. For shorter periods the Rossby–gravity wave dominates, and for upper-tropospheric forcing, downward and eastward wave activity propagation is seen. Upper-tropospheric westerlies are found to enhance the response.
An account is given of a number of recent studies with idealised models whose aim is to further understanding of the large-scale tropical atmospheric circulation. Initial-value integrations with a model with imposed heating are used to discuss aspects of the Asian summer monsoon, including constraints on cross-equatorial flow into the monsoon. The summer descent in the Mediterranean region and on the eastern sides of the summer subtropical anticyclones are seen to be associated with the monsoons to their east. An aqua-planet GCM is used to investigate the relationship between simple SST distributions and tropical convection and circulation. The existence of strong equatorial convection and Hadley cells is found to depend sensitively on the curvature of the meridional profile in SST. Zonally confined SST maxima produce convective maxima centred to the west and suppression of convection elsewhere. Strong equatorial zonal flow changes are found in some experiments and three mechanisms for producing these are investigated in a model with imposed heating. 1.